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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

First impressions of SWTOR


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Just bought this game finally,and here are my thoughts.


-It's a very well polished game

-graphics are pretty damn good for an MMO

-They seem to have a large dev team dedicated to giving players constant updates

-soundtrack is awsome. to me a soundtrack can put the roleplay into an MMO,but i guess that is just my bias to the IP.

-The storylines/voice overs are great and innovative. It gives a total immersion feeling


If bioware can keep constant updates going, planned expansions, and listen to there players, they will have a very successful game for years to come.


no its not, try doing ilum, or some pvp, and watch the fps crash



lol...no the graphics are not good, theyr just as cartoonish as wow, infact in some aspects lotro had better graphics(turn on the shadows, i dare ya)



The devs pretty much ignored alot of what players in beta told them, incl a lot of bugs, and now theyre getting mud thrown at them for it, they relesed a game with a pvp finder, but none for pve,


Soundtrack is good, if its from kotor 1, or from the movies, but that garbage they copied off kotor 2 is garbage....hated kotor 2.



Storyline is good, till you realise 90% of the remainder of non class story is same crap reshuffled all over again (if your empire) = kill this kill this! (if your republic)= help help halp!!!


anyway...nice try its almost as if your a bioware employee in disguise.


I really do hope they release a cross server pve queuer if they get one for pvp...because you know. if they dont, that would be bias..

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There is that RPG element in this game that plays a large part in what attracts or addicts certain players; that's one of BioWare specialties, along with excellent voice-acting. So, that story element is really one of the primary "hooks" here, and if you're a player who has never really cared for RPG's, then you will definitely miss that "hook", and feel a level of dissatisfaction. I, for one, like the story element of games (as long as they're well-written, which, so far, has been the case for SWTOR, excluding the deus-ex-machina parts which somewhat put me off); this has always separated me from other gaming friends because they're more interested in the action element or some other awesome part. (which I also like, I just don't abandon storytelling for them)


Now, as for the lack of seemingly-basic features that others have argued constitute a good foundation for an MMO, let's be honest in what we're comparing SWTOR to: World of Warcraft. (and I'm not saying we shouldn't be, seeing as SWTOR is practically a copy-paste of WoW) But seriously, let's take this into consideration: World of Warcraft was released in 2004; it's had almost 8 years to get to the point that it's at today. World of Warcraft's "Dungeon Finder" was released in Patch 3.3.0 in Dec 2009 (It was 5 years before a group mission queue was added to WoW) Did BioWare make a mistake in not putting in a queue at the launch? Yes, seeing as group missions appear to be a vital part in reaching the level cap. However, at the rate BioWare is adding new content, and seeing the amount of suggestions by players in the forum for a queue, I doubt it'll be even 1-2 month(s) before a queue system is added. (Then again, I am an optimistic person, but still, I'd like to think that it is possible) It is fair to expect BioWare to be close to or at the same level as WoW, but to expect it to surpass it in the areas the two MMO's hold similar is simply unfair, given the different periods of time Blizzard and BioWare have had to work with. And personally, the fact that my quests/missions are now given in cinematic dialogues with multiple conversation choices, as opposed to a text box with two buttons at the bottom after some story background text, already has me leaning toward SWTOR. The quests of WoW fell into 3-4 different formulas (not that SWTOR doesn't have the same thing), and I didn't really need two paragraphs to read as to why I was helping this NPC out. The cinematic dialogue makes me care more, and I find myself actually knowing why I'm killing whatever I'm killing, or gathering whatever I'm gathering.


I never really cared about crafting, so I'll skip that point; if you're upset that the crafting is flawed in some way, then I have no stance to agree or disagree.


One criticism I do hold for SWTOR is the dependency on group missions to be in the level range you need to be in to continue the class story. Before I get into that, I'll discuss my opinions on the alternative means of leveling (besides normal missions).

