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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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So again how did the stagard release work out well for anyone other than those that got in right at the start?



This is my point, you think it only "worked" for people who "those that got in right at the start", meaning people who are getting OVER 5 days of EGA, when when everyone signed up they were only told they could get UP TO FIVE. So your upset you're not getting more than you were promised.

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I see both sides to this. Launch was smooth, servers are stable. EA/Bioware got a huge chunk of money before the game was ready for launch.


On the other side, there were problems with redeem codes, friends and guilds are separated by a few days of content, which is a big deal now, but months from now, no one will care if you started Dec 13th or 16th.


Late pre-order people (myself included [Dec 13]) will miss out on some competitive aspects if they join original servers. They can still get server firsts if they roll on the servers that come up with each wave, although I acknowledge that is not viable for people with guilds/friends playing.


Personally I expect crashes, queues, mobs, and the fun of having 4000 people competing in one area at launch of a game, but some don't enjoy that.

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Bioware did what they thought was the best solution to deal with the mass influx of new players. If they had NO early game access, people would whine. If they let everyone in at once, people would whine. Essentially, it seems due to the constant whiners and crybabies on this forum, Bioware has a "damned if we do, damned if we don't" situation - you can't make everyone happy all of the time.


If you don't think you got in when you should have, too bad. You should of pre-ordered at midnight like everyone else who got in Day 1. It's called *Early* Access for a reason, the game doesn't launch until next Tuesday. You're not paying for anything right now, you haven't been charged for the client yet, and their is nothing that says they owe you to be let in early in the first freaking place. Consider yourself luckier than those who didn't pre-order.


If your friends got in early and are now way higher than you - First World Problem, tell them to roll an alt and level with you.


With my professional background, I can paint a picture of what I think they have to do to roll this out as they want, and I'm pretty sure it's not even close to being accurate to the crap they've had to deal with. I'm sure they have a lot more to learn as they are all in new territory, but I commend them for doing a fine job. Nice work, Bioware.

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I got in yesterday morning at 9 am - and you know what? That is EXACTLY when I expected to get in based on my October 5th preorder date.


I played for 15 hours yesterday - and the game ran flawlessley for the most part. Running a Radeon HD 6850 and everything on high, 1920x1080 and the game looks and plays great.


Never once got booted from the server, never once crashed to desktop - seriously, any idiots still raving about "class action lawsuits" and such nonsense really need to get a grip. This staggered launch was great.

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While I'll agree that those who preordered on (for example) December 12 and are complaining that they weren't in on the 13th haven't got a leg to stand on, the assumption that all of us who have complaints about this launch process are that particular brand of entitled doofus is just ignorant and smug.


My husband and I preordered on the first day preorders were available, July 21, at around 8-9 a.m. We ordered two copies from GameStop and received two emails with alleged preorder codes. Only when we tried to enter those codes did we realize that we'd both received the same code and the site wouldn't accept it twice. His preorder went through back then and he's been happily terrorizing the world as a Sith for a couple of days now.


I didn't get my code until December 9, when I could finally get through customer service. And admittedly, once I did get through customer service, they were polite, thorough, and helpful. This doesn't change the fact, however, that there were a lot of errors overall and that some of us (not all; some) are or were still waiting because of an issue that was not our fault.


In short: I do agree that people who waited on their preorders until the day before early access don't have much space to complain; however, I want to make sure there's an understanding overall that we're not all Decemberists. Some of us are only waiting because of errors that weren't our own.


This pretty much sums up the reason I am QQ'ing... I have heard about this type of Sh*t over the last 4 days. I am fine with the staggered approach but, there has been some serious miscommunication on all ends Biowares, gamestop, origin, etc... I don't see a perfect launch/release/ega w/e I see failure on all ends!


but mine! :p


That was a joke so don't get all butt hurt!

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It was NOT a success, nor was it handled brilliantly.


The whole point of the staggering launch was a smooth launch, right?


Well, 2-4 hour queue times with random disconnects from the queue here and there making it more like a 10 hour queue.


