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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I expected them to learn from past releases and not underestimate what was obviously going to be a major release.


There's a bit of learning, but you try calculating thousands, actually a few million players to fit on servers. Try to nail it right on the head. It's impossible. Compared to other releases, this one is pretty amazing. All these people are suddenly cramming onto the servers and have been for some time. The servers are being stressed, going in overload, and know what? They haven't crashed yet. That's pretty amazing to me my friend. :cool:

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Reminds me of RIFT queues wait all day then get an error....


And when you finally got into the game you realized it sucked. =D




ok, in all seriousness...I read a post a bit ago that suggestion giving people a grace period after they crash...so they don't need to wait all over again. That's a great idea.

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As a long time MMOer I'm pretty use to seeing these sorts of messages on the forums come time to launch any majorly anticipated MMO. WoW, Planetside, Earth and Beyond, LoTRO, WAR, AoC, Aion; all these MMOs had queues for EGA and launch. The queues generally die down after a week or two when players relax a bit more and carry on a bit more with their daily lives instead of all logging in wanting to play.


This is no different with TOR, especially since it's the MMO that will have the biggest launch in history. Did you lot not expect to wait in line? I'm still waiting for a queue and will probably be waiting another 20-40 minutes. All I have to do is CTRL+ALT+ESC and I can roam the internet freely while waiting..;)


It sucks to wait I know, but this is how major MMOs have to start out. Don't like it? Nobody's putting a gun to your head. That's my take on it at least. Feel free to flame.. :rolleyes:


I agree with this. I think the big frustration is when you finally get through the queue, log in, and then the game boots you out and you have to start all over again. Makes a very bad impression.

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they knew exactly how many people were pre-ordered and how many they were letting in on which days, there's no reason they should not have been prepared for peak time server capacity


They obviously underestimated the popularity of PVP servers. There's plenty of PVE servers with room.

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they knew exactly how many people were pre-ordered and how many they were letting in on which days, there's no reason they should not have been prepared for peak time server capacity


It's like the one saying y'know? The one that goes something like "easier said than done"? Have you ever been in a situation where something you thought small suddenly shoots out of proportion. Of course you have. We all have. Just hang in there tight my friend, we'll get through this. We're in it together. That's the cool thing about MMO launches; we're making history. :)

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they knew exactly how many people were pre-ordered and how many they were letting in on which days, there's no reason they should not have been prepared for peak time server capacity



They ARE prepared. They have no control over the bad decisions of players.

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There's a bit of learning, but you try calculating thousands, actually a few million players to fit on servers. Try to nail it right on the head. It's impossible. Compared to other releases, this one is pretty amazing. All these people are suddenly cramming onto the servers and have been for some time. The servers are being stressed, going in overload, and know what? They haven't crashed yet. That's pretty amazing to me my friend. :cool:

i'm looking at the list of west coast servers, and 2/3 of them are full, with half of the remaining "heavy" or "very heavy"..


considering they know the numbers (remember, this is EGA, they know the EXACT number, and control the rate of release), i would say that's actually not very amazing.


it's kinda like saying i dropped a car from a plane, and i'm amazed it hit the earth, and not the ocean.

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We all seem to forget that people have been waiting for this game for quite some time. Everyone is eager. That means everyone is coming on to play. After a couple to a few weeks that eagerness will wear off. We all just have to hang in tight. There is no calm before the storm my friends.


Look on the bright side. We're making MMO history. This is the biggest MMO launch ever. Yay!!! :)

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The game is now in its Early Release window... and the Queue times are now already unacceptable and we are in a "limited" release... What will happen when launch goes world wide and is in full release.... All servers instead of just 80% of them will have queues.... This is a bad indicator of things to come.


With the Shards spawning new worlds... how can it be possible for servers to be "full". Should it not just spawn a new shard???

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The game is now in its Early Release window... and the Queue times are now already unacceptable and we are in a "limited" release... What will happen when launch goes world wide and is in full release.... All servers instead of just 80% of them will have queues.... This is a bad indicator of things to come.


With the Shards spawning new worlds... how can it be possible for servers to be "full". Should it not just spawn a new shard???



Get ready for 4 hour queues.

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wanting to play with friends isn't a bad decision.



Yeah, it is if they're on a full server. If they got access to the game sooner than you and that's why you weren't with them, then that's life. If they're your friends, they'll reroll on another server with you.


If you're part of a guild, then you're not one of the people making the bad decisions, since you were assigned there.

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i'm looking at the list of west coast servers, and 2/3 of them are full, with half of the remaining "heavy" or "very heavy"..


considering they know the numbers (remember, this is EGA, they know the EXACT number, and control the rate of release), i would say that's actually not very amazing.


it's kinda like saying i dropped a car from a plane, and i'm amazed it hit the earth, and not the ocean.


