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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I have about four months or so to go on my 6-month sub. I'll assess things when the time comes up to renew. My two kids enjoy the game, too, so I suspect I will. I haven't even rolled an alt yet. No time, really.


I'm a casual player anyway and so far I like the game a lot. And this coming from a committed and self-described Star Wars Hater...and I still enjoy the gameplay so far. So go figure.


I admit I think some of the clothing and armor artwork both in-game and in the coming 1.2 has reached the molten core of fail, however. Those are some really poor art design choices, imo.

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I have been playing Swtor for about 2 months now and I will definitely keep the subscription up:


I want to play all 8 classes, experience all the class stories and all the different gaming experiences. Currently I got 4 characters with max level 35. So I still got a long way to go.


Same. I want to play all classes. People play 1 class to 50 and then quit.

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Reaching the end of my rope. I find the game to be very boring at level 50. Crafting is a complete disaster as I can't make anything that anyone actually wants. the only things taht sell are courting companion gifts and I make 400 credits profit off of them. For 30 minutes of sending my companion out. I make more credits in one WZ game.


Will be unsubbing at the end of April until such time as I get verified reports from a large cross-section of the population that the game is fun.


Perhaps the reality is that I'm done with MMOs. I turn 40 this year - thought I'd be a kid forever. Apparently not. :(

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No, probably not. I'm incredibly bored.


Unless of course I get a personal apology e-mail from one of the developers saying "we're sorry; we made a mistake and are no longer exclusively catering to casual players."




As opposed to PVPers and Hardcore raiders like every MMO does...


And ultimately is the death of them...


When are people going to realize that Hardcore does not keep subscriptions going, its the casual's that take there time, dont rush all the content, who will keep playing. Crafting and things to do aside from Raiding and PVP are what make people stick around.


Biggest flaw with this MMO is it caters to Raiders and PVPers.....and that is why everyone is unsubbing. You can churn content out for these people as fast as you like and they will chew it up quicker than the Devs can write the next line of Code....


Its the Non Raid, Non PVP things to do in between endgame that make people stay, and with Zero crafting system (companions do it all) no real space, no real exploration, no Hard soloable, Endgame, worthwhile content....People will leave.


People can slate SWG all they like, fact of the matter is, that game was around for 10 years...10 years,.....Why ???


Because SOE got the sandbox right, , the crafting and free roaming, open pvp, were what kept people playing.....Not the themepark, not the heroics, not Restuss. Players could spend hours decorating a house, hours doing space with friends or alone, There were solable instances that gave good endgame rewards, there were open free roaming planet's.

Edited by Nippon
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Not to mention that other game also have imbalanced PvP, failed PvP zones from halaa to wintergrasp, loading screens though not as many, basically the very same reasons why he left this game.


WoW was also built from a much worse launch, emergency server maintenances during prime time, causing people to be unable to raid. And here we have a few clowns complaining about the relatively fewer bugs and crashes of SW:TOR.


They say that leveling an alt in SW:TOR is boring, but leveling an alt in WoW with the same old quests, same old zones, no conversations, no cutscenes, linear outcome, same kill X mobs is somehow more appealing.


A reasonable MMO gamer would give SW:TOR the benefit of the doubt and not give up on it just after 3 months. And they want to go back to WoW which has no update since Firelands in June 2011 last year. That's 8-9 months of no new content, correct me if I'm wrong. So they can't stand 3 months of no new content, but are perfectly content paying US$15 per month with 8-9 months of no new content in WoW.


Yes, it makes perfect sense.


This. This. This.

If you don't agree with it then you have ex-girlfriend syndrome...you know...the reason you go back to your ex and then realize why you left in the first place. WOW is your ex. Go visit...you will be back and you know it.

