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Stealthing in mid combat


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i agree. a get out of combat free card is lame. give it to all classes or take it out of the game


It's only a 'get out of combat free card' if the person attacking you is an idiot and doesn't know how to drop an AOE and pull you out of stealth. You act like people can do this repeatedly over and over. While I'm not sure on other classes I know Force Camo for Mara's has a pretty long CD.

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Play a stealth class for a day, and as you stand in a corner, alone and untouched for 30 seconds praying to be considered "out of combat," you'll understand why in combat stealth is necessary.


I played a Stealth class without vanish for more than 3 years in WAR without an issue.

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problem is this game is so simple, one stat per class and thats it, positionals are almost non existent and the plethora of damage that isnt defendable is comical and renders other games solutions irrelevant.


The witch hunter in WAR was perfect in my opinion, high burst, short term survivability boosts and a escape power (self punt backwards)


you know this is Swtor?

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It's only a 'get out of combat free card' if the person attacking you is an idiot and doesn't know how to drop an AOE and pull you out of stealth. You act like people can do this repeatedly over and over. While I'm not sure on other classes I know Force Camo for Mara's has a pretty long CD.


that is implying that the op is paying attention, uses keybinds, and has some skill

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And that whoever pops combat stealth does not have any skill, most AOE in this game is fairly easy to avoid.


Yeah because the only time i really use this is to avoid a pointless fight that is going to prevent me from completing objectives like capping a node, or helping the ball carrier, or planting a bomb, using the ability wisely takes skill.

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I played a Stealth class without vanish for more than 3 years in WAR without an issue.


Cool. That has zero relevance to this discussion.


By the way, I picked Squirtle in Pokemon Red, so clearly vanish isn't overpowered.

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To garrum: beacause the topic of the discussion is steathing while in mid combat. Do I still need to explain further?


It lasts 4 seconds. You don't even have to do anything to bring them out of it. It doesn't drop combat. It doesn't wipe dots. This is not the kind of stealth you should be complaining about.

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You start a post by saying QQ more then go on crying about how stealthers don't have x ability so they definitely should be able to stealth out of combat even if they are in the middle of a fight. No not cheap at all! I didn't expect you stealth players to roll over on this post but enough is enough. If you are drawn out into combat you should not be able to simply vanish whenever you feel like. I would gladly you have pushback ability than to be able to cheaply stealth out of combat like a wuss. You make your character sound like you have no abilities, yeah right, how about how most of you can top the damage and kill charts? QQ more indeed.


I'm not QQing, I was pointing out other classes abilities that help them survive, like my force cloak. Then I was informing you that why should they get an ability like that while mine gets taken away because you're a baddie? Which that is what you are if you can't even realize that little fact, a baddie. If I was going to QQ about anything I would QQ about how I can't get a warzone win on my server because solo warzone ques end up putting me with a group of baddies like yourself.


Ah no point in actually writing out a real reply to this. It's simply a baddie complaining that he couldn't kill me and then when I came back I melted his face :).


Whenever I read one of these "X class shouldn't have X ability" threads it makes me lol. So thanks for the laughs FLYFX, keep being bad and QQ moar!

Edited by SquallyZ
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Yes I can vanish from combat whenever I want...if the 3 min cool down is up. Plus as i said before a smart player (and judging from your post I can only guess you are not) will instantly pull me out. At this point im not even sure what you are complaining about honestly only 2 classes get a true stealth its not a big deal. If it bothers you that much i suggest quitting.


Aren't you an insulting snarky poster. OP has no skill because OBVIOUSLY you can pull a stealther with any old AOE anytime! Why its just a simple press of a button!


Listen, when you are beating down your target that suddenly vanishes you think I haven't done AOE's on the spot Johnny? I have MULTIPLE times, and guess what, it never catches them. I have only been able to pull stealthed players out of combat if they are seriously not paying attention and not moving. A stealthy was being beat on by 3 players, vanishes, and all 3 AOE and are not able to pull him out of stealth? Come on. You are over simplifying this when it is not that simple. Vanish is cheap, it has no place in combat, its a cop out for the amount of damage you already do. If you are in combat you should remain in combat until death do you part. End of story.

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Am I the only one that finds players that can stealth in the midst of combat to be cheap? I have never known a game in which you can be damaging an enemy player down to a sliver of life only to have them vanish and reappear later with more HP.


Is it unreasonable to say that players should not be able to stealth if they are being hit? How about a timer? Say any player with stealth ability can only stealth withing a 5 second time after each hit. A player being hit should not be able to vanish from sight with no hope of catching them with an AOE etc. This is another cheap thing in PVP I find. Not very fair in the least. They already have the advantage of sneaking up on you in stealth.


This has to be a troll.

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I'm not QQing, I was pointing out other classes abilities that help them survive, like my force cloak. Then I was informing you that why should they get an ability like that while mine gets taken away because you're a baddie? Which that is what you are if you can't even realize that little fact, a baddie. If I was going to QQ about anything I would QQ about how I can't get a warzone win on my server because solo warzone ques end up putting me with a group of baddies like yourself.


Ah no point in actually writing out a real reply to this. It's simply a baddie complaining that he couldn't kill me and then when I came back I melted his face :).


Whenever I read one of these "X class shouldn't have X ability" threads it makes me lol. So thanks for the laughs FLYFX, keep being bad and QQ moar!


You are an not very intelligent. QQ more indeed. Less useless posts please as chest thumping on a forum is about a cool as a fat kid like yourself eating cake.

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Aren't you an insulting snarky poster. OP has no skill because OBVIOUSLY you can pull a stealther with any old AOE anytime! Why its just a simple press of a button!


Listen, when you are beating down your target that suddenly vanishes you think I haven't done AOE's on the spot Johnny? I have MULTIPLE times, and guess what, it never catches them. I have only been able to pull stealthed players out of combat if they are seriously not paying attention and not moving. A stealthy was being beat on by 3 players, vanishes, and all 3 AOE and are not able to pull him out of stealth? Come on. You are over simplifying this when it is not that simple. Vanish is cheap, it has no place in combat, its a cop out for the amount of damage you already do. If you are in combat you should remain in combat until death do you part. End of story.


Who really cares? Im not saying an AOE will pull out of stealth every time, but i seem to have a good success rate with it as I know what to look for. When im facing someone who stealths from combat I either go about what i was doing, or move to another target. I only get to use this ability up to 5 times in a warzone so again I dont see what the big deal is. Call me a wuss or a bad player I dont care, I use the tools that the class provides me. If they take it away ill still be successful in pvp, just with the possibility of 2 more deaths.

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Am I the only one that finds players that can stealth in the midst of combat to be cheap? I have never known a game in which you can be damaging an enemy player down to a sliver of life only to have them vanish and reappear later with more HP.


Is it unreasonable to say that players should not be able to stealth if they are being hit? How about a timer? Say any player with stealth ability can only stealth withing a 5 second time after each hit. A player being hit should not be able to vanish from sight with no hope of catching them with an AOE etc. This is another cheap thing in PVP I find. Not very fair in the least. They already have the advantage of sneaking up on you in stealth.


It's also a matter of skill, as a powertech I know they will try to pull this **** on me so I'm ready with my stealth scan and finish them off. same goes for grav rounders and lightning spammers so easy to kill once you know how to counter them in their case interupt.

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You are an not very intelligent. QQ more indeed. Less useless posts please as chest thumping on a forum is about a cool as a fat kid like yourself eating cake.


U mad bro?


You must be an awful pvper.




This is what this thread is really all about.

Edited by SquallyZ
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