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Gear police in a pug wz. I admit I could have better gear but atm I do not want to look like all the other asssassins so I have a mix of social Orange modded as best I can buy off gtn and the champ peices that I like. Guy starts calling me out and saying its my fault we lost, although it wasn't the door that I and 1 other were protecting that got capped lol.


Anyway I msg him after match and ask for his suggestions on making my gear better and he says go buy purples off gtn, so I go look and not a single purple would be an upgrade in my opinion as adding 25 armor and a lil endurance to lose 34 surge seems not to be an upgrade for me so... meh whatever Mr. Elitist guy have fun I know I am.


Maybe with new armor sets I will not mind looking like everyone else but atm PVP gear to me is appalling and I would rather gimp myself out of a lil expertise than look so lame. Oh well my choice I guess, I am not even really mad just thought it was funny and bored having coffee thought I would post about it hehe.

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Gear police in a pug wz. I admit I could have better gear but atm I do not want to look like all the other asssassins so I have a mix of social Orange modded as best I can buy off gtn and the champ peices that I like. Guy starts calling me out and saying its my fault we lost, although it wasn't the door that I and 1 other were protecting that got capped lol.


Anyway I msg him after match and ask for his suggestions on making my gear better and he says go buy purples off gtn, so I go look and not a single purple would be an upgrade in my opinion as adding 25 armor and a lil endurance to lose 34 surge seems not to be an upgrade for me so... meh whatever Mr. Elitist guy have fun I know I am.


Maybe with new armor sets I will not mind looking like everyone else but atm PVP gear to me is appalling and I would rather gimp myself out of a lil expertise than look so lame. Oh well my choice I guess, I am not even really mad just thought it was funny and bored having coffee thought I would post about it hehe.




I had someone give me a hard time because I had a level 49 piece of gear equipped in 1 slot. Yeah, level 50 tier 2 in every other slot but guy gave me grief for having a level 49 in one single slot (upgraded since then). A natural part of any MMO unfortunately I think.

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Gear police in a pug wz. I admit I could have better gear but atm I do not want to look like all the other asssassins so I have a mix of social Orange modded as best I can buy off gtn and the champ peices that I like. Guy starts calling me out and saying its my fault we lost, although it wasn't the door that I and 1 other were protecting that got capped lol.


Anyway I msg him after match and ask for his suggestions on making my gear better and he says go buy purples off gtn, so I go look and not a single purple would be an upgrade in my opinion as adding 25 armor and a lil endurance to lose 34 surge seems not to be an upgrade for me so... meh whatever Mr. Elitist guy have fun I know I am.


Maybe with new armor sets I will not mind looking like everyone else but atm PVP gear to me is appalling and I would rather gimp myself out of a lil expertise than look so lame. Oh well my choice I guess, I am not even really mad just thought it was funny and bored having coffee thought I would post about it hehe.


So...you PvP because you want other people to notice your gear? When I see someone who isn't wearing PvP gear, I know they are an easy kill. Maybe you should be worrying about your stats when you play vs other players, and not your appearance.

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So...you PvP because you want other people to notice your gear? When I see someone who isn't wearing PvP gear, I know they are an easy kill. Maybe you should be worrying about your stats when you play vs other players, and not your appearance.


And here you see Example (A) of the average Gear Griever.

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Let me guess, this person stopped mid-way through the WZ and proceeded to yell at everyone instead of fighting?


While I know your intentions were pure, this only inflated his e-Ego.


I had that happen yesterday. People sat there arguing with the guy calling people out on hear in a friggen sub 50! Seriously. It is sub 50! Get over it. I even asked everyone to just shut up and guard, but they kept going. It was almost comical.

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So...you PvP because you want other people to notice your gear? When I see someone who isn't wearing PvP gear, I know they are an easy kill. Maybe you should be worrying about your stats when you play vs other players, and not your appearance.


No I PvP because enjoy it, but I also enjoy custom looks and could care less about epeen.


Also worthy to mention is I almost always get at least 1 mvp vote cause stats or not I know where to be in a WZ and do not treat em like a Deathmatch I'm uber killer. 1 kill 10 deaths but protection and objectives through the roof is better IMHO than 33 kills 2 deaths and a bunch of 0's.

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ppl in the 13.5k-14k hp range are ok, but those under 13k should not enter warzones im sorry, you can easily get 14k hp after a day of being 50 doing dailies, there is no excuse for some people. also the most important stat in a wz is expertise and it does not scale so if you have 0, you will die super fast no matter your hp.


basically, those of us who run wz all day get tired of ppl with 11k-12k hp and will call them out for it, though some of us like me who are fully bm dont really care if we win or lose so we won't yell at you since we are only there for fun anyways since winning doesnt give us anything.


but my guess is, the one that yelled at the OP still needs gear and thus needs wins to complete his daily, short of making a premade, it can be hard at times to win given the gear imbalances that exist currently with fresh 50s and fully bm characters.

