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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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Casuals have it. "ZOMG SO HARDCORES" don't. There's enough of you to populate maybe 2 servers, after you're all done QQ'ing and being so vile to each other, exploiting everything, hacking, cheating, defaming each other, and otherwise being vile that half of you still leave for "greener pastures" in whatever other new shiny "pvp" game is coming out. Cheering that it will be the second coming of christ and then within 2 months flaming the ever loving hell out of it and deficating on it's community and forums while waiting to move on to the next.


Quite like the cancer of the gaming world.


Meanwhile all the "casuals" you so reviled will be here PvE'ing, PvP'ing, RP'ing, enjoying the story and community, patches and expansions thinking to themselves "Thank god all those ******es left".


Full of win, very well put!

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a rather negative tone coming from dego_locc but unfortunately what he says is true. NA pvp servers are dying fast. bioware could have focused on fixing endgame pvp for the real pvpers, like totally revamping endgame open world pvp, not just fixing the engine to fix the lagfest but also adding real pvp objectives, but no. biowares immediate solution is to add another carebear warzone and then give away pvp gear for free.
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Casuals have it. "ZOMG SO HARDCORES" don't. There's enough of you to populate maybe 2 servers, after you're all done QQ'ing and being so vile to each other, exploiting everything, hacking, cheating, defaming each other, and otherwise being vile that half of you still leave for "greener pastures" in whatever other new shiny "pvp" game is coming out. Cheering that it will be the second coming of christ and then within 2 months flaming the ever loving hell out of it and deficating on it's community and forums while waiting to move on to the next.


Quite like the cancer of the gaming world.


Meanwhile all the "casuals" you so reviled will be here PvE'ing, PvP'ing, RP'ing, enjoying the story and community, patches and expansions thinking to themselves "Thank god all those ******es left".


Do I need to point out the irony or do you already get it?

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a rather negative tone coming from dego_locc but unfortunately what he says is true. NA pvp servers are dying fast. bioware could have focused on fixing endgame pvp for the real pvpers, like totally revamping endgame open world pvp, not just fixing the engine to fix the lagfest but also adding real pvp objectives, but no. biowares immediate solution is to add another carebear warzone and then give away pvp gear for free.


Uh, maybe you haven't been paying attention, but Bioware has already admitted Ilum didn't work in its original design so they're redesigning it.

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a rather negative tone coming from dego_locc but unfortunately what he says is true. NA pvp servers are dying fast. bioware could have focused on fixing endgame pvp for the real pvpers, like totally revamping endgame open world pvp, not just fixing the engine to fix the lagfest but also adding real pvp objectives, but no. biowares immediate solution is to add another carebear warzone and then give away pvp gear for free.


I really don't try to come off as negative or hostile, I just state my opinion about the state of the games PVP, and then I get these hostile responses from those who have a different opinion then me, I tend to bark back at them when it isn't entirely needed and I apologize for anytime I come off hostile to others, I do respect other ppl's opinions overall. I just have my own and am voicing them as well.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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PVP should be competitive. It should be about skill.


when I see posts about "New pvpers should get pvp gear" its a big old red flage to be that says "I dont want competition, I dont want skill, I just want to faceroll newbs"


I am glad that they are making PVP gear accessable to new 50 players.

I am glad they are adding in ranked PVP matches. you know, where you actually face off against other geared players and need to have skill in order to win.

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But you could play street fighter, or mortal kombat online for free after the price of the box.... Level playing fields, good competition, no gear or progression and unlockable hidden outfits that are purely cosmetic. Right up your alley from the looks of it.


Why would you pay a subscription for the same experience in an MMO?


And me thinks that in a couple of months if you're really still not bored a good portion of your friends who you play and have a blast with, will be.


The End.

Or he could keep playing this game because bw is making a game he likes. It seems this game will be right up his ally. You are the one who is going to be disappointed so you will be leaving.:D

Edited by Tekeda
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When did the idea that you play a game to enjoy it become so unpopular? The people who play in rated will play in it because they enjoy it. If that's not enough of a reward, then don't play in rated. See how this works? It's all about having fun and not caring about gear and related BS.
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Random wz= gear grind

Rated wz= skilled level playing field. Why on earth would you make a rated wz system where the field is not perfectly even? If you must have gear prgress with stats then how bout a system where you get better gear at "x" rating but have to q in the "x" rating bracket to wear it? I could see how that would make sense. But if we are taking a vote then I will throw my hat in the rated system with no gear factor. And I ONLY pvp thank you.

Edited by Tekeda
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Random wz= gear grind

Rated wz= skilled level playing field. Why on earth would you make a rated wz system where the field is not perfectly even? If you must have gear prgress with stats then how bout a system where you get better gear at "x" rating but have to q in the "x" rating bracket to wear it? I could see how that would make sense. But if we are taking a vote then I will throw my hat in the rated system with no gear factor. And I ONLY pvp thank you.


I like progression. I dont realy care what stats and goodies some other random person over the internet has, all i care about is my own character and the constant improvement of that character until the point i am happy with them.


