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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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Stepping back objectively and looking at both sides would probably make this whole discussion go easier.


I'm one of the late entries.


So I can certainly see both sides of the "debate", but it's just loud people yelling at equally loud people, neither side sitting back and looking at the whole, it's two sides of the same coin.


See, when I pre ordered I had no idea about staggering, none at all.

I figured the order you submitted your code was the order email invites went out, which honestly would probably have worked better than staggering with minimal information.


A simple: We are sending out emails per hour based on when you registered your pre order code, we are deciding this monthly, if you have had issues with your code email us now so we can straighten it out.


That should have been emailed to EVERYONE a week prior to the 13th, you'd see less angst and flames. Being proactive is far better than reactive. Maybe disabling forum access until the day your email came and you were allowed in would also have helped the whole matter.


But they didn't, and now things have gone sour for a lot of people, first impression for quite a bit of people is negative, and you only get to make one first impression.


I didn't care when I got in, I knew I'd be in the next to last batch, no what has set my rancor rage flowing is the really, really, screwed up way that the shipping debacle went down. No more online ordering for me, I'm using brick and mortar.


I'll be damned if I agree for something to be shipped, on a certain date, and it gets shipped early, and you bill me without notifying me first. No that does not fly in this zone.



The real kicker, if they hadn't backed off on grace period then it'd have been fine, they back off, panic to rush shipments, and then in the end they go BACK to a grace period, having made people scramble, freak out, and in the case of some of us (me) got to your bank to clear an overdraft charge that hit a full five days before the agreed upon billing date.

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I admit, the idea was great it's just executed very poorly.

In fact I rather spend 2 hours in queue than that (actually I spend 1 hour in queue now so yeah).


The whole point behind waves was not over loading the log in server and stabilize the server population.

This could be achieved by separating the NA and EU and have waves going out at different times, after all different time zones.

Instead they put us all in one big queue which means you achieve neither of the two above.

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EGA worked great, stop crying. If your "buddies" didnt wait for you to get in before they started moving on - then guess what, they probably dont consider you their "buddy". Just be grateful we had been given the opportunity to play in EGA.


We payed for it dude..in my case it cost me the same as 15 days gametime

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I admit, the idea was great it's just executed very poorly.

In fact I rather spend 2 hours in queue than that (actually I spend 1 hour in queue now so yeah).


The whole point behind waves was not over loading the log in server and stabilize the server population.

This could be achieved by separating the NA and EU and have waves going out at different times, after all different time zones.

Instead they put us all in one big queue which means you achieve neither of the two above.


Correct, and we are still sitting waiting on 2+ hour queues. Guess they forgot that friends / guilds playing together will be joining the servers over a period of time. I've spend 20 mins moving 7 places forward in the queue, with this rate its going to be 12 hours before I'm in :) Something must be wrong...

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Wrong. The very definition of Protesting is:


an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.


Complaining because of the disapproval of the way something in handled, is in fact protesting. In fact, the very definition of protesting states that it's in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid.


32 and lifelong gamer doesn't mean much btw, I'm 34 and a lifelong gamer. Quick life lesson: Never stand back and take things you do not approve of. Always fight for what you think is right. Lemmings stand back and do nothing.


LOL, yes, according to a dictionary, that's exactly right. Now on to the real world: when a kid is complaining in the backseat, do the parents say "stop protesting?" Or is it "stop crying /stop complaining?" C'mon, man. If you're really 34 you should know that in the colloquial use, there's a difference in severity between a complaint and a protestation. If you don't get the difference in severity I'll spell it out: your best protest against a company is to not give them your money. Not to go on a board for general discussion of their product and complain, while still funding them. Colloquially, that's just complaining.


Grats on being two years older! Not sure why you needed to one-up something I only mentioned as background establishment, but good for you? Also, have fun "fighting that good fight," while still funding the enemy. It's totally not counter-productive in any way.

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Considering the amount of players that have joined now, I think its been a success too tbh. They said 5 days preorder early access, and thats what they gave everyone and there havent been any big server issues have there? Edited by Spankya
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I'm glad to finally be playing the game, but I wouldn't call this EGA a success by any means. I think it was a major communications failure between Bioware and the players, at the very least. The whole thing had such a negative impact on a very large number of people. I'd bet there is a significantly large portion of the player-base who were in some way negatively affected or inconvenienced by how this was handled.


People sat around waiting, some for days, for invite emails to show up, with almost no information at all as to when they could expect to actually receive them. Groups of friends and guilds became severely fragmented as people received access on different days and different servers. Many people on day two and three were stuck making characters on servers that were already full of people who had been playing for 1-2 days straight, as no new servers were brought online until last night. The list goes on.


Sure, they could have just opened the flood gates on day one and we'd all be complaining about sitting in 2 hour queues. However, I think people getting in today or yesterday would have gladly taken a two hour queue on day one over a 2-3 DAY mystery queue. I think even people who made it in on day one would have preferred that, if it meant they could play with the people they wanted to play with.

