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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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You do know that the "Balance" totally favors the republic right now, right?


Trooper Gravity round just rips people to pieces, Sages can mow people down with telekinetic throw and giant rocks from across the planet while being unkillable, Smugglers stay in cover while charging attacks while Agents have to partially leave cover to use the same kind of charged ability because they are using a rifle and not two guns.


Dude, if you are playing Republic and losing, you are *********** bad.


Quick question if this is the case why do lots say they are nerfing Sorcerer and bounty hunter?

Edited by stephenalandavie
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Quick question if this is the case why do lots say they are nerfing Sorcerer and bounty hunter?


I think they are mostly nerfing the healing of sorc and sage, which is dumb.

Right now people will kick out operative/smuggler healers in favor of sorc/sage healers in raids because the caster healers never run out of energy. So instead of fixing the actual problem of energy management for smug/ops they are nerfing everyone else to suck just as much. They don't want the game to be fun because then you wouldn't wipe and spend time on infuriating content your group can't pass. Right now a Sorc/Sage can carry a group with someone in it who has almost zero end game gear and them still down the bosses because the healing is that good. But Bioware doesn't want people thinking the game is easy. They want you to struggle so you'll take longer and spend more money.


Your struggling and suffering with frustrating content translates directly to money for them.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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I guess it depends a bit on when 1.2 is released and how challenging and fun the new operation is, my powertech is getting quite boring in 1.2, very predictable and boring to play, so not sure if i will play much longer, the game seems very very casual catered, about 95% of the more hardcore raiding guilds already quit because the raid content is so damn easy and uninsipired. Tera will be coming out in a couple weeks and Diablo 3 will be released in 2 months, at least by then i think SWTOR is over for me.
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I have friends like you who feed Bioware money because you believe fairy tales come true so I'll see what they say and maybe I'll resub once 1.2 is out. Right now, totally not worth it.


Or maybe...gasp...some people actually enjoy the game...I know, it's hard to fathom that there would be people that have a different opinion than yours. Crazy world is crazy.




Looking forward to 1.2 and I'll keep my sub until I'm not having fun anymore. That day has yet to come.

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Or maybe...gasp...some people actually enjoy the game...


This is the problem :( We love the game too, but for a lot of us there is NOTHING at all to do.

Since when is common place to have did all there is to do in a mmorpg? In 3 months at that :(

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This is the problem :( We love the game too, but for a lot of us there is NOTHING at all to do.

Since when is common place to have did all there is to do in a mmorpg? In 3 months at that :(


Very common...for EVERY MMO that has released since WoW.

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Very common...for EVERY MMO that has released since WoW.


Whilst correct, that doesn't mean that all is well. Far from it, if the MMO industry as a whole is any kind of indicator.


The fact that players burn through this "simplistic" kind of content so quickly (even Bioware themselves admitted recently in an interview that more are hitting level cap quicker than they anticipated), then than should be a good indication that the situation cannot stay as it is.


Unless of course, Bioware are completely stupid and haven't learned the lessons that the MMO industry has been trying to teach developers.


The fact is that once the "reservoir" of unfinished pre-launch content has been used up (which includes the content released in 1.1 and 1.2), then Bioware are left creating new content that may take quite some time to release (perhaps longer than what we've seen already). Thus it is in Bioware's best interest to create and release content that has sufficient depth AND has a decent "replay" value. Thus keeping players interested for long a sufficient enough period of time to allow the devs to roll out new content.

Edited by Tarka
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Yes i will keep my account up for at least another 2 months (already bought the game-time card). like the game and plan on beating the game with every class just to see the story.


so far i have beat the sith inquisitor story ( tho i did re-roll a new one to see what the game dose with a lightside ending.)


dose the game have problems.. sure.. name a game that doesn't.

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Yes i will keep my account up for at least another 2 months (already bought the game-time card). like the game and plan on beating the game with every class just to see the story.


so far i have beat the sith inquisitor story ( tho i did re-roll a new one to see what the game dose with a lightside ending.)


dose the game have problems.. sure.. name a game that doesn't.



Its Does.


You get a dose from the Chemist or a bad woman.

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I really don't see myself playing any other game seriously until the new Halo comes out or Planetside 2 is really, really good. I'll be playing a bit of The Secret World maybe, and definitely playing the new Mechwarrior Online game but SWTOR is way too much fun for me, and I'm subbbing for a long time.
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already cancelled. today is my last day.


once you get past the "coolness" factor of lightsabers in an mmo, you just have to face the fact that it isn't a very good game. games with as little content as this should not be linear. they should be true open world sandbox. the space game is a bad joke. it's essentially 80s arcade tech. pvp is terrible, especially the roulette wheel wz queues. tying companions to story was a ****** design decision. and let's not overlook the idiocy of the hero engine...


basically, BW needed to think outside the WoW box, and failed. this game is not at all innovative or engaging.


