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Coming in Game Update 1.2


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Ever heard about Revan?




Now, let us remember that the DARK side and LIGHT side are two sides of the same Force. So, there is no reason to use different side. Its also logical: you fall to the dark side by making dark side choices and make dark side acts.

Even in SWTOR you have numerous occasions where you can use FORCE PERSUADE for light side or dark side. So - how shell we "classify" Force Persuade? As a dark side force or light side force?


Also, you can use Choke as Revan in KOTOR, even if you are Champion of Light (it only costs much more).


IMHO - as I understood the whole philosophy - all Jedi CAN use all Dark Side forces, such as Lighting and Choke, but they DO NOT WANT TO, since it pushes them to the Dark Side.


Lets remember that Bastilla used Battle Meditation for both good and dark purposes.

Also, Exile ordered destruction of Malachor V - and didn't fell on the Dark Side (she surrenders to the Council and they "do not sense any Dark side on her").


Even in movies: Anakin was a Sith when he fought (Episode III) with Obi-Wan. What color of the saber does he wield? BLUE.



So what shell we conclude there? That Anakin was a Jedi Guardian in that time and wasn't a Sith?

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So with the 1.2 legacy my friend had an interesting question, I didn't browse enough I guess to see if this was addressed already but if you delete your level 50 character would you lose what has been unlocked for him such as the Heroic Ability or Species unlock? I was just wondering as there are only so many slots and I myself have filled and will probably delete most of mine, not the 50's, but some of the low guys I just made.
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I hope that it will be easier to get orange light armor pants. Why is there so few orange light armor pants available at lower level (at vendors and in the GTM) ? I think that pants and robes should be equaly available for all type of armor. It all depends on what we want our characters to look like.
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Eeek, April?! I've been very patiently awaiting these features for a month+. Partial patch in order? At least dump the Legacy/UI stuff and roll out the content later! This game is fine with content so far, just need a few immediate features to keep this game hoppin'.
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I hope that it will be easier to get orange light armor pants. Why is there so few orange light armor pants available at lower level (at vendors and in the GTM) ? I think that pants and robes should be equaly available for all type of armor. It all depends on what we want our characters to look like.


Do what i did get, some social points. The social armor rank 1 , 2 and 3 have some nice orange light armor pants.

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Really disappointing :(. The ui interface change was very good, but the most important things are still not ready.

Maybe you people are in a good guild, but I'm not, I'm a casual in a casual (non-helping) guild.

1. I cannot see game content (flashpoints) because I can't find a FOUR men party in one of the most populated server (republic side). [=need LFG between all servers]

2. I cannot see endgame content because I don't have time to join a guild. [=need LFraid]

3. Dual spec is still not present, so it's even more difficult to make a party. [=need dual spec]


Oh, WoW did not have those things at the beginning! Of course we use a seven (7) years old game to make a comparison. Nice. We all do that when we buy things. Thinking about Vanilla it also reminds me why I stopped playing WoW before coming back for Cata when LFRaid was announced.

I know, I know. I'm a casual and I don't deserve to live. I should not be playing a MMO. Still weird that WoW got its player at a maximum when easy-mode started, right?


I hope you hardcore will be happy by creating relationship between your toons, I'll surely have a lot of fun by making three brothers out of my sith pureblood jugg, zabrak trooper and twi'lek smuggler.

Edited by AlfiereDBC
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Really disappointing :(. The ui interface change was very good, but the most important things are still not ready.

Maybe you people are in a good guild, but I'm not, I'm a casual in a casual (non-helping) guild.

1. I cannot see game content (flashpoints) because I can't find a FOUR men party in one of the most populated server (republic side). [=need LFG between all servers]

2. I cannot see endgame content because I don't have time to join a guild. [=need LFraid]

3. Dual spec is still not present, so it's even more difficult to make a party. [=need dual spec] These are being worked on and they already said LFG tool will be out in 1.3 update, let them get it right :)


Oh, WoW did not have those things at the beginning! Of course we use a seven (7) years old game to make a comparison. Nice. We all do that when we buy things. Thinking about Vanilla it also reminds me why I stopped playing WoW before coming back for Cata when LFRaid was announced.

