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Can someone give me a rundown of how they set up their hands when keybinding? Do you click on enemies in the environment, or tab? Do you keep your fingers over the movement keys and then mounover your other fingers to press near by keys for abilties? I seriously need some sort of tutorial, lol. Also, what do you do for alts? Just rebind and relearn everything? Maybe this is why so many hate creating alts. :D

Main keys that you use often close to ASDW (movement keys. You can unbind A and D if you don't eat infront of your computer ^^). That means number keys and QERTFGHZXCVB. Then add modifiers to all those keys (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT) and into your movement keys (example SHIFT+W).

Put secondary abilities with easy keybinds like SHIFT+Q.


I have a razer naga so I have 36 keys on mouse with action slots. On the mouse I set things like trinket that can be used at the same time as a damage ability. Using them at the same time means you get the FULL duration of the buff from the trinket.

Also put secondary skills on mouse with longer durations just to free up main buttons around movement.

Macros and targeting on mouse to speed up gameplay.


I use mouse to target unless I need to move fast around in combat. Then I use TAB or Mouse buttons on naga mixed with macros for focus target.


SWTOR has horrible targeting with mouse and with tab so I don't bother anymore. I just roll my face and attack anything I get in my target.

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I play a mix of half clicking and half keyboard. While I won't argue that all keyboard offers speed gains, the simple fact is, outside of pvp, those speed gains aren't needed 99% of the time.


And I will argue that clicking only is easier, and since that's all that's needed most of the time...

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The developers goal of the game was not specifically differentiate the advantages of clickers vs key binders


That was not in their mission statement, and not in any way the purpose of the game.

I'm sure it wasn't the goal in any other MMOrpg with hotbars either, but the fact that it has hotbars, along with other similar game machanics like in those other games and the way the human body works, the difference always ends up being there in this genre.


And I take back what I said about five fingers vs. one mouse cursor earlier, because actually I can have ten fingers at my disposal given the right mouse. There is just no way you can click as fast with a mouse cursor alone, and that doesn't even include all the other factors; such as having to move your cursor between the gameworld and the hotbars and the ackwardness of turning while trying to execute your abilities at the same time etc.


This is a nobrainer. The way you want to play is ofc a matter of your own personal preference and more power to you however you choose to play but the argument of which method is more effective in the end is not a philosophical matter without a clear winner when one side has almost all of the factors on its side.

Edited by byteresistor
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Main keys that you use often close to ASDW (movement keys. You can unbind A and D if you don't eat infront of your computer ^^). That means number keys and QERTFGHZXCVB. Then add modifiers to all those keys (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT) and into your movement keys (example SHIFT+W).

Put secondary abilities with easy keybinds like SHIFT+Q.


I have a razer naga so I have 36 keys on mouse with action slots. On the mouse I set things like trinket that can be used at the same time as a damage ability. Using them at the same time means you get the FULL duration of the buff from the trinket.

Also put secondary skills on mouse with longer durations just to free up main buttons around movement.

Macros and targeting on mouse to speed up gameplay.


I use mouse to target unless I need to move fast around in combat. Then I use TAB or Mouse buttons on naga mixed with macros for focus target.


SWTOR has horrible targeting with mouse and with tab so I don't bother anymore. I just roll my face and attack anything I get in my target.



It makes the fingers on my left hand ache just reading this, haha. I definitely want to learn how, so I may start a new character again and give it a go so I don't have to bind so many abilities all at once. All of that just seems so daunting to a clicker. :)

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I can't believe this argument has gone on for this many pages. I also cannot believe anyone would argue that 'hunt and peck' with a mouse cursor is just as effective as keybindings.



I'm a clicker and as I said earlier, I tank and heal with the best of them. *shrugs*



I'm not personally saying my way is more effective, but it doesn't hinder me at all as far as doing my job in group content.

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I'm a clicker and as I said earlier, I tank and heal with the best of them. *shrugs*



I'm not personally saying my way is more effective, but it doesn't hinder me at all as far as doing my job in group content.


Yea, I'm not saying it doesn't work fine. Probably the majority of players are clickers. However the folks that are claiming it is just as effective and efficient as keybinding are only lying to themselves because there is no way they can actually believe it.

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I do both, but when I use the keyboard, I tend to not know when certain things are on cooldown, and end up pressing the button of something once or twice before I realize it's not going to work because it's on CD. But when I click, i can easily see when something is still on cooldown and skip that ability in my rotation.
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I do both, but when I use the keyboard, I tend to not know when certain things are on cooldown, and end up pressing the button of something once or twice before I realize it's not going to work because it's on CD. But when I click, i can easily see when something is still on cooldown and skip that ability in my rotation.


you can still look at your icons when you are using keybindings, the difference is, you don't HAVE to look.

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Yea, I'm not saying it doesn't work fine. Probably the majority of players are clickers. However the folks that are claiming it is just as effective and efficient as keybinding are only lying to themselves because there is no way they can actually believe it.




The only real advantage it seems to have is being able to circle strafe in PVP and use abilities at the same time. Which a clicker could still accomplish by using the asdqwe keys for complete movement while clicking.



Trust me, I still think you're right. But, I don't think the disparity makes as much a difference as you think. Not with everyone having to work around a GCD.

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you can still look at your icons when you are using keybindings, the difference is, you don't HAVE to look.


But if I use the keybindings, then I'm not forced to look, and I often forget, so I miss seeing if things are on cooldown. So I fail to see how using the keybindings in this way is more efficient than clicking.

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The defenders of clicking are basically saying that typing long documents using a mouse to click a virtual keyboard can be as fast as touch typing.


