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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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On Bloodworthy at 300th after over 3 hours of waiting in a queue which started at 1600...


It's all well and good EA saying choose another server, that what I did 2 days ago... and guess what that server is full too! I have invested too much time in my character to change unless my character can be moved?!


Any attempt to resolve this would be appreciated, bullcrap like "choose another server" just doesn't cut it as a response!

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They should block the possibility to create characters on Legions of Lettuce cause I can't get in on my server.


I really like the suggestion post in the stickies - "if your server is full we suggest playing on another, lower population server". Guess what, all of them are full and with queues!


I guess when leaving home I'll just park my character next to a wall and block the "W" key to remain logged while I'm gone, so I don't have to endure the queue to play when I can.

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


LOL. Never been on an MMO during a launch day huh? Wait till the 20th queue will be insane. There were games that launched and had 12 hour queue times!


Suck it up act your age and do something while you wait in queue!

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On Bloodworthy at 300th after over 3 hours of waiting in a queue which started at 1600...


It's all well and good EA saying choose another server, that what I did 2 days ago... and guess what that server is full too! I have invested too much time in my character to change unless my character can be moved?!


Any attempt to resolve this would be appreciated, bullcrap like "choose another server" just doesn't cut it as a response!



that is your reward for EAG 2 days ago i watched ppl like you mock me when i wasnt on! hahhahah

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On Bloodworthy at 300th after over 3 hours of waiting in a queue which started at 1600...


It's all well and good EA saying choose another server, that what I did 2 days ago... and guess what that server is full too! I have invested too much time in my character to change unless my character can be moved?!


Any attempt to resolve this would be appreciated, bullcrap like "choose another server" just doesn't cut it as a response!


Agree totally i find that an unacceptable response unless you are given free transfer for you and your buddies/guild.

I find the well if you don't like it the start again answer a disgrace.

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LOL. Never been on an MMO during a launch day huh? Wait till the 20th queue will be insane. There were games that launched and had 12 hour queue times!


Suck it up act your age and do something while you wait in queue!


Ya, cause that makes it excusable. "Hey, other games had queues! Deal with it!" What if you only get an hour or two a night to play and that time is wasted sitting in a queue. But hey, by all means go do something else. Then when you miss your chance to login just wait again!

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Welcome to first week till of a new mmo




30 minutes..even a hour with new MMO's.

I can't claim to have played them all, but in the last 23 years I've played maybe 40 (have 9 on my HDD now (SWTOR, Lotro, FFXIV Lineage II. EvE, WoW Golfstar, Atlantica and STO)


LOngest time I've queued since the original everquest is about an hour.


3 hours plus.


Nah..never going to happen. Game goes in the bin before I do that. Life is to darn short.

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There should be at least a grace period for re-log / disconnect situations.


Getting thrown back to position 980+ after only being offline for 1-2 minutes is a bit over top, after just having waited for what felt like over 2 hours.




Just got in after an hour or so's wait only to be disconnected 20 secs in and back of the line I went:rolleyes:

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Well, at least the amount of people trying to get in looks like it's on the way down.


Only 25 mins on my server and come are down to Heavy with the single new on being Standard.


I'm starting to join the people who would like some sort of official statement as to why this "Wait 2 hours to play" won't be the case in the long run.


"We didn't expect such a run on us" is not really available as explanation while they're only letting people on by invitation from a list they have had running for about 6 months.



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LOL. Never been on an MMO during a launch day huh? Wait till the 20th queue will be insane. There were games that launched and had 12 hour queue times!


Suck it up act your age and do something while you wait in queue!


mate not to pick a fight but it's not not acceptable, especially considering during the beta stress test there where massive q's thus they KNEW they would need servers with proper caps and higher load balancing to not cause this kind of problem.. further more...


eq beta and launch day = no q

wow beta and launch day = no q

swg beta and launch day = no q

uo beta and launch day = no q

rift beta and first week of launch = no q (got a bit crazy after that but most people where compensated for the problems)...

ff14 mmo beta and launch day = no q


thats just naming a few i've been in so no .. its not what we expected nor hoped for ..

Edited by Neijek
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BW please split servers onto new servers. Move all unguilded people or whatever, but the queue times are ridiculous.


Or at least add a ton of new servers and allow us who unwittingly chose the Unofficial Oceanic server of "The Harbinger" transfer to a new server... Please. Love the game otherwise but i have restarted now 3 times on 3 different servers to try and avoid the queue... check my account.. i have like 7 characters now 10+ and all servers now have a queue. I want to play my characters Ive ALREADY Leveled. I did what SR said to do and switched servers. How many times do I need to do that? I had Early access first day and I should have an alt higher if I could have played on my CHOSEN server. :(

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The queue times are garbage. Mine said 55 mins roughly half an hour ago, and now it's stuck on 60 mins.


There was problems with that in beta, and to note it has gotten better. Before, accordingly it was days vs hours, (minus the factor that you would log in a few minutes later). Obviously queues are sucking now, it'll get worse & then it will get better.


Generally speaking all % bars, average time waits, in ALL programs *are* quite flawed. It's more there to give you a feeling that something is being done.


Just to note, having participated in beta is NOT helping my patience level. I am still very annoyed by the queue, but I'm trying hard to divert my rage into something else while I have to wait :mad: good thing I went dark :)


Good Luck to all of you!

Edited by Brytshadow
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mate not to pick a fight but it's not not acceptable, especially considering during the beta stress test there where massive q's thus they need servers needed proper caps and expansions to not cause problem.. further more...


eq beta and launch day = no q

wow beta and launch day = no q

swg beta and launch day = no q

uo beta and launch day = no q

rift beta and first week of launch = no q (got a bit crazy after that but most people where compensated for the problems)...

ff14 mmo beta and launch day = no q


thats just naming a few i've been in so no .. its not what we expected nor hoped for ..


No WoW queue? I beg to differ lady.


Not to mention this is _not_ beta _nor_ is this launch. This is them ramping up to release day. We are the Guinea pigs. Deal with it.

Edited by dharh
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30 minutes..even a hour with new MMO's.

I can't claim to have played them all, but in the last 23 years I've played maybe 40 (have 9 on my HDD now (SWTOR, Lotro, FFXIV Lineage II. EvE, WoW Golfstar, Atlantica and STO)


LOngest time I've queued since the original everquest is about an hour.


3 hours plus.


Nah..never going to happen. Game goes in the bin before I do that. Life is to darn short.


Yep. Experienced queues in Lotro, Aion, Rift and APB, but nothing like this.


Well, except for Darkfall Online, which launched onto a single server with queues that were hours long. The problem didn't persist for long, though, due to how many folks that quit without ever coming back. :D

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Bioware you are aware that the answer to people complaining about server queues is not to bring more servers online don't you?


It is to increase the allowed connections to the ones you have....if the servers you have that are showing full are already at your actual tested capacity you have SERIOUS issues.

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Hi there!


While we understand your frustration and appreciate your feedback, the Customer Service are for account problems and technical issues relating to getting into the game. However, there is already an active discussion thread for the topic of queuing in General Discussion:


Queue growing and growing and growing...


In the interest of consolidating discussion, we have closed this thread and ask that you use the one linked above for any further discussion. Thank you!


Above is the reply in customer service where they direct us to this thread however...


...We're not getting any customer service and my post wasn't for dicussion but for an answer... What plans are in place for all the broken guilds cause by this? and is there a plan for people who were already in the server but got DC'd and now have to wait through queues again? (i.e. the main tank?)


Bioware, I am requesting answers from you, not just talking amongst the community. (isn't that what customer service is for?)

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