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New updated sub numbers (Official)


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The article specifically said many of the 1.7million subscribers have reached the point where they are past their free month of gametime. That is a strong indicator that people aren't just in it to try it out, the free 30 days you always stay for on a new mmo, but when you start paying subscription fees your locked in at least for a bit longer. Watch their stock go up and say this isn't working out.
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PROOF that people like you just aren't right that in January "they will go down, believe me" february "they will go down, trust me" march "they will go down, they will!" just stop it ok? It's not gonna go down. It's not going to tank like YOU want it to. Just stop. It won't grow at an enormous pace..it will grow at a steady pace. Just like it has been doing these months.


Stop with the doomsaying


They'll never give up. It is not about being right, they just won't accept being wrong. If SWTOR doesn't die, they are wrong - so they'll keep hoping it does for eternity.

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People who like the game do not post in the forums ;)


Also, in every game the haters are the ones who make most noise.


PS: I am posting because I am on my lunch break @work (I like the game)


WoW - 7 years out - still has a healthy core of pissed off haters prowling their forums.


You are damn right - haters make the most noise. That isn't even exclusive to MMO's, either. Go on the forums of the most successful anything in the world, you'll find an endless stream of haters ************ about everything.XD

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You missed my point.


They were saying that aside from the class story quests, all the side quests were the same between alts. I asked how that is different from any other MMO - there was even less variation in WoW as there were almost no class quests at all. Except for what you did in combat there was almost no difference in your story experience in WoW outside of choosing your race.


The class stories make up a good 10-20% of your leveling experience.


If it was only 1%, the questing would be leaps and bounds more dynamic than the questing/leveling in WoW. I fail to see how people can look at the leveling experience and say "It's all the same on each character." when they are the same people that have 4-8 level 85s on WoW as we speak.

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My subscription expire around 18th next month, i have not been on much lately. Considering joining my guild in guildwars 2 if a branch of the guild opens there.


For someone who enjoy PvP TOR just doesn't deliver, its a great game in many aspects but for me the PvP endgame is hollow.


There no real purpose in the PvP not impact outside being a minigame death match sport for gear with a few objectives in a instanced pvp. There no real core reasons for people to join together in larger pvp groups to achieve something.


Until i see pvp in a bit bigger scope than just some instanced gear grinding minigame sport im not sure if ill continue, but i wish the people who satisfied with the game as it is all the best, its just not the type of game for me in its current state :)

Edited by Barzarel
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My subscription expire around 18th next month, i have not been on much lately. Considering joining my guild in guildwars 2 if a branch of the guild opens there.


For someone who enjoy PvP TOR just doesn't deliver, its a great game in many aspects but for me the PvP endgame is hollow.


There no real purpose in the PvP not impact outside being a minigame death match sport for gear with a few objectives in a instanced pvp. There no real core reasons for people to join together in larger pvp groups to achieve something.


Until i see pvp in a bit bigger scope than just some instanced gear grinding minigame sport im not sure if ill continue, but i wish the people who satisfied with the game as it is all the best, its just not the type of game for me in its current state :)


This person knows how to make a decent criticism post without seeming like a complete a-hole.


Sorry you're not enjoying it, I for one have a lot of gripes about the PvP system in this game, as it is mostly what I do, there is a lot of improvements that could be made and hopefully we'll see some of them before you go! :D

Edited by Celebrus
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They'll never give up. It is not about being right, they just won't accept being wrong. If SWTOR doesn't die, they are wrong - so they'll keep hoping it does for eternity.


Ah, the crying cycle never ends, specially nowdays... most everybody are like babies, really.


Learn to be positive and experiment well everything. This MMO maybe has not too much to offer comparing with other online videogames, BUT THAT'S NOT THE DAMN POINT!!! Though you experienced better times with other MMOs... who cares? Leave! We really don't care! Don't annoy us with your stinky pessimism, geez! If you are bothered about something ingame, just politely report it. Crying leads to more cry and that's all, because is what we feel: complains about something, reasonable or not, but with another and another stupid annoying cry (and we feel more that than the report itself. If wish a proof of it, carefully take a simple look with the over infinite topics you can easily find in these forums...).


