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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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LoL might have massive queue's, yet it hardly feels jammed when walking around.


my friend logged on while i was questing in nar shadda. there were 28 people on the world counter and 93 in republic fleet. He had 2k queue. Where's servers capacity? even cars hold more people.

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i am in queue for about 4 hours now. I can understand that problems would occur at the launch of a game but this is ridiculous.


At this moment it looks like we've been scammed into preordering. The least they can do is make a post and apologize imo.

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i am in queue for about 4 hours now. I can understand that problems would occur at the launch of a game but this is ridiculous.


At this moment it looks like we've been scammed into preordering. The least they can do is make a post and apologize imo.



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It can't take much to bring down the servers for ten minutes, increase the population cap and temporarily prevent character creation for those not deployed to the server?


I mean I don't expect them to code this in now, but surely they must have the ability to do this already?


Forgive me for sounding bitter but queueing for 2 hours, getting booted when you reach 3rd place in the queue and having to start over is more than frustrating. I didn't choose this server, I was put here with my guild - some of who haven't even joined the server yet.

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Yea, I have been lighting up the forums about this issue trying to spark a Developer to respond and let us know what they're trying to do to address this issue. This is a very big deal. I am still being patient with them right now, because this IS THE PRE-LAUNCH so we're not paying for the game right now, the game is not officially released still...so I do think they deserve a little slack, but when December 20th comes and these issues are not addressed, or not being worked on...there will be a big uproar, because it goes from being free to play / enjoy...to we're paying to wait for 2 hours to play a game...we pay to play...
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Yea, I have been lighting up the forums about this issue trying to spark a Developer to respond and let us know what they're trying to do to address this issue. This is a very big deal. I am still being patient with them right now, because this IS THE PRE-LAUNCH so we're not paying for the game right now, the game is not officially released still...so I do think they deserve a little slack, but when December 20th comes and these issues are not addressed, or not being worked on...there will be a big uproar, because it goes from being free to play / enjoy...to we're paying to wait for 2 hours to play a game...we pay to play...


i agree, ill give them till the 20th, see what they do on tuesday, walking with your cash should work, they have the money from the pre-orders but if they want to carry on getting money, they need to so something, beeing open is a good place to start

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Because your guild and your friends and your enemies and their guilds and their friends are there??? What a question....


It was a good question, and you provided a good answer.

Joining because people you know are on that server had not crosses my mind, since I am the only one of my friends playing and I am not in a guild.

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80 mins queu is nothing at all but 3+ hours is terrible. I would love to play on "empty" server but all my guildies were deployed on most packed up server there is Tomb of something. No easy way for me and I want to play with people I spent last 3+ years in other MMO.
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Seems rather stupid to have to point this out...but the number of new players that will join on the official launch day is miniscule compared to the number of players they've been adding to the game in recent days. Seriously...think about it...if you want to play you would have already gotten it by now...so there's not going to be a spike when launch day hits...if anything there will be a drop when the 48 hour grace period expires...for people who don't have their retail copies yet.


This is a major MMO release...queues are bound to happen around the launch. As the initial rush of launch wears off the queues will mostly disappear...and we'll settle into normal operations of the servers. Everyone is just excited as hell to play...so they're playing all they can.

Edited by Thunder-God
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This good game is being spoilt by the long queues. I waited 1 hour got to position 1 then was disconnected from the server and came back in position 950 and then waited another hour. They have to do something about this or they will lose customers. This is only going to get worse when the 20th arrives.
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I just DC'd and am currently 900 in the queue. It's a shame the game is very good but these horendous queues will drive players away in thier thousands. Far more resourses need dedicating to fix this problem. The game is becoming unplayable.
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For all the folks new to MMO's and particularly large MMO launches


Server population is a very tricky thing.


Years and years of research, real numbers not gustimates, have shown that the standard population of a server is about 5-8% of the total number of players that play on that server logged in at any given time.


During launch of a highly anticipated game, that percentage is wildly higher.


You don’t want to create too many new servers to handle this, as when the playing time normalizes what you have is hundreds of servers that feel very empty, with no one playing, no one to group with.


So you have to balance that, which means that during launch the servers will have a much higher percentage of player forcing queue times that will abate naturally over time leaving you with very good servers with a healthy population of players at a given time.


Bioware is doing the right thing not flooding in new servers, only later to have to transport populations to other servers.


They are doing it right, long queues are normal for the launch of a massive and successful MMO in this day and age.


All will improve over time.


You are absolutely right!

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


Choose a less crowded server. Or ask people to get off nicely. Or wait your turn. Choose wisely.

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im in legions of lettow, last night didnt play because the queue was like +1h had to do another character in a US server because most of the european english speaking servers were all full with ridiculous queue times .

today, again i try to log and 1h25m queue time.... so i cant stop thinking all the time i lost with my original character as gone to waste, not to mention i purchased a colectors edition and it was expensive, i also plan to pay for the subscription, so what i want to know is what is BW going to do bout this and when?

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If you think that 1 hour queue is annoying... Try staying in queue for almost 2 hours, then get an error and "dc from server" when you are next in line. Happend twice now. No problems playing on other servers.


If you think that is bad. I logged in at 17:20 my time. It is now 20:04 and i still have 610 people infront of me, and this IS the server EA allocated me and my guild.

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