Space Combat: Probably the least common method of leveling is Space Combat; The missions require the player to pay attention to everything that's going on during the 3-7 minute-long battle, only to give a paltry sum of EXP. The only way to dodge is the barrel roll, which is ineffective in dodging unless you also move your cursor wildly about the screen. Your shields can't recharge while you're firing your blasters, so if you're getting hit and you want your shield back, you can't destroy the enemy shooting you, and you have to flail your mouse around while button-mashing the Space bar until your shields recharge. In this lost time, objectives can be missed, and since the mission is on-rails, you can't go back; you have to pray the objective pops up again, or else you'll be forced to start from the beginning. Also, not doing space combat or flashpoints early on (as I mistakenly did) leaves you lacking in Fleet Commendations, which are necessary to get very useful add-ons for your ship, such as the EMP Generator, the Power Converter-thingy, etc. This presents a problem for players like myself: I have Grade 5 gear for my ship, but I'm still failing Space Combat missions that only require Grade 3. (maybe its the missing extra add-ons, maybe I'm just not good at space-combat)

PvP Warzones: There's a queue for warzones, and you get EXP for it, so why not? I tried PvP one time, and found it to be very one-sided and confusing: I didn't know what everyone on the team wanted to do (people kind of lone-wolfed it), and the other team seemed to have teamwork perfectly down; getting electrified by two inquisitors and then choked to death is more terrifying than one might think, especially 1v5. I've never been a big PvP fan, and that's just by my own choice; I'd prefer to continue my single-player experience and see how the story unravels. I'm not even sure how much EXP I got for being on the losing side, but if I recall correctly, it wasn't very significant.

Now, back to group missions. I can only imagine how annoying it must be to read a book while fighting a grizzly bear, but I'd like to think I can put myself in a similar situation here when I consider the amount of time in-between my class story missions that I spend trying to get a group together and then completing said group mission, which usually takes 30 minutes. Now, one could say that that's my fault since I'm trying to follow a story in something that was never intended to be story-based. And I would normally agree with that person. However, video games with interesting stories have not always been grizzly bears; at best, they were just tiny mosquitoes that you could smack dead in one hit, read a good number of pages, then smack another one (minus the itching, of course). I find SWTOR to be a grizzly bear game because it's not asking me to do just one group mission at the point that I'm at, but pretty much every one available to me, which is far more time-consuming than I'd care for.


Am I bad at video games? Maybe. Do I expect too much? This is also a possibility. But, I would like to think that I've played enough RPG-leaning games to know when there are too many distractions that are required to continue said story.

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I just have no investment in my Character, not my story, not my companion, the armor I wear looks like the stuff everyone wears at my level, and there are about 3 people on a planet at a time. If I wanted a SPRPG I'd throw KotOR in again (Which I love) But There is very little in this game to warrant it being an MMO, yea some people are in the instance with me... But all they are really doing is making my SPRPG lag. and PVP? every co-op console game available has 20 times more maps and content. Edited by adamqd
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I just have no investment in my Character, not my story, not my companion, the armor I wear looks like the stuff everyone wears at my level, and there are about 3 people on a planet at a time. If I wanted a SPRPG I'd throw KotOR in again (Which I love) But There is very little in this game to warrant it being an MMO, yea some people are in the instance with me... But all they are really doing is making my SPRPG lag.


So, in order to be an mmo according to your standards... what is missing? The server I'm playing on, the Progenitor, has anywhere from 20-100 people on the planets and don't drop below 100 on the fleet during prime time. Is the game more mmo where I am then?

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Originally Posted by TobiV

Not everyone likes treating the game like a second life. As you might have noticed, casuals are the main target of any new game. Take League of Legends as an example. Everybody slandered the game in it's infancy comparing it to Dota and Hon, saying it's way to casual and that it has no e-sport status, that it'll be soon forgotten. Fast forward a few years and it's the most watched game in any e-sport event, not to mention boasting a huge playerbase.


Fine example.


