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It's been stated that they will be taking over Ilum. (Unless I misunderstood something) I have yet to see RvR that matched the fun factor of DaoC RvR. If they turned Ilum in to something like that, I would be very happy.


Holding areas could provide a faction a bonus. It could get tricky with the Faction imbalance but 16 good players should be able to disrupt with some guerrilla tactics or hold off a large group when defending a fortress. Maybe I am just being overly nostalgic.:D

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It's been stated that they will be taking over Ilum. (Unless I misunderstood something) I have yet to see RvR that matched the fun factor of DaoC RvR. If they turned Ilum in to something like that, I would be very happy.


Holding areas could provide a faction a bonus. It could get tricky with the Faction imbalance but 16 good players should be able to disrupt with some guerrilla tactics or hold off a large group when defending a fortress. Maybe I am just being overly nostalgic.:D


Mythic's ORVR have always been a game of numbers. Dosen't mean it can't be fun, but thinking grand scale ORVR will be equal numbers, you're dreaming. A lot of carebears couldn't put up with that in DAOC, in WAR. DAOC might be considered a success but had a pretty small player base compared to that other game. WAR was just a failure on so many issues. I don't think an ORVR zone designed by Mythic can have any real success, as it is not for carebears and the overwhelmed side always quit after a few tries, unless there are massive incentives to try and fight the zerg, like a buff to stats for the underdog, or an AAO (against all odds) buff like in WAR.


ORVR is niche PvP and many players prefer balanced WZs. I hope they improve it but I won't hold my breath. Too much work needed, not profitable enough. If there was millions of gamers waiting anxiously for ORvR, there would have been millions playing DAOC and millions subs in WAR.

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It's been stated that they will be taking over Ilum. (Unless I misunderstood something) I have yet to see RvR that matched the fun factor of DaoC RvR. If they turned Ilum in to something like that, I would be very happy.


Holding areas could provide a faction a bonus. It could get tricky with the Faction imbalance but 16 good players should be able to disrupt with some guerrilla tactics or hold off a large group when defending a fortress. Maybe I am just being overly nostalgic.:D



as amazing as daoc pvp was...this game will NEVER be like that. here's why.


1. This game has 2 factions. population balance is always going to be an issue. daoc had 3 ALL of whic had their own unique classes. no class mirrors. maybe an even amount of ranged, melee, caster, and healer classes....but not mirrors. they also had their own unique lands to quest and lvl on which helped promote playing the different factions.


2. this is a 32 bit game. they are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS going to have a rediculously hard time supporting mass amounts of players in a single spot.



however, they make ilum pvp area bigger with main bases that can be taken over for loot and comm rewards like they did in warhammer....AND make more pvp planets so your not stuck on ilum world pvp 24/7....i feel world pvp will flare back up quite a bit.

Edited by Maliceminded
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I know that the Mythic team has been in but I had the impression that they were taking over Open World PvP. Ill go check the info again.


I will still hold on to my hopes for some good open world PvP. :p


Edit: Removed rest since I don't want to start a Rant Thread.

Edited by Raific
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If the game engine gets a buff then SWTOR ORvR will be very viable and very fun, despite the fact that there are only 2 factions.

In it's current state the game engine cannot handle a big number of players in the same area and also I think that the servers cannot handle the huge amount of calculation that they have to do. Maybe in time these issues will be addressed and we can have proper blood bath on multiple planets.

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It's been stated that they will be taking over Ilum. (Unless I misunderstood something) I have yet to see RvR that matched the fun factor of DaoC RvR. If they turned Ilum in to something like that, I would be very happy.


Holding areas could provide a faction a bonus. It could get tricky with the Faction imbalance but 16 good players should be able to disrupt with some guerrilla tactics or hold off a large group when defending a fortress. Maybe I am just being overly nostalgic.:D



From what I´ve gathered during warhammer most if not all of mythics good devs have long gone (even before war) so whats left is not that impressive and you pretty much see the result ^^


Its not the company that makes the games, its the people working in that company and if they are gone so is their knowledge and skill :p

Edited by Garbald
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It's been stated that they will be taking over Ilum. (Unless I misunderstood something) I have yet to see RvR that matched the fun factor of DaoC RvR. If they turned Ilum in to something like that, I would be very happy.


Holding areas could provide a faction a bonus. It could get tricky with the Faction imbalance but 16 good players should be able to disrupt with some guerrilla tactics or hold off a large group when defending a fortress. Maybe I am just being overly nostalgic.:D


1.) Mythic's been involved throughout the design process.


2.) Got a source where it says they're "taking over" the design of Ilum?


3.) Even if they are, that's necessarily not a good thing to those of us who played WAR and got disgusted by its issues.

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