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When I see someone who isn't wearing PvP gear, I know they are an easy kill.


Im Rakata Gear and... unless i find someone who focus on me (which is easy as im melee Juggernaut dps) I end most of warzones dying less than 5-6 times and killing more than 30 guys, if huttball mostly scoring two or three balls, if alderaan my bases never get capped and i have been able to capture bases in two champions vs one rakata and voidstar makes me feel weaker (as i usually have more than 5 hitting hard on me when we defend), but when we attack i tear appart those healers within seconds.

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Gear police in a pug wz. I admit I could have better gear but atm I do not want to look like all the other asssassins so I have a mix of social Orange modded as best I can buy off gtn and the champ peices that I like. Guy starts calling me out and saying its my fault we lost, although it wasn't the door that I and 1 other were protecting that got capped lol.


Anyway I msg him after match and ask for his suggestions on making my gear better and he says go buy purples off gtn, so I go look and not a single purple would be an upgrade in my opinion as adding 25 armor and a lil endurance to lose 34 surge seems not to be an upgrade for me so... meh whatever Mr. Elitist guy have fun I know I am.


Maybe with new armor sets I will not mind looking like everyone else but atm PVP gear to me is appalling and I would rather gimp myself out of a lil expertise than look so lame. Oh well my choice I guess, I am not even really mad just thought it was funny and bored having coffee thought I would post about it hehe.


Was his name jakal? lol

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No I PvP because enjoy it, but I also enjoy custom looks and could care less about epeen.


Also worthy to mention is I almost always get at least 1 mvp vote cause stats or not I know where to be in a WZ and do not treat em like a Deathmatch I'm uber killer. 1 kill 10 deaths but protection and objectives through the roof is better IMHO than 33 kills 2 deaths and a bunch of 0's.


I think you mean you couldn't care less. :p

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ppl in the 13.5k-14k hp range are ok, but those under 13k should not enter warzones im sorry, you can easily get 14k hp after a day of being 50 doing dailies, there is no excuse for some people. also the most important stat in a wz is expertise and it does not scale so if you have 0, you will die super fast no matter your hp.


basically, those of us who run wz all day get tired of ppl with 11k-12k hp and will call them out for it, though some of us like me who are fully bm dont really care if we win or lose so we won't yell at you since we are only there for fun anyways since winning doesnt give us anything.


but my guess is, the one that yelled at the OP still needs gear and thus needs wins to complete his daily, short of making a premade, it can be hard at times to win given the gear imbalances that exist currently with fresh 50s and fully bm characters.


I see your point but I do have expertise gear just not all of it, my crit and surge are through the roof though and as I posted earlier, I cap objectives and defend doors and what not usually resulting in mvp awards just not dmg and kills through the roof but yea I understand not winning sucks when trying to get dailies weeklies etc but I also asked his advice and his advice to go buy purples from gtn was bad and would have gimped me even worse. Maybe it's just me but I enjoy pvp win or lose, (except those huttball matches where a pug is clearly goin against a premade and we get facerolled thats never fun), or the damn doors getting capped in voidstar because the stupid sheilds sometimes take forever to open, I mean really defenders get trapped behind door while attackers just flood in die flood in again, annoys the crap out of me but all in all I am having a blast and Valor 55 so getting close to BM grind, still until we can custom our gear better i will gimp myself to achieve the look I want over the epeen I could care less about.

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ppl in the 13.5k-14k hp range are ok, but those under 13k should not enter warzones im sorry, you can easily get 14k hp after a day of being 50 doing dailies, there is no excuse for some people. also the most important stat in a wz is expertise and it does not scale so if you have 0, you will die super fast no matter your hp.


basically, those of us who run wz all day get tired of ppl with 11k-12k hp and will call them out for it, though some of us like me who are fully bm dont really care if we win or lose so we won't yell at you since we are only there for fun anyways since winning doesnt give us anything.


but my guess is, the one that yelled at the OP still needs gear and thus needs wins to complete his daily, short of making a premade, it can be hard at times to win given the gear imbalances that exist currently with fresh 50s and fully bm characters.


Well truth be told if the guy is so damn hardcore and red hot to get his BM . he should have himself a premade and quit his ************ because he got some fresh player to WZ in a pug. Elitism is F ing retarded in pug situations and should not be chastising new people to PVP. eventualy they will no one to play with .

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Well truth be told if the guy is so damn hardcore and red hot to get his BM . he should have himself a premade and quit his ************ because he got some fresh player to WZ in a pug. Elitism is F ing retarded in pug situations and should not be chastising new people to PVP. eventualy they will no one to play with .



Really Elitism in any aspect of a interwebz game is just lame to me in fact it is pretty damn lame in RL too. Fortunately my RL peen gets alot more stroking than my epeen.:D

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Yeah, people in PVP need to realize that sooner or later, their douchebaggery will cause the collapse of the genre because of people leaving.


Competition can only be so good if you still have people to compete against. Doesn't work if you don't have any.

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