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Everything posted by Kerduk

  1. Removed due to inactivity.
  2. Bump? Simple comment maybe? Atleast I spent some time to offer improvements and critique. I really should be playing right now.
  3. Honestly speaking, I don't play with a companion either. I usually have them vegitate in the ship. I don't even waste the money to have them go out and do things (I already have 50k credits at level 20). Although, 2V-R8 is a mildly acceptable healing droid for Sith Warriors, so on occasion I'll take him out to help me and another player when doing heroic quests. However... I am disappointed to think that the game was built around companions as a -necessity- basically. If you don't have your companion out, obviously things get harder. What makes it even worse is that the quests sometimes split your gear with a companion. So when you really should be getting gear to better yourself, you've just got an item to hand to a companion. I specifically remember being level 19 with level 11-13 items. My damage was failing me and things were getting harder and harder to solo without a companion... Ontop of it, I wonder how many people have accidentally vendored items for their companion without even knowing. As far as I am concerned, it's been implemented wrong. A player should always be receiving gear first to better themselves because players go into Warzones and Instances. Companions just tag along with the player. There should be more gear for players and all quests should give you companion gear -ONTOP- of what you're already getting. Furthermore, I don't expect most low-level players to even know where to visit the Market Kiosk initially. So things aren't looking too good for players that want to be personally capable and play by themselves. I am one of them, but I deal with it. I actually joined a PvE server when I really wanted to be on a PvP server. I wanted to fight players. Just players alone, not their crony pet. So I'm level 20 now (late EGA) and I'm better off because by the time anything is done, I may even be level 50. (Shrug) Is what it is. Things will probably change. The timeframe it happens in will most likely be too late.
  4. I was directed here to convey my thoughts on the matter. I think "art" will do nicely. =P Sith Warrior vs. 2V-R8 Essentially how I feel. Enjoy!
  5. Greetings, I just wanted to offer some feedback on my general gameplay experience. Additionally I would like to keep it brief and concise. If these have already been mentioned in the past, I do apologize. However this is my own individual approach and perspective on the subject. Here is my initial outstanding criticisms. Here goes: Smart Camera: There should be an option to disable the camera from automatically centering behind the character. That is until the player uses "right click" to steer it. Left clicking should allow the player to (free look) by pointing the camera in the desired direction, and the WASD keys are used to control your character independently. When left clicking and turning the camera, it should remain in that position until a right click is used to steer it. Chat Box Lock: There should be an option to lock the chat window. This is so it cannot be accidentally dragged, expanded or moved while fighting. While this is active, a player can only interact with it when clicking specifically on the "type message" area itself. Chat Box Currency and NPC Conversation: When trying to divide the Chat Box into two sections (Chat / Loot) it cannot be done. Sometimes the "System Feedback" option incorporates NPC Conversation -AND- Loot/Rewards. The "Coversation" option in chat should incorporate all forms of chat between the player and NPC's including zone notifications, not Loot/Rewards. In example, when playing in PvP Warzones, I literally have to click on my "Loot" tab in order to see PvP announcements in Warzones. As in the messages in Huttball and the Alderaan Civil War and The Void Star appear in the wrong window. (Note: When trying to customize my chat settings in two categories Conversation (General Chat, Trade, etc.) and Rewards/Experience (Valor, Money, Items, Rewards, etc.) I had noticed that I cannot successfully split the two in two different windows. This is my personal preference.) Customer Support Key: Despite my best tries, and convening with other people, it's come to my attention that the "Create Customer Ticket" keybinding (The "\ or |" key) cannot be disabled. Repeatedly I've found myself accidentally pressing this button while trying to begin a chat. (Note: "The Customer Support" keybinding [Ctrl + / key] is not related to the "Create Customer Ticket" keybinding [\ or | key].) Sound Quality Options: It's come to my attention that despite having a Creative X-FI Titainium card, I still have issues with sound from multiple sources and the sound will actually cut-out and silence some sources. My sound will most notably cut out when playing Huttball. This includes Character Sounds, Crowd Sounds, Ambient Sounds (I.E. Fire Traps), Announcer Sounds, and Other Player sounds. There should be an option to adjust the complexity of incoming sounds. Being able to adjust volume will not solve the problem alone. Player vs Companion Gear: It's come to my attention that upon completing a quest, there is a handful of quests that give rewards specifically for your companion and not the player. I am disappointed that "Companion Gear" is not offered by default as an additional reward at the completion the quest. I'd like to make it clear that -the player's character needs come first-. I have found myself doing some hard-core questing and when I was level 19 I still had level 11 gear. A player should have an adequate stream of necessary items to keep the player equipped and up to date. A companions gear should come separately and freely to help the player keep the companion maintained and well equipped. (Note: Additionally let's keep in mind that not all players wish to have companions around. And it almost feels that companions are a necessary aspect to have present at all times, otherwise your personal effectiveness will be halved. As in, it seems that having a companion is a -necessity- and has been factored in as part of your damage. Rather than having your companion as an option and considered an additionally separate source of damage/healing. This becomes increasingly more noticeable when the players gear is lacking.) With that said, that topically covers what's immediately come to mind. Additionally, this list was made to be constructive criticisms which if corrected intend to lead to positive results and refinement of the game. Please refrain from making needless negative comments (I.E. Trolling, Whining, etc.). They don't hold weight here. Thank you.
