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The Wall: How stubborn, how evil! The wall!


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This wall....such a tall wall....a massive obstacle. After unsuccessfully attempting to scale it with one character I moved one. Hoping that my next attempt would be successful, that I could see what is on the other side of the wall. That if I made it over I would find myself in good company, and things would be bright and sunny! So I set off, on a new adventure, determined to find another way over.


The wall. The wall would not have it.


I scratched, I climbed, I kicked! I yelled, I ran, I even had a sit.....at the wall. All the while the wall just stood, mocking I and all those who now sit with me.


Is this it? Is this the end? Level 50 again? I thought this was End Game, not End of The Game.


The Wall.......

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and here I thought this was going to be about The Wall on Dromund Kaas


Nope! I love that place actually, REALLY REALLY great spot to farm orange and purple for low to mid teen alts. There is one spot near it that has 4 champions around a camp fire, and they are on a pretty short respawn. They always drop orange, blue, and purple.

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Okay please tell me what the hell are they supposed to do? What about other end games in MMOs is so different? RAIDING AND PVP ARE ENDGAME FOR 99.9% OF MMOS. If you don't like raiding and pvp at endgame, then MMOS ARE NOT FOR YOU. All you people ***** and complain about how theres nothing to do at 50, but have no ideas on how to solve it. You guys are bored with MMOs in general, admit it. People complain about this **** in every game, its nothing new.
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This wall....such a tall wall....a massive obstacle. After unsuccessfully attempting to scale it with one character I moved one. Hoping that my next attempt would be successful, that I could see what is on the other side of the wall. That if I made it over I would find myself in good company, and things would be bright and sunny! So I set off, on a new adventure, determined to find another way over.


The wall. The wall would not have it.


I scratched, I climbed, I kicked! I yelled, I ran, I even had a sit.....at the wall. All the while the wall just stood, mocking I and all those who now sit with me.


Is this it? Is this the end? Level 50 again? I thought this was End Game, not End of The Game.


The Wall.......


hah. well done.

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Okay please tell me what the hell are they supposed to do? What about other end games in MMOs is so different? RAIDING AND PVP ARE ENDGAME FOR 99.9% OF MMOS. If you don't like raiding and pvp at endgame, then MMOS ARE NOT FOR YOU. All you people ***** and complain about how theres nothing to do at 50, but have no ideas on how to solve it. You guys are bored with MMOs in general, admit it. People complain about this **** in every game, its nothing new.


Well since you missed the humor in this and want to get uppy...


I have been gaming longer than most of these players have been alive, this includes online gaming back when "online" wasn't known to most.


The issue specific to SWTOR over others? The lack of population and lack of social incentive. We have too few players spread across too many servers and do not have an effective way of finding each other. My server has a "heavy" population, there were 182 people on Fleet last night. Sure there are more than that playing the game on Emp, but we are spread across the "galaxy".


Back "in the day" before group finding tools the games themselves provided incentive to be social and find a common location. Which allowed for people to find groups and run their "end game" content. SWTOR doesn't provide any of that, and that is why it has been called a single player RPG with a chat box.


PvP, damn near doesn't exist.


/rant, back to the funnies.

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Well since you missed the humor in this and want to get uppy...


I have been gaming longer than most of these players have been alive, this includes online gaming back when "online" wasn't known to most.


The issue specific to SWTOR over others? The lack of population and lack of social incentive. We have too few players spread across too many servers and do not have an effective way of finding each other. My server has a "heavy" population, there were 182 people on Fleet last night. Sure there are more than that playing the game on Emp, but we are spread across the "galaxy".


Back "in the day" before group finding tools the games themselves provided incentive to be social and find a common location. Which allowed for people to find groups and run their "end game" content. SWTOR doesn't provide any of that, and that is why it has been called a single player RPG with a chat box.


PvP, damn near doesn't exist.


/rant, back to the funnies.


Oh my, where to start, where to start...


Lack of population? 180 on the fleet is pretty damn good and SWTOR has more people playing it than most MMOs except WOW. The fleet isn't going to have 500 people on it, thats unrealistic because people are questing and doing other things. Orgrimmar seemed like it had less people in it in WOW than the fleet does in SWTOR.


Games providing "incentive" to be social? That's code for "back in the day games were simple and everyone was in the same place and LFG wasn't invented so we chatted to find groups". Well duh. Older MMOs usually had 1 spot the high levels hung around and just talked and grouped. Fleet is the same. There are people allll over there hanging around just trying to find a group. This "social incentive" stuff you're talking about is bs and you know it. MMOs back then just felt new to youI and now you've played so many of them that endgame is boring to you. 'm sure I've played just about every MMO you have, believe me lol. Calling SWTOR a single player chat box game is childish. There is plenty to do with other people if you don't sit around and mope about how back in the day games were better.


PVP doesn't exist? LOL you're crazy man, I don't know if you're joking or not at this point. A fully open PVP planet isn't PVP? PVP zones while leveling isn't PVP? 3 warzones isn't PVP? What games have you played recently where the pvp was "groundbreaking" and was to your style? PVP is pretty much the same in all MMOs. Like I said, you're just bored with MMOs and you know it.

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We know that many players are interested in talking about gameplay after achieving maximum level. That conversation is already in progress, so you may want to join the discussion here:




Here are a couple more threads you may find interesting:


Server Population:http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753

Dungeon Finder Tool: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=279017


We are closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback and for your help in keeping these forums a bit better organized!


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