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Anyone else bored already?


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ITT: A bunch of people who think leveling is what an MMO is about and forgetting they'll spend most of the time at level cap.


See you story guys in a month when you get to cap and realize that your favorite aspect of the game is mostly over unless you want to make an alt and do 90% of the same quests. Won't happen for all of you but with all the unwavering admiration everywhere it's still going to be amusing to watch many of you get bored too.

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Loving it so far! To those that are bored you can always cancel your sub. Or give the 30 day trial a fair chance unless you honestly think 2 days is enough. Sorry you don't like it, but I'd advise moving on to another mmo if you can't stand it. Edited by Aniaden
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I'm not bored, just indecisive which is leading me to be sick of playing the starter area over lol.


But no, this is not a boring game at all.


I think that its a niche game though and that niche is a) Star Wars (big fans right there) and then b) Bioware fans and c) story driven MMO fans.


This game is not for someone who wants a super fast moving story line. It is something you have to stop and immerse yourself in.


If someone is the type to rush through I could see it being boring without the story being your focal point.

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to be honest, iam a bit bored, about to get level 40 on my sith sorc


and the missions are pretty much the same all the way,

go to mission > kill something > get bonus mission > kill 20 more of the thing you killed > do main mission > rinse and repeat ..


yeah the VO's are pretty good, but the guy that decided to make the voice's british can just go burn, sorry but i don't feel so evil when my char speaks british.. most of the time its just silly as hell :S



Hope it picks up at 50 or its going to be a huge downer :rolleyes:

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Sounds like MMORPG burnout to me. OP is just gonna have to take a break from MMORPGs as a whole for a while. I doubt any MMORPG right now would be fun to you.



This could be the case, but i reflect his feeling 100% and have not picked up an MMO in 2 years. (is that long enough?)


I hate to say it, but with WoW being first to sink the time into re-defining the MMO, this or any other "clone" can not compete.


The story driven MMO is a neat twist, but looking at this from a high level wont even be relevant for replay value; how many times can you read a book?


ps i know someone will be like " I CAN READ TWILIGHT OVER AND OVER", K...

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I was lucky enough to get to beta test this game. I am Replaying some stuff for the 5th time...character wipes and such during beta...and I am not even the slightest bit bored.


Sorry this game doesn't fit your gaming preferences, but for me it is easily the best game I've played since the original KOTOR.

Edited by onstorm
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was there some part of fully voiced story driven MMO that you thought meant this was just going to be WoW all over again?


That's the problem, IMO. It is WoW all over again. The only thing different is the story content, and if that's not enough to keep the fire burning, the game becomes very WoW-like very fast.

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to be honest, iam a bit bored, about to get level 40 on my sith sorc


and the missions are pretty much the same all the way,

go to mission > kill something > get bonus mission > kill 20 more of the thing you killed > do main mission > rinse and repeat ..


yeah the VO's are pretty good, but the guy that decided to make the voice's british can just go burn, sorry but i don't feel so evil when my char speaks british.. most of the time its just silly as hell :S



Hope it picks up at 50 or its going to be a huge downer :rolleyes:


Lol most if not all MMO's are go here kill that return do it again! I think with all the hype of this game people thought they were actually going to be transported into the game and become a real Jedi/Sith whatever....


I love the game...

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I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.



I got news for you, I don't think SWTOR is for you.


If you want to give it another go, actually LISTEN to the dialog and get lost in the story. If not, you might want to quit

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Bored? There is so much to do in this game...


I THOUGHT I was going to be bored, thought I was going to be playing a co op Bioware game...lol was I wrong.


I am amazed at the depth of the game, just right for me...in fact I'm a little over whelmed ATM. Which is good.

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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


Different strokes for different folks. Hope you find the game you're looking for!

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2 days in and I don't have the desire most MMOs give to play. Usually I am trying to skip work or training to game. Just to easy of a game with no real challenging content.


I mean who is even listening to the VO. I haven't seen EA started and still feel like I am wasting time having to space bar though it.


Now I know a bunch of Fanbois are going to flame but hey I paid for it also!


Good work OP you completely and utterly missed the entire point of this MMO...Bye then.


I suppose your also level 50 and gonna complain you have nothing to do while the rest of us play the game for what it was designed....:confused:

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I think the OP was playing wow to long! In that game you can and I have literally just skipped all the dialog you really don't miss anything because there is really no story it's all about leveling as fast as you can! This game is great in that the story is great and I don't want to skip it!


OP wants to skip and doesn't understand why he is bored and has no idea what is going on?

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The voice acting is what gives everything context, which makes most people feel like they're not doing something for the sake of exp. Plus, you never know when a decision you make will come back around later in the game... so it's important to pay attention.
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