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Is Pyrotech worth playing?


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Won't be as easy to crit that high. Very rare. You trade DPS for mobility. If you want to know if its worth it, consider the amount of cc in this game. Kiting and LoS is nerfed, especially with combat movement speed system in place.
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Well I like mobility, but I'm not even quite sure how to play a pyro. I tried it yesterday and ended up spamming Incendiary Missile (It's called like that? The first skill in the pyro tree) and then the Thermal Detonator as finishing touch, mostly critting with 2k there.



Can someone tell me what I need stat wise and play style wise to have a warzone damage of 500k? or at least 300.



What i realy liked about playing a pyro is that you become a total jedi slayer. I hunted down several consulars and knights and also soloed two troopers thanks to the shield.


Main problem is heat controle.

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If you want a basic rotation you can try:


Incendiary Missile (try to keep your DoT from this up at all times)


Thermal Detonator (use whenever off cd)


Rail Shot


Depending on if you used any CD's or not, now would be a good time to throw in a Rapid Shots or two (depends how comfortable you are with how much heat was generated in the first initial burst).


Unload (followed by Rail Shot if you proc the reset)


Power Shot (followed by Rail Shot if you proc the reset)


If you can, try to throw up Fusion missile once your target hits 30% hp.... You gain 30% increased dmg to your DoT's once a target hits 30%. Try to get all your DoT's up at this time.


After your first initial rotation a lot of what happens after is purely based off what happens to be off cd and when you proc your Rail Shot and how well you manage your heat.


I personally like the dps I put out as pyro, whether it be in pvp or pve. I like being able to move easily if I have to, and you don't mess up your rotation when you move, don't risk having stacks fall off your target. I'm going to get crucified for saying it but here goes.... In my personal experience with playing as both arsenal and pyro, I would play pyro over arsenal any day. I'm comfortable with the dps I put out and have actually had people completely flabbergasted once they realize I'm running pyro, saying they thought I was a well geared arsenal merc :eek:



As with many toons I've played in this game and in others (cough wow), it comes down to personal preference. Play the spec you have fun playing man. Its your money you're spending to play. If you excel at a spec that is a little weaker than another, you're still going to be good man. And any experienced player will tell you..... pure dmg output does not necessarily make you a valuable teammate. There are a lot of factors that go in to this other than pure stats. Anyways I hope all my blabbering somehow helps you :)

Edited by Oriiac
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I think people overlook the difference bwtween merc and powertech pyro. The powertech version is significantly more powerful.


I'm a merc and switched to pyro for a bit and loved the mobility. I also did more damage. BUT, that damage is more even so it's a lot harder to actually kill people. Easier to get away, yes. Easier to kite people, yes. I'd be topping the damage charts but be way behind on kills. When I switched back to arsenal my kills went back up and my win % went up as well. Being able to just blow people up is great. You can get a burst with pyro but it's like a 35-40% health burst and then nothing. They heal, they get a second bubble, their friend comes along, whatever.

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I like pyrotech in pvp. It is challenging and fun. However, you do need a different rotation for every circumstance, but the thing is you have enought different instant/1.5-2 second abilities to tool the rotation to what we need. I don't have TD yet.


Example: You're running at or away from fight as fast as you can. (chasing or guarding hutt ball carrier)

Inceniary missile > rail > rapid fire > whatever you're still running.


Walk in on 2-3 light sabers beating on one of your friends:

Fusion > Explosive dart > Missile blast or big jump channel.


There are countless situations but I break my attacks down to: AoE/1 on 1/on the run


You have to fight running battles whenever you can. This lets you draw them off objectives if you are attacking or keeps them away if you are on defense. It also allows you to look for LOS to use. As a ranged class we can backpedal putting distance between you and target and still go after pickups. The farther you run, the fewer will chase and you have an easier time killing who you are fighting. It's also harder to click on a moving target.


But to answer the original question of why the class is worth playing; you can kill what the body guard can't, you can kite where Arsenal can't(mobility) and don't have to worry about interupt as much, and vs. all other ranged dps you have heavy armor (making you less squishy ranged DPS).

