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Every planet should have lvl 50 zones


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people already don't use the pvp-zone on tatooine unless guilds plan events, how many lvl 50 would actually spend their time on any random planet?




This idea might look good, but players will never go there. Even if there would be a good chunk of players wanting to do those battles, there would never be enough players on each planet, since they would be spread out across the galaxy.

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people already don't use the pvp-zone on tatooine unless guilds plan events, how many lvl 50 would actually spend their time on any random planet?


People don't go use the PvP zone on tatooine because theres no point. You of course need to have objectives in zones for people to spend their time there. Adding good PvP zones to the neutral planets and lvl 50 zones to every planet with meaningful objectives and rewards would improve this game a great deal for me.

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You already have people screeming they cant find others for groups. Now spred them out over more planets and getting groups will be impossible.


Same with PvP, add another 4 or 5 planets with PvP pbjectives will just spred out the players even more.


Sorry but until they merge servers and up the pop limits on the servers and fix the game so more then 8 V 8 can PvP against each other then these are not good ideas.

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You already have people screeming they cant find others for groups. Now spred them out over more planets and getting groups will be impossible.


Same with PvP, add another 4 or 5 planets with PvP pbjectives will just spred out the players even more.


Sorry but until they merge servers and up the pop limits on the servers and fix the game so more then 8 V 8 can PvP against each other then these are not good ideas.


People don't scream about about finding groups on the server I play for any reason you listed because everyone uses a user created "LFG" channel.

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they could make the bonus series on each planet lvl 50, as this would mean only up-scaling the mobs. i'm under the impression players skip these anyway for the most part.


They could do alot more than that. They could make some of the zones unsurvivable without a group and offer character progression rewards for meeting objectives. The possibilities are endless.

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You forget the carrot on a stick mentality.


Swtor could make every planet we have now more usable at lv 50 and have a point.


If measures were put in place each zone could be useful for PVE trials and PVP.


Good suggestions for PVE are Halo reach / ODST type mass of mobs spawning whilst defending objectives.


Good PVP would be random objectives capturing, taking, holding so on and so forth of bases and the like.


A very simple idea to make these changes actual have a worth while goal so people show up is by doing what Warhammer did. you Offer a Instant Action button for people to get right in. And you also offer daily / hourly quests to keep the fighting and community going.


So If A player just logs in and its 3:50 and his guild mates are alrdy on Alderaan PVE ing against a random bug people invasion to save the town and get phat lootz. he cant join them with either Instant action button. Or in 10 minutes they might have defended it completely and boom a new report comes in from the Republic military line saying Hoth is under fire from pirates at the special secret republic base. Player A now joins his guildies there.


Valor / Social points / special lvl 50 daily / hourly commendations / Faction wide BUFFS or buffs for your alts and yourself for increased exp,credits, so on ect / Fluff / Titles / Daily credits.... Any number of things would make this enjoyable.

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Level 50 areas on each world would be a great idea. I don't like designated PvP areas, though. These areas are usually abandoned in the game where they are implemented, primarily due to poorly-implemented mechanics, lack of objectives, and/or an inability on the part of the developers to ensure rewards are constantly updated to remain relevant.


If SWTOR's developers would adequately address these issues I'd have no problem with the proposed PvP areas. That being said I simply don't think they'd take the time to do it right.

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they could make the bonus series on each planet lvl 50, as this would mean only up-scaling the mobs. i'm under the impression players skip these anyway for the most part.


No. Hold on here, let me think about it. No. No. No.


Depending on which character I play on, I might skip Nar Shadar, but do Tatooine including all bonus missions. Or I might skip all of tatooine except the bonus missions. Or I might.... get the picture? I like the bonus series right where they are at. Between all my characters, I have done all bonus series up to Hoth. They allow me to skip story lines I can't stand. I like them.


Don't take away my levelling quests because you want more end game quests. I play this game as THESE devs want us to. I create more characters. That is the end game they want to create. Don't try and take that away from me.

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I agree. Take Coruscant for example, here you have what is supposed to be the center of the republic and all we have is that small little area leading up to the senate building and a couple other small areas under the cities. They could do so many things with this planet, even the jedi temple, they could do stuff like sub-levels of the temple that weren't completely destroyed that we could go explore in.


Every time I go to different low level planets I feel like there should be more.

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