You're wrong.


Clickers are slow.


If they don't realise they're slow, it means they're so bad they can't even comprehend how bad they are.

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I'm sure it wasn't the goal in any other MMOrpg with hotbars either, but the fact that it has hotbars, along with other similar game machanics like in those other games and the way the human body works, the difference always ends up being there in this genre.


And I take back what I said about five fingers vs. one mouse cursor earlier, because actually I can have ten fingers at my disposal given the right mouse. There is just no way you can click as fast with a mouse cursor alone, and that doesn't even include all the other factors; such as having to move your cursor between the gameworld and the hotbars and the ackwardness of turning while trying to execute your abilities at the same time etc.


This is a nobrainer. The way you want to play is ofc a matter of your own personal preference and more power to you however you choose to play but the argument of which method is more effective in the end is not a philosophical matter without a clear winner when one side has almost all of the factors on its side.


The arguments are just getting funnier and funnier


Use what works for you, and smile at, but ignore those that tell you the way they do it is the "best way"


There is no single best way for everyone, because people... are different, they are not clones.

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The defenders of clicking are basically saying that typing long documents using a mouse to click a virtual keyboard can be as fast as touch typing.


You're wrong.


Clickers are slow.


If they don't realise they're slow, it means they're so bad they can't even comprehend how bad they are.


Just as you cannot comprehend that they can easily be as good as you are.


Not everyone is the same.


You can be as fast as you want on the keyboard, there is still a global cool down that makes your point moot.


I don’t happen to be a clicker, however I am not so stupid as to think that my way, is the only, or the best way, for everyone.

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Just as you cannot comprehend that they can easily be as good as you are.


Not everyone is the same.


You can be as fast as you want on the keyboard, there is still a global cool down that makes your point moot.


I don’t happen to be a clicker, however I am not so stupid as to think that my way, is the only, or the best way, for everyone.


If you're saying that clicking a virtual keyboard to type is as fast as touch typing, I can prove you wrong, very very easily. Everyone is the same on that.


Several abilities, interrupts, adrenals, relics etc are off the GCD.

Edited by Redmarx
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If you're saying that clicking a virtual keyboard to type is as fast as touch typing, I can prove you wrong, very very easily. Everyone is the same on that.


Several abilities, interrupts, adrenals, medpak etc are off the GCD.


It's like arguing with a cat. You can't win.

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I am saying that with the global cool down in this game, and even shorter cool downs in other games that clickers have been very successful.


I recognize that people are different, and that different approaches than I use, might work for them as well as what I do.


I am just laughing at the people here that are so insecure that they have to talk about how they do something is the "best way" for everyone, it is just blatantly false.


People are different


Use what works best for you, try different things, but in the end, use what works best for you.


People are different

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It's like arguing with a cat. You can't win.


LOL I know.. I’m trying to get them to open their closed eyes just a tiny little bit.... it is a worthless effort, they are incapable of comprehending it

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I clicked to respond to this thread. Just sayin'


For maximum efficiency I have bound abilities to my Dance Dance Revolution floor mat. Of course, I only use this during PvP. I wouldnt want my insane key-binding advantage to make the game TOO easy. Talk about efficiency. I get exercise, I get to nerd it up AND I get to pwn in PvP due to my l33t binds.

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I am saying that with the global cool down in this game, and even shorter cool downs in other games that clickers have been very successful.


I recognize that people are different, and that different approaches than I use, might work for them as well as what I do.


I am just laughing at the people here that are so insecure that they have to talk about how they do something is the "best way" for everyone, it is just blatantly false.


People are different


Use what works best for you, try different things, but in the end, use what works best for you.


People are different


Again lots of key abilities are OFF the GCD (in fact, the most extremely time-sensitive ones are) meaning you can (and should) be activating them at the same time as other abilities, and need to do so in a fraction of a second to maximise their use.


For a clicker, it means he has to be able to click 2-3 things at the same time with 1 cursor - ie: impossible.


Clickers make horrible PVPers because they cannot clutch interrupt, cannot targetswitch, cannot preposition target reticles and cannot burst multiple cooldowns at the same time the way keybinders can.


Made it simpler for you to understand I hope.

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Again lots of key abilities are OFF the GCD (in fact, the most extremely time-sensitive ones are) meaning you can (and should) be activating them at the same time as other abilities, and need to do so in a fraction of a second to maximise their use.


For a clicker, it means he has to be able to click 2-3 things at the same time with 1 cursor - ie: impossible.


Clickers make horrible PVPers because they cannot clutch interrupt, cannot targetswitch, cannot preposition target reticles and cannot burst multiple cooldowns at the same time the way keybinders can.


Made it simpler for you to understand I hope.


I don't understand.


Oh, btw I actually have two cursors and dual wield mice. Only when im not using my keybind DDR floor mat, of course.

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LOL I know.. I’m trying to get them to open their closed eyes just a tiny little bit.... it is a worthless effort, they are incapable of comprehending it


At the beginning I was with you, because (even as keybinder) I don't like how others want to prove their method is better.


But...you are not willing to accept facts and opinions from a neutral position, and it seems you are doing your own crusade too, to defend a play style blindly (I loled at the keyboard delay).


On topic:

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I don’t think I can make it simple enough for you to understand,


I get it, that you cannot comprehend it


You are just going to spend the rest of your life dumbfounded that some folks ( not me ) that are clickers will be wonderfully successful in this game, will, and probably already have defeated you in PVP


Not everyone is the same, use what works best for you, and ignore those that have religious feelings about the specific method they personally use.


It will be a religious mystery to you... I tried to help, but you are not going to comprehend it.

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