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I agree with the above poster. I am going to stay because I have seen a lot of things that Bioware has tried to do with 1.2 so far. This bodes well for the game. I've been through Vanilla WoW and the horrible patches they implemented back then. Seriously- it took them at least a year for the game to be halfway functioning the way ToR is now. I know ppl are going to bring up the "But it's 2012!!" argument- but honestly if you have 0 patience for an MMO to develop a community and grow then you'll never...never...never play anything other than WoW.
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This. This. This.

If you don't agree with it then you have ex-girlfriend syndrome...you know...the reason you go back to your ex and then realize why you left in the first place. WOW is your ex. Go visit...you will be back and you know it.


I'm quitting this game, yet i have zero desire to go back to my "ex" (WoW).


Most people are going to be searching for a new "girlfriend" instead of going back to their "ex" or staying with their "current girlfriend" who doesn't put out.

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I'm quitting this game, yet i have zero desire to go back to my "ex" (WoW).


Most people are going to be searching for a new "girlfriend" instead of going back to their "ex" or staying with their "current girlfriend" who doesn't put out.


I love this post. I recently described my experience with this game to a friend as, "I feel like I left a girl that will do absolutely anything (WOW), to start dating a fugly chic that stutters, and won't even let you stick your finger in her bum. (SWTOR)


The sad thing is that they will never fix this game, because they are now scrambling in the background on how to implement F2P, and have to dedicate a lot more development time on implementing server mergers way before they expected.

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I agree with the above poster. I am going to stay because I have seen a lot of things that Bioware has tried to do with 1.2 so far. This bodes well for the game. I've been through Vanilla WoW and the horrible patches they implemented back then. Seriously- it took them at least a year for the game to be halfway functioning the way ToR is now. I know ppl are going to bring up the "But it's 2012!!" argument- but honestly if you have 0 patience for an MMO to develop a community and grow then you'll never...never...never play anything other than WoW.


This exactly, just gotta get another game time card, hopefully this weekend

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Subscription just ran out today, not going to bother renewing at this time, maybe in a few more months or after summer i'll look back on the game to see how things are.


I had alot of fun leveling, and then I hit 50, only thing to do is stand around spamming chat for a group, hours on end, because BW couldn't be bothered to make a better LFG tool, after a long day at work, I want to log in, hit the LFG button, do a quick run and call it a night, not stand around for hours hoping for a group...


So far the only thing I really see people doing is PvP due to the lack of end game and things to do.


Getting tired of running through the giant space port/space staion for 5min just to get outside of the damn building, pretty poor planning on that if you ask me.


The amount of time it takes to travel from one planet to another is also a p.i.t.a. I don't want to run through my damn ship every time I want to go somewhere. give me an option right off the bat to get the galaxy map, or go inside my ship if I want to do some space battles.


I can think of more stuff that turned me away from this game, but whats the point, i'm done with it for now, who knows, in 4 or 6 months it might have alot of the bugs fixed, and some of the other pointless crap removed to speed up travel times or finding a FECKIN group faster! the group thing is what pissed me off the most in this game.

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I'm currently level 39 and playing on a near-dead server. 30 people on Fleet at prime time? 11 people on Taris? 2 people on Hoth? etc. etc. I'm effectively paying a monthly subscription to play a single-player game. What a joke.


If Bioware don't merge some servers together soon I'm cancelling my subscription. Simple as that.

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Nope, there a too many issues right now.


1. Diablo 3 on the horizon

2. Received GW2 beta invite

3. Problems from beta are still not addressed (tab targetting, sticky camera..etc.)

4. end game pvp gear based on RNG, awesome!

5. low server population

i could go on forever, but there are way too many to list..

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My sub died today. I'm not ranting or telling anyone they are dumb if they disagree with me.


For me, this game just didn't have that feeling that keeps me playing a game at the level cap. I've played many MMOs, and this one was by far the best experience I've had leveling. It never felt like a grind, and I was enthralled with even the zone quests let alone my class quest. Alas, my class story bugged out on Hoth and I was unable to fix it through support tickets, internet searches, etc. While the pvp is pretty well balanced compared to other MMOs I've played, there wasn't enough for me to do.


