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The defenders of clicking are basically saying that typing long documents using a mouse to click a virtual keyboard can be as fast as touch typing.


You're wrong.


Clickers are slow.


If they don't realise they're slow, it means they're so bad they can't even comprehend how bad they are.



Bad analogy. If you hit a key and I click said document and each of us have to wait 1 second before the keyboard will register a new key/click, I could type the document just as fast as you.


Again, the game doesn't respond as quickly as you hit your keys. There's a GCD.

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Not everyone is the same.

Again, this is not a philosophical discussion where there is no right answer. Human anatomy is universal, everyone ARE the same... more or less. The only exceptions are people with physical or mental deficiencies which might make them completely unable to even consider the use of keybinds. For them clicking works better, because they don't have the luxury of choosing between two options, they're stuck with one.

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The defenders of clicking are basically saying that typing long documents using a mouse to click a virtual keyboard can be as fast as touch typing.


You're wrong.


Clickers are slow.


If they don't realise they're slow, it means they're so bad they can't even comprehend how bad they are.


Not true I type very fast with my on-screen keyboard. Insulting a person doesn't make you right.

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Bad analogy. If you hit a key and I click said document and each of us have to wait 1 second before the keyboard will register a new key/click, I could type the document just as fast as you.


Again, the game doesn't respond as quickly as you hit your keys. There's a GCD.


Again... lots of abilities are off the GCD, especially the most time-sensitive ones.


Prepositioning target reticles, tracking a target with mousehover for a switch while still dpsing the primary, etc etc all these things a clicker cannot do.


Not true I type very fast with my on-screen keyboard. Insulting a person doesn't make you right.


You clicking an on-screen keyboard vs a touch typist, he will type faster than you. Guaranteed.


Just as a sidenote, the fastest touch typist can hit a speed of 260 words per minute sustained over 50 minutes. You're saying you can match that with clicking an onscreen keyboard?


Stop talking nonsense to support an untenable position.


Clickers are slow for very obvious reasons.

Edited by Redmarx
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Again... lots of abilities are off the GCD, especially the most time-sensitive ones.


Prepositioning target reticles, tracking a target with mousehover for a switch while still dpsing the primary, etc etc all these things a clicker cannot do.


I can and do. Guess I'm not human.

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Again, this is not a philosophical discussion where there is no right answer. Human anatomy is universal, everyone ARE the same... more or less. The only exceptions are people with physical or mental deficiencies which might make them completely unable to even consider the use of keybinds. For them clicking works better, because they don't have the luxury of choosing between two options, they're stuck with one.


You are locked into the physical, it is also how different minds work.


You aren’t going to get it, you should probably stop trying to understand it.


It will just be a mystery to you that some folks can be as successful as you are... and they happen to be clickers

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It will just be a mystery to you that some folks can be as successful as you are... and they happen to be clickers


Except they can't. And they aren't.


Only clickers believe this utter nonsense that they can perform as well as a keybinder. They simply cannot.


It's the first thing one tells to someone who wants to get good at PVP. Keybind your ****. Stop being bad and not realising it.

Edited by Redmarx
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It makes the fingers on my left hand ache just reading this, haha. I definitely want to learn how, so I may start a new character again and give it a go so I don't have to bind so many abilities all at once. All of that just seems so daunting to a clicker. :)


Start simple by binding one key to an ability you use often. Then when you have that in your rotation and can press that button without thinking or looking at the keyboard. Then move on to binding your next ability. Keep doing that and soon you will never look at your cursor or abilities again.

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It will just be a mystery to you that some folks can be as successful as you are... and they happen to be clickers


Except they can't. And they aren't.


I think you are both wrong. A Player that know what he is doing, and is a clicker, will surely defeat a player that keybind but is kinda clueless.


If he learned to keybind he would be slightly better though (and he would win even easier eventually).

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Start simple by binding one key to an ability you use often. Then when you have that in your rotation and can press that button without thinking or looking at the keyboard. Then move on to binding your next ability. Keep doing that and soon you will never look at your cursor or abilities again.


Good advise. I'll try that. Thanks for the info.

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You are locked into the physical, it is also how different minds work.

Minds are not only a non-physical thing. You accuse us of having a religious mindset yet you are throwing this nonsensical politically correct philosophical/spiritual thingy at us nonstop.


Humans are much more comfortable responding to situations faster with muscle memory and keybinding favors this method by a longshot over clicking. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a scientific fact and again it's pretty much universal among all people who are atleast of average physical and mental fittness.


