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Less and less Fun, thanks BW


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They made everyone choose Biochem and love it, now they're going to take it's value away.


Tell me Bioware, where is the fun in that?


My Scoundrel Nerfed to death, my Biochem Nerfed to death, Most my friends are gone, The servers are empty, Grats Bioware I'm now looking forward to GW2.


They teased us with beta then stripped that down to swtor today. Patch 1.2 should have been part of the original game and is guaranteed to come with it's own bundle of bugs.


I'm still playing but I'm just killing time and waiting for GW2 to leave. Before Swtor I spoke highly of Bioware but It's clear they will run this game to the ground. Really sad thing with all the potential his game had..

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They made everyone choose Biochem and love it, now they're going to take it's value away.


Tell me Bioware, where is the fun in that?


My Scoundrel Nerfed to death, my Biochem Nerfed to death, Most my friends are gone, The servers are empty, Grats Bioware I'm now looking forward to GW2.


They teased us with beta then stripped that down to swtor today. Patch 1.2 should have been part of the original game and is guaranteed to come with it's own bundle of bugs.


I'm still playing but I'm just killing time and waiting for GW2 to leave. Before Swtor I spoke highly of Bioware but It's clear they will run this game to the ground. Really sad thing with all the potential his game had..


Waah, your game sucks but I'm still going to play it because I have nothing else better to do, waaah!


Stop blowing things out of proportion. The biochem nerfs needed to happen, servers will fill back up when 1.2. is released, and scoundrels are still killing machines. I'm glad you can't wait until GW2 comes out so you can cry about it as well.

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Waah, your game sucks but I'm still going to play it because I have nothing else better to do, waaah!


Stop blowing things out of proportion. The biochem nerfs needed to happen, servers will fill back up when 1.2. is released, and scoundrels are still killing machines. I'm glad you can't wait until GW2 comes out so you can cry about it as well.


The scoundrels are fine, yes. But the operatives need to be unnerfed.

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The scoundrels are fine, yes. But the operatives need to be unnerfed.


Let's nerf what we can't beat. Maybe you should be a better pvper?


And for the record I didn't play one, I knew how to beat them though. I didn't cry for nerf.

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OPs and BHs need to be deleted. Irritating doesn't even begin to describe them.


Yet those classes have their faults... so its sortta balanced at the moment.


Edit: Well not too much on the Operative... that's irritating.

Edited by Darth_Eminok
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people act like they've never played MMOs before



I knew from the start this would happen, so all my chars have different craftings. I trusted in bioware to realise crafting is something a lot of people do for FUN, not just to be OP in PvP or something...

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i have to agree the servers are dead. i logged on yesterday to the republic fleet and there were 9, count 'em, NINE people on it. i logged out and played skyrim instead.


The servers? Plural? Mine is doing ok, just had over 240 on fleet.

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Waah, your game sucks but I'm still going to play it because I have nothing else better to do, waaah!


Stop blowing things out of proportion. The biochem nerfs needed to happen, servers will fill back up when 1.2. is released, and scoundrels are still killing machines. I'm glad you can't wait until GW2 comes out so you can cry about it as well.


I agree with all you said LESS the part you get delusional and say people will come back for that crap lol.


Cause i know NO pvp player will.

I dont see why PVE player would come for a new operation , but maybe they get the gear in one month tops and quit again.

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They made everyone choose Biochem and love it, now they're going to take it's value away.

Tell me Bioware, where is the fun in that?


My Scoundrel Nerfed to death, my Biochem Nerfed to death, Most my friends are gone, The servers are empty, Grats Bioware I'm now looking forward to GW2.


They teased us with beta then stripped that down to swtor today. Patch 1.2 should have been part of the original game and is guaranteed to come with it's own bundle of bugs.


I'm still playing but I'm just killing time and waiting for GW2 to leave. Before Swtor I spoke highly of Bioware but It's clear they will run this game to the ground. Really sad thing with all the potential his game had..


Did you watch the guild summit?? Biochem is not the most selected craft.

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The only issue I have with the game is the last class boss.


So far, my Inq and Warrior have fought solo through all the class quests, and the regular quests as well. The companion idea was fantastic. Having a couple to choose from is nice, but keeping those geared up all the time is way too expensive and time consuming. So, you choose one and run with that one.


When you get to the end, you have this unbearably difficult fight that is a number of degrees of difficulty higher than any other you have faced to date. That kind of puts a kibosh on the overall game experience. I have now given up on my Inq and Warrior, not even interested in the Ilum quests or raiding, and may or may not focus on my 40 level hunter and agent. If the final boss fight is the same way, then it is rather depressing.


In a video console game, having the final boss being unbearably difficult is acceptable. You fight it, then the game is effectively over, so make it a true pita.


In an MMO, you want the players to continue to play after the final boss, to keep the game going. Well, being twarted on the last class boss is not a great idea of keeping anyone's interest.


If this were like vanilla WoW, where you had friends or guildies help you through all the tough stuff, then it would just be another hard fight with friends and guildies. But you are now trained that you can solo anything, but it may take a bit of work. Well, the final bosses are a little more work than what I'm prepared to do, since I use up all my credits in repair bills and that is not fun overall.


Good game. Great storytelling. At times, hilarious responses. Fantastic writing. Bad ending though.


Oh well. This makes real life more tolerable.


And no... will not return to WoW. That game is still terribad.

Edited by MissBegotten
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No one made me do anything I never picked Biochem...so much for silly theories.


Yes we know noobs and people that know what they are doing play the game too, and people have alts so that's why Biochem is not the most popular crafting prof.

Edited by Quintan
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They made everyone choose Biochem and love it, now they're going to take it's value away.



You are of course exaggerating. I'm pretty sure that what trade crafts you select in game is completely up to each individual. I'm pretty sure Biochem will still be a valuable crew skill after 1.2 as well.


I bet you also complained when they "balanced" (or corrected, or removed exploit, or whatever term you would like to use) on slicing early on too.


They are working to make every crew skill equally valuable and viable in end game. That is a good thing.

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The reason why you will never be part of any serious or competitive raiding.


Look all you brown-nosers and noobs will not be enough to keep this game alive if they don't get their act together, say what you will but it's obvious to those of us that have been around the block.


I just laughed out loud so hard. Called the wife in and she's still laughing. Get over yourself stud. LMAO

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I don't care about "competitive" raiding, I rather have stories :)


And that's just fine, I hope you enjoy what you do and I hope no-one makes it less fun for you. I will never ask for you to give up anything that is fun for you so enjoy you game.

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