At least we will have like a kind of new 'semi-expansion' content through a simple patch (1.2). And people still complaining (right now not so much as before, but there are always infinites ways to complain after all... as they will do that in 4,3,2,1... oh, and by the way, there are, as well, infinite ways to not complain and just assess in a positive way everything to make better this game. Because what hardly sucks right now is you people, the baby criers, not the game itself)!

Edited by XGSTAR
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My subscription expire around 18th next month, i have not been on much lately. Considering joining my guild in guildwars 2 if a branch of the guild opens there.


For someone who enjoy PvP TOR just doesn't deliver, its a great game in many aspects but for me the PvP endgame is hollow.


There no real purpose in the PvP not impact outside being a minigame death match sport for gear with a few objectives in a instanced pvp. There no real core reasons for people to join together in larger pvp groups to achieve something.


Until i see pvp in a bit bigger scope than just some instanced gear grinding minigame sport im not sure if ill continue, but i wish the people who satisfied with the game as it is all the best, its just not the type of game for me in its current state :)


I dont have plans to leave but your description of pvp and lack luster is spot on, bravo for the words!


I want it to work out...I realy do. I love SW and want this to be my game. I played SWG for years and Eve for even longer...C'mon SWTOR do it up!

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Also can anyone tell me how it's possible the servers were heavy/full all the time during 1st month now all are low/standard even though EA claims there was no drop? :rolleyes:


It means that though people are still subscribed, they just aren't playing as much. Always happens at launch and at release of new content.


./looks in mirror and sees Cap'n Obvious tattoed on forehead.

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This game is not going anywhere lol. And I have news for everyone, steady growth is ALWAYS BETTER than booms and busts. Give bioware a little time to make a good game incredible. It's been 4 months. MMO's live off of feedback.
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Yet another Chicken Little thread.


"The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The game is gonna tank cause it isn't precisely the way I want it to be"


The vast majority of the people I talk to about this game (at least 95%) think it is a wonderful game. In need of some improvement? Of course, but show me an MMO that isn't at launch.


It never ceases to amaze me how many Chicken Littles show up on the forum screaming about how bad a new MMO is - and what baffles me is: why the hell are you still on the forums? Run back to WoW or whatever. Please.

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My subscription expire around 18th next month, i have not been on much lately. Considering joining my guild in guildwars 2 if a branch of the guild opens there.


For someone who enjoy PvP TOR just doesn't deliver, its a great game in many aspects but for me the PvP endgame is hollow.


There no real purpose in the PvP not impact outside being a minigame death match sport for gear with a few objectives in a instanced pvp. There no real core reasons for people to join together in larger pvp groups to achieve something.


Until i see pvp in a bit bigger scope than just some instanced gear grinding minigame sport im not sure if ill continue, but i wish the people who satisfied with the game as it is all the best, its just not the type of game for me in its current state :)


And tihs post is what deserves more than nine thousand positive points (even Vegeta is annoyingly agree with it). So let's give this a + 9999 power level points, :D


Good work mate, you showed a lot of people the perfect way to 'complain' about what you don't like. After all, he's right about PvP is kinda is like a hole (under my view it is only a bit. After all, I must admit I am not a greta PvP player, but doesn't mean I play it almost all time I go ingame. This needs more battlegrounds [oh, and they listened us very well by the way, because I think they will add a new one by the next patch. Anyone wanna complain now? No? Really? I may be hearing some /cry around there... *preparing Sucker Punch*] and, well... don't know what more to say for making a better PvP, xD)

Edited by XGSTAR
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The class stories make up a good 10-20% of your leveling experience.


If it was only 1%, the questing would be leaps and bounds more dynamic than the questing/leveling in WoW. I fail to see how people can look at the leveling experience and say "It's all the same on each character." when they are the same people that have 4-8 level 85s on WoW as we speak.