Definitely understandable, and they (Bioware) has stated that they are watching carefully and slowly opening more servers. A lot of people are wondering why there aren't a ton more and why Bioware isn't rapidly spitting out new servers. Let me ask these people a question in return:


Have any of you ever played Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning?


Pretty big launch, but there was a problem. Too many servers. This caused most servers to be heavy at first, but underpopulated within a couple weeks when the players started to die off (that's what happens, some people leave and don't log on quite as much). Then they had to merge servers. This can be a complete nightmare.


Bioware has learned that mistake with Mythic. I would rather wait 50+ minutes in line than to see my server become a ghost server. That really was horrifying to watch when I started out in WAR. :)

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So...can all the whiners please leave the game and go back to WoW where nobody is jumping board to enter the game and let us "adults" continue playing our game?


Seriously, grow up. It's frankly disgusting seeing everyone on here complain about everything. I would think that huge server populations are a wonderous thing. It means the game has life and a bright future. I hope BW doesn't fall prey to the "do what I want or else I quit" players. Frankly, it's that mentality that ruins games and communities. Rift Devs started doing everything the community wanted instead of looking after the benifit of the game itself. Now Rift is just full of a bunch of whiners, and unfortunatley, the devs bent in and in the process has ruined the game more than it has helped it.


Ironically, I joined a quea and read all these complaining remarks and typed this message. Now my quea is up and i can go play :D. Everyone just needs to chill out and act like adults. Please understand that queas are a blessing and will smooth out soon.


btw, please dont nitpick my spelling. If I really wanted to be technical I could, however I just wanted to get this out post haste.

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The Problem with West Coast servers is that we got everyone in western United States wanting to play, plus western Canada, and all the Australians wanting to log in to have a low latency. =/


High Latency & Low Pop vs Low Latency & High Pop.

Pick your poison.

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When I logged on earlier today, the queue was 500 people, and took about 40 minutes. Now its up to 1200+ and estimating two hours. This is flat out unacceptable for a product that is supposed to hit official release in four days, and has been in development for nearly four years.
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Your crying over a 15 min queue? Maybe you should not be playing MMO's. The SwitftSure is at hour and a half right now because its the "unofficial oceanic pvp server" which is horse ****. Only reason I am waiting for this queue is because thats where our guild was placed.


Did you ever think that perhaps some USA folks want to play on the server to get the advantage of playing Oceanic players with a higher ping? Just a thought, you can't assume the whole problem for that server lies solely in the hands of Aussies :)


Queues are going to happen till servers get thier final pop cap down the line and the game starts to stabilize a little once the devs are happy.


We are still in early access its not to late for your guild to perhaps change a server, i'm sure you understand you have alot more servers with people in your time zone than the aussies do in thier's. I'm sorry it was your server that the aussies rolled on, but it was always going to be one.

Have a great xmas and good new year :)

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They obviously underestimated the popularity of PVP servers. There's plenty of PVE servers with room.


Have a look at US West Coast servers. Doesn't matter if it's PVP, PVE or RP, they are either full or very heavy. On Harbinger I started at 1281st when I first logged in, I'm now 1028th in the queue.


Both the servers with the longest wait is Harbinger and Swiftsure (90-120 mins each). Both of these servers have been listed as the unofficial Oceanic servers when BW placed the majority of the guilds on these 2 servers. I think BW underestimated the amount of Oceanic people playing the game.


And it's not easy for people in Oceanic areas to reroll because it's no fun going on to a predominantly US POP server and trying to get a group when they're all sleeping. This is why they stick together.


I don't mind waiting in a queue, that's what I expect after 10 years of playing mmo's, but it's not good advertising for their game for people that don't have the experience in MMO's or the launching of MMO's. Give it a month and it will settle down, but until then it's gonna be frustrating for everyone unless they raise the cap on the servers.

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i just dont understand this. you would think a company as big as bioware would be prepared for this kind of server load. this isnt even launch just early acces and its already completely unacceptable. I for one wont pay a subscription fee to sit in queue for 3 hours before i can play. either go free to play or increase the servers or lock the ones jammed with huge que times do something ANYTHING. i like the game and would like to continue playing but i wont pay to sit in queue's that a monkey with an extra chromosome could have told you were going to happen before early access. i mean seriously get your act togeather or your just going to fade into obscurity like so many other fail mmos before you
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I will be patient for a while and hope for the best, but if logging on to play stays this aggravating i will not be playing (or paying) for long... even though I did buy the S.E and have been waiting for this launch for a couple of years!
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When I logged on earlier today, the queue was 500 people, and took about 40 minutes. Now its up to 1200+ and estimating two hours. This is flat out unacceptable for a product that is supposed to hit official release in four days, and has been in development for nearly four years.


totally agree, if a server is full dont allow people to create toon on it -_-


If its that way at release, it will be an epic fail!

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