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Crit Diminishing Returns


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At what point should I stop focusing on crit rating and surge rating due to diminishing returns and start focusing more on strength, accuracy, or even power? See my stats below:




Damage (Pri) 537-676 Strength 1256

Damage (Sec) 183-275

Bonus Damage 259 Power 34

Accuracy 93.45 Accuracy Rating 99

Crit Chance 31.75 Crit Rating 613

Crit Multiplier 75.93 Surge Rating 324


all of this is with lvl 50 & 51 purple mods, rakata earpiece, one rakata implant, champion bracers and waistcord, and 2 relic of forbidden secrets.


Any suggestions and ideas would be great.

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your crit is way to high imho, but thats just me


I sit on 1756 strength which yes I know crit gets DR from it but bonus damage doesn't. every 122 points of str gives 24.4 bonus dmg.


Im @

25.80% crit chance

482.8 Bonus Damage

73% surge which i will be dropping down some soon

101% accuracy, which i will dropping down to around 95.5%.


I good way to measure whats best for the spec you play is to go to Quesh and see how far you can drop the world boss before he hits his enrage timer. He has roughly a 6 min enrage. Lowest I've got him to is 112k, but I've also upgraded a few things since I last tried. This was all done in Watchman spec.


242k was the lowest I could get him to as Combat. So stick some different stats in there and see what works best for your playstyle

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At what point should I stop focusing on crit rating and surge rating due to diminishing returns and start focusing more on strength, accuracy, or even power? See my stats below:




Damage (Pri) 537-676 Strength 1256

Damage (Sec) 183-275

Bonus Damage 259 Power 34

Accuracy 93.45 Accuracy Rating 99

Crit Chance 31.75 Crit Rating 613

Crit Multiplier 75.93 Surge Rating 324


all of this is with lvl 50 & 51 purple mods, rakata earpiece, one rakata implant, champion bracers and waistcord, and 2 relic of forbidden secrets.


Any suggestions and ideas would be great.


Woah mate time to rearrange your stats.


Accuracy you dont need more than 98% so aim for something like that. Crit rating is way way too high. Due to DR you really dont want that much crit rating, about 26-28% is good. Same thing with surge, way too high, really id say around 70-72%. Rest should all be power, Power has no DR and improves all damage.

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It's not garbage, but it's not woahomgwtf awesome any more. And yes it was nerfed a little while back to bring it in line with the other stats.

So yeah basically 70-75% is what you should be going for, instead of the 80-90% that it used to be.

Edited by Psybin
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It's not garbage, but it's not woahomgwtf awesome any more. And yes it was nerfed a little while back to bring it in line with the other stats.

So yeah basically 70-75% is what you should be going for, instead of the 80-90% that it used to be.


it got nerfed quite a lot actually.. and 75% is too much, you dont wanna go much above 72%..

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Why is surge garbage? Did they nerf it and I missed it?


It's not garbage now, prior to the patch that "nerfed" it, the diminishing returns or "curve" was way too high, meaning pretty much any DPS class that didn't stack surge was doing it wrong.


They brought it down now to where it soft caps sooner. Anything over 70%-ish and you are putting too many points into Surge for very little return. You'd be better off putting those extra stats into something like Power, which has no cap.

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Here are my old stats for reference:


Damage (Pri) 537-676 Strength 1256

Damage (Sec) 183-275

Bonus Damage 259 Power 34

Accuracy 93.45 Accuracy Rating 99

Crit Chance 31.75 Crit Rating 613

Crit Multiplier 75.93 Surge Rating 324


I swapped a few mods and these are my new stats.


Damage (Pri) 590-729 Strength 1337

Damage (Sec) 183-275

Bonus Damage 312 Power 194

Accuracy 95.88 Accuracy Rating 177

Crit Chance 26.07 Crit Rating 320

Crit Multiplier 73.41 Surge Rating 246


What do you think? Some more changes needed, and if so, where?

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How exactly can you exchange surge for power? That isn't in fact exchanging surge for accuracy? Or crit for power?


Generally speaking secondary stats are actually secondary and tertiary.


Mods have:


Primary stat - strength for us

Secondary stat - power or crit for us


Enhancements have:


Secondary - power or crit for us

Tertiary - Surge or accuracy for us


Even on gear that isn't modable, it's virtually impossible to exchange a secondary for a tertiary or visa versa.

There are exceptions to this rule but they are damn hard to find...

Edited by Psybin
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Here are my old stats for reference:


Damage (Pri) 537-676 Strength 1256

Damage (Sec) 183-275

Bonus Damage 259 Power 34

Accuracy 93.45 Accuracy Rating 99

Crit Chance 31.75 Crit Rating 613

Crit Multiplier 75.93 Surge Rating 324


I swapped a few mods and these are my new stats.


Damage (Pri) 590-729 Strength 1337

Damage (Sec) 183-275

Bonus Damage 312 Power 194

Accuracy 95.88 Accuracy Rating 177

Crit Chance 26.07 Crit Rating 320

Crit Multiplier 73.41 Surge Rating 246


What do you think? Some more changes needed, and if so, where?


You just had to get 1337 Strength did you? ^^


Well i would still lose a bit of surge in favor of power and even maybe a bit accuracy. Im in full Rakata gear and have 71.something % surge. But thats just my opinion.

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You just had to get 1337 Strength did you? ^^


Well i would still lose a bit of surge in favor of power and even maybe a bit accuracy. Im in full Rakata gear and have 71.something % surge. But thats just my opinion.


1337 strength? I guess I'm now following you on the significance of that number.

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Agree; if you PvP, a lot of the gear mods change. BM is totally different from what your Champ mods are. So your gloves were surge/crit in Champ, and become pwr/accu in BM. Implants lose accu and get surge. It'll be a lot easier in 1.2 to gear yourself with proper stats. It's worse for Guardian DPS.


70-72% Surge is enough, as said with changes more is wasted. Crit I like around 28% personally, even as WM. It's pretty easy to get at 50, and BM gear unless I mod out goes crit crazy in mods.


Accuracy, ppl can debate, 96-99% - I do enough around 98% to get my special attack to 108% - and Power no DR. I mod a lot of enhancements out to get power mods, sadly most higher ones you get have accu with them.

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Agree; if you PvP, a lot of the gear mods change. BM is totally different from what your Champ mods are. So your gloves were surge/crit in Champ, and become pwr/accu in BM.


The same thing happens going from Columi to Rakata.

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  • 2 months later...

If you're Combat spec, you do need to have Crit a little higher than reccomended for the other two specs.

Watchman and Focus get auto crits for everything that has a meaningful boost attached to it, but Combat only gets auto crit for Blade Storm.

The spec gives +30% crit damage to Blade Rush AND Ataru Procs, but no way to auto crit those. A major part of Combat's DPS is Rush spamming for Crit rush+Crit Ataru's. If you arent riding crit high in Combat, you arent taking full advantage of the spec's damage.


For Focus and Watchman I agree its not too important to push Crit as hard, but for Combat I personally believe its very much worth stacking higher.

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