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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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i dont see any difference between doing that here or in any other mmo...


Well, there are other MMOs who have much more persistent worlds. What that means is that you would seamlessly venture through these landscapes and experience a sense of continuity in the world. WoWs environments are a great example of this. Without experiencing a loading screen, you could run from snow covered mountain ranges to a thick jungle to a volcanic landscape.


Most MMOs I've played have been pretty seamless with few loading. TOR just didn't do that for me. I love Star Wars, and I was so excited to visit tatooine, hoth, coruscant. But the planets felt condensed, disparate. They weren't sitting in a larger galaxy as the game suggests. I run to my ship, I load into my ship, I load out of my ship to a different planet. There was no sense of exploration for me. I just felt like I was running through instance portals over and over again.


Even within a planet, it was too linear. The topography of the zones isn't conducive to wandering around. Things are very simplified and streamlined in the one place where it should remain open ended and exploratory.


Again, I'm not saying that other people don't enjoy the experience TOR provides, but I'm more of an immersion type of player in MMOs. I don't know how you design Hoth and Tatooine in a way that doesn't compell me to explore them for hours and hours with friends, but BW found a way. I never went back to any planet- not even for the bonus quests. It just felt artificial or cumbersome.


Beyond that, crew skills are useless at end game. I have synthweaving and there's nothing for me to use it for. It's just a money sink. There is no world PvP. Ilum is dead on my server. This week, prime time is averaging 11-20 players. None of them are interested in pvp, either, because the game design doesn't give them a reason to be. They just need armaments, and there's no republic.

Edited by MPagano
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Take a look at this thread 7 to 8 out of every 10 people say they are unsubbing. In my book that is "most". Some would be 4 to 6 out of every 10. Few would be 2 to 3 out of every 10 people. With 0,1,9, and 10 being outliers.


I wanted this game to succeed SO bad but they have bugs from beta a year ago. That is an issue.


MOST don't post on these forums.


So no .. its not MOST.


MOST is the entire subscriber base. Not just those that post on these forums.


And there are not 1.7million individual responses to this thread so it hardly constitutes MOST.



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Me n my wife are staying for months to come. Due to work and other things, we hardly have time to play (yes horrible, horrible casuals).

But that's how the cookie crumbles in our lives.


Played since release, now rounding up Balmorra :o


Still, we love to play this, and we feel at home in swtor. Thats enough for our NOK's!

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MOST don't post on these forums.


So no .. its not MOST.


MOST is the entire subscriber base. Not just those that post on these forums.


And there are not 1.7million individual responses to this thread so it hardly constitutes MOST.




when you take the majority who come here and that is 70% who are unsubbing...thats most of the people who come here....anyone not of forums feels the same or more negative.

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I will sub and I just bought the game for my wife. First game I've gotten her to play with me longer than an hour since we met 8+ years ago.


It's always nice to coax one's significant other to farm credits and make gear for you. At least that's what I tried. She's just too busy questing :(


Sorry offtopic. Go on with yer business

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These two quotes say a lot of what I cant say so well.

Yes for one more month, than no. Just bored, not blaming bioware, I've always started playing mmo's a year or two after they came out so there was tons to do. Two months into this, everything feels like a grind. I find myself running operations for crap I don't care about(like another level 3 speeder woopity doo)


The nerfs to my class are extremely annoying in 1.2 are extremely bad


Theres no reason to do anything as a community


I didn't run too many fp's leveling up so I lose all rolls in hm's now. I'm social rank one, with full rakata, and almost all my companions are sporting columni(minus one in champion), not that it matters as theres no real perk to social ranks, but still annoying.


Warzones where fun, but now repetitive, and the new one sounds exactly like alderaan(capture 2 of 3 points)


Space-after month one, what the hells the point to them? I do the ascendency barrier mission for the two daily comms, that I don't need anymore as there is nothing to buy with them anymore. The way they made space, they should have many many more missions for endgame. They do not. Hell you can't even change the difficulty on the lower level ones?


no where to go as a guild, nothing to do


-why I subbed, I like starwars, was very excited, now I would have rather had kotor 3, battlefront 3, republic commando 2


I feel like I played a solo player game, and now I'm just playing it out of boredom waiting for a sequel. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else.