Most of the detractors have very little understanding the genre, the business end of the genre, demongraphics etc. Most of the complaints that I've read are little more then conjecture and hyperbole that extrapolate a little lag into "OMG, the game is unplayable" etc.


The game is already a success. Every single legitimate source monitoring such events have acknowledged that, but if one were to listen to random guy "A" reporting from mom's basement, you would think it is so awful it has contributed to global warming.

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no its not, try doing ilum, or some pvp, and watch the fps crash



lol...no the graphics are not good, theyr just as cartoonish as wow, infact in some aspects lotro had better graphics(turn on the shadows, i dare ya)



The devs pretty much ignored alot of what players in beta told them, incl a lot of bugs, and now theyre getting mud thrown at them for it, they relesed a game with a pvp finder, but none for pve,


Soundtrack is good, if its from kotor 1, or from the movies, but that garbage they copied off kotor 2 is garbage....hated kotor 2.



Storyline is good, till you realise 90% of the remainder of non class story is same crap reshuffled all over again (if your empire) = kill this kill this! (if your republic)= help help halp!!!


anyway...nice try its almost as if your a bioware employee in disguise.


I really do hope they release a cross server pve queuer if they get one for pvp...because you know. if they dont, that would be bias..


This is a classic example of the type of silly reasoning we are seeing.

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I remember the good old days when you didn't like a game, you just quit bothering with playing it, and didn't bother other people for playing it. If you like it, great, if you don't, why are you still here?


Because I love MMO's and atm I'm really reconsidering getting back to RIFT. At least they didn't open zillion of servers in first rush, so you actually have communities left on server level. And it's dynamic. Even if you are bored as hell, you have something to do.


SWTOR is more RPG than MMO. And that's it!

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Because I love MMO's and atm I'm really reconsidering getting back to RIFT. At least they didn't open zillion of servers in first rush, so you actually have communities left on server level. And it's dynamic. Even if you are bored as hell, you have something to do.


SWTOR is more RPG than MMO. And that's it!


Incorrect, RIFT did open "a zillion" servers at launch to deal with all the whining about queues, they've just closed a bunch down since.


Edit: For the OP, glad you are enjoying this great game that will keep getting better.:)

Edited by Malefactor
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I remember the good old days when you didn't like a game, you just quit bothering with playing it, and didn't bother other people for playing it. If you like it, great, if you don't, why are you still here?


So true...ahh the good old days.


Plus on side note a good chunk of the haters are past there 30 day mark and still paying for the game that is soo horrible to them I bet haha.

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raid and pvp? wow thats a lot. its sad when i have more to do in swgemu than i have here...


That is pretty much every MMO to date though.


You get to level cap and you either PVP, or raid and farm gear, or just sit in your capital city or which ever is popular at the time and troll chat.


In my own opinion, this game has alot of potential to continue to grow. The developers are constantly working to fix bugs, glitches while at the same time implementing new content.


Sure, stuff may not get fixed as fast as players would like but there are still bugs that are years old in World of Warcraft. (Mainly from Burning Crusade)

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Everyone has their own definition of success.


Mine is if by the beginning of summer that there's as many active players as there are now. We still have a little while before the 90 mark hits for most players. Then a few weeks after there will be 1.2.


Let's see what happens. It's too premature to call a game a success. Hyping the 1.7 (or 2) million subscriber base doesn't make it a success primarily because of the I.P. A lot of people bought this game because it's STAR WARS. How many continue to play for months on end is the real factor.

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The game does have good LOW LEVEL polish. Its a mess at 50. PVP is a total mess.


The biggest problem with this game is it has no direction at cap, theres too little to do and many of the tools most of us have come to expect via UI tools, macros, meters etc are also absent. The whole legacy thing is kinda disconcerting to me. The devs are basically telling us to roll alts because they know theres nothing to do at 50 and it looks like there won't be much more anytime soon.


I am not sure if its the devs or if it is EA pushing the game out early but this game is not a finished product right now and should never have been released. I think it might appeal to non-mmo vets more than people who have a certain set of expectations.