It will just be a mystery to you that some folks can be as successful as you are... and they happen to be clickers

It will be a mystery to you that these same awasome players would be even better players if they put time and effort in learning to keybind.

Edited by byteresistor
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Best way to learn to keybind is to start with just a few and master those.




A-Strafe left

D-Strafe fight




Day 1:

Keybind 1-5






Those are the easiest as they fit around WASD and don't involve any stretching of the fingers or movement of the hand and you get to keep your thumb immobile.


Day 2, add:





Day 3:

Use pinky to push shift

Combine shift with your day 1 buttons, as if you were typing


Day 4:

Combine shift with your day 2 buttons


You're now a keybinder. With 24 hotkeys.


All it takes is four days of practice, 1 hour per day.


Muscle memory will do the rest.

Edited by Redmarx
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Except they can't. And they aren't.


Only clickers believe this utter nonsense that they can perform as well as a keybinder. They simply cannot.


It's the first thing one tells to someone who wants to get good at PVP. Keybind your ****. Stop being bad and not realising it.




We already know better than that, there are already great PVPers that use both or either method.

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LOL, I keybind and I click. I also don't care if there are better players then me...I am just online gaming to have fun and relax. You other guys can go be the baddest bestest players there has ever been or ever will be.
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We already know better than that, there are already great PVPers that use both or either method.

Out of curiosity do you think the same about FPS? Is keyboard players and joypad players as good as players with keyboard and mouse?

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It will be a mystery to you that these same awasome players would be even better players if they put time and effort in learning to keybind.



From personal experience, learning to keybind can be frustrating experience for someone who has played these games a lot and has always clicked. Especially for people like me that has had lots of success clicking. It seems like every time I try, I give it up after a while and go back to clicking.



I'm going to give Marmerus's advise a go and start slower.

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Not a matter of what I think.


Do a little research if you are that new to MMO's


There have been HUGELTY successful PVP players in many MMO's that were either key binders or clickers


Not an opinion

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Don’t be afraid to try different things, but don’t be intimidated by the insecure.


I'd certainly try keybinding if there was a guide perhaps catered to sin tanks in swtor, or at the very least, some general guide, that explains ease of use and whatnot.

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Best way to learn to keybind is to start with just a few and master those.


Keybind 1-5






Those are the easiest as they fit around WASD and don't involve any stretching of the fingers or movement of the hand and you get to keep your thumb immobile.







Next step:

Use pinky to push shift

Combine shift with the first set, as if you were typing


Next step:

Combine shift with the second set


You're now a keybinder. With 24 hotkeys.


All it takes is four days of practice, 1 hour per day.


Muscle memory will do the rest.



Thanks for this. I'll give this a try as well.

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i'm a key binder, and i swear by it.


but on the other hand, my buddy is a clicker and is one of the best pvp players on my server, granted he has a good gaming mouse with numerous buttons so I suppose he's kind of a key binder/clicker hybrid, but I would bet money on him in any pvp scenario.

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Not a matter of what I think.


Do a little research if you are that new to MMO's


There have been HUGELTY successful PVP players in many MMO's that were either key binders or clickers


Not an opinion


So was there keyboard players in Doom and early ages in Quake. But after a while they got phased out by mouse and keyboard users.


I have yet to see a single PVP video in any MMO ever where a clicker has been good. Feel free to prove me wrong.


Here is a video of a good PVP player in WoW


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You know why this argument is still going on?


It's because too many clickers are to successful, in Pvp and out, to be told how to play by condescending ******es.


All things optimal, key binding gives you faster reaction times, period. However, once all variables are taken into account it doesn't end up meaning all that much.


Or, to put it another way, a clicker might not be able to be THE best pvper in the game, but they can still be one of the best. And that fact apparent makes the Keybind only crowd suffer a mental shut down every time.

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From personal experience, learning to keybind can be frustrating experience for someone who has played these games a lot and has always clicked. Especially for people like me that has had lots of success clicking. It seems like every time I try, I give it up after a while and go back to clicking.

I was once there myself. I started playing MMO's with WoW and I clicked my way through all of vanilla, it wasn't until late Burning Crusade when I started to keybind, and that was because I re-rolled a class that was just too frustrating to click with. The main reason I was even remotely succesful at clicking before that was because I played a somewhat easymode class and I didn't PvP alot.

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