I'm not going to guildwars 2, or tera. I'll more than likely try planetside 2 out of curiousity, but man, Honestly I'm just thinking MMO's suck in general now'adays

(...) i unsubbed this morning, i cant quite put my finger on it but for the first 6 weeks or so i couldnt get enough of TOR, but now i just dont wanna log on, the hook that got me has gone.

im bitterly disapointed cos i thought that this would be the one that kept me going for months.

now im eagerly waiting for tera, in the offchance that will be the one but we shall see.


it pains me to say this but much as i hate wow (now) that is the only mmorpg that has had me subbed for more than 6 months.


i may still return to TOR if it becomes fun and not so repetative, im saddened cos it really is a good game, albiet for a short while.


I miss the littel things that should be standard in a MMO nowadays. just a small example of the little things I mean - when I see someone posting in the chat I sometimes would liketo know more about him/her á là WoW (shift left-click name) but that does nothing. Why? I want to see what that Cannon in the Kiosk would look like on my trooper - I cant, pre-view is not enabled for weapons. Why? Thats what pisses me off the most: those little things that are basically just a convienience but as a whole make a game "round". Its all been there already, why leave it out? It was put in in other games for a good reason, wasn't it?

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Definitely resubbing.


I've been subbed since late December, about a week after the game came out. I'm still playing happily and steadily along on three different toons (Jedi, Smug and SI). I'm in NO rush to get to 50 on any of them. There's plenty for me to do, I'm never bored, if I am I switch to another toon.


I probably don't play enough to get bored since there are so many other things I enjoy doing. Riding and showing my horse takes up a boatload of time.


I think some people play this game obsessively then wonder why they're bored.

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when you take the majority who come here and that is 70% who are unsubbing...thats most of the people who come here....anyone not of forums feels the same or more negative.


And you can support this "fact" with what evidence?


MOST players are probably having fun and are playing the game and not posting here.


I only post here when I can't play (e.g. work), and next to never post when I am at home because I am playing the game. I play on 5 servers of which the server pops are standard to heavy most week nights and heavy to very heavy on the week ends. From what I see and IMO .. there seems to be ALOT of happy people.


Again MOST of the 1.7 million subscriber base is having fun and playing the game and not posting here.


So again MOST of the subscriber base is happy.



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Again MOST of the 1.7 million subscriber base is having fun and playing the game and not posting here. So again MOST of the subscriber base is happy.



1st. post proof about the mayority of the people leaving the game and being antagonistic arses about it. do you have statistics? for either side, people leaving or staying. No. Shut up.


2nd. You must be really bad at statistical math. But, let me clear it to you, the mayority of the posters in this thread ARE leaving the game. There are more posts made by people that will unsubscribed than the amount of posts by people who wont.


Deal with it.

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Already unsubbed.


The more I played the more it bacame obvious this game was rushed and/or has serious design flaws as well as technical issues.


Then the details of 1.2 were revealed, and it is very obvious that the devs dont really have a clue how an MMO works. I have lost all faith in the team developing this game and I dont feel like rewarding failure.

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1st. post proof about the mayority of the people leaving the game and being antagonistic arses about it. do you have statistics? for either side, people leaving or staying. No. Shut up.


2nd. You must be really bad at statistical math. But, let me clear it to you, the mayority of the posters in this thread ARE leaving the game. There are more posts made by people that will unsubscribed than the amount of posts by people who wont.


Deal with it.


The claim in the original comment was that MOST was for ALL not just this thread. That is how it was written. I was commenting to the fact that the original perpetrator of the meme of MOST leaving did not account for the enitre player base. WHICH YOU have not accounted for either ( and are late to the game in this particular sub-discussion). So yes I am excellent at maths. And MOST do not post on these forums: FACT. MOST are not leaving the game. NO ONE HERE has ACTUAL DATA. ACTUAL and not mere emperical observance.