I know, I know. I'm a casual and I don't deserve to live. I should not be playing a MMO. Still weird that WoW got its player at a maximum when easy-mode started, right? People compare, it's natural. I let them compare, while I just enjoy playing.


I hope you hardcore will be happy by creating relationship between your toons, I'll surely have a lot of fun by making three brothers out of my sith pureblood jugg, zabrak trooper and twi'lek smuggler. They don't have to be brothers, you can select family, allies, or enemies


Hope that helps, also if you are on Mask Of Nihilus Ill run with ya.

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Well this is all /careface


Except for the UI part. But what about the darn "Smart Camera" function? I don't wanna rage anymore every time it moves my ******* camera back to position. WHAT'S THE DARN BENEFIT?!


Exactly. Nothing................



You said a while back you were gonna focus a lot on PvP and that function is crucial. Lies

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The changes in 1.2 put the final nail in the coffin for my subscription. You guys and gals dropped a bomb on Star Wars lore. With your inability to put appropriate Crystal Color solutions into place.


Remove the LS / DS restrictions but, if only on the RP servers you should add restrictions that adhere to the traditions during this time period (Sith and blaster shooting classes use red only, etc).


Ability to have a Bounty Hunter Force Choke someone is a joke as well. Why didn't you just unlock skills that don't give someone such a large Force advantage like that? Such as Imperial Agent unlocks a Stealth Generator skill. Or Jedi Consular can unlock your ability to rally your allies with a temporary buff.


You decided the ability for a Trooper to Force Lightning was okay because his dad was a Pureblood Sith Inquisitor? Seems pretty far fetched.


I really think your design team needs to do a better job of customer profiling and reviewing analytic data on your community of players.


/disappointed :(


get over yourself. i'm OVERLY excited for this patch! finally bringing back high res will be FANTASTIC. now that AMD and NVIDIA have new drivers to run this game flawlessly.

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Can you tell me when SWTOR will be available on PS3? It is turning into a console game after all - very little effort needed to get all the top end rewards!!


It will be available at the same moment you decide to stop writing nonsense here on forum, therefore never.

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First I would like to start by congratulating the SWTOR Team on one of the BEST MMO's I have ever had the pleasure of playing... Kudos!!


Now on to the Idea's, however brash or abrasive they may sound when being stated, they are always intended to be both helpful & humble...


* Master-Padawan player system


In this idea a "High Lvl" Character would be able to invite a lower leveled player to become their "Padawan" thus gaining Social Points or some other end game Advantage, while the Padawan player could take a boost to defense experience gain or loot. I think this would be a great way to keep lower and upper levels connected while offering yet another point of depth to the games experience with perhaps very little needing to be done in terms of "Game changes"


* Character Height/Weight Control


Well this is a Huge game breaker for me..... All I wanted really was to be Yoda's Height & fight style (Aka Ataru)..... Ya know, an Iddy-Bitty Flippy Jedi. Easily underestimate-able etc... I dont need to be the Wisest or old Galactic Jedi Hero, just that size.... Alas character creation in SWTOR is nothing short of a tragedy when compared to others. All the race's inevitably somehow look human anyway no matter what you do, the faces range ok to downright deformed in nature with no sliders for adjustment. There are ONLY 4 types of body sets, 2 of which strike way to close to WoW IMHO.... The Star Wars universe offers More Alien Species Variety then any other Sci-Fi Genre and yet the Character creator DOES NOT reflect this at all. Though I am loathed to use other MMO's as examples or comparisons, The Star Trek Online creator for instance would allow a player to choose from base races in the known lore or mix and match parts from them to invent their own new race with the a Bio for story purposes, which really connected the player to their character and story. But seriously HEIGHT/WEIGHT CONTROL MUST COME SOON!!