  6. Whomever believes that everyone with a pre-order got in as of 8AM today is mistaken. My friend bought me a pre-order as a gift back in November 21st and Gamestop screwed me over without providing an early access code on the receipt. It wasn't until last week I had gotten a reply and a keycode sent. It just so happens that the keycode is not associated with the time of purchase, but the time which it was redeemed. (I'd like to make it clear that Bioware is not responsible for this mishap.) So I'm still waiting in line as both of my friends play the game from level 15-20, I have alot of catching up to do. I am also concerned if I'll even get to join the server they're on in the first place, to get into the guild I was intending to join. My only criticism is that instead of doing an average of 4 waves at the start of EGA. I think they should've been looking at around 5-6 on average. This would've probably prevented the fact that Bioware did some last minute catch ups by doing 8 waves the other day. Which had obviously congested the servers, and has left the remaining handful of people out in the cold.
  7. There's a thread for this already. =P http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=30420
  8. Completely unnecessary. Shouldn't you people log off the forums and take a breather before you lose everything before you even get started? I wonder what you folks are like prior to your Birthday's. Some patience please. Because I'll tell you something, being rude will not convince anyone to just change their mind and go "Oh gee, he's being negative! He seems like a respectable person, I should drop what I'm doing and do what this morally sound person told me!"
  9. And I thought this was going to be a thread about Samuel L. Jackson and inquiring if a particular individual is fluent in a specific language.
  10. A friend pre-ordered for me as a gift on November 21st. I've had the receipt for some time from Gamestop. Those... Screw-ups (in replace for a better word) didn't even give me an Early Access code. I sent them an email several days ago on Dec 8th, and they gave me my code on Dec 11th. No good, no good. Oh well.
  11. You know... This is a clearly an obvious statement, but at the same time I am convinced people have already settled into SWTOR so fast they've forgot the game hasn't even been released to everyone. We're still sitting on pre-order codes here folks. It's still early access! Let's keep in mind that there's still people who are biding their time by playing in FPS's and playing-out the last of their MMO subscriptions, etc. I guarantee that us Empire players will be rivaled in number soon enough and there will be plenty of Republic cannon fodder to go around. Furthermore, I expect a healthy Empire community. I would go ahead and speculate that a high percentage of players associated with the Empire are veterans from other games that are looking for a fresh opportunity to isolate themselves from past experiences in other MMO's ahead of everyone else. So it's safe to expect an initial Empire "boom". With that said, considering that when the holiday's pass and the kiddo's get their presents, you'll be singing a different tune. Then the page will turn and you'll be complaining about how watered-down the Republic player masses are. Enjoy the gameplay you have infront of you. This is the most isolated and virtually pure experience you'll ever have, sadly short-lived. You are amongst the highest density of dedicated and enthusiastic SWTOR players. Carry yourselves with some prestige, because soon enough, what little memories you have, you'll look back on these brief days with a smile. You were in first.
  12. Anyone else on the subject? I'm simply curious how many others carry similar perspectives. Although I understand that there is limited world PvP to really weigh in on and consider at this time.
  13. So, this is a simple question for those of the PvP Community in regards to players with companions in Open World PvP. This also stems from my own personal concerns in relation to the situation. Additionally, I apologize in advance if this has been suggested in the past. What is the general consensus about going head-to-head with another player and their companion in the open world? Is there a certain element of honor and/or personal skill lost when everyone seems to have a companion following them around? Do companions feel like a handicap that takes away from the essence of true one-on-one displays of a players personal capability? Does it really still suggest which player is superior with the presence of AI assistance? Ultimately in the end, is open world PvP with companions truly rewarding at all when these aspects are considered? I'm just curious how you feel about this. Thank you. (My separate personal opinion: I ask this question because I was heavily considering on joining a PvP server with fellow friends. As time progressed [to present day] more and more questions were answered about SWTOR and companions in general. As a result I had practically lost all of my personal vigor to PvP at all. That is, to join a PvP server and to PvP outside a Warzone. Maybe I'm not as "hardcore" as some others that PvP for thrill. But I prefer a certain level of decorum and personal refrain from camping and griefing. My idea of PvP is to engage in combat, win or lose, and regardless of outcome, proceed to move on. I think after the first kill or death that the point was made... That is unless, they want to bring their friends and make a war out of it [minus the companions]. Then happy hunting.)
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