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Self harm and PVP


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EDIT: this is about the gamne mechanics of a tank intercepting self inflicted or environmental damage. It is also about the possibility of rewards generated via healing self inflicted environmental (or otherwise) damage. I've removed teh anecdotal example as few seemed inclined to read the queries beyond it!




...no, I don't mean rolling an Operative and then trolling the **** out of the forum. Something else!


I've noticed that it is posible to acrue rewards for healing self inflicted damage. Is this working as intended? If you were to jump from a great height, or burn yourself in the fire pits and heal up, would this also give rewards?


From a different angle, if you were being guarded by a tank and engaged in "self harm", would the tank intercept the damage as though it was from another player thus earning Comms, Medals, Valour etc.?

Edited by QuiJonPed
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you can also by takign your gear off and back on and heal the extra hp you gained from gearing up again.


but its pretty much at your own risk, cuz liek in your example, you can get in an unwanted situation by doing this.

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Given that valor / comms are capped at 4 medals now... who cares?


And with only 4 Medals beeing worth anything ... your problem is exactly what?




Sitting there at a turret doing nothing but grinding rewards which are meant to be gleaned from fighting other people and ultimately getting yourself one shotted by a smuggler is not contributing to the effort required to win. Pure comedy Gold; I pissed myself laughing so much I couldn't mash my heal keys (er that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).


That aside, I didn't say I have a problem neither did I imply I had one. If you take the time to read my OP I asked a series of questions about healing/guarding and receiving rewards from self inflicted damage. Plus whether or not this was working as intended (or classed as an exploit, for example).



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...no, I don't mean rolling an Operative and then trolling the **** out of the forum. Something else!


I've noticed a class that can consume their health pool, assuming via a skill, and then when they heal themselves they receive credit towards medals, valour etc.


Specifically, a player initiated some kind of ability that dorpped their health down to around 10%, and then healed themselves up. During this 15 second heal period, they received two medals (presumably 2.5k heal, 5k heal etc.).


Is this workign as intended? If you were to jump from a great height, or burn yourself in the fire pits and heal up, would this also give medals (I need to chek this!).


From a different angle, if you were being guarded by a tank and engaged in "self harm", would the tank intercept the damage as though it was from another player thus earning Comms, Medals, Valour etc.?


On a side, the


did this for around five minutes of the BG (*defending*, in the loosest possible sense, the turret). He then got jumped by a Smuggler. Was it wrong to remian in stealth and wtach him die? I then killed the smuggler :p


Walking thru fire pit and heal yourself up also works in Hutball.


In Civil War you can go around to the back of the side turrets and climb up and jump off and take dmg and heal back up.


And with medals capped at 4 I dont see this doing anything meaningful.

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Sitting there at a turret doing nothing but grinding rewards which are meant to be gleaned from fighting other people and ultimately getting yourself one shotted by a smuggler is not contributing to the effort required to win.


Sounds like the sorcerer was defending the turret, i.e. helping your team win...

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Sounds like the sorcerer was defending the turret, i.e. helping your team win...


please forgive my ignorance but how is "defending" the turret with 10% health resulting in him being one shotted by a smuggler helping?


How exactly is that helping my team win as it gives the other team the turret.


Not that it matters, I was mainly asking about tanks intercepting this kind of damage (and seeing if they get rewards too).

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Can I ask what server you play on? Lol I only ask because I do this hahahaha!


And just like someone else posted, I'm more than happy to do it to get my four if I'm defending and will only get a 2.5k heals, 1k defender, 75k heals, and maybe a killing blow, possibly an assassin. Doing this I only have 3 medals guaranteed.

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yep lets punish the guy defending a turret who probably got 4 marks barely anyway and reward you who stood and watched him and didnt help at all, who probably got 8 just by farting some damage around


sounds good


...but he isn't defending the turret. He has 10% health and is not capable of defending anything.


Besides which, if you make the effort to read my OP, you'll see I am asking about tanks intercepting this kind of damage with guard and also if it works with physical affects (i.e. falling, fire pits).

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Can I ask what server you play on? Lol I only ask because I do this hahahaha!


And just like someone else posted, I'm more than happy to do it to get my four if I'm defending and will only get a 2.5k heals, 1k defender, 75k heals, and maybe a killing blow, possibly an assassin. Doing this I only have 3 medals guaranteed.


Hi there. If you read my OP you'll see I am asking about tanks using guard to intercept this kind of damage (does it generate rewards for the tank?) and also receiving rewards from healing damage caused by environmental affects (fire pits, falling).


Perhaps if folks would read the OP rather than mashing their faces into the keyboard at line one, people would realise I don't realyl give a monkey's about it, in fact I found it very funny. I just wanted to know... well I ma sure you won't bother reading anwyay :o

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This could also be another sage/sorc QQ thread in disguise.


Hi, no it's a query about tanks intcerpting this kind of damage using guard (do they get rewards for it too?) and also healing rewards generated from environmental affects.


Thanks for your contribution to a well balanced debate in which only person was helpful enough to read the OP and offer aomething of substance (the armour thing is VERY interesting!) :D

Edited by QuiJonPed
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Can I ask what server you play on? Lol I only ask because I do this hahahaha!


And just like someone else posted, I'm more than happy to do it to get my four if I'm defending and will only get a 2.5k heals, 1k defender, 75k heals, and maybe a killing blow, possibly an assassin. Doing this I only have 3 medals guaranteed.


Your terrible if you can't get 4 medals defending a turret the whole match. 2.5k hit, killing blow, 1vs1, 1k defender, 3k defender. No matter what class you play if you have to cheese your way to reach the 4 medals you are pretty terrible and should just uninstall the game.

