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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Torian Bromance


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I am playing as a male BH and have a question for bioware. i want to romance torian when same gender romances become available, but he has asked a question that i don't know the answer to. he is asking the question about mako. i can't choose wether to say i like her, say he can have her or say no romances on my ship. i want to say "i love you Torian" but that is not an option... yet. when will it become an option, because i have put on hold my BH
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You get the same question from Mako if you play as a female BH. If you choose the "Just good friends" option, they will basically go out on a date and decide it does not work. If you choose the "It would not be professional" option, the response will be "Yes you are right, of course".

There is a 3rd option, but I cannot remember the result.

Anyway, the result from any of the conversations is that neither is removed as potential romance options, although of course at the moment you cannot romance Torian.

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I am playing as a male BH and have a question for bioware. i want to romance torian when same gender romances become available, but he has asked a question that i don't know the answer to. he is asking the question about mako. i can't choose wether to say i like her, say he can have her or say no romances on my ship. i want to say "i love you Torian" but that is not an option... yet. when will it become an option, because i have put on hold my BH


Unfortunately, I believe that when SGR is introduced, current companions will NOT be eligible for it, only newly introduced companions. So, I am very sorry but the only way you'll be able to romance Torian is by rolling a female BH.

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Unfortunately, I believe that when SGR is introduced, current companions will NOT be eligible for it, only newly introduced companions. So, I am very sorry but the only way you'll be able to romance Torian is by rolling a female BH.


This is actually debatable. From this week's Guild Summit:


Q: Any update on same gender romance?


Daniel: It is coming and it is coming with story updates. It is something that depends on the writers and we want to do right, and writers have a long lead time. We did not want to just change all the dialogue for the other gender. That is not writing, that is not story telling. This was cut originally because of budget and time issues. We have designs, we know what romance options we want to put in for this. It is coming when full story comes, and full story is coming this year. We are still on track.


The fact that he mentioned "changing the dialogue", and that they know what options they want to add, leads some people to believe that they're talking about updating at least some of the current companions. But it sounds like they're not going to talk about who anytime soon.


(I'll hope for Torian for you, OP! Mandos should be down with that! ;) )

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Torian is boring to romance anyway...if he didn't have Johnny Yong Bosch's voice I don't know if I'd even bother. :p


Maybe, but with one of his customization kits, he's definitely the most gorgeous npc in the game. :D

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Maybe, but with one of his customization kits, he's definitely the most gorgeous npc in the game. :D

Out of curiosity, which customization? I ask because I think he's downright gorgeous with his default appearance. :p

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Torian is boring to romance anyway...if he didn't have Johnny Yong Bosch's voice I don't know if I'd even bother. :p


I actually loved romancing Torian, far far better than Corso's story, his is sweet and all, but far too cheesy...I actually found myself going "AWWW" in places during our fave Mando's though, no cheese, perhaps thats all thanks to the Mando'a dialogue I'm not sure, but even with translation it lacks the cheese of Corso's.


Being a long time Bleach fan I do find myself pulling faces sometimes at the thought of being married to a Japanese schoolkid..

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I can't remember the kit number, but it's the one that makes him look like this. :p


Does that kit exist?! (Do want!) I was looking at pics of the kits on TORHead and that was none of the ones presented... but there are a lot of gaps when it comes to customization kit info. :/

Edited by Jenovan
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Does that kit exist?! (Do want!) I was looking at pics of the kits on TORHead and that was none of the ones presented... but there are a lot of gaps when it comes to customization kit info. :/


I agree it's the only customisation I would bother with, but no idea where from, could you possibly have a look and give us a head's up?

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I agree it's the only customisation I would bother with, but no idea where from, could you possibly have a look and give us a head's up?


Ah. I can't. :s I deleted my high level Bounty Hunter for... actually I don't remember what for. :eek:

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I can't remember the kit number, but it's the one that makes him look like this. :p


I dunno, that one makes me want to tell him "Get a haircut, jeez." :jawa_wink:


I guess I'm just not a fan of the "scruffy hair hanging down to cover one eye" hipster look. At least not on guys. On other girls it can be cute.

Edited by LyriaFrost
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I can't remember the kit number, but it's the one that makes him look like this. :p


This isn't a kit, nor does it exist. That image is of what Torian was GOING to look like. They changed them, those images are just pre-edit. Look at the Mako one. Her face is longer and slimmer. The current Mako is more rounded. Take a look:


Old Mako

New/Current Mako


So yeah, that kit does not, in fact, exist. It was his default before they changed it. Here are all the kits, however:


Torian Cadera Customization 1

Torian Cadera Customization 2

Torian Cadera Customization 3

Torian Cadera Customization 4

Torian Cadera Customization 5

Torian Cadera Customization 6

Torian Cadera Customization 7

Torian Cadera Customization 8



Sorry for being the buzz kill guys, but it's either the default or one of these. Personally, I love the default.

Edited by Kikilicious
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This isn't a kit, nor does it exist.


So yeah, that kit does not, in fact, exist. It was his default before they changed it. Here are all the kits, however:




Sorry for being the buzz kill guys, but it's either the default or one of these. Personally, I love the default.


I was afraid of that, and had settled on that truth until the topic was raised here again. ;P


Note that customization #7 doesn't seem to be available anywhere in the game, yet; the links above all have pictures otherwise, except #4, which you can see here:

http://www.torhead.com/npc/epyJZqr/torian-cadera#screenshots (the brunette one)


I like the default just fine (and better than any of the customs, as far as I can tell), but I liked the prototype better. ;P Would have appreciated getting that look as an option!

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This isn't a kit, nor does it exist. That image is of what Torian was GOING to look like. They changed them, those images are just pre-edit. Look at the Mako one. Her face is longer and slimmer. The current Mako is more rounded. Take a look:


Old Mako

New/Current Mako


So yeah, that kit does not, in fact, exist. It was his default before they changed it. Here are all the kits, however:


Torian Cadera Customization 1

Torian Cadera Customization 2

Torian Cadera Customization 3

Torian Cadera Customization 4

Torian Cadera Customization 5

Torian Cadera Customization 6

Torian Cadera Customization 7

Torian Cadera Customization 8



Sorry for being the buzz kill guys, but it's either the default or one of these. Personally, I love the default.


Nice one, you know I had a feeling this was going to be the case as I recall seeing the image before release, I'm fine with default, I like the prototype as it's not so different...still blond, still the goatee, default is good...I'm attached to it now...

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