Edited by Legendari
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Smoothest launch of an MMO ever incoming. There's been no lag, no que's (on my server), no crash's, smooth questing, our whole guild got in and are rolling flashpoints/pvp together.


Absolutely amazingly well done. The 98% of people who are experiencing that are not on the forum's however, they are playing and loving the game right now.

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Problems move beyond just having the early access the que system is terrible 2hr's for the server I am on which I could live with to tell the truth its a price to be on the best server trouble is the que system has an habbit of kicking people out and instead of allowing people to quickly reconect and retain their place it just sticks you at the back again.


Having early access and still not being able to play is the same as no access at all total waiting time to get in so far 4+ hrs today and still in the middle of the que. Whats so hard to give people their place in the que back is beyond me Rift managed to do at launch so why not SWTOR?

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Considering the amount of players that have joined now, I think its been a success too tbh. They said 5 days preorder early access, and thats what they gave everyone and there havent been any big server issues have there?


How should I know?..cant get online..3 hours queue and getting kicked out of the queue over and over..just keep in mind these early access days was 3x as expensive as a normal day.

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How are they leaving anyone out? It's FREE access time. You didn't pay for it, so why do you feel entitled to it? :rolleyes:




Ha. Occupy TOR!


Sincerely though, this has been a wonderful start to a wonderful game. Some people just like to whine.

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You were told to pre order right away to get earlier access.


You failed. Not Bioware's fault.


HUGE success.


Indeed. Why choose logic when immature rage allows them to blame others? I pre-ordered day 1, I registered my EGA code day 1, and guess what!?...I got EGA day 1. Go figure.

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How should I know?..cant get online..3 hours queue and getting kicked out of the queue over and over..just keep in mind these early access days was 3x as expensive as a normal day.


How were these days 3x as expensive as a normal day? You are literally paying nothing for these days. The money you paid was for whatever comes with your edition of SWTOR, including SWTOR its self and the shipping where it applies. EGA is an added bonus.

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Indeed. Why choose logic when immature rage allows them to blame others? I pre-ordered day 1, I registered my EGA code day 1, and guess what!?...I got EGA day 1. Go figure.



I got you beat, I pre-ordered months late, ( in October ) and expected to not be playing until Friday or Saturday at the earliest, and was playing on the 14th :)


Here I am, procrastinating for months, expect to pay for it and am in a day earlier than anyone expected to be in for most of our wait since the announcement.


You won’t be hearing any complaints about Bioware from me :)

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Indeed. Why choose logic when immature rage allows them to blame others? I pre-ordered day 1, I registered my EGA code day 1, and guess what!?...I got EGA day 1. Go figure.


Me too! Almost everyone got what they thought was advertised, even though they were wrong, and I got extra. My CE came in the mail today - all is shiny with TOR.

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Head start was a great succes yes and thegame runs great and everything, only thing is, people can't enter the game because of queues.


Everything has run brilliantly I think. Best release ever, but the servers is just a major letdown!


Queues are annoying to some extent, but I've encountered no lag or overcrowding. I can start the queue while I make dinner and be ready to play when I'm done.

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


Alot of Decemberers arent in yet.

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EGA = Success. 2 extra days + grace period.


Kudos to BW/EA.


Haters gonna hate, and they're obviously still going to give you their money.


Oh, and I pre ordered from Best Buy and spent 3 weeks getting my pre order code so I could redeem it. Still got 6 days of early access.


Quit complaining that you didn't get to play the same time as someone who pre ordered the game 5 months before you did.


Be thankful we have early access at all.

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Let's see.


- I got to play two days later

- I am waiting in queue that lasts +2 hours

- I have quite some lag on my server


What was the point these waves again?

Who in the right mind thought it was a good idea to not separate NA and EU in both wave times and invites.

That way you could spread people over servers.

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Yes, it was handled brilliantly.


I was August Pre-order, due Origin failure i got my code in November. Did i cry? No, i had faith in company that has made many wonderfull games and company that thinks about their customers. And now im in game, having fun.


So please, id rank it like 9/10 pre-launch. Rift , wow etc failed compared to Bioware. Bioware showed how things should be done.


May the force be with you



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Let's see.


- I got to play two days later

Huge plus. Complete Win for Bioware on this point.

- I am waiting in queue that lasts +2 hours

This isn't anything close to what WoW has experienced in the past. A good sign. Many people want to play, this is good. If you don't want to wait in a queue, move to a lower pop server.

- I have quite some lag on my server

I have experienced NO lag at all. But I moved to a lower pop server because I'm not obsessively tied to a server that makes next to no difference in my play experience.



What was the point these waves again?

To make the launch better. If you think 2 hour queues were bad, imagine if every wave hit at once, there'd be a 6 hour queue on that server you're obsessively compelled to stay logging in to.


Who in the right mind thought it was a good idea to not separate NA and EU in both wave times and invites.

That way you could spread people over servers.

Everyone? The NA and EU servers are completely separate.
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