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I don't see the big deal with clickers. I'm a clicker and I always get great stats... it could be that I'm extremely fast with the clicks and I know my rotations and I beat the global cooldown tenfold. Is the term "clicker" aimed towards people who are more slow or everyone who clicks in general?


I can understand if its towards the slower clicking people because I know a few people like that and it annoys me to watch them play :p




lol, how cute. /head pat


Clickers better hope we don't get a real combat log.

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When you do this as a clicker, let me know. Until then, gg. (I'm rank 52, in champion, not even BM).


*edit* Top anything isn't even valid in most situations, it's how well you play the objectives. Usually the best players are highest heals or highest objective points, not highest damage or most kills. That is just ignorant if you think otherwise.


*edit* PvE content can be clicked by anyone, it's too easy to require keybinds. Only PvP needs binds. I topped raid meters back in MC/BWL on my hunter, when I used the arrow keys to move and clicked every ability. PvP = harder than PvE. And ranged classes are stupid easy compared to melee.


First off, look at your heals AS A SENTINEL, then look at the top two healers on your team. Anybody playing a dps class getting heals like that can do just as much if that's all they're focusing on.


Secondly, wow people, grow up.




lol, how cute. /head pat


Clickers better hope we don't get a real combat log.


Refer to my "secondly" above.


And please, I don't see how a good clicker and a good keybinder and outweigh one another in damage. It's all skill and how each one develops. A clicker can beat the **** out of a keybinder, I know I have on many many occasions.


And please, elaborate, why should we hope we don't get a real combat log? So we can see we do the same damage?

Edited by WNxAres
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If I click...and I fail royally, I mean, I never, EVER get even close to playing my full potential, guess what: my life will be no better or no worse than it already was.


Play the game however you want. It's your 15 bucks a month. And as far as PvE goes: Enjoy no dps meters and no combat log for as long as it lasts. I know I will :)

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If you are a clicker in my guild, you're getting guild kicked.


As a veteran MMO player and guildleader and a leader of a pvp guild I realize It is less efficient to click and I'd like players with potential.


If you click, and are in my guild, you're getting kicked.


Im sure people are crying their eyes out.....

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Ok, let me see if I can explain this... again.


Clickers, no matter how good you are at it will still have to periodically take your eyes of your target. Also, unless you're a keyboard turner (ye gawds!) you're using mouse-look. Now you're using your mouse for two very important things at the same time. Not good.


I have every key on the left hand side of the keyboard mapped (w/ alt mappings also), I also have extra buttons on my mouse AND keyboard for extra key binds. I've been a touch typist for over 10 years and can find any of these keys in the dark w/o looking in an instant while still having 100% of my movement/targeting.


I don't care if you're level: Chuck Norris on the mouse, you just can't compete. Now, this only really becomes evident in PvP encounters. PvE you can usually get by ok. I guess that's why there isn't a "FIRE" button in Call of Duty for ya'll to click on. ;)


Real combat logs will point out the clickers quick though. This is one reason BW doesn't want to add combat logs and open the game to damage parsers.

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Real combat logs will point out the clickers quick though. This is one reason BW doesn't want to add combat logs and open the game to damage parsers.
doubtful; I've known plenty of clickers who can top dps charts, or heal just fine, or tank just fine.
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Professional gamers are on the same level as professional sports players or gamblers. You can obviously be a pro football player, you can obviously be a pro gambler, and you can obviously be a pro gamer.

This isn't complicated stuff here.

Edited by ZDProletariat
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doubtful; I've known plenty of clickers who can top dps charts, or heal just fine, or tank just fine.


True. At least until the fight requires they run and gun. As long as they can stand in place and click out their rotation they're ok. Even though they will occasionally miss important visual queues because they were looking for something to click on.


I picture clickers as people with no arms. They run around life, but have to use their feet to open doors and stuff. Sure, they get by, but jeez.

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Jonathan Wendel has achieved greatness in video games. The Socratic Method proves your theory to be false. Thanks for playing.


If one fails to become great, they failed to remove all the inefficiencies of said thing they chose for the pursuit of greatness.

Would you know who Albert Einstein was if E did not equal MC squared?

Would you know who Michael Jordan was if he had trouble shooting a basketball?

Would you know who Leonardo Da Vinci was if all he could do was finger paint?

Would you know who John Lennon was if he could play a guitar like a 4yr old with rubber bands?


My statement is true kind sir, and there is nothing you can say to invalidate it.