That said. I have been careful to say "probably" and "IMO" to note the lack of hard data that YOU and all the other polly anna's want to say is the ipso facto of a dieing game.


I say it is not MOST and I am closer to reality than ALL of you who say otherwise.


HAD the originator of the meme said MOST IN THIS THREAD ( which they did not ), then that statement would be closer to truth.


And really telling someone to "shut up" .. really? :rolleyes:

Edited by Urael
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The ones that are bad at math are the ones that think subscriptions are decreasing.


Either bad at math or bad at reading comprehension


These forums are not even a half of a single percent of players

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The claim in the original comment was that MOST was for ALL not just this thread. That is how it was written. I was commenting to the fact that the original perpetrator of the meme of MOST leaving did not account for the enitre player base. WHICH YOU have not accounted for either ( and are late to the game in this particular sub-discussion). So yes I am excellent at maths. And MOST do not post on these forums: FACT. MOST are not leaving the game. NO ONE HERE has ACTUAL DATA. ACTUAL and not mere emperical observance.


That said. I have been careful to say "probably" and "IMO" to note the lack of hard data that YOU and all the other polly anna's want to say is the ipso facto of a dieing game.


I say it is not MOST and I am closer to reality than ALL of you who say otherwise.


HAD the originator of the meme said MOST IN THIS THREAD ( which they did not ), then that statement would be closer to truth.


And really telling someone to "shut up" .. really? :rolleyes:


I'm quitting this game, yet i have zero desire to go back to my "ex" (WoW).


Most people are going to be searching for a new "girlfriend" instead of going back to their "ex" or staying with their "current girlfriend" who doesn't put out.


^this is the comment I left. No where in this comment does it say anything regarding the active subscribers and most of them leaving. It simply says, if you read more closely, the context was aimed at (And if you read the person I was quoting you'd understand this) most people QUITTING are going to be searching for a new game, rather than stay with this game or go back to WoW.


Also, why are you using the term "meme"? You're using it in the complete wrong context.


Like I said, I wanted this game to do good. I loved it for the first month or two. But its just become boring and buggy. No one should be paying for basically a game still in beta. Anyone with half a brain realizes Bioware didn't want to push SWTOR out in December, but EA forced them for monetary reasons (due to the holiday season). It's honestly ashame because had this game been released in the summer, It would probably have close to 5 million subs. I'll be sticking around til 1.2, though not likely for long based on what I've seen on the PTS.


I hope everyone is content with whatever decision they end up making and wish them all the best.

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I have been playing this game since the early start (to be fair, I also played in the closed beta most of the time, but this "review" is based on the live game, not beta). Most of the people in my guild (on the imperial side) reached lvl 50 by December 31st 2011. I got to 50 by January 15th because I went for vacations between Dec 27 and January 2nd.


This being said, as I was playing this game which at the beginning was a lot of fun, I kept seeing some things that are pretty clear right now, 3 months after the game oficially launched (Today is march 20th, the game launched on December 20th).


Here are the things that negatively impressed me about the game and I thought they were going to be a problem down the road. I dont mean to shove this list down anyone's throat as these are MY observations. You take'em or leave'em.


General Notes (based from my 1st playthrough as a lvl 50 Imperial Sniper):


1. There is no Open World PVP: I remember telling my friends who wanted to roll on a PVE server, that the star wars universe deserved to be played on a PVP server because it was star wars. It's good vs evil (depending how you slice it), jedi vs sith, Empire vs Republic. I expected to be able to cross at some point after Dromund Kaas with republic in Narshada, alderaan, Tatooine, etc... I saw some pvp action in Tatooine, and mostly because my guildies and I went to flush the republic players out... The open world experience Bioware said they were going to have in the game has been non existant, still to this day. Ilum doesnt count as open world pvp, but more on Ilum in a bit.