Once you're in, you're fine. But while waiting to get in anything can happen and you don't get to cut before others in line if you get disconnected or get some ****** error (error 1003 & 1002).


Hail staggered launch... NOT.


Got in yesterday...which is where I should have gotten in due to my November 12th preorder date. Logged in with my average interact access and way below average computer (box computer from Best Buy bought two years ago, no upgrades, lowest model)...no queue, no problems.


Whine more.

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i don't see how the EGA was success for those who didn't get in day one of EGA or day 2.



The whole reason why (as explained by the community at large) we had the EGA was because this would spread people out to different servers, this would spread people out from levels so there isn't a flood of low levels in one area..


To bad. Most of the servers (in the U.S) are heavy-full with 45-2hr queue lines. And the day oners/day twoers are going to start making new chars... thus flooding low level areas by the time of launch...


so..again.. how was EGA a success? Unless you played uninterrupted for 2 days?




oh and this whole "find a different server you QQER!" uh.. I have the right to play with my friends as much as you do. You aren't entitled to any more of the game than I am.

Edited by Chuckskyline
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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game.


I'm not in the game yet. WAAAAAAH


Hello, hello ! Is anyone out there!

Hello, hello ! Is anyone out there!

Hello is anyone out there?!

Hello is anyone out there?!

Hello, hello ! Is anyone out there!

Hello, hello ! Is anyone out there!

Hello is anyone out there?!

Hello is anyone out there?!

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Oh yeah because its "a large part" of the community. Most people probably didnt even care or wont even try to login till the official launch. Hell i got in on the 13th and only played maybe 4 hours so far.


You have no idea how many people really had a problem with EGA and probably never will. Its the same 20 people on these forums crying and whining non-stop if you look around.


And neither do you. In OTHER games, the competitive community is large. There is no reason to suggest that the same wouldn't be true of this game, other than that the launch effectively nullified the race to 50, and gave a small minority total control over early game market and early gear discrepancy arbitrarily.

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TORs early pre-order start did nothing to actually improve on previous game launches - it had it's own share of issues, deeply offending many gamers expectations of fair play regarding having an equal chance to obtain character names, participate in the first days of a new server or even be able to start at the same time as their guild/friends. Those things obviously are not important to the white knighters who don't feel any of those things are important or otherwise seem to have an obsessive compulsive need to play apologist or make excuses for Bioware at every opportunity.


When everyone is experiencing the same technical or queuing problems it's far easier shrugged off and forgotten - what Bioware did will likely negatively color many customers opinions far longer and contribute to more leaving sooner.

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TORs early pre-order start did nothing to actually improve on previous game launches - it had it's own share of issues, deeply offending many gamers expectations of fair play regarding having an equal chance to obtain character names, participate in the first days of a new server or even be able to start at the same time as their guild/friends. Those things obviously are not important to the white knighters who don't feel any of those things are important or otherwise seem to have an obsessive compulsive need to play apologist or make excuses for Bioware at every opportunity.


When everyone is experiencing the same technical or queuing problems it's far easier shrugged off and forgotten - what Bioware did will likely negatively color many customers opinions far longer and contribute to more leaving sooner.


QFT - most of the BW white knights are too dumb to see the longer impact this start will have

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My issue is not with the EGA it is with the way the EGA order was determined.


By going off of the date that the code was redeemed this alienated people who had pre-ordered but had issues. Due to the huge number of issues with the pre-order codes (with problems related to everyone from Best Buy, to Gamestop, to Origin itself) people who pre-ordered on time, but did not recieve a code for whatever reason, are left out in cold.



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So your standard is you should've been given more than what they promised you?


no, the standard should be that everyone gets equal access.


the way it works now, is people who ordered first get access, unless you pre-ordered through another retailer or had issues with your account. Then it feels like you are arbitrarily waiting extra days to play the game, its unfair


everyone feels cheated when they order the game and are forced to wait



it probably feels even worse when your friends are in there leveling and you're waiting 2+ extra days


YAY now i get to level alone without my friends thanks bioware

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