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Nor does playing with your eyes closed, with the exception that you can successfully play the game one with arm behind your back.... you cannot with your eyes closed.


Is this an argument for the sake of argument or what?


You cannot decide what is best for EVERYONE and trying to do so just makes you a fool


I happen to use the keybinding, but I am not so foolish as to think that someone else might not do just as well in another way.


the only people that are dead wrong in this thread are the ones that think their own particular way, is the best way for EVERYONE, we know that isn’t true.



p.s. if you would like to put this to the test, lets duel, you with your eyes closed and me with one hand tied behind my back. :)


( I might have to start clicking if I do that )


At this point I've got to think that you're just trolling me because nobody can be that dense to miss the point of the 'eyes closed' thing.


Closing your eyes is to having your eyes on your mouse cursor instead of where they need to be is to if you aren't looking where you should be, then you might as well have your eyes shut.


Now you go with your one hand tied behind thing.

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You cannot decide what is best for EVERYONE and trying to do so just makes you a fool

You just aren't getting this. WE aren't deciding it, human anatomy is. It just takes far less time and effort from your brain to handle a task that is mostly based on muscle memory than a task you have to be more conscioussly aware of. This is universal to all humans with an average functioning brain and all of their limbs intact. It isn't a matter of opinion.

Edited by byteresistor
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At this point I've got to think that you're just trolling me because nobody can be that dense to miss the point of the 'eyes closed' thing.


Closing your eyes is to having your eyes on your mouse cursor instead of where they need to be is to if you aren't looking where you should be, then you might as well have your eyes shut.


Now you go with your one hand tied behind thing.


I am a clicker and I have no problem memorizing where my attacks are on the ui and not needing to stare at it to use them, I can also move around just fine with the keyboard... its a matter of repetition and memory, you become efficient at what you do just like anything else.

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I am a clicker and I have no problem memorizing where my attacks are on the ui and not needing to stare at it to use them, I can also move around just fine with the keyboard... its a matter of repetition and memory, you become efficient at what you do just like anything else.



Even if that were the case and you can click all of your specific abilities completely blindfolded (kudos to you if you can), there are more issues, such as speed. Moving your mouse across the screen to click multiple abilities will never be as fast as pushing keys, and that's just science. Multiple inch wrist motion to fraction of an inch finger motion from multiple fingers.

Edited by MaidenHeaven
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So if you can click with your eyes closed, and they successfully key bind play with both hands tied behind their back? ( noses perhaps )


I bet we can come up with more insane ways to test how "right" one side is and the other is "wrong"


The truth is, people are different, perceive and react differently to things, not everyone is the same, we are not all clones.


Key binding works best for me, but I am not so foolish that I think others might not do just as well clicking.


The only people wrong here are the closed minded, the ones that think there is only one way that is best for everyone.

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I am a clicker and I have no problem memorizing where my attacks are on the ui and not needing to stare at it to use them, I can also move around just fine with the keyboard... its a matter of repetition and memory, you become efficient at what you do just like anything else.

A keybinder still has faster reactions. You still have to move your cursor around, a keybinder only has to move their fingers on the keyboard and he has access to five of them against your one mouse cursor.

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So if you can click with your eyes closed, and they successfully key bind play with both hands tied behind their back? ( noses perhaps )


I bet we can come up with more insane ways to test how "right" one side is and the other is "wrong"


The truth is, people are different, perceive and react differently to things, not everyone is the same, we are not all clones.


Key binding works best for me, but I am not so foolish that I think others might not do just as well clicking.


The only people wrong here are the closed minded, the ones that think there is only one way that is best for everyone.


You're just a cranky human being, it sounds like. This isn't some kind of philosophical debate where there is no correct answer - it's a simple physical matter of there are two ways to do this, and one of them is faster and more efficient.


Again, I'm not saying i'd sling insults at somebody that wants to click, but they can't deny that the alternative is just a better system.

Edited by MaidenHeaven
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Even if that were the case and you can click all of your specific abilities completely blindfolded (kudos to you if you can), there are more issues, such as speed. Moving your mouse across the screen to click multiple abilities will never be as fast as pushing keys, and that's just science. Multiple inch wrist motion to fraction of an inch finger motion.


How big is your ui that you have to move INCHES to hit your next attack lol???


I arrange my attacks how I want and memorize them by most used/best attacks, then theres cooldowns, which negate any "speed" because you have to wait for the next ability to use it.... I think we are arguing over microseconds here, unless your arm moves so slowly it takes you 5 seconds to pick your next attack:D

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The only people wrong here are the closed minded, the ones that think there is only one way that is best for everyone.

