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Did BW ever play the greatest crafting game ever?


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I'm talking about SW:G...........again.


My Lord it was so phenomenal compared to this craptastic iteration of RNG.


If you wanted to craft high-end stuff for any level, you actually had to wait for the ideal components to be available, and you had to hire people to go out and harvest these for you ( I literally milked cows for a week because it was awesome milk week ).


I do like the "send my crew out" system, but it is so redundant - is bountiful available? no. is rich available? no. it's only companion gift missions. BLOW ME.


Grinding 982 Avian Meat on Naboo for a $17MM contract with a deadline was immersive. Sending five people out that come back with less than one person's yield after failed REs is not.


Please make crafting awesome again.

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swg crafting was mediocre. its only looked on fondly because the rest of the game was so terrible it looked amazing by contrast.


the devs are listening to feedback, and it is being "fixed". once we get a bit more info from those 5 pages of pts notes and can actually analyze exactly whats changing and how, then you will have a right to complain. till then keep your knickers on.

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I'm talking about SW:G...........again.




Grinding 982 Avian Meat on Naboo for a $17MM contract with a deadline was immersive. Sending five people out that come back with less than one person's yield after failed REs is not.




So yeah......I think that line is where a lot of people will disagree with you.

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GRINDING with all your friends while you sit and drink beer and chat it up. If you think it was grinding then you must of thought it a solo game. There were so many things you could do to help others of any level in that game. It was fun when someone needed some high end fish resources, you had a guild fishing tourny to get the resources necessary for the chef that needed them to make food so you could have better stats to pvp. If you could get by the fact it had broken parts like any other game you had lots of fun. There is no crafting in this game at least anything that is worth while and challenging.
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I can easily sit with my friends and drink beer and chat it up in a flashpoint....an op...dinking around on the fleet or doing pvp while sending my lackeys out to handle crafting. I suspect more people would be interested in doing these things while being able to craft rather than having to devote everything to being a crafter.



This is not SWG2, it will never be SWG2, not everyone found the crafting system in that game to be the be all end all of crafting systems.

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Not knocking the crafting in general, I think SWG crafting had a lot going for it. But it was far from great, as the only crafting I remember being worth having was weapon or armor.


The droid crafting prof was all but useless and broken, until they revamped it some time later.


It did have one thing going for it, player made gear was the only gear at least when I played it.

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Not knocking the crafting in general, I think SWG crafting had a lot going for it. But it was far from great, as the only crafting I remember being worth having was weapon or armor.


The droid crafting prof was all but useless and broken, until they revamped it some time later.


It did have one thing going for it, player made gear was the only gear at least when I played it.




There was crafting of ANY item ANY building/starship/weapon/armor/mod/clothing/stim/adrenal/food/ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF IN THE GAME.


If it was in SWG, You could craft it.


Crafting droids was made better and you had higher level droid ekas' that dished out a lot of damage.


This game as it stands right now, the modding/enhancements/barrles/hilts/armoring are a joke.


In SWG you could actually place different mods in your armor that lowered action costs, gave you a higher rate of fire, increased stealth/stealth detection, gave your weapons a longer range up to 64 meters, and the nice thing about that was, you were not forced to put on alacrity with power and endurance, you could just make a full endurance build if you wanted, or make a full power/aim build with less starting health, or make a ton of defense so you dodge attacks.


current system makes you add in 3 stats per modifcation you make, which is less than ideal, no one wants more crit at a certain point they wantmore aim because crit gives you less.



i always made tiefighters, huge guild halls, paintings that were worth like 1,000 dollars real life money and **** like that.


it wasa ton of fun.

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No thanks. Crafting is what made me quit SWG.


Different games have different features, and I like what TOR has.


My inspiration from the movies come from Luke the Jedi in training, not Luke the moisture farmer.

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What SWG had was amazing space combat, so did Eve I guess but sense I have never played it I am saying SWGs was amazing.


SWG did NOT have even decent space combat, niether does Eve. want good space combat?


give it real space/flight mechanics, and give us a flight stick to play (sorry i tried SWG space, it sucked dog*****)

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I'm talking about SW:G...........again.


My Lord it was so phenomenal compared to this craptastic iteration of RNG.


If you wanted to craft high-end stuff for any level, you actually had to wait for the ideal components to be available, and you had to hire people to go out and harvest these for you ( I literally milked cows for a week because it was awesome milk week ).


I do like the "send my crew out" system, but it is so redundant - is bountiful available? no. is rich available? no. it's only companion gift missions. BLOW ME.


Grinding 982 Avian Meat on Naboo for a $17MM contract with a deadline was immersive. Sending five people out that come back with less than one person's yield after failed REs is not.


Please make crafting awesome again.


That is in no way what made crafting in SWG awesome. The grinding of mats and constant moving of harvester locations along with their upkeep blew. It forced you to constantly log on, lest you lose all your mats and your harvester from lack of upkeep. What you're describing is gathering, and it was easily the worst part of SWG's crafting system.