Edited by ExileFett
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My main is a 50 PT in almost all Champ gear, and I have built mine to be a Pyro Tech. I can have my TD and RS go off at the same time and hit for 3700-4k each at the same time and if you follow up with a quick rocket punch and/or a couple flame bursts you can crush someone in 2-5 seconds. I love my PT but there are a few things that you need to know if you want to play one well. The first is: if you are going to play pyro tech you need to know you are a melee class fighter and are most effective within 10m of you opponent. The second is heat management, you need to make sure you are using abillities that maximize damage but minimize heat. For example spaming IM a DOT that does very little damage and costs 25 heat is maybe not a good idea when you could flame burst someone and still put a DOT on them. AND MAKE SURE RAILSHOT IS ALWAYS ON COOLDOWN IT REFUNDS 8 HEAT AND CAN BE PROC'D BY FLAME BURST AND ROCKET PUNCH.


If you have any questions send me an inbox and I can give you my build and any tips or tricks you need for PT.

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I don't suggest spamming IM, just as the quickest way to fire rail shot. IM doesn't really do that much damage anyway compared to fussion missile and flame thrower, but an extra DOT is and extra DOT. 25 heat isn't a real problem if you're leading off with it.


I hear cleanse is big trouble for our class, but I have four ways to put a DOT CGC/IM/FM/flame thrower. Rapid fire costs 0 heat and IM is instant while running. Cool down isn't a real problem.

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My main is a 50 PT in almost all Champ gear, and I have built mine to be a Pyro Tech. I can have my TD and RS go off at the same time and hit for 3700-4k each at the same time and if you follow up with a quick rocket punch and/or a couple flame bursts you can crush someone in 2-5 seconds. I love my PT but there are a few things that you need to know if you want to play one well. The first is: if you are going to play pyro tech you need to know you are a melee class fighter and are most effective within 10m of you opponent. The second is heat management, you need to make sure you are using abillities that maximize damage but minimize heat. For example spaming IM a DOT that does very little damage and costs 25 heat is maybe not a good idea when you could flame burst someone and still put a DOT on them. AND MAKE SURE RAILSHOT IS ALWAYS ON COOLDOWN IT REFUNDS 8 HEAT AND CAN BE PROC'D BY FLAME BURST AND ROCKET PUNCH.


If you have any questions send me an inbox and I can give you my build and any tips or tricks you need for PT.


Gnark .... He is asking about Merc pyro not PT pyro. There is a significant difference in play style and capabilities in these two classes. Merc pyro is not a melee class.

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If you want a basic rotation you can try:


Incendiary Missile (try to keep your DoT from this up at all times)


Thermal Detonator (use whenever off cd)


Rail Shot


Depending on if you used any CD's or not, now would be a good time to throw in a Rapid Shots or two (depends how comfortable you are with how much heat was generated in the first initial burst).


Unload (followed by Rail Shot if you proc the reset)


Power Shot (followed by Rail Shot if you proc the reset)


If you can, try to throw up Fusion missile once your target hits 30% hp.... You gain 30% increased dmg to your DoT's once a target hits 30%. Try to get all your DoT's up at this time.


After your first initial rotation a lot of what happens after is purely based off what happens to be off cd and when you proc your Rail Shot and how well you manage your heat.


I personally like the dps I put out as pyro, whether it be in pvp or pve. I like being able to move easily if I have to, and you don't mess up your rotation when you move, don't risk having stacks fall off your target. I'm going to get crucified for saying it but here goes.... In my personal experience with playing as both arsenal and pyro, I would play pyro over arsenal any day. I'm comfortable with the dps I put out and have actually had people completely flabbergasted once they realize I'm running pyro, saying they thought I was a well geared arsenal merc :eek:



As with many toons I've played in this game and in others (cough wow), it comes down to personal preference. Play the spec you have fun playing man. Its your money you're spending to play. If you excel at a spec that is a little weaker than another, you're still going to be good man. And any experienced player will tell you..... pure dmg output does not necessarily make you a valuable teammate. There are a lot of factors that go in to this other than pure stats. Anyways I hope all my blabbering somehow helps you :)



Yes, thank you this was very helpful and motivating! :)


I had a look at all the other posts too and I fully aggree. Pyro is realy a strong class and very fun to play. Also since Jedi melee class is a trend class kiting can be very handy.


In the meantime I respecced to arsenal - and back to pyro again. I read these guides:






And I whent for this build for heat controle:




Few minuits ago I whent to Voss to kill some same levelled stuff and keeping up the DoTs of CGC + IM instead of IM spamming only I nuked away stuff twice as fast as playing arsenal.



All these posts are realy helpfull, thanks a lot everyone and keep the good posts up, they give a good impression of pyro.

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