This is a scientific issue we're talking about here (it deals with biology and can be tested which makes it scientific), and not an arbitrary spiritual politically correct "all opinions are equal :(" one.


I have five fingers to execute my abilities with, you have one mouse cursor...you do the math... this is a tough one :rolleyes:

Edited by byteresistor
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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


That's like saying everyone is the damn same? People understand and work with their own skills their own way, if they're doing a damn better job at what others do than it comes down to for the people telling them to do their way to shut the hell up.


I can assume I click and not one person has asked me if I keybind or click not one has asked me to perform better as it doesn't get any better than me controlling the situations ahead.


The only time I heard about this crap is now. It's like you people want to make a line with two different teams to hate on each other.

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How big is your ui that you have to move INCHES to hit your next attack lol???


I arrange my attacks how I want and memorize them by most used/best attacks, then theres cooldowns, which negate any "speed" because you have to wait for the next ability to use it.... I think we are arguing over microseconds here, unless your arm moves so slowly it takes you 5 seconds to pick your next attack:D


Microseconds add up :)

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A keybinder still has faster reactions. You still have to move your cursor around, a keybinder only has to move their fingers on the keyboard and he has access to five of them against your one mouse cursor.


Well, thats your perception... I dont have to move my mouse more than a jiggle to go from one side of my ui to to the other, so I can click attacks faster than they are even available to use, not sure how it can get better than that:confused:

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There are few things clickers can't do, like:


  • Activate multiple abilities (relics / skills / adrenals) at the same time, while clickers should click them all (and it takes more time) [This is true for any combination of skills if some of them are off the global cooldown]
  • Use an ability while moving the camera with Right click [So you must keyboard turn, or just not use abilities while you mouse turn]


But seriously, I don't understand why keybinders want to show / prove that their method is superior.

It sounds like you are doing a crusade, and you won't be happy until everyone will agree keybinding is better Oo

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Well, thats your perception... I dont have to move my mouse more than a jiggle to go from one side of my ui to to the other, so I can click attacks faster than they are even available to use, not sure how it can get better than that:confused:


Not with a global cooldown they dont


What about abilities that aren't on the GCD? Every class has them. If you want to use two abilities at once, it's very easy to push two keys at once, but impossible to click two places at the same time.


Edit: Dude above me beat me to the punch :)

Edited by MaidenHeaven
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What about abilities that aren't on the GCD? Every class has them. If you want to use two abilities at once, it's very easy to push two keys at once, but impossible to click to places at the same time.


Edit: Dude above me beat me to the punch :)


I'll admit I am a noob to pc games (came over from console) so this whole keyboard/mouse thing is whacky to me anyway lol.... what abilities are not on the GCD, and what abilities are there that you can use both at the exact same time?

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Well, thats your perception... I dont have to move my mouse more than a jiggle to go from one side of my ui to to the other, so I can click attacks faster than they are even available to use, not sure how it can get better than that:confused:

You also have to move your cursor back and forth between the game world and your hotbars.


I can click attacks faster than they are even available to use

I can use up to 5 non-gcd abilities at the exact same time if I ever need to, how many can you?

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clickers are gonna have wrist problems down the road. :(



and keybinders seem to be going blind from the posts in this thread. :rolleyes:



I don’t know why I try, they are simply not going to understand, people are different, and some will be just as successful using different ways than you might use.


but they will not allow themselves to comprehend that, as to "win" someone has to be right and everyone else wrong


The world isn’t actually like that.

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There are few things clickers can't do, like:


  • Activate multiple abilities (relics / skills / adrenals) at the same time, while clickers should click them all (and it takes more time) [This is true for any combination of skills if some of them are off the global cooldown]
  • Use an ability while moving the camera with Right click [So you must keyboard turn, or just not use abilities while you mouse turn]


But seriously, I don't understand why keybinders want to show / prove that their method is superior.

It sounds like you are doing a crusade, and you won't be happy until everyone will agree keybinding is better Oo


The second one on the list doesnt count as a CANT.... you CAN use the keyboard exclusively to move instead of the mouse.


The first one may be microseconds slower with the requirement to click each one, so I'll buy that one.


I agree with the bottom of your post:cool:

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You also have to move your cursor back and forth between the game world and your hotbars.



I can use up to 5 non-gcd abilities at the exact same time if I ever need to, how many can you?


Not sure why people act like moving your cursor requires some full arm motion lol.... I can move my mouse 1 cm and go all the way across the screen and back in less than a second:cool:


5 if I wanted to, I can just put them in the 1-5 slots and hit 1-5 at the same time, then click everything else:D

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