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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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It was a brilliant marketing play that some of you fell for that's about it. Pretend you're giving early access when you are really having a staged launch. There was no EGA, launch was the 13th, the day they let customers log on and make permanent characters, the retail release is the 20th. Getting in today will be in no way like early access. It's the same as if you bought any other MMO 4 days after launch.
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Nope it wasnt. Because of EGA and my family and friends are in their 20's now and I dont get to experience early game content with them.


If your family and friends care so little about you that they wont concider making an alt to play with you a little, it's sad. It's not BioWares fault.

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my small buisness is run on that the customer is always right and when i help a customer out even after i have their money i get even more customers because they say stuff to people like phone that guy hes great and he wont give you the run around if you have a problem
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If your family and friends care so little about you that they wont concider making an alt to play with you a little, it's sad. It's not BioWares fault.


I agree dude.. My friends got in later than I did. I created a new character to level with them...

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my small buisness is run on that the customer is always right and when i help a customer out even after i have their money i get even more customers because they say stuff to people like phone that guy hes great and he wont give you the run around if you have a problem


Your small business lacks communication and typing skills.

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Frankly, all this whining and angst from the very vocal complainers is rather disgusting. And actually, I don't blame you... I blame this ridiculous ideology where "the customer is always right"...


Whoever coined that, should get a shotgun to the back of the throat. Because it spawned this incredible phenomenon of self-righteous scrubs. Just because you threw down $5-$60, doesn't entitle you to disgrace mankind with your very own brand of nonsense.


You're not happy with the product?.. Fine! Speak with your money. and most importantly, don't tell me about it.


I dream of a world without individual rights and freedoms, a world where people who ***** about things get recycled as soylent green.



Frankly if you don't like all the Complaining, Don't come read the forums J/A

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Now all the WHINERS ? are in come on some of us are still shivvering out here on Hoth with no help and yea i suppose its my bad but as the decemberists go :-


We are family, I got all my jedis and me

We are the Bioware minority!


and hope for an email :)

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Handled really bad..I was patiently waiting 4 days to get online,because I was promised a smooth experience..all I meet are 2 hour login queue´s,login error messages and overrun starting areas..ergo I was asked to wait 4 days with pathetic information,to avoid what I am now experiencing :mad:

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I get the feeling a month from now everyone is going to the hell out of this game and very few people will remember or care about the whiny little crybabies that didn't get in when they wanted. I played the beta for a good while so I know exactly how spectacular this game is. However I did wait util December to order it. Do you see me ************ and complaining about not getting enough EGA? No! Grow a pair, be an adult and wait your fraking turn
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Handled really bad..I was patiently waiting 4 days to get online,because I was promised a smooth experience..all I meet are 2 hour login queue´s,login error messages and overrun starting areas..ergo I was asked to wait 4 days with pathetic information,to avoid what I am now experiencing :mad:


Choose a less populated server?

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Frankly, all this whining and angst from the very vocal complainers is rather disgusting. And actually, I don't blame you... I blame this ridiculous ideology where "the customer is always right"...


Whoever coined that, should get a shotgun to the back of the throat. Because it spawned this incredible phenomenon of self-righteous scrubs. Just because you threw down $5-$60, doesn't entitle you to disgrace mankind with your very own brand of nonsense.


You're not happy with the product?.. Fine! Speak with your money. and most importantly, don't tell me about it.


I dream of a world without individual rights and freedoms, a world where people who ***** about things get recycled as soylent green.


I don't generally lower myself to the this degree, but you're a smug pos.


People have the right to speak their opinions. Companies often desire these opinions, even when they're not articulated well or make a valid point, because they show displeasure and companies want happy consumers to continue buying their products.


Don't tell you about it? Did anyone force you to come to these forums, to read these specific threads? Then you take the time to comment about it in a very whiny format yourself?


Please continue dreaming of your wonderful world where material production is more important than human expression. Sometimes that expression takes the form of complaint or criticism... regardless, as I've said, these negative posts aren't being forced down your throat. You're wallowing in it, and I have to assume that you really love it because you've obviously read one too many complaint posts.


Frankly, in that absurd world you want so badly, you'd be soylent green yourself.

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


Rift's EGA was way better. Because they did it right; everyone got access at the same time, and they told everyone who complained to basically **** off, rather than just ninja *********** us.

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Handled really bad..I was patiently waiting 4 days to get online,because I was promised a smooth experience..all I meet are 2 hour login queue´s,login error messages and overrun starting areas..ergo I was asked to wait 4 days with pathetic information,to avoid what I am now experiencing :mad:




Aye it was always going to happen that way. Staggering doesn't really do much, it just gives the first few waves a smooth time, once you reach a certain number it's pretty much exactly the same issues as if you didn't stagger at all.

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My biggest frustration with EGA is the horrific lack of communication with the player base. Sure they send out tweets and eventually updated their forums with "wave" information, but what did that tell us? Not a whole lot.


Far better to have posted a loose baseline for when you would get in based on your code entry date. Then i would have had at least a rough estimate for when i would be in game. As it stand now, I stare at twitter waiting for the next wave to be sent, and then drool over my email until I realize that this wave wasn't my magic number.


TL; DR: Better info in the future BioWare. Ty^


QFE. Can't say as I agree with the staggered entry but, if they were determined to do that, they should have kept people better informed. Players shouldn't have to do that on an ad hoc basis in forums that are being thrashed by all the traffic.

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Rift's EGA was way better. Because they did it right; everyone got access at the same time, and they told everyone who complained to basically **** off, rather than just ninja *********** us.




Yup, I reckon Rift did the better job too (so far).

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Im not in yet and I find this perfectly fair. We're all in a giant line so, of course, the people who ordered first will be in the front of the line. Its the same thing as going to the midnight release of a game. You get the game by the order in which you all arrived at the store to get it. There was traffic on the way there and you ended up near the back of the line? Tough. Thats life, **** happens.
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