June 19th can't get here fast enough.

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Looking forward to 1.2 and I'll keep my sub until I'm not having fun anymore. That day has yet to come.


I've seen you post this at least 3 times in this thread, along with trying to bash people leaving the game (usually concluded with a smiley face as to not look offensive). I've also seen your name in several other threads with various timestamps over a period of 16 hours. With that being said my question to you is: Are you simply keeping your sub to have "fun" on the forums by bashing people on every thread you come across?

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already cancelled. today is my last day.


once you get past the "coolness" factor of lightsabers in an mmo, you just have to face the fact that it isn't a very good game. games with as little content as this should not be linear. they should be true open world sandbox. the space game is a bad joke. it's essentially 80s arcade tech. pvp is terrible, especially the roulette wheel wz queues. tying companions to story was a ****** design decision. and let's not overlook the idiocy of the hero engine...


basically, BW needed to think outside the WoW box, and failed. this game is not at all innovative or engaging.



Unfortunately true, at least at the current state of game. Perhaps waiting a year or so might be a good idea.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I've seen you post this at least 3 times in this thread, along with trying to bash people leaving the game (usually concluded with a smiley face as to not look offensive). I've also seen your name in several other threads with various timestamps over a period of 16 hours. With that being said my question to you is: Are you simply keeping your sub to have "fun" on the forums by bashing people on every thread you come across?


He hates reading opinions that aren't his own obviously. Or maybe he really agrees with all the QQing, but doesn't want to admit it.

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Unsubed when i saw 1.2 patchnotes yesterday.


This game will hold my attention for 6 more days (time before my sub ends), if nothing changes then i'll be gone for good.


Same here. I played a "Payed-Beta" until now, and there are no CrossServer-Warzones and no free migration. Game Balance is "far far away". While the pve-side of the game will be done in 2 weeks.


See ya guys.

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I will definitly stick to SWTOR as it has taken WoW recipe a step farther with a tremendous good solo/storyline experience. The universe is tight and holding up.


So yes regarding the mechanics it has all the good and the bad of the last famous schemes that is WoW but remember that WoW built itself on previous mmos like Everquest or DaoC. Evolution is always made upon past experiences.


What WoW is not offering is a sci-fi world. What it won't offer either is a Space Expansion, openworld space combat, pvp and hopefully storylines pushing the mass effect/Swtor choice experienc to its edges.


Do you see that actually mmos copying as you say WoW recipe have only 2 ways of behaving or stuff in raids or stuff in pvp. This is very rigid as you deny people to be a hero. What Swtor brought in it's storyline experience is being a hero or at least playing a charcater for his personnality and not for the bigger axe you can have. But yes where I agree is once you hit 50 you have to enter the mold "farm x instances or x battlegrounds" to become purple.


What hopefully Bioware will offer at some point is what lacks EvE Online : a friendly space environment to play with, a bit like Freelancer. One of the portential is here and I trust if they put the resources up to it they can make it stunning.


The other potential already brought by the choices you do through the game is giving more depth to the storyline. This will definitly hook many people as they WILL play heroes. It might be difficult to implement since you still want to keep it social, but what about epic heroic quests for solo experiences where you actually meet other players as part of the storyline. It'd be still social and heroic as well, a win-win situation.


Today I will keep paying for this game as it has a lot of directions where to go and not following the wow model that it is today, and it seems Mist of Pandaria is not going going to be any revolution. It's like a déjà vu. So I trust Bioware that they are able to pull out of the hat nice combos : developping your game offline like EvE does could add another dimension (EvE has the best skill management out there), just waiting for a smartphone app to pop out (by the way when do you release iphone app for France btw ?) Many things have yet to be done. This game HAS the potential to take it farther. Really.



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After testing out some of the changes for 1.2 on the test server, I sadly won't be returning to the game.


Not enough major changes that will be worth it overall. There is still NO LFG system & probably won't be until 1.3 version or later. The lack of a LFG system in version 1.2 is just absurd. A LOT of players were hoping to have this implemented.


The UI changes are nice, but still need major tweaks in order to be comparable to other major MMOs that have much better UI customization. The graphic update to 1.2 is great, but that alone will not kept people subscribing. The update changes to the tradeskills are nice, but these changes should have been available at live, not 4 months later. The Legacy System is a complete joke overall. Just fluff, nothing more. Only perk is having a mailbox on your starship.


Plus, if you review the class changes in 1.2, the majority, if not all of them are NERFS.


Sadly, I'll hold out for version 1.3 or 1.4 to see if there are the changes I'm looking for in the game. However, by that time, there will be other options available to play.


BioWare is waiting too long to implement changes in the game that should have been available at release.

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