Let us know when Jonathan Wendel's video game playing contributes something to society...


You may as well lump him in with Kim Kardashian for all the good he does.

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Professional gamers are on the same level as professional sports players or gamblers. You can obviously be a pro football player, you can obviously be a pro gambler, and you can obviously be a pro gamer.

This isn't complicated stuff here.


Non-physical competitive sport. That I can accept. In that case, I would put professional video gamers beside professional gamblers. Closest comparison, and fits quite nice. Maybe professional chess players. I would not compare any of the three to professional athletic sports, though, you have to work WAY harder to be an athlete than a gambler, chess player, or video gamer will ever have to. These three require concentration and good game knowledge, true, but Athletes must have that, plus maintain a peak physical condition, very hard under the best of circumstances.


Contributer to art, technology and culture? No. Sorry. You professional gamers wish, lol.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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I admit, I've posted several times in this thread, but honestly, what is the point? Clickers who think they are on par with us will never believe otherwise through words alone. They would have to have it force fed to them until they choked. Since nobody here is in a position to force these clicking baddies to realize their shortcomings, spitting words at them will achieve nothing.


Anybody who binds KNOWS it's superior to clicking in EVERY. SINGLE. WAY. The biggest problem here is people tend to get upset when somebody states a 'fact' (in this case that clicking is on par with binding) and backs it up with false claims.


Binders who read this. Let it drop. We will continue to mow down clickers in PvP, and let them continue to believe what they want to. Your words will not convince them. We know the truth, and that is enough.


*edit* As an aside, as I stated once before much earlier in this post, for the first FIVE years of WoW, I clicked every ability. And I WAS damn good at the game from a PvE perspective. I topped meters everywhere I went, and ran out of bad. Clicking is FINE for PvE.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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I admit, I've posted several times in this thread, but honestly, what is the point? Clickers who think they are on par with us will never believe otherwise through words alone. They would have to have it force fed to them until they choked. Since nobody here is in a position to force these clicking baddies to realize their shortcomings, spitting words at them will achieve nothing.


Anybody who binds KNOWS it's superior to clicking in EVERY. SINGLE. WAY. The biggest problem here is people tend to get upset when somebody states a 'fact' (in this case that clicking is on par with binding) and backs it up with false claims.


Binders who read this. Let it drop. We will continue to mow down clickers in PvP, and let them continue to believe what they want to. Your words will not convince them. We know the truth, and that is enough.


*edit* As an aside, as I stated once before much earlier in this post, for the first FIVE years of WoW, I clicked every ability. And I WAS damn good at the game from a PvE perspective. I topped meters everywhere I went, and ran out of bad. Clicking is FINE for PvE.


Key-binding is like typing. I tried it, seen others try it, but the chance of mis-clicking abilities is MUCH greater than clicking on screen. And, if you have a numeric pad for your other hand, movement problems become moot.


Different set-ups work differently for different people, keyboard and mouse works for you. Mouse, left-hand numeric pad, and a little keyboard work awesome for me. I've taught some others the same set-up, and they love it.


You can claim key-binding is superior all you want, it doesn't make it true, it just works better for you. That's great. I don't think you are handicapped or stupid because you use key-binds. I don't think your method is inferior to mine. You like your method, and I like mine.


"Clickers" is just a tag to justify ignorant and prejudiced behaviour towards people who are "different".


THAT is why this thread is so long, and why so many seem riled up about this subject.


Saying "keybinder"s are superior to clickers" is no different than saying "white is better than black" or "bread is better than toast".


Its your opinion. Not fact.


*edit* I had a 10 to 1 kill ratio in PvP WoW, for every 10 players I killed, I got killed once. All with no combat abilities bound to keyboard.

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No one is saying clicking is bad. Good players can still click their way to victory.


But key binding is better. A good clicker, if he takes the time to key bind, will be an even better player. The time it takes for your left hand to reach for a button will be faster than moving your mouse pointer to the 1st ability on the right toolbar.

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Albert Einstien gave us the foundation for Atomic Energy.

Michael Jordan gains more than just monetary benefits from playing his sport. He's in great shape.

Leonardo Da Vinci gave us art that is a part of our culture.

John Lennon gave us the gift of love through his songs.


Please list contributions Johnathan Wendel has made to humanity as a whole, or how sitting around playing video games benefits him as a human being in the long run. Besides monetary gain.


Saying someone is a "professional video game player" is like saying someone is a "professional television watcher" or "professional Playstation 3 player" or "professional snakes & ladders player". By your own logic.