PvP, just like PvE should provide this option past cosmetics. This is one of the reasons why i dislike the separation of PvE and PvP into separate games via specialist stats, because it makes overall character and stat progression infinitely problematic because one players progression is directly detrimental to another's.


I dont see why they couldnt have have both an equal starter point and then as you progress through each rank you have a new tier of gear that can only be worn when in those specified warzones or in open world PvP (anytime you are flagged).

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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I like progression. I dont realy care what stats and goodies some other random person over the internet has, all i care about is my own character and the constant improvement of that character until the point i am happy with them.


PvP, just like PvE should provide this option past cosmetics. This is one of the reasons why i dislike the separation of PvE and PvP into separate games via specialist stats, because it makes overall character and stat progression infinitely problematic because one players progression is directly detrimental to another's.


I dont see why they could have have both an equal starter point and then as you progress through each rank you have a new tier of gear that can only be worn when in those specified warzones or in open world PvP (anytime you are flagged).

It seems to me alot of you really just want to pve but against other people. It's like you want to "farm" each other and thats just ****ed up imo. I dont want to win because my car is faster I want to win on my driving skills. I think a system where you can move up from the "go-cart" circuit to the "F-1" series would be cool and those who are true PVPers would like it. Those who just want to pve and farm would rather have a "carrot on a stick" to chase. My "carrot on a stick" is smashing your face and the satisfaction that comes with knowing I did it on a even playing field.


I dont see why they could have have both an equal starter point and then as you progress through each rank you have a new tier of gear that can only be worn when in those specified warzones or in open world PvP
I agree with this that is what i was talking about in my previous post when I talked about different brackets. Edited by Tekeda
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If you want progression then pve. There is a difference because npc mobs dont mind being farmed players do. It seems to me alot of you really just want to pve but against other people. It's like you want to "farm" each other and thats just ****ed up imo. Those who want gear based pvp will not be pleased and leave. I on the other hand am pleased with this news and will continue to sub.



Do i want to farm players? No- which is why i did my PvP grind in warzones and not camping reps in their base because that simply isnt fun. So i urge you to refrain from putting words in my mouth or making baseless assumptions. I should not have to do PvE to see any form of progression in my character because the entire concept that PvP and PvE should be separate in a MMO is flawed (both should be viable forms of progression with differing results).


That is what you are missing. My character is my character, in PvP or PvE. It either progresses or it dosnt. The notion that we can have entirely balanced skill only PvP in a game where you control class-based characters not designed for 1v1 combat but group dynamics is also flawed- despite being a noble aspiration.


People think this change will suddenly make everything fine, it wont. Good players will still win, certain classes will still destroy others and people will just shift their focus with regards to what they complain about and call to be nerfed.


The entire basis of a RPG is a personalised, specialised character that is your own. If we all want homogeneous characters with little to no differentiation (which is the ultimate end of trying to remove any kind of statistical variance) then this is not the place.


SFIV > TOR for balanced "player Vs player" :D


Edit: Again, re-read what i said. How the hell does giving a new tier of gear that can only be worn in the higher rated WZs where everyone is equal to you equate to farming lowbies or under-geared players? Be serious.

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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


I agree. i didnt come here for wow 2.0

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Do i want to farm players? No- which is why i did my PvP grind in warzones and not camping reps in their base because that simply isnt fun. So i urge you to refrain from putting words in my mouth or making baseless assumptions. I should not have to do PvE to see any form of progression in my character because the entire concept that PvP and PvE should be separate in a MMO is flawed (both should be viable forms of progression with differing results).


That is what you are missing. My character is my character, in PvP or PvE. It either progresses or it dosnt. The notion that we can have entirely balanced skill only PvP in a game where you control class-based characters not designed for 1v1 combat but group dynamics is also flawed- despite being a noble aspiration.


People think this change will suddenly make everything fine, it wont. Good players will still win, certain classes will still destroy others and people will just shift their focus with regards to what they complain about and call to be nerfed.


The entire basis of a RPG is a personalised, specialised character that is your own. If we all want homogeneous characters with little to no differentiation (which is the ultimate end of trying to remove any kind of statistical variance) then this is not the place.


SFIV > TOR for balanced "player Vs player" :D

People chased carrots in wow for 6 years they are tired of it. If they continue that model it will fail. Edited by Tekeda
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Do i want to farm players? No- which is why i did my PvP grind in warzones and not camping reps in their base because that simply isnt fun. So i urge you to refrain from putting words in my mouth or making baseless assumptions. I should not have to do PvE to see any form of progression in my character because the entire concept that PvP and PvE should be separate in a MMO is flawed (both should be viable forms of progression with differing results).


That is what you are missing. My character is my character, in PvP or PvE. It either progresses or it dosnt. The notion that we can have entirely balanced skill only PvP in a game where you control class-based characters not designed for 1v1 combat but group dynamics is also flawed- despite being a noble aspiration.


