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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


What a little brown noser... -_-

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You're a schilling troll. You're basically making fun of the people who got left out in the cold, and still are. (I'm still waiting even though I preordered a while ago.) So stop schilling for the company, and understand, not everyone shares your Mary Kay outlook on life.


Define "while ago". November? December? You can read right? They were up front about how it was going to work. Narcissistic turd. I've been playing for a couple of days, because I can read.

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I have to say I was skeptical about the EGA until I started playing. Then I found that my starting zone was not a lag-fest from everyone starting at the same time and I could enjoy the environment and play at my pace.


That I did not have to race and claim-jump mission objectives (even if they respawn within a few seconds) made this brilliant IMHO.

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BW did a great job indeed.


The funniest thing is that the same peeps who were complaining they were waiting for their invite email, and that they would rather wait 2:00 in a queue to reach the server, are now complaining that there are queues to reach the servers :D

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Sorry, they handed this extremely poorly. For instance in the real world, when a company expects you wait in line for something they make it clear that a line will be formed. Everyone understands the concept of a line - first come, first served, no problem. If they made that clear in the first place we'd all be standing quietly in line.


However, Bioware gave no guidance at all. What they did was the equivalent of saying "Just show up before the 20th and you'll be let in. When the mob of people showed up expecting to be let in on the 15th it was THEN that they let the mob know how it would be handled and this is POOR. Now half the crowd is groaning because if they had known they would simply have showed up on the 20th and spared themselves the grief.


Bioware's marketspeak of "up to 5 days" is also misleading since most expected more or less 5 days EGA, and they are STILL encouraging pre-orders with the promise of early access!


SO, I'm not sure how people can say this was handled well at all.



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Sorry, they handed this extremely poorly. For instance in the real world, when a company expects you wait in line for something they make it clear that a line will be formed. Everyone understands the concept of a line - first come, first served, no problem. If they made that clear in the first place we'd all be standing quietly in line.


However, Bioware gave no guidance at all. What they did was the equivalent of saying "Just show up before the 20th and you'll be let in. When the mob of people showed up expecting to be let in on the 15th it was THEN that they let the mob know how it would be handled and this is POOR. Now half the crowd is groaning because if they had known they would simply have showed up on the 20th and spared themselves the grief.


Bioware's marketspeak of "up to 5 days" is also misleading since most expected more or less 5 days EGA, and they are STILL encouraging pre-orders with the promise of early access!


SO, I'm not sure how people can say this was handled well at all.


You've just said exactly what I was thinking.

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Sorry, they handed this extremely poorly. For instance in the real world, when a company expects you wait in line for something they make it clear that a line will be formed. Everyone understands the concept of a line - first come, first served, no problem. If they made that clear in the first place we'd all be standing quietly in line.


However, Bioware gave no guidance at all. What they did was the equivalent of saying "Just show up before the 20th and you'll be let in. When the mob of people showed up expecting to be let in on the 15th it was THEN that they let the mob know how it would be handled and this is POOR. Now half the crowd is groaning because if they had known they would simply have showed up on the 20th and spared themselves the grief.


Bioware's marketspeak of "up to 5 days" is also misleading since most expected more or less 5 days EGA, and they are STILL encouraging pre-orders with the promise of early access!


SO, I'm not sure how people can say this was handled well at all.




When did Bioware not make it clear that this was the way it was going to work?? Please, explain this to me! I beg you!

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Sorry, they handed this extremely poorly. For instance in the real world, when a company expects you wait in line for something they make it clear that a line will be formed. Everyone understands the concept of a line - first come, first served, no problem. If they made that clear in the first place we'd all be standing quietly in line.


However, Bioware gave no guidance at all. What they did was the equivalent of saying "Just show up before the 20th and you'll be let in. When the mob of people showed up expecting to be let in on the 15th it was THEN that they let the mob know how it would be handled and this is POOR. Now half the crowd is groaning because if they had known they would simply have showed up on the 20th and spared themselves the grief.


Bioware's marketspeak of "up to 5 days" is also misleading since most expected more or less 5 days EGA, and they are STILL encouraging pre-orders with the promise of early access!


SO, I'm not sure how people can say this was handled well at all.


I disagree, my eleven year old nephew read the website and told me to pre-order on the first day so we would be the first ones in. People saying it wasn't clear from the beginning just didn't read or didn't comprehend which is their own fault.


Expecting something that wasn't promised is a reflection on the person not BW. BW never guaranteed anyone 5 days of access.

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I really have to ask ... what is with the almost total lack of constructive criticism. Seriously, I feel like there are a small group of us on these forums drowning in a sea of toddlers. Me! Mine! Gimme! Now! Bioware told you their plans. They spelled it out for you. So why all the whining and crying and carrying on? I'm all for voicing your opinion, even if that opinion is negative, but there is a distinct difference between "YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN ME WHAT I WANTED!" and "I think things might have gone more smoothly if you had tried this approach." How do you really expect to be taken seriously when you act like that? Reading these forums, at times, is a depressing commentary on the status of our society.


Being among the Decemberists, I have no issues with waiting until today to get in. I fully expected to not be in until tomorrow, honestly, and am thrilled to even be able to play the game earlier than the 20th. I knew what Bioware was going to do and their reasons, according to them, for it needing to be done and I accepted that. If I had not accepted it, however, and felt the need to voice my disgust at the way the situation was handled I would have done it with grace and not gone running through the forums like Veruca Salt screaming, "I DON'T CARE HOW, I WANT IT NOW!" Honestly, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Edited by Dolcia
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Sorry, they handed this extremely poorly. For instance in the real world, when a company expects you wait in line for something they make it clear that a line will be formed. Everyone understands the concept of a line - first come, first served, no problem. If they made that clear in the first place we'd all be standing quietly in line.


