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Stealthing in mid combat


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Stealth is cheap? Oh my, we've got some window lickers on our hands...


Let's take away guns from the sniper while we're at it...


So much QQ, so little time...




Don't try and change the subject.


Maybe you and the OP can make another thread and QQ about how you should be able to kill every other class that isn't your own in 10 sec flat.


Reminds me of the QQ from the warriors on Rift when they buffed rogues.


I didn't say anything about beating every class in 10sec.


Don't try to change the subject. I guess if I knew I was in the wrong I'd try to change the subject too.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Don't try and change the subject.




I didn't say anything about beating every class in 10sec.


Don't try to change the subject. I guess if I knew I was in the wrong I'd try to change the subject too.


There is nothing wrong that some classes can stealth in combat lol mate if you consider simple wrong , that is the survival move of a class ,we can begin to take the survival moves of ALL classes.


Everyone got one , let cut it all out.


I dont mind , hell i prefer that i cant re stealth than having to deal all those shield/bubbles ... such a pain.

Edited by rzrknight
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It's all reward. No risk.


It's cheap. End of discussion.


What is cheap about being able to use this 5 times in a warzone? I mainly use this as away of avoiding a fight that is going to prevent me from planting, or helping the ball carrier. If you are fighting someone who stealths from combat just drop an AOE if that does not work, dont rage just move along and find another target.

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What is cheap about being able to use this 5 times in a warzone? I mainly use this as away of avoiding a fight that is going to prevent me from planting, or helping the ball carrier. If you are fighting someone who stealths from combat just drop an AOE if that does not work, dont rage just move along and find another target.


This isn't about rage. Just because I say something is cheap doesn't mean I'm foaming at the mouth enraged everytime I see it happen. It's always the same on these forums. People can't discuss anything like adults. It's always "you suck", "QQ more" ,etc. when anybody objects to anything. It's a cheap trick. Like force leaping to the goal line and then being CC proof or force sprinting through fire in Huttball. There are alot of cheap moves in this game. I have a scoundrel healer. I use it all the time. It's still a cheap move.

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I get annoyed by it when theys tealth and their friends kep attacking me, I can't finish the stealther off but die. So much for my "high" survivability as a jugg. Altho in 1v1's I don't have much of a prob with it. Guess it's just how the class plays..


What's annoying tho is when people stealth out of combat just to save themselves from dying, They donät care about distracting the bomb planter or acting as a distraction for enemy players while their team scores.. now that's cheap.

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Saying l2p to bad players is kinda racist.Therefore i wont say l2p , i will write the facts to help you learn to play.


I have never known a game in which you can be damaging an enemy player down to a sliver of life only to have them vanish and reappear later with more HP.


A player being hit should not be able to vanish from sight with no hope of catching them with an AOE etc.



Be sure there are worse examples in any other mmo.I played sin , marauder , operative so far in swtor.Assasin has no ability to heal himself in stealt. He can still use medpacks and gather healing buffs around , darkness assasins can benefit %10 healing from overcharge saber .Operatives have a little over time healing as stealthed but they need to sacrifice their damage output out of stealth and cast it out of the stealth.Marauders can stealth 4 seconds and recieve an %30 movement speed buff.You can reveal them if you use your aoe effects ( and if they r not ann. speced ).Dont compare your juggernaut and dont judge 4 second stealth on marauders because they wear medium armor and needs to manage lots of complicated cooldowns to survive.Assasins have 2-3 minutes cooldown on restealth and operatives have same depending on spec.

Edited by kijthae
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Am I the only one that finds players that can stealth in the midst of combat to be cheap? I have never known a game in which you can be damaging an enemy player down to a sliver of life only to have them vanish and reappear later with more HP.


Is it unreasonable to say that players should not be able to stealth if they are being hit? How about a timer? Say any player with stealth ability can only stealth withing a 5 second time after each hit. A player being hit should not be able to vanish from sight with no hope of catching them with an AOE etc. This is another cheap thing in PVP I find. Not very fair in the least. They already have the advantage of sneaking up on you in stealth.