I love playing games online. But I could never see them as a competitive sport. Its your "competitive sport" types than ruin MMOs, so vocal and so competitive.

I hope they never cater to your type here, you take all our fun games, and have to turn them into "competitions".


I'm not here to "compete". I'm here to enjoy a liesure activity with my family and friends. If you want to compete, then go into the competition corner and have your fun, don't use ridiculous logic on us to try to convince us your point of view is right. It may be right for you, but it isn't right for everyone.


What leads you to believe that "achieving greatness" and "contributions to humanity" go together?

Get yourself a Guinness Book of World Records and pick a page. Most of the people in that book contribute absolutely nothing to society and yet some of the accomplishments are downright amazing.


By definition, a "professional" is engaged in a specified activity as one’s main paid occupation rather than as a pastime. - oxford dictionary

If there was a way in which an individual could earn an income by watching tv or playing snakes and ladders as you sarcastically described, by definition, they would be a professional. Your personal opinion towards gaming does not in fact change reality.


"Competitive types" have in no way affected the decline of MMO's just as "Competitive types" affected other various sports/games negatively throughout history. It is human nature to be competitive. If an activity generates enjoyment, rest assured there will be competition.


If you are not here to compete and your entire purpose for playing this game is for leisure activity with friends or family as you described, thats perfectly fine and i'm sure both myself as well as everyone else can respect that. However, if this may be the case, what purpose could you possibly have for posting in a thread that was very clearly aimed towards a competitive crowd?

I also must insist on asking the question, why exactly are you playing a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME at all if your only intention is to play with "friends" and "family"? To be honest, if thats your goal, perhaps watching tv or playing "snakes" and ladders would generate better quality time with said individuals.

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Non-physical competitive sport. That I can accept. In that case, I would put professional video gamers beside professional gamblers. Closest comparison, and fits quite nice. Maybe professional chess players. I would not compare any of the three to professional athletic sports, though, you have to work WAY harder to be an athlete than a gambler, chess player, or video gamer will ever have to. These three require concentration and good game knowledge, true, but Athletes must have that, plus maintain a peak physical condition, very hard under the best of circumstances.


Contributer to art, technology and culture? No. Sorry. You professional gamers wish, lol.

I'm sure people laughed at athletes and actors before those things became popular.


Edit: Also on topic; binders are better than clickers.

Edited by Belistrasza
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What leads you to believe that "achieving greatness" and "contributions to humanity" go together?

Get yourself a Guinness Book of World Records and pick a page. Most of the people in that book contribute absolutely nothing to society and yet some of the accomplishments are downright amazing.


By definition, a "professional" is engaged in a specified activity as one’s main paid occupation rather than as a pastime. - oxford dictionary

If there was a way in which an individual could earn an income by watching tv or playing snakes and ladders as you sarcastically described, by definition, they would be a professional. Your personal opinion towards gaming does not in fact change reality.


"Competitive types" have in no way affected the decline of MMO's just as "Competitive types" affected other various sports/games negatively throughout history. It is human nature to be competitive. If an activity generates enjoyment, rest assured there will be competition.


If you are not here to compete and your entire purpose for playing this game is for leisure activity with friends or family as you described, thats perfectly fine and i'm sure both myself as well as everyone else can respect that. However, if this may be the case, what purpose could you possibly have for posting in a thread that was very clearly aimed towards a competitive crowd?

I also must insist on asking the question, why exactly are you playing a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME at all if your only intention is to play with "friends" and "family"? To be honest, if thats your goal, perhaps watching tv or playing "snakes" and ladders would generate better quality time with said individuals.


We like playing video games, but not for competition or professionalism. Playing an MMO together makes sense, we're our own guild, we do instances together, we go into PvP together, because we already know how to work together.


I like a little competition sometimes, its fun. I just think there's something wrong in the head with anyone who takes one thing they really love, and centers their whole life around it. There's just too much life has to offer.


Professional video gamers are no different that professional gamblers or professional chess players. Comparing them to athletes and great scientists or artists? No, they are not in the same category.


