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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I'm currently in cue position #1,447...... Why cram everyone into one server? Some people take time off to get things rollinghere and you have to wait 2 hours to be able to even log in... Very annoying. I'm tempted to roll a toon on another server but scared that this will happen either way.
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How about I throw in my own say.


I preordered the game because of the lure of early access, which meant my characters would be high enough level not to swim in n00bs on the 20th.


I worked hard at building up a guild for early deployment so that me and my mates could discover and enjoy the game together, before the flood of newbies.


Then the miracle happens, we deploy and are in!


Oh wait, Jack ain't in yet. Called him, hes in queue. Should be logged in about an hour. Annie just went d/c while we were in a flashpoint. Lets us know on Teamspeak she cant get back in for another hour, so we should carry on without her.


This is the real live experience. Now we'll barely make it out the n00b zones in time for the 20th, since we all have lives and mostly play in the evening with the hour(s)-long queues. Thank goodness I gave my money to Bioware months in advance and gave them all that free publicity by recruiting for my guild ahead of time.


Now we're stuck on a high-pop pvp servers, queuing and hoping to spend an hour or two together before we have to hit the sack because we work in the morning. Two of my friends ran and bought cables for their laptops to avoid the risk of wireless hiccups that would cost them their evening of play.


I love this game.... I just wish I could actually PLAY it.


Is this on "Swiftsure" because we have exactly the same problem there... All the Oceanic guilds got piled into that one and now we've got 1hr 30min queues every time we login...


And if you get disconnected in the middle of something, you've got a 1hr 30min queue...


Although my guild is on this server, I'm wondering if it's better just to reroll to the non-Oceanic server, because this doesn't help us at all, there's still Americans on this server with with no lag and no latency who can smash us in PvP because they have no delay, so I might as well just be on a server that allows me to login when I'm able to play...


1hr 30min queues are a joke...

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I had a 1.5 hour wait to get in game today which let me start by saying I don't have an issue with bewcause I selected a server that I know has a very high population.


The issue I have is after waiting 1.5 hours i got in game, 10 minutes later my game crashed. Now I assumed that I would be given some time to log back in without having to wait in queue, but nope I went right back to end of the line in position 1,199, It will be over 2 hours this time to get in game.


Is this being looked at? Because that really does ruin a day.

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friend has given up trying to play with me on bloodworthy (EU-PVP) server after his 4 hour queue estimate.. that's abit OTT i hope these artificial caps are true and severe, i don't want to do this on release


however i would pay £1-2 for a high/full to low/medium server migration (of my choice), or a free X->Y, Z->W server style migration.. for free :)


if there's no option of the kind, i shall continue pressing space even if im not playing swtor just to make sure i don't hit the 4 hour queue limit again

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Is this on "Swiftsure" because we have exactly the same problem there... All the Oceanic guilds got piled into that one and now we've got 1hr 30min queues every time we login...


And if you get disconnected in the middle of something, you've got a 1hr 30min queue...


Although my guild is on this server, I'm wondering if it's better just to reroll to the non-Oceanic server, because this doesn't help us at all, there's still Americans on this server with with no lag and no latency who can smash us in PvP because they have no delay, so I might as well just be on a server that allows me to login when I'm able to play...


1hr 30min queues are a joke...


I'm on swiftsure and I have almost given up on my lvl 21 sith. I am thinking about getting a refund from origin and then maybe repurchasing in a few months if this is worked out.

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got home, logged in, 1027 in queue for Harbinger (i didn't move here, i was deployed here by BW along with the rest of my guild on day 1).


an hour later, i'm 424 in queue, bar has ~40% more to go, and has moved by 2 spots in the type its taken for me to type this.


i'm probably one of the lucky people to get in before 7 (if i do), because i'm sure from this point onward, the queue's only going to be worse as people start getting off work on the west coast.

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Kinda funny how anyone that doesn't see eye to eye with you are "whining little brat"s. Anyone who thinks they deserve better from a company they gave $60 or more to are "whining little brat"s. And you call me 12?