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Hi there. If you read my OP you'll see I am asking about tanks using guard to intercept this kind of damage (does it generate rewards for the tank?) and also receiving rewards from healing damage caused by environmental affects (fire pits, falling).


Perhaps if folks would read the OP rather than mashing their faces into the keyboard at line one, people would realise I don't realyl give a monkey's about it, in fact I found it very funny. I just wanted to know... well I ma sure you won't bother reading anwyay :o


you should have added /rude to the end there. I didn't respond to your exact OP's questions because I simply don't know. SO, let me re-write my original post:


"I don't know the specific answers to what you are addressing, but I would like to address my own point as this has brought into perspective a personal view of mine. Can I ask what server you play on? Lol I only ask because I do this hahahaha!


And just like someone else posted, I'm more than happy to do it to get my four if I'm defending and will only get a 2.5k heals, 1k defender, 75k heals, and maybe a killing blow, possibly an assassin. Doing this I only have 3 medals guaranteed."


Is that better? -_-

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Your terrible if you can't get 4 medals defending a turret the whole match. 2.5k hit, killing blow, 1vs1, 1k defender, 3k defender. No matter what class you play if you have to cheese your way to reach the 4 medals you are pretty terrible and should just uninstall the game.


Seriously? You're not contributing anything to this thread. Anyway, to address what you're saying...


There's only two medals that you brought up that I didn't say that I was guaranteed. I'm playing from the POV of a level 31 sorcerer. Not much of a chance of a 2.5k critical there guy.


Also, 3k defender is guaranteed if you stand there the whole match. I've been on turret duty many times and several of those times I've gone without getting it. It just depends on the enemies that come at me.


So why don't you go and try to raise your self-esteem somewhere else, huh? You're not contributing anything, you're rude, and you lack proper grammar and punctuation skills. Thanks for stopping by though! :cool:

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I guess the tank archtype's don't read the forum. Only butthurt Sorcs trying to flame me :p (joke? :( ).


Nevermind, my grateful thanks to those who helped (the armour removal trick is greeat, tyvm!). I might roll a tank and give it a test myself.


Just to reiterate, this was a topic about tanks using guard to intercept environmental damage/self inflicted damage plus rewards generated from self inflicted injuries (i.e. fire pits, abilities).



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Seriously? You're not contributing anything to this thread. Anyway, to address what you're saying...


There's only two medals that you brought up that I didn't say that I was guaranteed. I'm playing from the POV of a level 31 sorcerer. Not much of a chance of a 2.5k critical there guy.


Also, 3k defender is guaranteed if you stand there the whole match. I've been on turret duty many times and several of those times I've gone without getting it. It just depends on the enemies that come at me.


So why don't you go and try to raise your self-esteem somewhere else, huh? You're not contributing anything, you're rude, and you lack proper grammar and punctuation skills. Thanks for stopping by though! :cool:


I don't need to raise my self-esteem through a video-game, but thanks for trying to antagonize me, try again. Also, if you want to start with the grammar/punctuation crap you should first look at your own post.

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Is that better? -_-


I apologise if I caused any offence. Please see it from my point of view though! I've had a number of replies, and pretty much only one was related to the OP. The remainder were trolls/flames over the example I used. I don't care if people do it (I did not once say I did or it was wrong), I was asking to what extent this scenario could be expanded to.


I should've known better than mention the Sorc. :facepalm:


*applies a plaster to the keyboard shaped headwounds*


Go on, take it in humour? :p

Edited by QuiJonPed
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@op. yes this is possible. yes this is lame and yes it is... well kinda stupid. but really, so what? they do it, they get their 2 medals and that's it. who cares?


is it for you that you are in a competition for medals or do you want to do pvp and win?


who cares...

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I don't need to raise my self-esteem through a video-game, but thanks for trying to antagonize me, try again. Also, if you want to start with the grammar/punctuation crap you should first look at your own post.


Oh, you're still here?

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...no, I don't mean rolling an Operative and then trolling the **** out of the forum. Something else!


I've noticed a class that can consume their health pool, assuming via a skill, and then when they heal themselves they receive credit towards medals, valour etc.


Specifically, a player initiated some kind of ability that dorpped their health down to around 10%, and then healed themselves up. During this 15 second heal period, they received two medals (presumably 2.5k heal, 5k heal etc.).


Is this workign as intended? If you were to jump from a great height, or burn yourself in the fire pits and heal up, would this also give medals (I need to chek this!).


From a different angle, if you were being guarded by a tank and engaged in "self harm", would the tank intercept the damage as though it was from another player thus earning Comms, Medals, Valour etc.?


On a side, the


did this for around five minutes of the BG (*defending*, in the loosest possible sense, the turret). He then got jumped by a Smuggler. Was it wrong to remian in stealth and wtach him die? I then killed the smuggler :p



This sort of post pisses me off. Someone was actually defending a point - something that 99% of the plebs that play this game wont do, they would rather run attacking the third turrent when we hold 2 already or go hunting people no where near points - and you judged him to be an exploiter who wasnt helping the team.


No end of times i have been the only person guarding a point while everyone else ****s about and i have self harmed to get some heal medals. The guy was helping your team win more than the ****tards that run about chasing kills.

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...but he isn't defending the turret. He has 10% health and is not capable of defending anything.


Besides which, if you make the effort to read my OP, you'll see I am asking about tanks intercepting this kind of damage with guard and also if it works with physical affects (i.e. falling, fire pits).


Someone with 10% health on the turrent is better than someone with 100% health attacking the thrid turret.


But dropping to 10% is a bit low really. no need to go below 50%

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