I don't get it either.


My only rationalization of some of these forum posters is that they are "tired" of the MMO genre and complain over every single point of frustration because they simply do not recognize they need to take a break from MMOs.

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PROOF that people like you just aren't right that in January "they will go down, believe me" february "they will go down, trust me" march "they will go down, they will!" just stop it ok? It's not gonna go down. It's not going to tank like YOU want it to. Just stop. It won't grow at an enormous pace..it will grow at a steady pace. Just like it has been doing these months.


Stop with the doomsaying


Eventually they will be posting "Just you watch, in 6 months, the game will be dead or F2P!!!111". Then it will be "By this time next year, everyone will have stopped playing !! I know this because my buddy has already quit and when we both quit a game, it fails cause we are magic ~!!!!111112!" ...



They really are a sad little group of people, they have nothing better to do than spend hours posting and reading about something they say the "hate" ...


It is like that joke where the guy walks into the doctor's office and says "Doctor, it hurts when I raise my arm this high" and the doctor responds "Then don't raise it that high", a lot of the Doomsayers on these forums are the not so swift people that would keep raising their arm that high and then whine that it still hurts ...

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This depends on how you define "subscription" and when.


Is a subscriber someone wo is playing the game first day of purchase? Even through that first free month? Or is a subscriber someone who has gone through the first month's billing cycle & had their credit card charged?


It was made reasonably clear that Bioware considers an active subscriber somebody who they are billing.


It was also made reasonably clear that by the time the first 1.7 million statement was made that out of the 2million boxes sold that many people were still playing the game.


It is possible that that 1.7 million included people who already had cancelled their subscription (ie. would not become active subscribers as Bioware defines it) but at that time were still playing. I do not think it is likely, as it is a pointless futzing of the numbers (it would come out shortly afterwards so why bother?). The fact that a month later they are claiming 1.7 million active subscribers means that either they did not do this or it was a negliable amount of players. In either case it is incorrect or pointless (or both) to accuse Bioware with misrepresenting the facts.


The simple truth is that about a month after release about 300 thousand (or 15pct) of all boxes sold either had cancelled subscription and stopped playing, or had not yet started playing. Two months after release almost all of the remaining players (i.e. 85pct of the boxes sold) had been billed at least once by Bioware and were apparently still playing.

We will have to wait till the end of march to learn how the number of active subscriptions develops and how many new boxes were sold during that month (the first month they had servers specific to the pacific area). The month after that is giving us an indication of the impact of game update 1.2

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It was made reasonably clear that Bioware considers an active subscriber somebody who they are billing.


It was also made reasonably clear that by the time the first 1.7 million statement was made that out of the 2million boxes sold that many people were still playing the game.


It is possible that that 1.7 million included people who already had cancelled their subscription (ie. would not become active subscribers as Bioware defines it) but at that time were still playing. I do not think it is likely, as it is a pointless futzing of the numbers (it would come out shortly afterwards so why bother?). The fact that a month later they are claiming 1.7 million active subscribers means that either they did not do this or it was a negliable amount of players. In either case it is incorrect or pointless (or both) to accuse Bioware with misrepresenting the facts.


The simple truth is that about a month after release about 300 thousand (or 15pct) of all boxes sold either had cancelled subscription and stopped playing, or had not yet started playing. Two months after release almost all of the remaining players (i.e. 85pct of the boxes sold) had been billed at least once by Bioware and were apparently still playing.

We will have to wait till the end of march to learn how the number of active subscriptions develops and how many new boxes were sold during that month (the first month they had servers specific to the pacific area). The month after that is giving us an indication of the impact of game update 1.2


Seeing as you have to use a credit card to play even with a free month everyone gets billed. For those who buy cards are already considered subs for whatever length the card is. So saying its clear bioware see subs as billing is well not clear. Everyone who has entered a credit card to play is subbing or the purchased a game card. So everyone has been billed playing the game, the free month is still considered a sub, check your statement they take 1 dollar and give it back to make sure you have funds. So you are subbed til you cancel and you reach the billing date or your card runs out. Anyone who canceled but still has time left is still subbed is NOT an accurate way to judge the subs.

