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PLEASE VOTE: Give Us Real Combat Logs


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What an absurd "analogy". This doesn't graft on to the current situation even a little. It's a mockery.




Since you'll be able to do exactly that with what's being provided, what possible problem can you have?


A meter in real time doesn't give you anything except a summation number. The answers have always come from parsing the data outside of the game, even in games with real time meters. Who do you think you are, Commander Data?


You want to wave your "superiority" in the faces of others. Not because I say so, but because it's the only thing left. You don't care about analyzing performance. We know this because that's exactly what you're getting and you're still not happy.


You are thoroughly dishonest.


why is it absurd (haha. a mockery! by golly!)?


i should be able to view in game data in game. character levels and dps are both in game data.


im not going to reply to your insults though. keep it up though, its helping your argument.

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so you want addons then? recount is a 3rd party addon. blizzard does not give you damage meters or healing meters in WoW. what you should be asking for then instead of combat logs *which you are getting* is for BW to open the game up to addons.


as to the first part of the above quote. i don't see how you could miss that loud notification or the big panel that comes up and blocks off the top half of your screen telling you that you leveled.


right, but until Bioware allows add-ons, its kind of on them.

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CORRECTION: Bioware does not want you to have what you are pleading for. Your constant arguing and bickering is with the wrong people. Go argue with Bioware, since they are the ones who said no public logs for you. :D


i already told bioware this, in the customer feedback survey when i unsubbed.

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Just agree with them so they go away. Oh wait, I already tried that and was flamed for not using logic. LOL ... this is better than watching spitwad fights in the back of a kindergarten classroom.


They won't go away. If Bioware ever releases a more detailed combat log they will find another addon they claim is needed to play this game, and if Bioware doesn't add it the game might loose a lot of players...again....and again ;)

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So what is "This way"? What released MMO outside of addon-laden WoW & Rift would you consider as modern?


I don't consider the graphics of WoW to be modern. I think Rift has pretty much set the bar for MMO's at this point in time, in terms of Raid Mechanics, character versatility, and customer service.


They've had a year to get things right, they've done a great job, and I still raid there two nights a week.


This game can be all of those things as well, and it should be. But there seem to be a lot of old-skoolers here that want to bring back the good old days of EQ1 era gaming systems. I sometimes think we'd be doing corpse runs in TOR if it was up to some involved. I've been raiding since EQ1, and I've seen the industry and industry expectations change and evolve.


BW would be better to offer cutting edge options instead of 1990's options.

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There it is again. I'm now convinced you have no idea what compromise is or simple can't accept it cause it not what you want individually.


Sometimes, you have to give a little more than you get and this is the best way to get both sides what they need and still not have the derogatory number crunchers throwing it around every chat screen they have access to.


its a compromise when both parties benifit/lose mutually.


In this case, you would lose nothing if Bioware gave us full combat metrics.


giving us a half-assed text file still only effects me, and you still lose nothing.

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i already told bioware this, in the customer feedback survey when i unsubbed.


Wait a minute. If you unsubbed, why do you care what they do or what the game has or does not have????


I just have to say.... having read your posts for the last couple of days, I admire the astute accuracy in your personal choice of account name for the forum. :)

Edited by Andryah
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