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  1. Oh,,,and you owe me 400 billion dollars, your life, and the life of all your family members...................there have been several smnall patches and nobody has compalined abnout anything except them fixing FAR too little. Nobody has complained about them being too frequent.
  2. Yeah.....cant defend the game with facts,...so resorting to insults.........exactly who is the brat?
  3. Actually me and 100% of the player base have no reason to have an idea about anything it takes to make this game. We are PAYING customers.....not employees. Oh and it was the END of April, beginning of May, AT THE EARLIEST,..so it will probably be longer than a month from now. Yeah,,,,...problem is we are three months out from release,..and very little has been fixed,..in fact more has been broken than has been fixed. So we have waited FAR LONGER than a day. But blindly defending a game means you have to be blind and not see the obvious I guess.
  4. Yeah,.. a LOT of posts that point out problems with the game are getting locked,...and links given to other posts as if the thread was closed becasue it is discussing a matter in the linked threads ,.... threads which usually have nothing to do with the post that was closed.
  5. You mean that patch thats not coming out for AT LEAST another month,...and probably longer? I guess that means we should be happy to not have anything fixed while we wait for a patch,....that by the comments made about it so far is going to really screw the game up so we will need to wait even longer for it to be fixed.................
  6. Already unsubbed. The more I played the more it bacame obvious this game was rushed and/or has serious design flaws as well as technical issues. Then the details of 1.2 were revealed, and it is very obvious that the devs dont really have a clue how an MMO works. I have lost all faith in the team developing this game and I dont feel like rewarding failure.
  7. This morning my car started fine. If your car had problems starting,.....then by your logic,..it must be something you are doing wrong,...since my car started all cars are just fine and should start.
  8. Follow him for at least 30 minutes making sure to ninja everything he is after while he is fighting. See how he likes it.
  9. Sooooooo,.....what happened to all thos people that claimed this WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN,.....when everyone was complaining about the staggered EGA? The staggered EGA was supposed to prevent this.
  10. Well, see theres the problem,.....they made people mad by making them wait, supposedly to prevent this issues,...yet,....here we are still suffering from those issues. So exactly why was were so many made to wait,...for nothing it seems...
  11. Right now,.....F,......and thats only because there isnt a lower grade. If you do X to prevent Y from happening,....and Y happens anyway,....then X was a failure.
  12. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/police-arrest-man-accused-light-saber-assault-toys-162829995.html
  13. Now serving.....crow...... for those people who refused to listen when they were told that this ridiculous staggering crap wouldnt make any difference at all. We arent even at launch,.....and already the same old problems are starting,.........just wait till the 20th. But of course while they could make 50 posts telling everyone who pointed out how flawed this was how immature,...and self entitled they were,...and how they couldnt read,...and all sorts of insults.......they will remain silent now,.....or they will deny that there is any problem,...that its still "the greatest, smoothest launch ever."
  14. My e-mail contained an ad for 'super sizing',...but it wasnt for a pizza..............
  15. Funnny how the people complaining about the complainers dont seem to realize they are complaining just as much if not more than those they are complaining about complaining. This just makes it so there is more than double the amount of complaining going on.
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