You need to take a step back and see that you are just as bad if not worse then the people on here complaining of queues.


Amen bro, customers are entitled to their opinions about service. Quit trying to tear down others for having an opinion that doesn't match yours, good post.

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it makes no sense, limit people who can get in so there isn't too much jam on the servers, but then allow too many people in before you have the server capacity to hold them? considering they knew their #s before all of this, it makes no sense how they were not ready to handle the load....my queue time is getting higher, not lower...
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We need an answer to this issue. They put me on swiftsure and now I have to wait an hour and a half, that is if the launcher doesn't crash.


I really dont want to reroll my character. We did what Bioware wanted and rolled where they told us to roll. Now we are in a tough position with no answers.

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All the Australian guilds landed on The Harbinger.


I really wish I set up RDP on my phone to start the queue before leaving work.


I wish we had known this. my guild was placed on Harbinger because, surprise, we're in california (west coast)..

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Hey all,

If you saw the earlier posts, what we have now is just a launch issue. Real numbers show that 5-8% of a server pop is online at any given moment, so our servers are going to be built based on those numbers.


BTW, I'm on Swiftsure - the original Aussie PVP server, and let me tell you, the wait is worth it. US - AUS flamewars galore. No seriously, as a Canadian I find them hilarious.


Anyhow, when everyone calms down and sorts out their stuff, you'll find that your full server becomes a light, standard, or heavy server. This means that you'll have a lot fewer people to compete with, but a lot fewer to group with too. Right now, there are more folks on the starter six and the fleet stations hopping with folks. This feels less like an RPG with a few annoying levellers stealing your stuff than a proper Facebook-with-blasters hotspot.



It's good...once you get on.



And while you're not...we're with you. Waiting for the Christmas promise of a newborn Sith/Jedi/BH/Smuggler/Agent/Trooper...who will bring peace to a troubled galaxy (or mayhem, you darksiders you).



The 99% (of us who are in queues waiting to play)

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Adding a few more servers would help ques a bit, no new West Coast PvP servers have been put up, and they are at max right now, but im taking up a spot on one of the full ones while I wait for a new server (I know alot of other people are too). DECEMBERISTS= FAT QUES
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I wish we had known this. my guild was placed on Harbinger because, surprise, we're in california (west coast)..


There was like some secret nationwide meeting about which servers to roll on for them. I have an Aussie in my guild and there's an actual website telling them where to all go.

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Is it a known issue that after sitting in the queue and getting to 0 that there's an Error 1005? Everything worked last night so I'm assuming that it's just related to the queue issue, but would rather deal with a local problem now when I can't get in anyway.
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Adding a few more servers would help ques a bit, no new West Coast PvP servers have been put up, and they are at max right now, but im taking up a spot on one of the full ones while I wait for a new server (I know alot of other people are too). DECEMBERISTS= FAT QUES


they should just work on increasing the capacity of the servers they have....3-6 months down the line when I convince my GF to get the game, she better be able to get on my server

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Not only will they add resources as needed, but they probably set the max user artifically low at first. Let the server fill up and watch the performance.L.


that is probably exactly what they are doing... from a sales point of view.. better to have people lining up to get in a small club, than have a big club that seems empty even with a ton of people because its so cavernous


the worlds and buildings are sooo vast. we have to run forever. i wonder if that could be scaled down

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Adding a few more servers would help ques a bit, no new West Coast PvP servers have been put up, and they are at max right now, but im taking up a spot on one of the full ones while I wait for a new server (I know alot of other people are too). DECEMBERISTS= FAT QUES



No it wouldn't... that's the problem. The problem is player stupidity. New players roll on a high pop server because they're paranoid that lower pop servers will forever be lower pop servers. They're too dumb to realize that BW is trying to get people to move to other servers and are purposefully NOT opening new servers very fast because they want balanced populations.

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