Permetheus is that you?

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A Marauder can dps the hell out of any wz yet he can stealth out in combat at any moment. A juggernaut can't kill a fly in immortal spec and his damage lines are much weaker I find than Marauder yet no stealth. The Republic equivalents are the same of course. I just find that if you unstealth into combat you should suffer the consequences of your battle and not vanish within a sliver of health any time you like.



Marauders can only stealth for about 4 seconds. All range classes can catch up easily, plus most melees have some ranged-stuns.


I agree overall, though. Its extremely annoying to almost finish off a stealther, then they suddenly disappear and don't have time restraints to reappear.

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Anyone remember 5 Piece Ghost Set + Decoy from SWG?


Wonder what this guys opinion would be on that if just a simple vanish on a 3min CD is bothering him :D


He would probably just implode. :eek:


Heart you for bringing that up. It's one of the many things I miss from swg. lolspai was fun and frustrating (if you were them or if you were a bh hunting them respectively). What was fun was if you were on each other's friends list, having a /findf macro that would let you know where they were every couple seconds.


FWIW, I'd almost have some sympathy for the baddie OP and his agree'ers except for the fact that stealth is bugged and you get dropped out of stealth and into combat for no legitimate reason. As in, hanging out in the start area of Void Star for defenders and all of a sudden you're in combat. TBH it affects other classes, but many don't notice it (I notice my sent/marauder draw both ls and be unable to sheath them).

Edited by redheadedtim
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If you are complaining about this, it just tells me how terrible a player you are. 1 DoT is all it takes and then they'll simply be pulled out of stealth 1-3 seconds after they cast.


Because no smart player pops resilience or whatever the Op/Scoundrel similar move to remove the DoT before they vanish.

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Again with this whine?


Fine, as I have said before. Have them take away my in combat stealth thats cool, but, then they need to increase our DPS, make us have a better openning slaughter hit combo and then take a look at other classes and dumb them down some too.


I Hate healers, they have heals and I don't take that away its not fair ! Hel they have dpst too and some even have stealth ! OP much ! /end sarcasm


Stop crying and get back in game and as much as I hate this statement L2P. Stealthers die just like everyone else. My stealth and 5 seconds of cleansing get shut down all the time by people that know what they are doing.

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The number of bads who pvp in this game and come to the forums to complain about stupid **** like in combat stealthing, sorc bubbles, classes that have heals, and w/e else mechanic they cant deal with is out of control. This is obviously the first time they have ever pvp'd in an mmo before....I just keep lol'ing....



Im sorry, but if you are participating in this thread, and you are stating that a 3 minute cooldown ability which lets a stealth class avoid death once every 3 minutes is wrong then you need to seriously wake up and learn why classes have the skills they do.


I would first suggest rolling a stealth class and playing it. Then you will realize what a dumb *** you are for coming into this thread and stating a 3 minute cooldown combat stealth is wrong...


/end rant

Edited by Ushela
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Removes the risk of combat.


If you can simply vanish when things get tough...not a whole lot of risk involved.


The people who benefit from this will wail and howl against any change.


But yeah it is a get out of jail free card.

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You start a post by saying QQ more then go on crying about how stealthers don't have x ability so they definitely should be able to stealth out of combat even if they are in the middle of a fight. No not cheap at all! I didn't expect you stealth players to roll over on this post but enough is enough. If you are drawn out into combat you should not be able to simply vanish whenever you feel like. I would gladly you have pushback ability than to be able to cheaply stealth out of combat like a wuss. You make your character sound like you have no abilities, yeah right, how about how most of you can top the damage and kill charts? QQ more indeed.



You can take our poof away if all stealth classes get a 30% buff to all damage. ;) If not, then shh and learn to DoT stealthers/AoE/use stealth detection skills.




Its stupid easy to pull people out of stealth and simply requires common sense. :rolleyes: And the marauder "stealth" as you say lasts for 2 seconds? 3? Before ejecting them from "stealth" automatically.

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