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Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.

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My issue is not with the EGA it is with the way the EGA order was determined.


By going off of the date that the code was redeemed this alienated people who had pre-ordered but had issues. Due to the huge number of issues with the pre-order codes (with problems related to everyone from Best Buy, to Gamestop, to Origin itself) people who pre-ordered on time, but did not recieve a code for whatever reason, are left out in cold.

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Even though i am not in yet, i am very happy the way they handled the EGA. I will be in today with 2nd or 3rd wave.



The communication was really nice. I dont think it could have been better.

Most importantly, i will be playin at the weekend; which is a huge bonus for someone working.


Thanks for your hard work BW.


Hopefully @20th there wont be any major problems and marking this game, one of the most smooth MMO lauch to this day.

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Yup, this launch will be considered a success providing all goes well on the 20th. Yes there were some whines about a system that has been talked about since July, but those whines fell on deaf ears. I'm pleased BioWare stuck to their guns and stuck with their plan. It's working, hundreds of thousands are playing on stable servers.


Good job BioWare.


No doubt the vocal minority will disagree with me, but BioWare aren't worried about them, if they were, they would have opened the floodgates and crashed the servers by letting everybody in.

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


elitism at its finest

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Leaving people out of the game for days should never be considered a success by any standard.


You know what would have happened if they threw open the gates? DDoS. Endless whining about the login server being smashed, and how the servers were crashing over and over... remember WoW's launch? And they didn't have this many people. Yes, tech has come a long ways, but the real world is still the real world, and a million people logging in at once isn't smooth. This launch as been smooth.


Whine less. I'm still not in the game (Was holding out for CE, finally got DDE on 11th) and I think it was the best way they could have done it. They said "Up to 5 days" and some were in 7 days early. It would have been reasonable (but sad) if they had started rolling people in on the 15th up till launch... they were cool about it and started early.


I swear, I'm really looking forward to the game being available so I can stop coming to these forums and being reminded at the type of people playing it.

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Sorry OP...can't agree with you. I'm still out in the cold waiting to get in. Should i be penalized for making sure this was something that i would enjoy before i spend my hard earned money on it? no.


My biggest frustration with EGA is the horrific lack of communication with the player base. Sure they send out tweets and eventually updated their forums with "wave" information, but what did that tell us? Not a whole lot.


Far better to have posted a loose baseline for when you would get in based on your code entry date. Then i would have had at least a rough estimate for when i would be in game. As it stand now, I stare at twitter waiting for the next wave to be sent, and then drool over my email until I realize that this wave wasn't my magic number.


TL; DR: Better info in the future BioWare. Ty^

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Whomever believes that everyone with a pre-order got in as of 8AM today is mistaken.


My friend bought me a pre-order as a gift back in November 21st and Gamestop screwed me over without providing an early access code on the receipt. It wasn't until last week I had gotten a reply and a keycode sent. It just so happens that the keycode is not associated with the time of purchase, but the time which it was redeemed. (I'd like to make it clear that Bioware is not responsible for this mishap.)


So I'm still waiting in line as both of my friends play the game from level 15-20, I have alot of catching up to do. I am also concerned if I'll even get to join the server they're on in the first place, to get into the guild I was intending to join.


My only criticism is that instead of doing an average of 4 waves at the start of EGA. I think they should've been looking at around 5-6 on average. This would've probably prevented the fact that Bioware did some last minute catch ups by doing 8 waves the other day. Which had obviously congested the servers, and has left the remaining handful of people out in the cold.

Edited by Kerduk
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for every ONE person complaining about how BW handled this rollout, thousands of others are enjoying the game.


the majority of vocal bemoaning are coming from the mouth-holes of a minority of the soon-to-be subscriber population... in other words, haters gonna hate.

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No staggered start was stupid.


Peoples argument was that even though Rift pulled it off TOR couldnt because it had much more pre orders...


I call BS TOR yes had more people pre order but TOR also has a bigger server backbone and could put up more servers. basically it doesnt matter how many poeple you have playing you can scale your production indefinatly.


Peoples argument was that the noob zones would be to crowded...


Yet again all the zones in this game are instanced when they get to a population cap. More instances means less people stealing your mobs.


People argue that everyone will migrate to one or two servers...


They will do that anyways because thats how all these mmos work everyone goes to where the top guilds position themselves.


All in all staggered start was a stupid move and will be remembered as such by a large portion of the community.

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Its the terrible communication that has upset most of people. I'm still not in the game, extremely annoyed, but I wouldn't be annoyed like this if they were to tell me when exactly I can expect to get on to the game rather than checking my emails/ client every few hours..
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No, you couldn't be more wrong. It was a bad idea, poorly executed, and the communication was nonexistent until the overwhelming outcry of enraged customers flooded these forums. It's something I for one will never forget and the bad taste im my mouth no rinsing will remove.
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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.


Actually it wasn't a huge success. Lack of communication pretty much ensured that they have a lot more pissed off customers than they should have had. I don't necessarily disagree with their thinking in how they wanted to roll customers in, but they didn't provide enough previous communication before or during on what they were shooting for.


The gaming community has been primed into a specific thinking of how a game launch, even an early access launch is supposed to work, and they decided to break out of that mold. That's all well and fine, but if you don't communicate it to your customers well enough to start, you get what you had here, a bunch of angry people. Most gamers, even if they complain a bit, are used to queues and waiting so long as they can actually attempt to get in.


Once they actually started the process they could have communicated better what the expected end dates for the day would have been so that people were not hanging around waiting/hoping for a date that was definitely never going to be let in that particular day. In all, I would say it was a failure in that regard.

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You know what would have happened if they threw open the gates? DDoS. Endless whining about the login server being smashed, and how the servers were crashing over and over... remember WoW's launch? And they didn't have this many people. Yes, tech has come a long ways, but the real world is still the real world, and a million people logging in at once isn't smooth. This launch as been smooth.


Whine less. I'm still not in the game (Was holding out for CE, finally got DDE on 11th) and I think it was the best way they could have done it. They said "Up to 5 days" and some were in 7 days early. It would have been reasonable (but sad) if they had started rolling people in on the 15th up till launch... they were cool about it and started early.


I swear, I'm really looking forward to the game being available so I can stop coming to these forums and being reminded at the type of people playing it.


There is a difference between opening the flood gates and working hard to get people into the game. Leaving servers empty the first night, wasn't working hard. The communication helped, but after this tiny wave today and over two hours with no explanation regarding the wave I should be in, I'm growing angry again.

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