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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Definitely understandable, and they (Bioware) has stated that they are watching carefully and slowly opening more servers. A lot of people are wondering why there aren't a ton more and why Bioware isn't rapidly spitting out new servers. Let me ask these people a question in return:


Have any of you ever played Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning?


Pretty big launch, but there was a problem. Too many servers. This caused most servers to be heavy at first, but underpopulated within a couple weeks when the players started to die off (that's what happens, some people leave and don't log on quite as much). Then they had to merge servers. This can be a complete nightmare.


Bioware has learned that mistake with Mythic. I would rather wait 50+ minutes in line than to see my server become a ghost server. That really was horrifying to watch when I started out in WAR. :)


WHy do servers grow unpopulated after only a couple of weeks?


Think about how you answer that question and then tell me if the game might be faced with bigger problems than queue times.

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So rather than spend time trolling the forms, locking down posts and transferring every post that says "HEY FIX THE QUE" here, how about "READING THE POSTS" and FIXING THE QUE? This is page 100, Bioware, you have a problem... tic toc. Getting dropped 8x in one evening and spending more time in the que than playing can't be the experience you want for your players... If we were already in and a computer froze or the internet lagged, just let us get back to what we were doing. Group members are just sitting there waiting for us to come back... Edited by Koldsnap
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i played war for 2 years 3 server transfers and ALOT o complaining..... this is BY FAR the best mmo launch EVER... early access not 5 but 7 days early... game play on max pop servers is smooth even while heavly populated and customer service has been for the most part promt... i luagh at peeps complaining when the game hasnt even hit the storeroom floor yet.... wait till all the christmas presents get opened and you got like 500+ 8 year olds in the newbie areas...lmao SUCK IT UP ... THIS GAME IS AWESOME.... and yes im waiting an hour and a half to play cause i crashed to desktop... :eek:
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When I logged on earlier today, the queue was 500 people, and took about 40 minutes. Now its up to 1200+ and estimating two hours. This is flat out unacceptable for a product that is supposed to hit official release in four days, and has been in development for nearly four years.



So a game that has attracted a large amount of interest is suddenly unacceptable for you now? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but nobody really cares. Be an adult and have some paitence. Try logging in, quea up, and go read a book; knock out some college homework; read the forums; play another game in the background "i like playing EVE while I wait'. Point is, get a life. Do other things besides impaitentaly getting all angry about something nobody can control. You should be excited that this game is this popular. Plenty other games and walking ghosts towns now and are tremendously boring.

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Does anyone know what the server capacity for player population is and what the point of "shards" is if the servers are full with insanely long queues? I though the point of shards was to prevent a server from getting full...


Wow servers have far more than a 100~200 players online... and there is not "shard" yet SWTOR servers are full with hour long queues...

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This isn't even launch and it's only going to get worse. New character creation for people with no characters needs to be locked on very heavy servers with 1+ hour ques needs to be implemented, or else I see 5+ hour ques on certain servers at release.


Makes my pre-release play seem useless since I have to wait 1.5 hours to access the character I've been playing for the last 3-4 days.


If you really want to play with your friends that badly, your friend on the already overpopulated server can re-roll.


Other mmo's already do this, including wow.


In this way the entire server benefits, as they either get -1 or -2, not +1.


Spamming new server's isn't going to do anything if you don't force people to use them.

Edited by Riavan
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Pretty big launch, but there was a problem. Too many servers. This caused most servers to be heavy at first, but underpopulated within a couple weeks when the players started to die off (that's what happens, some people leave and don't log on quite as much). Then they had to merge servers. This can be a complete nightmare.


Bioware has learned that mistake with Mythic. I would rather wait 50+ minutes in line than to see my server become a ghost server. That really was horrifying to watch when I started out in WAR. :)

there's a really really REALLY big flaw with your scenario though.. and more specifically, with BW's way of trying to forestall this problem.


this tactic of limited server release in order to distribute the population would have possibly worked, IF they didn't also couple it with phased EGA invites based upon purchase date.. and then you add in guild deployment to compound the problem.


let me explain.


the EGA people - those who are first day people (like most of my guild) are the people who were watching the news of this game 5 years ago, when it was a rumor. for us from Ahazi players from SWG, we've been waiting, and as soon as preorder was available, we all jumped on it.


these are the people who are most dedicated to the game, and also, the most tightly knit - that's who makes up the first day EGA players.


you combine that with limited servers, and guild allies / adversaries, means that you have just now put the biggest / most active communities, into a limited number of servers.


sounds like a recipe for disaster.

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ok, in all seriousness...I read a post a bit ago that suggestion giving people a grace period after they crash...so they don't need to wait all over again. That's a great idea.




There isn't even a 1 minute grace period, which I find a little ridiculous (should be ~5min).

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totally agree, if a server is full dont allow people to create toon on it -_-


If its that way at release, it will be an epic fail!


Wont work.


What happens if someones guild is on that server? Yet they have not logged on yet to create a character? What about their friends who are entering on teh 20th?



Suck it up. Queues are a fact of MMO launches. This EGA was never going to get rid of them, it just raised expectations to an unmeetable level. Live with the queue or re-roll....thems the only options.