2. Repetitive Story-Questlines - It is also clear BioWare didn't even bother fleshing out story-quest lines. Let me explain, the story arches are not bad, they are actually really good. But there is no difference in the story line between a an Imperial Agent Sniper or an Operative. It's the same. They should have flesh it out a bit. The general questlines are completely repetitive and boring. If you level an IA, then level a sith inq. the second you cross Dromund Kaas everything is the same with very slight variations. So leveling 5 classes on the same faction is a waste of time. It's repeting every story class again, 5 times. Boring.


3. Faction Imbalance - I dont give a rat's arse, if there were less republic in my server than imperials. If Factions are not balanced its going to reflect poorly in the community. As of this writing, Prophecy of the Five (the server I play at) has had about a 40% drop on the Imperial side and while this means you see about 20 players per planet on the Republic side you see 5 at a time. The planet I have seen with the most connections have had 10. It sucks, because as I am leveling my Republic Toon, I have had to basically solo all of its leveling with a rare ocation I get to do a heroic.


4. Warzones - Imagine playing Imperial at Prophecy of the Five (or your server) and only playing Huttball all-freaking-day. With the ocurrance of a void-star or alderaan 2 or 3 times a day. Then its back to more huttball reruns. By the end of the 1st month I already could recite by memory the announcer's spiel, all of its commentaries and lame jokes. As a republic it has been a breath of fresh air, because I get on occasion Huttball and mostly we do Voidstar and Alderaan... But as an empire it sucked... Huttball all day... it was like eating white rice with no salt all freaking day. Boring!


5. Crafting - Let me just say this one thing because I am pretty sure you will agree on this one with me... What is the purpose of a Cybertech making Mounts if you can't sell them. I dont know who in Bioware thought about crafting or who was the designer for the whole crafting deal. They need to go back to game design school and repeat the whole course. The AH in this game is a disaster to navigate through. The AH Economy doesnt give anyone the opportunity to capitalize on mats. A lot of the cashable equipment in the game crafted was Bind on Pickup. So it made it moot point to make it because you wouldnt be able to sell it. Taking a full course on Economics, wouldn't have hurt either, Bioware.


6. End-Game-Content: SOA Broken. Lets start with that. When my guild started doing EV HM, about 80% of each of our runs were bugged. SOA wouldn't drop LOOT. After 4hrs of raiding, no loot at the end. The fantastic and phenomenal /sarcasm intended, Customer Service in SW:TOR was useless. On a side note: I actually got a reply of one of the many service requests I did around January 20th, yesterday... so it took them 2 months to get there. Karagga's palace was not as bugged out as EV.... EV was just a freaking disaster. And on that same note, only 2 major raids, Karagga's and EV and a few flashpoints and thats all the important end content. If this game had launched after SWG and prior to World of Warcraft, this might have been acceptable. Comparing this game to World of Warcraft Vanilla where you have what 4 or 5 raid instances? Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (that I remember).... Not fair to compair TOR to 6yr old WoW...


7. Ilum - Ilum looks and feels like a sandbox pvp arena designed by a retarded-downsydnrome orangutan monkey. I am going to leave Ilum at that, because even Bioware said it in the Guild Summit... Ilum was too big of a project and the zone was simply not working as intended...


8. I recently re-rolled on the Republic side and what I saw pretty much sealed my deal with this game. It was Abysmal. When you go to Taris as your 3rd world you start recognizing places that me as an Imperial had been there... Well the sad truth is that Bioware didnt bother to design the planet including the Imperials, for the Republic experience. Taris is a phase in the Taris you go as an empire player at 40 something. The same with Narshadda, Tattooine was an exception to a point, because you can actually cross over to the republic side as imperial but not go into Anchorhead or vice versa for republic going into Imperial space. So there is no "lets go invade anchorhead" or anything like that. Same with the other planets. It was pretty disappointing going to Taris as republic and goint to the same place in Taris where the imperial base is located and finding its the same place, but the building is actually closed and the guns and patrols are not actually there. Its a PHASE... in a PVP Server, where there is supposed to be OPEN WORLD PVP.