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Anyone who canceled but still has time left is still subbed is NOT an accurate way to judge the subs.


How is that, in ANY way, not an accurate way to judge subs? You PAID BioWare your money, right? Then you're subscribed THROUGH until you need to pay again. This isn't rocket science, man.


Just because someone chooses to not play (despite paying for the right to play) doesn't mean that BioWare should not account for them. One person might play 10 hours a month -- does that make him any less qualified as a 'subscriber' than to someone who plays 16 hours A DAY? You pay money to BioWare then you're a subscriber. It's simple, cut, and dry. Don't try to read deeper into it and change what they consider a 'subscriber.'


You're basically confusing YOURSELF. You claimed to have cancelled your sub, but indeed you haven't -- you still have X amount of time left that you paid for. What you did was QUIT.

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I call this naysaying or doomsaying part of the bubble effect. Oddly enough it has become part of our societies culture and happens in almost everything. Here is how it works.


People see something and start blowing it up. Saying how wonderful and amazing it is. They can do this for a few weeks, months, or even years. Just getting it bigger and bigger. They get the "bubble" really big. Then a strange thing happens. They have this huge bubble they have created. So they want to pop it. Usually through negative comments, rumors, etc.


It usually happens with media performers. Such as musicians or movie stars. But it also happens with games oddly enough. Even some objects or corporations get this treatment. A new car or a new computer company.


MMOs are very susceptible to this effect. Part of it is the hype the game companies throw out there during development. This helps the bubblers to blow it up. Then add in the exodus that happens in all MMOs (yes even the all powerful WoW had an exodus) and you got the perfect pin to start popping what the game company and the bubblers blew up.


What is this exodus I speak of? It happens early in a MMOs life. Usually a month or two after release. Its just people that didnt want that kind of game. They thought they did but just like getting that burger you thought looked and sounded great on the menu, once you bite into it, you realize it just wasnt what you wanted. Its completely normal and nothing to freak out about. But the bubblers see it and use it as a pin. "OMG its losing subs already. Epic fail. FTP in a month!"


So I really dont listen to it. The real fact is, if you find the game fun then play it and dont worry about the doomsayers. If you dont like it then move on and find something you do like. People that doomsay I really dont understand in that area. Instead of just walking away and finding something they do like, they feel they have to spend days, weeks, and even months leaving. Making sure to slam the door multiple times so everyone knows they are leaving. Unless your gonna give me your stuff, I could care less if you leave or why.


And yes they are players who will keep paying their sub for months just so they come and whine about the game. I think the perfect MMO now would be one where people just complain.



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Far too much common sense.




Who do you think you are coming into this thread on these forums and being not only reasonable, but level-headed to boot! What manner of devil are you?


I applaud your post. I would only add the churn in any new MMO is usually pretty exaggerated due to the sheer numbers involved in a large release like SWTOR.


Nevertheless, I find a morbid fascination in reading the ludicrous ranting that appear to be a regular feature of the SWTOR forums. Fortunately I am aware that it is tiny fraction of the player base behaving in this borderline psychotic manner.

Edited by VainEldritch
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There appears to be ton of poo being slung about, from both sides of the camp. Why do the biodrones assume everyone who has a perception of the subs going down also wants the game to fail. I think it's really interesting and fun trying to use whatever knowledge and analytical powers you got to try and fathom up trends in hobby we all enjoy. I'm gotten a few big things right like my mantra " Bioware would of announced 2 million subs" in early February and gotten a couple things wrong as well like total sub numbers.


If theorizing is bothering people don't participiate in the conversation or spout useles intel like "Only Bioware knows". I didn't need Biowares official numbers to know my old server was dead, it's possible to make some conclusions, the trick is not making them too far feteched.

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