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Feel free to make that argument, it still doesn't change what I said.


Maybe..but you and others are acting like it actually makes a difference in this game. Your trying to min/Max a game where even the min is overkill. As a pure clicker using the hot. Bar i can 1v1 pretty much anyone. Those i can't are because of mechanics..outhealed so i run out of energy or that operative CC takes half life and fades away..rinse and repeat.


For healing..its not difficult to click a frame and heal. I don't need search the map looking. If you think that extra 1/4 of a second makes difference between life and death..then your already bad.


So yes..most times keybinding is quicker and more efficient ..after you learn to never click wrong key and memorize where you.bound 30 keys. But the efficiency difference has literally no impact in this game.

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I am a clicker on my healer and I regularly top heals in 50 bracket warzone's. And no one complains about my healing in HM's or Ops. No one seems to think I am slow and I can't move while channeling or casting anyway. I find keybinds slow me down as a healer.


I am not a clicker on my sentinel, I can't get enough dps when I try clicking for melee combat so I use keybinds on him.


If anyone is an effective Melee DPS clicker I would be impressed :)


If anyone says either way is fail then maybe they just can't handle the other method themselves. :)

Edited by Bluestone
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global cooldowns make any argument for a playstyle being faster or more efficient moot.


you can both 'clicky' and move with keys and still have time to make the next attack and face the target in the same amount of time as the so-called 'efficient' reconfigured player does.


you cant hit again till the cooldown is over, it gives time to position for the next attack.


neither is better. just a personal preference.

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I could care less if someone is a clicker or a keyboard user, I only have 2 questions


are the effective in their role, and are they enjoyable to be around


I know the first can be true regardless of if they are a clicker or a keyboard user


the second is only true if they don’t try to tell everyone else how they are supposed to have fun

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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


This sums it up pretty nicely.


Sure clicking is a viable choice and won't exclude you from any content in game. Some may even be pretty good at it.


But don't think for a second, not even a split second, that clicking will ever be as efficient as keybinding. It isn't, no matter how good of a clicker you are.


If you can accept that, fine.

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Play how you want, but the better you get at keybinding as many abilities as you can, the faster you can respond in PvP. Easier to hit a keybind than to eyeball the exact screen real estate where I put a cooldown, especially now that they have CD text options that tell me if a CD is up. Clickers are fine and all, but the most skilled players I meet, especially the ones who dominate in PvP/PvE, use keybinds.


An example of a **** load of keybinds on a $5 ergonomic QWERTY keyboard and a $20 5 button mouse in MMOs:


  • 1 through 0, - = R T Y F G H Z X C V
  • (Shift) 1-7, QWERTY, ASDFGH, ZXCVB
  • (Mouse) 3, 4, 5, Shift Mb3/Mb4/Mb5,
  • (Ctrl) Mb3

(Can even go so far as to use [Alt], [Ctrl]+[shift], and [Alt]+[shift] keybinds, but there's only 4 hotbars versus the 10+ that some MMOs/add-ons have).

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I used to be a full clicker, but I've been breaking away from that as best as possible. The first thing I've done is bound my A + D keys to make me strafe... that in and of itself really helps.


I've always managed to be extremely competitive even with being a semi-clicker, though I generally use my 1-10 keys and any unused keys around WASD for abilities, but sometimes I fall back into the clicker mode.


I would say don't worry about it if you feel you are doing ok. If you aren't happy with your performance I would recommend at least doing strafe thing, makes you use your mouse to turn and then bind as many keys around WASD to useful stuff. You'll probably end up being slightly more efficient overall after you get used to it...

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proof that keybind and mouse movement together make you better than a pure clicker or keyboard mover.


hold the right mouse button, then the left mouse button at the same time, (youre now running forward) then hold down the "d" key. Youre now running in circles around your target, faceing them the whole time. Takes some mouse precision to keep yourself in those tight orbits and if youre really good you can be always facing their back. hit those 1-5 and alt+1-5 keybinds to start putting the hurt down. A clicker or keyboard turner will be completely out classes this way every time no way around it.

Edited by superpeanuts
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Clicking is bad, and no amount of arguments will convince me that you are as efficient as a person using keybinds. Never... sorry.


You should be. Tell me I'm not efficient. Ill be topping the charts in my warzones while you laugh at me for being a clicker. You may be right, keybindings are more efficient but skill and knowledge of the force will bring you victory.:rolleyes:

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But don't think for a second, not even a split second, that clicking will ever be as efficient as keybinding. It isn't, no matter how good of a clicker you are.


If you can accept that, fine.


I can accept that, if you can accept that I don't give a Hutt's patootie about "efficiency."

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*in horrible nerdy holier than thou voice*

Yeah, clickers are the worst mmkay. If you are a clicker you are obviously a caveman who fails to have the mental capabilities of us who use only one hand to control everything. As a matter of fact, those of us who are not clickers automatically win every fight we ever encounter mmkay. I am superior to all of you because I have a different play style.


But in all seriousness, there is no 'good' or 'bad' way to play this game. A mixture of the two is good for most, clicking is good for some and pure keybinding is good for others. It's like women, so many different flavors, enough diversity for everyone and you need to do what makes you happy.

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Being a clicker is really only ok when you're healing, and even then really only in WoW because of addons(Healbot, Vudu, Grid+Clique, etc).


You're looking down at what to click on instead of hitting an ability with a finger from muscle memory. Try doing that while also avoiding a mechanic, and not being a keyboard turner......


You are doing worse than you could/should be, I assure you, regardless of what recount told you in that other game. If you were outdpsing people as a clicker, they were just horrible players or undergeared....period.

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I played in WOW as a healer, dps, and tank. I played in some highly competitive guilds including server first guilds. I was consistently complemented on my quick response time and ability to "get out of fire".


I generally didn't tell guilds until after I had been in them awhile and taken over their main tank position that I was a clicker. It was always met with "BS" and "no way" and "I don't believe it". Even when I'd post a screen shot of my UI showing normal abilities used all over the place it took people awhile to believe it.


Can it be done? Yes. But from my experience 90%+ of clickers can't pull it off and still be competitive dps, or hitting their tank rotation and still interrupt 1 second casts, or reliably run out of fire.


When I switched to SW:TOR, I picked up a gamepad and started using it from day 1. It's a world of difference. I'm not about to say that I'm 10x the player I was before, I honestly feel like it's a minor end result in my game play if anything. What I will say is that it takes a hell of a lot less work.


As a clicker I had to be super-twitchy. Ready to hit off-cooldown abilities sometimes with less than 1 second from seeing the animation to execution. I pulled it off and interrupted regularly as a tank simply because my interrupt ability surpassed most key-binding dps, but it was hard and stressful. Using a gampad is like a walk in the park, it's not even remotely difficult now and I could easily interrupt a 0.5 second cast now.


End result - most clickers are slow, those who are fast are probably stressed to hell. Key-binders can be worse than clickers, but if done with proper skill can be having a much more relaxed time.

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