*Lightsaber Forms


The inclusion of The lightsaber styles was an EPIC move! So I naturally bust my bum to get to the Ataru Lightsaber form and........... A stat change? A movement speed stat change...... No animation changes, the extremly limited "Acrobatic" moves require 2 lightsabers to be equipped.... and I was like, OMG.... First off every known user of Ataru in the films only carried a single saber, second & MOST IMPORTANTLY


"The hallmark of the Ataru lightsaber form is Rapid Force-aided Acrobatics normally not possible"-Wookipedia


Why then does almost all the classes get cyclonic sweeps & Jumps but Atru has 2 sabers a "Zealous Strike" which is to say... hardly acrobatic in nature.


My end point is this, if I wanted a simple stat change I could equip a diff. armor & even then I'd still SEE a difference in-game. The Lightsaber forms should IMHO have come with their own animations and stances, just that & no real stat change would have probably made players more happy then saying look Im in Ataru/Soresu/Juyo/Shien/Shii-Cho cant you tell??


Thank you so much for your time and consideration in these matters, I can only hope it isn't a year before some of these things actually make it in & keep up the great work!


Also- How about a roll or flip when you jump like pressing Spacebar twice, just to look a lil cooler... or a roll button hehehe


BUT WOW, Great work guys!!! cant wait!!


Suggestions posed as Questions for Q & A submittable purposes


Yuda- "When can we expect to see new races or weight/height options in character creation?"


Yuda- "In the future can we expect to see more types of lightsabers, I.E. Shorter/Longer blades, More Colors, Mabey even Hilt apperance customization?"

Edited by Master_Nada
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* Character Height/Weight Control


Well this is a Huge game breaker for me..... All I wanted really was to be Yoda's Height & fight style (Aka Ataru)..... Ya know, an Iddy-Bitty Flippy Jedi. Easily underestimate-able etc... I dont need to be the Wisest or old Galactic Jedi Hero, just that size.... Alas character creation in SWTOR is nothing short of a tragedy when compared to others. All the race's inevitably somehow look human anyway no matter what you do, the faces range ok to downright deformed in nature with no sliders for adjustment. There are ONLY 4 types of body sets, 2 of which strike way to close to WoW IMHO.... The Star Wars universe offers More Alien Species Variety then any other Sci-Fi Genre and yet the Character creator DOES NOT reflect this at all. Though I am loathed to use other MMO's as examples or comparisons, The Star Trek Online creator for instance would allow a player to choose from base races in the known lore or mix and match parts from them to invent their own new race with the a Bio for story purposes, which really connected the player to their character and story. But seriously HEIGHT/WEIGHT CONTROL MUST COME SOON!!


Bioware has said that all PC races will be basically humanoid, with humanoid faces. This is necessary for the emotional expressions during cut scenes. I believe one developer has said something to the effect of, "One of our tests for PC races is 'Can you imagine Leia kissing it?'" Non-human-appearing races are pretty much for companions.


Extreme height/weight dimorphism leads to clipping and animation problems, as well as issues with modeling armor/clothing; this is why Vanguard needed to grossly simplify its models after launch. Also, having a player-created race seriously hinders how voice acting works. Currently, a voice actor can record a sentence that mentions the character's race: "Ah, a human." "Ah, a Twiliek.", etc. That can't work if you make up your own race.

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I do love what you guys are doing for patch 1.2 but I really can't stress hard enough how horrible the Looking for Group situation is. If you're not looking for a Hardmode group good luck because you wil be searching for people for over an hour most of the time. Many low levels just give up and solo which is fine but this is an MMO and not Skyrim.


So please make an awesome LFG system soon. Thank you!

Edited by Daskillz
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you need to address these problems in this patch or the next one.





1. the recovery time after dieing being to long





such as--> 9 minutes and some odd secounds.





2. the force powers and vendor item cost being to high





such as--> 400 credits it should be below 90 credits.





3. the force lightning glitch in the game.where force lightning after useing it on the





monster and it doesn't dissapear it just remains.





I have pics of both the force lightning glitch and the recovery time being 9 minutes





and some odd secounds.





If you would like to see the pictures of these 2 problems please email me.