I know people will respond to that by telling me I'm dumb for neglecting the fact that most MMOs are short on content at first. However, that's not exactly what I mean. This game is short on substance. It's not that it isn't great looking or that certain mechanics aren't fun. It's that I have no desire to go visit the planets. The whole game feels very disconnected due to all of the instancing. In other games, I would explore or do crafting skills or find some world pvp (even if it was just stupid stuff like dancing outside an enemy city gate to taunt people).


This game doesn't have those things for me- for me. It may for someone else. But I am a huge Star Wars fan. I've watched this movies with my father since I was a child. I have been waiting for this game for years, and I'm actually shocked that I'm not continuing with it. I tend to be more of a fanboy than anything else, but this game just isn't it for me.


Maybe next game! Those of you staying around enjoy it.

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I'm quitting this game, yet i have zero desire to go back to my "ex" (WoW).


Most people are going to be searching for a new "girlfriend" instead of going back to their "ex" or staying with their "current girlfriend" who doesn't put out.


No MOST are not. SOME may. MOST will stay. This game rocks warts and all. ;)

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Nope, there a too many issues right now.


1. Diablo 3 on the horizon

2. Received GW2 beta invite

3. Problems from beta are still not addressed (tab targetting, sticky camera..etc.)

4. end game pvp gear based on RNG, awesome!

5. low server population

i could go on forever, but there are way too many to list..


Dude! I got one as well. So PUMPED!

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No MOST are not. SOME may. MOST will stay. This game rocks warts and all. ;)


Take a look at this thread 7 to 8 out of every 10 people say they are unsubbing. In my book that is "most". Some would be 4 to 6 out of every 10. Few would be 2 to 3 out of every 10 people. With 0,1,9, and 10 being outliers.


I wanted this game to succeed SO bad but they have bugs from beta a year ago. That is an issue.

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Take a look at this thread 7 to 8 out of every 10 people say they are unsubbing. In my book that is "most". Some would be 4 to 6 out of every 10. Few would be 2 to 3 out of every 10 people. With 0,1,9, and 10 being outliers.


I wanted this game to succeed SO bad but they have bugs from beta a year ago. That is an issue.



I would have to respectfully disagree. Because in my humble opinion, those that are staying, are not on the forums looking to write an exit message in hopes it will get better, they are online playing the game enjoying themselves.


Are there things that could be improved in this game? Absolutely. Will they all get fixed?? Absolutely not. Just the nature of the beast.


Go in peace and enjoy the journey

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Well, if I had answered this question yesterday I would have said I'm staying.


However........last night I learned that they are completely removing Corso's harpoon and replacing it with a rocket force-jump. In essence they're turning him into another Bowdaar which we need like a hole in the head.


It was conveniently left out of the patch notes, so someone asked about it on the test forums. The response from BW is that this change is intended.


As I play Scroundrel, and play it meleee, I do NOT need yet another companion who leaps to the mobs, breaks my cc with aoe (or I have to keep all aoe off), and forces me to chase him across the map at a snail's pace to get to the action. If I wanted a Bowdaar, I'd be using Bowdaar. Why turn Corso into another Bowdaar?


That ability is core to the way I play my Scoundrel. With that ability gone, I will not be having fun with my Scoundrel. I already know that because I've tried Bowdaar and hate him & his force leap for my Scoundrel build.


If I'm not having fun, I don't play, and I don't pay.


So.....to answer the OP....no, I will not be resubbing once 1.2 goes live.

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It's not that it isn't great looking or that certain mechanics aren't fun. It's that I have no desire to go visit the planets. The whole game feels very disconnected due to all of the instancing. In other games, I would explore or do crafting skills or find some world pvp (even if it was just stupid stuff like dancing outside an enemy city gate to taunt people).


i dont see any difference between doing that here or in any other mmo...

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