This being said, I will play the game until May, when my 3 month sub ends. I seriously doubt its going to turn into something that is going to drive droves of players back into it. With Diablo 3 coming around that time, I will put my $15/mo to rest until other games that hold my interest come out.


TOR was a good opportunity that Bioware should have made into a Stand Alone game like Mass Effect or Dragon Age or KoTOR and leave MMO'ing to studios with much more experience... or at least hire people competent to do an MMO of the scale starwars deserve. The opportunity to make a dent in the universe with this game is past over. A lot of people can still enjoy the game, but most of them will be players that have not had one or two geared 50's in the game. It's unfortunate because I thought this game was going to be the game I would be playing for at least 2-3yrs.


If you are enjoying the game, good for you and I wish you enjoy it wholeheartedly. It was a good game to me, despite all my negative points until it became too boring and repetitive for me to play on a daily basis.


Something to keep in mind, is that this game is only 3 Months Old. Not 3yrs nor 6yrs like Warcraft. 3 Months old. The truth is they should have not released this game when they did in December 20th. They should have released it with at least patch 1.2 installed. That patch is coming too late and the game has already lost its luster.





Updated point #8.

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I am unsubbing from the game soon because I don't feel epic in the slightest. Here are my reasons:


1. I hit level 50 and my character can't even solo Ilum or fight without a companion.


2. I die a ton on Ilum even fighting with a companion.


3. When I get killed on Ilum it's while fighting 2 or 3 enemies. (What is so epic about a 2 v. 3 fight?)


4. I'm spec’d out as a Shadow/Defense Tree...shouldn't I be able to fight seven or eight enemies as a Tank before I even notice the damage (Unless fighting 7 or 8 Platinum or Gold’s)


5. I've had a problem with the 3 - 5 enemy groups since the SWTOR release. (Again, shouldn't I be able to fight more and more enemies? There isn't anything epic about fighting the same kind and amount of enemies over, and over, and over again.)


6. Fighting tougher and tougher enemies just gives the impression that your character is never quite tough enough. (Aren't we supposed to be leveling up EPIC HEROES instead of always playing second string to PvE enemies where only ONE of them can kill you?)


7. The amount of skills required to play is TOTALLY absurd! (Shouldn't 24 skills be enough?)


8. The skills that any character does have (and I know because I have played almost all of them) are WEAK making fighting a 3 - 5 enemy group feel more like digging a ditch instead of fighting an epic battle! (How many strokes of a light saber or shots from a blaster does it take to kill a trooper? 10, 20? I thought that light sabers were supposed to cut through armor like a hot knife through butter and considering that 1 BULLET can kill Bear shouldn't one or two blaster bolts kill a trooper?)


9. The atmosphere has a ton of variety i.e. (different planets, different weather, etc.) and skills are different and varied to an extreme degree, but the 3 - 5 enemy groups seem to be the norm....Why?


10. I never ever felt like I had "arrived". Meaning that I never felt as if I had created an epic character which is a huge let-down.


11. Despite my desire to explain away the weaknesses of SWTOR, there are simply too many to ignore.


12. Because of all the reasons and many others I could mention (but I think you get the idea so I won't go on) I'm not having any fun.


13. I am not having any fun.


I really, really wanted SWTOR to be awesome and blow me away but it didn't. Skill usage is way too busy and overly complex, PvE combat isn't fast paced or exciting and is repetitive, slow, and becomes way to complicated because of the excessive quantity of skills required to fight in later levels (no Jedi or Fighter from any of the Star War movies ever used 24 or more different FREAKING SKILLS to fight!) How about light saber work, force powers and point-and-shoot blaster work. Keep it simple and fast.


I'm a former U.S. Marine and every real life warrior knows, keep it lethal, keep it simple, and make it fast because another enemy is looking to do the same thing to you. (Ever hear the saying, "One shot, one kill"? That is how it is supposed to be not 50 different type of shots, one kill! I mean Holy freaking COW! Who did they get to consult for the combat because they certainly didn't get any real warriors! And you can believe me that REAL combat is fast paced and dirty and WAY more exciting than game combat!)