People think this change will suddenly make everything fine, it wont. Good players will still win, certain classes will still destroy others and people will just shift their focus with regards to what they complain about and call to be nerfed.


The entire basis of a RPG is a personalised, specialised character that is your own. If we all want homogeneous characters with little to no differentiation (which is the ultimate end of trying to remove any kind of statistical variance) then this is not the place.


SFIV > TOR for balanced "player Vs player" :D


Edit: Again, re-read what i said. How the hell does giving a new tier of gear that can only be worn in the higher rated WZs where everyone is equal to you equate to farming lowbies or under-geared players? Be serious.

It is you who should read.

Random wz= gear grind

Rated wz= skilled level playing field. Why on earth would you make a rated wz system where the field is not perfectly even? If you must have gear prgress with stats then how bout a system where you get better gear at "x" rating but have to q in the "x" rating bracket to wear it? I could see how that would make sense. But if we are taking a vote then I will throw my hat in the rated system with no gear factor. And I ONLY pvp thank you.

. Ya I kind of suggested it before you. Edited by Tekeda
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It is you who should read.

. Ya I kind of suggested it before you.


I never said you didnt, but you then claimed i only wanted to farm players...


I notice however that you have now gone back and changed the post where you did that, so you obviously recognise i was not not saying that at all.



I say "I like progression" and you responded with


It seems to me alot of you really just want to pve but against other people. It's like you want to "farm" each other and thats just ****ed up imo.



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I never said you didnt, but you then claimed i only wanted to farm players...


I notice however that you have now gone back and changed the post where you did that, so you obviously recognise i was not not saying that at all.

I mean if you need slightly different sprites and numbers to convince yourself that you arent wasting your life playing games then I think you should have a way to get them. But to say that just because past mmo follow a formula this one should also is dreaming small imho.

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I mean if you need slightly different sprites and numbers to convince yourself that you arent wasting your life playing games then I think you should have a way to get them. But to say that just because past mmo follow a formula this one should also is dreaming small imho.


I didnt actually mention any past MMOs, you did that.


I simply pointed out the flaw that a character which is your own and unique does not have continuous progression in all spheres of the game.

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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.



oh youd rather a game be gear based instead of skill..i get it, I do.


But kids like you were the ones smiling when wow decided to cut the required ratings from pvp gear..other than the T2 gear with different looks (besides the weapons).

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So OP just wants to faceroll new 50's with his epeen?


The challenge and ranking isn't what he looks for in PvP?


Right on spot.


In PvP - gear should be equalized. That way skill comes out on top. I want to compete in ranked warzones to see how I match up against other skilled players. I don't want to see how my gear matches up to their gear.

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I like progression. I dont realy care what stats and goodies some other random person over the internet has, all i care about is my own character and the constant improvement of that character until the point i am happy with them.


PvP, just like PvE should provide this option past cosmetics. This is one of the reasons why i dislike the separation of PvE and PvP into separate games via specialist stats, because it makes overall character and stat progression infinitely problematic because one players progression is directly detrimental to another's.


I dont see why they couldnt have have both an equal starter point and then as you progress through each rank you have a new tier of gear that can only be worn when in those specified warzones or in open world PvP (anytime you are flagged).

While you didn't mention any other mmo's by name you clearly outlined the past formula they have used as your prefered style of play.

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Quotes in orange as always


Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Less noobs on the server - better experience! Nice.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


This way gear will not take a big role in rated WZ right ? This is kinda... good ? Gear should NEVER be a reward in PVP since if only gear matter in PVP then WHY I should PVP before I get the gear ?


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


If only gear keep you going then your guild was full of noobs that never learn to play. They are afraid to fight with better players with the same gear. Their only advantage was ability to nolife so they could always have best gear... or I'm wrong and rated WZ will be only for people with some skill


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Being high in WZ scoreboard is reward itself. Take as example Guild Wars 2. PVP is NOT about gear grind. It's all about being best in PVP and prove it in tournaments.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


Go grind PVE gear. It's something for you. Spend hundreds of hours in game for some stupid hat just so it have +2 to str while you still sux at playing but your gear carry you. That is PVE and this is why I don't play PVE.

If gear was ONLY THING that carry you in PVP then you never should call yourself a PVP person.

ArenaNet understand that. You could from the start create max lvl character, build it as you want and play it. Bioware just learning that. Gear grind in PVP is worst mistake EVER.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Ilum was a fail because Bioware never listen. People said from the start that Imps will have huge advantage and this is what destroyed Ilum. AND add to that poor game engine that could not support few people on the screen and you have Ilum. Useless slideshow.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


You are rewarded by being BETTER in PVP and being HIGHER in scoreboard. So your name will shine. Nolifers that sit 18h a day grinding for gear in PVP with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded with gear that allow them to own skilled players just because of gear gap.

It's not even near "hardmodes" in PVE that still are ALL about gear and button smashing in right order because enemy is scripted and give you 123234234 signs before he fie some stupid AOE attack that tanks and healers must soak...

Edited by Zilrota
rude edited
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