These problems have made the game un enjoyable to me and would like them fixed.

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Actually this isn't so cut and dry during this time period. It appears to be something that happened around the time of Darth Bane, and even then it is unclear, as Darth Maul was born Maul Opress from what we know. Anakin's taking of the new title could have been related to the fact that the Jedi were in the process of being wiped from the map, he was a former Jedi and his connections to that former life.


Revan for instance did not take a new name, but Malak did.


It's a bit spoilerish but....



You get given a proper Sith name near the end of the Sith Inquisitor storyline when you became a Darth.



Those names, to my knowledge were also given, not chosen. I could very well be wrong on that.

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1. the recovery time after dieing being to long

such as--> 9 minutes and some odd secounds.



Those "medical probe" timers, if I'm correct, grow with each use until you respawn at a med station. I think there's some other reset timer on it. If you're hitting 9 min, it's time to respawn instead of call a probe.

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Rift has 16 North American and 18 European servers for a total of 34 servers. Using your numbers of subscribers that would mean between 29,000 and 58,000 subscribers per server.


Champions releasing be-weekly content just means that most of that content was ready to go at release and they are just sending a little out at a time.


Rift has added a lot of content since launch also, but also had bug fixes daily for the first 2-3 months.


What you said about CO makes no sense. That game has been out since 2009...how is the content they're releasing now ready to go 3 years ago?


Also, yes, Rift had a ton of bug fixes daily for 2-3 months...why isn't tOR doing the same?

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Actually, it's rather the opposite.... sorta.


Revan, still, never had a canon name. Even durring the KotOR comic, when they finally got up to dealing with him and the Mandolorian Wars, all he was ever refered to as was 'the Revanshist leader'. So he took his name from that. (even the council never reffered to him by any name. He was jus tthe leader of the movement) The whole idea behind a revanche just happened to fit durring both of his roles. So 'Darth' was added to it.


Darth Malak, just added an M to his name and swapped a letter: Alek -> Malak


With Revan we have no idea for sure, but here is what we do know.


In Star Wars continuity, there has been some ambiguity concerning whether or not "Revan" is the character's original name or merely an alias. Abel G. Peña comments on his starwars.com blog that he believes that Revan and Malak used their true names, thus making them the first Sith to take up the "Darth" title without also adopting a Sith moniker. However, in the guide Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force, Alek Squinquargesimus, a Jedi from the Knights of the Old Republic comics, was confirmed to have been Darth Malak. John Jackson Miller has hinted that Revan might not be his original name, although the Knights of the Old Republic comics have not taken a stance on Revan's identity as of yet. Similar inquiries were answered in Star Wars Insider with a reminder that Revan was mainly referred to as such by people talking about him well after he took up the name Darth Revan, although some logs left over from the Mandalorian Wars on Dxun in Knights of the Old Republic II refer to him as "Revan." In the Q&A section of the twenty-ninth issue of the comic series, Miller promised that the comics would "speak to the matter of Revan and Malak–perhaps sooner than you may think." However, it is known that for a time, he was known as the "Revanchist" by the public. While his real name has not been revealed, his discovery of his signature Mandalorian mask led him to take on the shortened name of "Revan". Therefore, it seems likely that Revan is not his real name, and rather a moniker that allowed others to identify with him, and also a symbol of what he wished to accomplish.


Now given that Pena's comment about it being his real name was on Star Wars.com I'm more inclined to give that the top preference until something soft or hard canon comes to light.


It is also the name that Revan sticks with for the remainder of his life as seen in the Revan novel, so even after he is no longer a sith and drops the Darth title the name remains a part of his identity if it wasn't prior to his assumption of the Darth title.


We have two clear examples of name changes after becoming sith Bane who assumed the name Bane even before he assumed the title Darth and Vader, who was given his name.


Darth Zannah is an interesting case as she was a child when Bane found her and went by Rain, when she became a sith she returned to using her real name.


I think like the lightsaber color issue this just goes to show that there is no canon answer and many of the canon examples seem to contradict each other.

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