I have played other MMO's with much better combat systems but the game that I wanted to really get it all right was SWTOR and with patch 1.2 they are WEAKENING even MORE SKILLS! I just can't take it. I'm leaving and (after 2 YEARS of WAITING) I may never come back.


*P.S. Loved the story and the voice-overs, loved the crafting system, loved some (and only some) of the awesome looking gear, liked the space combat, fantastic graphics (over-board attention to graphics in all truth).


**P.S.S. You learn a lot more from an honest man who is being negative than a liar who is telling you what you want to hear.

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I only post what seem like negative Threads and Posts on these boards because I love Star Wars, i love the Game, but feel there are some things that can make it better....


It's 3 month's new, Not 3 years old, so I will give the Devs a chance to add some sandbox elements, that the game desperately needs IMHO. Il be here for another year at least, and im sure most of what I think is missing, will materialize over that time...


Space will expand, Crafting will be improved over time, hopefully to accommodate dedicated crafter's. And with each patch im sure thing's will get better and better...


All I have to say is, any MMO has, and will have Bugs, even some that are 7 years old. No MMO has launched as polished as SWTOR ever IMO, and once the galaxy expands and the little things that are missing are gradually added...


This will be the best MMO for years to come...... You may be the person that think's it should have everything from the beginning. If it did, It could never improve, once the community get's stripped out to the people that do want to play this game, and Devs are reading constructive Idea's and Reason's for change, (not my class got nerfed, Im unsubbing whaaa whaaa whaaa) then the game will start to take real shape.


Understand this though...GW2 or whatever MMO you think is going to be better, will have all the same issue's IMHO.


If you don't think that......We'll........You don't have to be here, It's as simple as that really.

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Like I said, I wanted this game to do good. I loved it for the first month or two. But its just become boring and buggy. No one should be paying for basically a game still in beta. Anyone with half a brain realizes Bioware didn't want to push SWTOR out in December, but EA forced them for monetary reasons (due to the holiday season). It's honestly ashame because had this game been released in the summer, It would probably have close to 5 million subs. I'll be sticking around til 1.2, though not likely for long based on what I've seen on the PTS.


I hope everyone is content with whatever decision they end up making and wish them all the best.




No one should be paying for it? As if FIFTY CENTS a day is a lot of money or something? Seriously?

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No one should be paying for it? As if FIFTY CENTS a day is a lot of money or something? Seriously?


It is when you have to pay for school as well as student loans that you'll be paying off til you're 40. Not to mention bills, food, leisure (this being one of them).


I'll take it you're either good on money due to being way out of your schooling, or you are still in highschool and mommy pays for everything.


19 year old college students today are either paid through by their parents or they just don't go to college. Very few pay out of pocket like I do. I barely have 15$ lying around because of the ****** economy and going to school full time as well as attempting to get as many hours as possible at my part time job putting me through school.


So yes, 50 cents a day adds up and is alot.

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It is when you have to pay for school as well as student loans that you'll be paying off til you're 40. Not to mention bills, food, leisure (this being one of them).


I'll take it you're either good on money due to being way out of your schooling, or you are still in highschool and mommy pays for everything.


19 year old college students today are either paid through by their parents or they just don't go to college. Very few pay out of pocket like I do. I barely have 15$ lying around because of the ****** economy and going to school full time as well as attempting to get as many hours as possible at my part time job putting me through school.


So yes, 50 cents a day adds up and is alot.


I'm confused. Didn't you quit? If so, are you trying to convince others to quit as well? And if that is the case, why?



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I'm confused. Didn't you quit? If so, are you trying to convince others to quit as well? And if that is the case, why?




I unsubbed but have 120 days of time left. Not really, just defending myself and countering people when they make ludicrous remarks.



And since you do it with all of your posts::rolleyes::):D

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