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Anyone else bored already?


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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


So you joined 3 years ago to this forum and got all the info about what kind of game this is going to be... and now you realize you dont like it? Wow.


Well, Im having a blast, so to each his own. :)

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I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


i listen to the VO.


And yea you might have paid for it, but why did you pay for a game you knew you wouldnt like, its not like it has been a secret that alot of the focus in the game is on the VO and storyline.

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I'm having so much fun, even though for some of the classes this is the fourth time through the starter zone content what with the beta weekends and all. I can easily see myself still playing this years from now, just like I still come back to Kotor 1 & 2. Even though it was only a few weeks ago that I did those worlds, it felt nostalgic and right.


Granted it isn't as customizable as I'd prefer (skill choices at levelup, appearance customization options, your actions having impact on the storyline) but it's still a lot of fun. If it weren't for the voices, I'd probably have just dismissed it as another MMO. It doesn't matter how good the story is if you end up just skipping it and running around between objectives.


The ability to team up with other people is fun too, but I'm glad it isn't forced on you constantly. I'm more of a single-player type of person.


I probably won't be able to subscribe every month, but I will keep coming back when I have the money/free time.

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If you just started MMO's after WoW had been out for say 5 years or more and that is the only MMO you have ever played, not saying the OP did this but, it would make a new MMO like TOR is now seem like there is alot less to see and do and he would be right. However if you want to play and grow with the game you need to stick around through the early parts like we see now.


There is definetly more to do in a game like WoW that has been in development for 7 years beyond its release date, but I was there in WoW in beta and really about the only real complaint I have is that there is no combat log, I hate PvP without it because I can't tell what the best combo's are because there is no data to analyze.


Honestly I think they have left out the combat log to reduce complaints that classes are not properly balanced for PvP because with a combat log you would at least have a tool to provide proof for your arguments.


Now if they have done this to reduce complaints, that is all well and good however they need to be working on class balance and a combat log that will be released in conjuction with each other.


TOR will not survive with big numbers long term unless Bioware can make PvP competative and fun and not just a simple copy of everything else that is out there.


I am really hoping all of this was just made to work for launch and they will be adding to all aspects of the game in the future.


Random Audio in this game completely sucks and feels tacked on so that they could launch. For instance I am heading to my ship on Taris and as I pass by a holo of the Governor she starts her spiel about her political agenda and I can still hear her just as good going up the ramp of my ship as I could standing right beside the holo.


There is so much like that in the game that in my mind is not up to Bioware standards and it feels like the dev team was told to do the best they can but get it ready for Launch on Dec 20.

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


You proved what kind of poster you are by insulting people in your OP.

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I really hate to hear you are bored already, try not to worry about getting to 50 and soke up the story, that is what this MMO is supose to be about.


This. Unfortunately, people coming from WoW are so used to powering to max level (as I was) that getting absorbed in a leveling process is hard to do. Its totally worth it though, so much fun, and great narrative. :):):)

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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


Yea but we paid for the game knowing what it was going to be: A game with a big emphasis on story/voice acting. What did you think you were getting? World of Mindlessdpsskippingtextcraft?

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I have several thoughts, mostly positive:


First, the not as positive:


1) I don't find this game as addictive as other MMOs have been at the start. I've put in about as much play time as I do for other MMOs, but I don't have that "holy crap, drop whatever I'm doing and play" mentality. It doesn't feel like its got me super hooked, for whatever reason.


2) The gameplay is rather easy, but I'm only lvl 15. I've found some challenge in doing the group 2 quests (not the heroic ones) solo. I tried doing a heroic one solo and fell flat on my face :).


The things I like:


1) So, normally in a MMO I don't read the quest text (except maybe the first few quests, for kicks). I haven't skipped a single cutscene/voice over. I actually find it quite enjoyable. And the story feels a lot more interactive. The fact that I get to choose how to respond (even if much of the time it has little effect other than a different voice response, or possibly an affection gain/loss from a companion) makes this feel even more meaningful and cool.


I feel like I can get more into my character than I do in other MMOs--it has more of a single player RPG feel to me.


2) Crew skills--I think the crafting system is pretty cool. I like that I can run around doing my quest turn-ins while my companion runs errands for me. Or if I want to have a bit more challenge, I can have him running off while I'm out and about questing.



The skills & combat are ok... I do like the combat animations though. I wish the enemies responded a bit more to things (more convulsing, get cut in half with lightsabers, etc). Oh well :)

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This game is probably the best MMO Ive ever played (and I played quite a few). The story is excellent, never been so interested in why Im doing what Im doing in any MMO as I am in this one, and when I get fed up with the quests, I just jump into space and do space missions, or join a PvP warzone. To think that this is only the launch version of the game and that the options will expand and improve soon... Well, I am glad I bought the CE, cause this is one of the very few games that deserve it. Sorry you feel bored, but I most certainly dont :) Edited by MartyCZE
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I'm enjoying the game, for now. But other than the VO, as an mmo, it's doing nothing different to mmo's before it.


I skip every cutscene because I'm not interested in the lore, or the Star Wars universe. I haven't even seen all of the movies either :p. I know, I know, some of you are going to take offense to what I just said and get hurt by it - just like you got hurt by the OP lol.


I'm not sure why people are so offended by one persons comments. Unless you're receiving royalties or you were involved in the development of the game, what right do you have to tell someone "you don't deserve to play this game if you're skipping the VO"?


You made me chuckle though ;)

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i like the game and yes if you want you can dismiss your companion.


The game is fun and NEW.


And for the people that already stated the obvious return your pre-order ASAP, we dont need you.


There are many others who would like to play the game.

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In the same boat with the OP, about a week in and guess what...yup bored already.You know why? Because its the same game..with you know which one i'm talkin about,the one made by a company who never gets tired of milking its customers with the same content over and over and over again..the one people got so FRUSTRATED and came here hoping to get some fresh air.Every class, even every combat mechanic is same with that game..the graphics are almost the same as well.


Why oh why BW,why couldnt you come up with an original idea instead of chosing the safe way, with all the resources, people and the funds you had,why come up with a game that has its predecessor out for almost seven years and gotten WAY too old already.


Dont get me wrong,i'm a HUGE SW fan even with Mr Lucas' ugly latter trilogy, but the Star Wars feel will not keep this game going for very long. I would go as far as saying it will be F2P by summer..sadly.

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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


I believe there is an option to "auto skip cinematics" in your options.

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