Have you ever noticed how everything is "coming soon"?! Game is in beta.


So I guess wow is still in beta since they still have a lot of stuff "comming soon"

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My comments related to yours. Remember this was my first impression.


-It's a very well polished game


Overall, it was decently polished. Bugs were numerous but what MMO doesn't have bugs on release? Yes they have fixed quite a few bugs since but there's still bugs that should have been fixed that haven't been.


-graphics are pretty damn good for an MMO


Graphics are ok to good. Pretty damn good is a big stretch. Having to turn them down every time I enter Ilum or a WZ is what makes me lower my rating.


-They seem to have a large dev team dedicated to giving players constant updates


Depends on what updates players consider important. Having one developer, working on his own time, to design custom UI features, and which only about half of it will be ready weeks from now, creates doubts in my mind what they really focus on.


-soundtrack is awsome. to me a soundtrack can put the roleplay into an MMO,but i guess that is just my bias to the IP.


The soundtrack is good. Unfortunately since I am in a large guild that relies heavily on ventrilo, the soundtrack has almost been non-existent for me. But I will admit I'm not a big fan of soundtracks, especially when it has to blend in with environment and ability sounds.


-The storylines/voice overs are great and innovative. It gives a total immersion feeling


At first I felt the same way. After a while I felt the game needed more when I started feeling boxed in doing quests. I noticed that quests, no matter the option given (except to not do the quest) still forced the same outcome. A lot of the options to select in a quest are nothing but filler and really do not alter the quest itself.


If bioware can keep constant updates going, planned expansions, and listen to there players, they will have a very successful game for years to come.


If Bioware does not figure out a way to fix the graphics rendering problem that severely impacts PvP, I'd give it months. Same with balancing factions and server populations.

Edited by Ozzone
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Just bought this game finally,and here are my thoughts.


-It's a very well polished game

-graphics are pretty damn good for an MMO

-They seem to have a large dev team dedicated to giving players constant updates

-soundtrack is awsome. to me a soundtrack can put the roleplay into an MMO,but i guess that is just my bias to the IP.

-The storylines/voice overs are great and innovative. It gives a total immersion feeling


If bioware can keep constant updates going, planned expansions, and listen to there players, they will have a very successful game for years to come.


I have been playing since pre-launch. My impressions were the same as yours, and they remain so.

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I think the game is most certainly "finished." Other than the legacy system, I can't think of anything else that's "coming soon." The combat and overall gameplay is rather well done at launch. Changes have been made, but that's expected of MMOs. MMOs are always changing, whether you consider that a plus or a minus.


Having that "certain set of expectations" is partly your own fault, Mr. MMO Vet. When new games launch, they are new. They don't have the same feel that a game that's been out for several years has. They don't have the same amount of content or features. TOR has a good deal to do for how long it's been out and there's already plenty more on the way. In the three months since launch, we've already seen a new Flashpoint with another new Flashpoint, a new Operation, and a new Warzone all coming within the next month. Better yet, there's a good deal of people that haven't even gotten to the stuff that's already available. I've yet to complete an Operation or even attempt a Hard Mode Flashpoint. I just haven't gotten there yet because I've been experiencing the rest of the game.


Also, games are different. I find TOR to be a true MMORPG rather than just an MMO. There is a very strong RPG element to go with the multiplayer aspect. It's a story-driven MMO developed by BioWare, so it should be no surprise that the real meat of the game lies within the journey to max level. Bringing over expectations from other games just doesn't really work here. I don't expect the same kind of game from Uncharted as I do from Mass Effect. They're both cover shooters, right? They're both on my PS3, right? That doesn't mean they should be identical. If they were, then why would you play and pay for a new game?

well this game is not finished yet so how do you say its finished when there is so many issues with it the game is ok but so many problems need to get fixed this game should have waited awhile longer before they launched pvp is one problem with people hacking and bioware will not do a thing to stop it cause all they care is about money and not hearing the players about whats going on well thats all i got to say ty

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