However, Bioware gave no guidance at all. What they did was the equivalent of saying "Just show up before the 20th and you'll be let in. When the mob of people showed up expecting to be let in on the 15th it was THEN that they let the mob know how it would be handled and this is POOR. Now half the crowd is groaning because if they had known they would simply have showed up on the 20th and spared themselves the grief.


Bioware's marketspeak of "up to 5 days" is also misleading since most expected more or less 5 days EGA, and they are STILL encouraging pre-orders with the promise of early access!


SO, I'm not sure how people can say this was handled well at all.


Not sure it's anyone's fault but your own that you refused to notice the "Line forms here" sign that has been present since pre-orders went on sale back in July.

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You're a schilling troll. You're basically making fun of the people who got left out in the cold, and still are. (I'm still waiting even though I preordered a while ago.) So stop schilling for the company, and understand, not everyone shares your Mary Kay outlook on life.


Bump, aslo I just canceled my Pre-order, not trying to pull people in with it or Troll just... after these last few days of next to no information at all my own voice's echo finally caught up after I said I'd never play a new game having gone through AoC, Champions, Tabula Rasa and a few others. Either ToR is going to end up like WoW once all the nagging starts and the Devs NGE this up or... it'll end up F2P in a year. It's 12-16 at 12:00pm EST and they've sent out 2 waves neither of which have included the date I redeemed my code. Don't get me wrong, I'm the idiot for Pre-ordering at the last minute but, they ended at like 12-7 or so yesterday and in two waves they've invited 2 - 3 days. For the time being until I see more of how the game goes (Hopefully well) that $60 isn't worth it. But like I said, hopefully the game goes well and I return but today is not that day.

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While I'll agree that those who preordered on (for example) December 12 and are complaining that they weren't in on the 13th haven't got a leg to stand on, the assumption that all of us who have complaints about this launch process are that particular brand of entitled doofus is just ignorant and smug.


My husband and I preordered on the first day preorders were available, July 21, at around 8-9 a.m. We ordered two copies from GameStop and received two emails with alleged preorder codes. Only when we tried to enter those codes did we realize that we'd both received the same code and the site wouldn't accept it twice. His preorder went through back then and he's been happily terrorizing the world as a Sith for a couple of days now.


I didn't get my code until December 9, when I could finally get through customer service. And admittedly, once I did get through customer service, they were polite, thorough, and helpful. This doesn't change the fact, however, that there were a lot of errors overall and that some of us (not all; some) are or were still waiting because of an issue that was not our fault.


In short: I do agree that people who waited on their preorders until the day before early access don't have much space to complain; however, I want to make sure there's an understanding overall that we're not all Decemberists. Some of us are only waiting because of errors that weren't our own.

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


Oh really sherlock? I am not in game yet, not everyone is in game. I wish people like you would stop antagonizing those of us who have not been invited yet. Yes I know people are already level 40, and yes I know people will be ganking me constantly because I have not been able to level. Why do you feel it necessary to make posts like this to antagonize the rest of us who have been left out? Your entire mail here was a troll message.

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This is far from a successful launch


I can cope with an EGA approach if it was handled in a profession manner with a solid structure and well communicated but what we have is a fiasco.


We have people still unable to play who preordered months ago but have slipped through the net (yes codes activated) - no way to get to talk to someone who can do something about it, suck it and see response


All communications should be posted on the homepage first. Some people choose not to sign up to social media site because they understand the true purpose and how self damaging they can be, therefore I don't wish to visit to get an update for a product I bought from those sites, I expect to get it from the site that sold me the product.


Everywhere you look there are Q's - Q's to the left of me, Q's to the right of me here I am stuck in a Q with you!


Forum Q's

Customer Service Q's

Even ones who obtained access are Qing

Mail Server Q's - 10 hour delay on responses (including auto responses)


Basically BW have completely messed up with their capacity planning, dont start with the launch day rubbish - a licence of this size with the budget they have had to not ensure the fundamentals were in place from the off is criminal.


Spend more money on servers and staff and less on story writers, actors and voice overs that they have told us about how much they spent on it at every opportunity.


I was really looking forward to the game, but I have to say it has been tarnished somewhat due to this debacle.

Edited by BossJawa
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Not sure it's anyone's fault but your own that you refused to notice the "Line forms here" sign that has been present since pre-orders went on sale back in July.


Even I knew the line started in July. I ordered November 25th.


My brother called me relentlessly trying to get me to pre-order ASAP, he told me this would happen. But guess what? I procrastinated, and I wasn't 100% sure I would even play this MMO.


Then I got an invite to beta and after playing it, I kicked myself in the *** so hard for not pre-ordering.


Yes, I knew the lines were formed. Yes, I ordered late. Yes, I watched my family and friends play before me.



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Bump, aslo I just canceled my Pre-order, not trying to pull people in with it or Troll just... after these last few days of next to no information at all my own voice's echo finally caught up after I said I'd never play a new game having gone through AoC, Champions, Tabula Rasa and a few others. Either ToR is going to end up like WoW once all the nagging starts and the Devs NGE this up or... it'll end up F2P in a year. It's 12-16 at 12:00pm EST and they've sent out 2 waves neither of which have included the date I redeemed my code. Don't get me wrong, I'm the idiot for Pre-ordering at the last minute but, they ended at like 12-7 or so yesterday and in two waves they've invited 2 - 3 days. For the time being until I see more of how the game goes (Hopefully well) that $60 isn't worth it. But like I said, hopefully the game goes well and I return but today is not that day.


Nah i really doubt you cancelled your pre-order.

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