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This isn't even launch and it's only going to get worse. New character creation for people with no characters needs to be locked on very heavy servers with 1+ hour ques needs to be implemented, or else I see 5+ hour ques on certain servers at release.


Makes my pre-release play seem useless since I have to wait 1.5 hours to access the character I've been playing for the last 3-4 days.


If you really want to play with your friends that badly, your friend on the already overpopulated server can re-roll.


Other mmo's already do this, including wow.


In this way the entire server benefits, as they either get -1 or -2, not +1.


Except that for alot of us we did the prelaunch guild deployment and the server where ya know our guild is and where BW put us is full. I think they need to redistribute populations or increase caps. PERIOD.

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Well you go do better.


Honestly. Criticising people tantruming over things they do not fully understand.


Well if the would fix the problem or at least explain why they screwed up with the servers in the first place then maybe people would be a little less upset.

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They ARE prepared. They have no control over the bad decisions of players.


I understand that, but that is how it has always been, and the majority of players have always made the choice to go for a heavier pop. than a lower pop.....did they think the people playing this game would be different? A little disclaimer/note would do a lot of good at the server choice screen, at least during EGA/launch period.


(upon clicking a server with a heavy-very heavy population) NOTE: This currently very populated, while we desire that you choose whichever server you want, we suggest a lower population server choice, as they will eventually have larger populations and it will keep the already populated servers from getting over-crowded."


Sure, a lot of people would ignore it, a lot of people are choosing a server because of the name, or because their friends/guildees are on it, but a lot would also be like 'oh, ok!' and follow the advice, this could have helped IMMENSELY.


Also would have helped had they had the RP-PvP guilds in the deployment program, and had a few more of those servers (I guarantee you people who wanted to roll on those servers are just choosing other servers because of the long wait times, this is not good for the community of either servers to have people wishing they had been able to choose a different server type.)

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I don't mind waiting in a queue, that's what I expect after 10 years of playing mmo's, but it's not good advertising for their game for people that don't have the experience in MMO's or the launching of MMO's. Give it a month and it will settle down, but until then it's gonna be frustrating for everyone unless they raise the cap on the servers.




I've been posting this everywhere, but so many of us keep saying that "10 years of mmo's this is what i expect" is the EXACT reason why i wanted bioware to use that big giant, world record setting budget of theirs to try and fix once and for all.


They could have made an architecture where character data lives in a centralized place, and you vend out to all the various servers based on locations of your instances or all kinds of things. I think it would have been worth it for them to try and make something super smart, and super high tech, kinda like CCP games server to try and fix this issue.


Oh well, they didn't... At this point, all i can hope for is they have us artificially capped. For now, i'm just not getting married to any one particular character and am just rolling toons all over, i'll make my decision of where i want to live after launch.

Edited by kalexkhan
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i played war for 2 years 3 server transfers and ALOT o complaining..... this is BY FAR the best mmo launch EVER... early access not 5 but 7 days early... game play on max pop servers is smooth even while heavly populated and customer service has been for the most part promt... i luagh at peeps complaining when the game hasnt even hit the storeroom floor yet.... wait till all the christmas presents get opened and you got like 500+ 8 year olds in the newbie areas...lmao SUCK IT UP ... THIS GAME IS AWESOME.... and yes im waiting an hour and a half to play cause i crashed to desktop... :eek:



They dont get it. This genre has become a "do what I want or I quit" mentality. Dont know where it came from, but it is sad to see people calling this game fail when it is really awsome. The lack of impaitence is childish. My 3 yr old has 10 times the amount of paitence as this player base. I had doubts about this game, but BW did an excellent job and to see people spit on it because they are acting like children is quite shameful.

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WHy do servers grow unpopulated after only a couple of weeks?


Think about how you answer that question and then tell me if the game might be faced with bigger problems than queue times.


For general game servers I'm not talking that servers go unpopulated, nor did I say so. I was merely saying players continue on with their lives such as work, social life, play, school, etc. I'm going to try and explain it like this:


People have been waiting for this MMO for a really long time. Some more than others. Naturally, everyone is pretty excited to play. So when launch day comes near and Bioware start letting people in then everyone, and I mean everyone, comes running through the front doors. In fact, some people have even taken off work or school, or anything that requires their time, just to play this game.


Now obviously people have lives other than TOR, so after a couple to a few weeks people continue on with them. Sure, they continue to play TOR, but they really can't take off any more time for work to play can they? People aren't as eager to get in because the freshness wears off. This is true for anything. Of course, some people are always overly eager, but that's a very small percentage.


This doesn't mean the server becomes underpopulated as you said, but makes everyone spread their own time to play more evenly. That's my theory anyway, and I'm sticking to it. I'm not a god, prophet, nor jedi knight, so I don't have all the right answers. I hope I tried to explain myself efficiently and effectively. :)

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paying money to sit there for 2+ hours staring at at 4 figure numbers is not my idea of a good launch....

but i hope we have all learnt a good lesson: never log out..


the game has a memory leak (for me at least) and if I stay logged in for like 5-8 hours, my computer shuts down...also, if I go idle for more than 5 minutes, I get DCed

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