Crafting in SWG was awesome simply because it was a stat game just like combat. Your craft depended on the quality of materials (which honestly wasn't necessary and the biggest barrier to becoming a quality crafter), quality of your tools/workstation (hopefully allowing crafting upgrades to the ship droid will help bring back this feel, as it should be in), and finally...


EXPERIMENTATION. Allowing the player to allocate the stats in weights and manners of his/her choosing on the item were what made SWG crafting fun. RE'ing is close to those, but it's just not interactive or controllable enough. Hopefully 1.2 will change that for the better.

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Until the major crafting changes shortly after the jedi change, crafting was awesome, you could literally play a crafter due to the amount of content. This games crafting should not even be mentioned in the same sentence. One of my favorite days work was killing acklay with my alt and crafting some sweet swords with its bones, sigh the good ol days... Edited by Rickwala
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SWG crafting was great. There was a level of social interraction that you will never get in this game.


Less trolls, too. You had to be polite.


And it took time to be the big kahuna, it took work to be a super-top REing armor-crafter, and you did indeed have supply chains, delivering 35s for armor suits and weapons and so on.

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My memories of SWG are just post release, but it was a colossal mess. Due to the stupid method to become a jedi , everyone was grinding up tons of professions they didnt even want in the hopes of unlocking it. So the game was literally flooded with crap. There were houses/resource gatherers burning everywhere because the rent hadnt been paid, mouse droids running in the wild because they'd been thrown on the ground after being built, and raw materials selling for more than finished products. It looked like a post apocalyptic wasteland... That and the stupid 3 health bars (so it was only worthwhile to group with everyone dealing the same type of attack) convinced me the game was doomed. It may have gotten better somehow, but nothing in your post of grinding makes me thing that was the case...
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Most people can't see beyond anything combat related, so don't expect much support. Of course these are the same people who whine about not enough content, because they refuse to participate in anything non-combat related, and then wonder why they're burnt out on the game after a year. Step outside your comfort zone, people. It's the only way you grow in life.


I, however, agree with the OP, and I do wish that we had more in-depth crafting. That being said, SWTOR's crafting system is the best to come along since SWG, so for that I am happy. But we really do need SWTOR to evolve their player-run economy.

Edited by Marlaine
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Everything about SWG was amazing, everything. If you dont think so its because your simple. go play checkers.


your statement is incredibly hilarious considering you stated


I avoid people in this game because from what I can tell they are absolutely vile. Arrogant, foolish, selfish, ignorant, and all seemingly with a low brow sense humor I simply cant relate to.


I presume most of the TOR players come from WoW and I have always heard how awful those people are. I suppose now I know.


in a previous thread. the fact that you are a large part of what you actively despise is simply fantastic!

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your statement is incredibly hilarious considering you stated




in a previous thread. the fact that you are a large part of what you actively despise is simply fantastic!


What you are observing is my mounting hatred for this game and everything about it. I want it to be another game and I want it to attract different players but it isn't and it wont. I guess the moment I come to terms with that is the moment I leave. And I want you to have my stuff livnthedream.

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What you are observing is my mounting hatred for this game and everything about it. I want it to be another game and I want it to attract different players but it isn't and it wont. I guess the moment I come to terms with that is the moment I leave. And I want you to have my stuff livnthedream.


if it is truly hatred (how high brow of you) you would have left long ago. i honestly dont believe you have the slightest clue what actual hatred is. what the nazis did to the jews is hatred. IF that is what you are feeling then you really dont belong here, and you should rethink your life and goals. particularly how you choose to define and enjoy entertainment.


there is so much information out, from credible sources, as to what this game is, and is going to be. if you chose to come here after knowing such facts then you deserve exactly what you got.


dont blame the game for your own ignorance/stupidity.


ps. i dont want nor need your stuff. feel free to toss it at some newbie though who may actually enjoy the game!

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swg crafting was mediocre. its only looked on fondly because the rest of the game was so terrible it looked amazing by contrast.


the devs are listening to feedback, and it is being "fixed". once we get a bit more info from those 5 pages of pts notes and can actually analyze exactly whats changing and how, then you will have a right to complain. till then keep your knickers on.


Your opinion but people who write about MMOs for a living disagree.



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Everything about SWG was amazing, everything. If you dont think so its because your simple. go play checkers.


This made me laugh, because SWG was far from amazing. Don't get me wrong, I liked the game and played a Smuggler and weaponsmith for a long time. I actually really loved/hated the crafting in that game. However it won't fly with the majority of players simply because regardless off materials and crafting stats/buffs/and other things to improve your crafting, you could spend weeks getting all the stuff you needed to make the one time use schematic, and still end up with **** gear, missing stats or even the socket you needed to put mods in it. It still had a huge portion of random chance added to it, and as we have seen with the BM bags, people in this game hate random chance.


Swg had so many issues, from broken content, to major hacking going on. All Pvp came down to was buffs, how many rows did you have? The only players I ever respected where the ones still able to beat you when they had less buffs.


And if you think someone is simple because they don't share your opinion... Well that makes you very simple minded indeed.

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