Guinness Book of World Records has got more stupid records than an AM Goldies Station. They got guys who have grown their toenails and nose hair longer than six feet in that stupid book. Only competitive types like that book. :p

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I was once in a Guild that kicked me for being a clicker. It was in Vanilla WoW, we were the #2 raiding guild on the server, we were raiding Tier 1 raids, Tier 2 wasn't even released yet, and I was the main tank. We got half of the bosses in Molten Core down to farm status. During a conversation someone asked me about my key binds and I said I didn't have any, I just clicked the skill bar. The guild leader then swore like no other, yelled at me and then proceeded to kick me. I ended up joining the number 3 raiding guild, took over the spot of main tank cause their previous tank really didn't like tanking but did it anyways for the guild, so he became DPS and I became the main tank. Before Tier 2 got released, we became the number 1 raiding guild on our server, we got the server first at completing Molten Core, got 2nd place for Tier 2, and was the only guild to complete Tier 3 before Burning Crusade got released. All of the top 3 guilds were highly competitive and were racing to beat each other. The guild that kicked me, yeah they stayed at the #3 spot.


Not saying it was me specifically that made the guild the #2 and ultimately the #1 guild, I would say it was more because everyone was doing what they enjoyed with people they actually liked to be with. The guild that kicked me, yeah even when I was there you could tell that a lot of people really didn't want to be with each other, and the Guild Leader wasn't really liked all that much, but people coped just because of the raiding.


Anyways, the point is, keybinder, clicker, really no difference when it comes to PvE, just play the way you like, and if people give you grief for being a clicker, then say good riddance and move on

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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"Clickers" is just a tag to justify ignorant and prejudiced behaviour towards people who are "different".


THAT is why this thread is so long, and why so many seem riled up about this subject.



And that my friend, resumes all perfectly!;)


For me all this discussion is abhorrent!!:eek:


What will people ivent next?!!...That i am a "Boober"??!, because same times by breasts touched the keyboard and for that i am a less player than others?!

Or that i am a "Nailer"?!! because when my nails get longer i hit the keys with them and it sounds like i have a woodpecker in the room?!, so i am less then others?...

Just ridiculous!!

Elitism is getting to some dangerous levels this days!!!:rolleyes:

Edited by Vespertilius
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Key-binding is like typing. I tried it, seen others try it, but the chance of mis-clicking abilities is MUCH greater than clicking on screen. And, if you have a numeric pad for your other hand, movement problems become moot.


That's your lack of practice, not the method. Maybe one out of a hundred times I hit an ability I didn't intend to, if that? I can't remember the last time I accidentally activated an ability that wasn't intentional. Do you have ANY idea how long it took to train myself to bind without being clumsy, slow and actually worse than when I clicked? At least a MONTH, if not more!


So if you attempted to bind for a day or two, got frustrated and gave up, then I'm sorry, I'll be as civil as I can be, but you simply threw in the towel and gave up before your opinion on the subject could be worth a damn. Improving yourself is never easy, if it was, everybody would be great at everything. I don't mis-click abilities, but I guarantee you hitting a 0.5 inch box with your mouse cursor in rapid succession within an ever-changing PvP environment when you play a class with more than 3 core abilities is less accurate than hitting a button I can find in the dark, blindfolded and drunk with 100% accuracy.


Sure, if your hands aren't attuned to a keyboard to the point where you can tell EXACTLY where your fingers are touching at all times by touch alone, then binding isn't for you. But I've been that comfortable with a keyboard since I was like 15, and I'm going on 30 this year.


*edit* There are also many abilities in this game off the GCD, which are simply impossible to use to their full potential by clicking alone. As a Sentinel, I have several, and they are crucial to playing at my best. If you can't activate two abilities at the same time, by hitting two buttons simultaneously instead of clicking them individually, you are limiting yourself.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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Saying "keybinder"s are superior to clickers" is no different than saying "white is better than black" or "bread is better than toast". .


:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: oh no! you did NOT just start a bread v toast debate! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Swtor is almost a pro-clicker interface due to the fact the UI is so bad. At cap you have more skills and clickies than you have bar slots for. It kinda forces clicking by poor design. I have 20 abilities tied to my mouse and I use 30 or more so i find myself clicking from time to time anyway. They really could and should create a macro system allowing us to tie a few abilities together. I am not talking rift here, more limited than that. Hunting around bars takes away from the game. By allowing a few skills to be tied to the same button through macroing would streamline combat and make the game more enjoyable for many.
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I'm not really sure why this is even up for debate, when it's based on preference. How some prefer to play may not be my personal preference. If my method works for me, then why should there be any problem? How I click or button push to take care of my business is no one elses (as long as I'm not breaking the rules anyway).
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I'm not really sure why this is even up for debate, when it's based on preference. How some prefer to play may not be my personal preference. If my method works for me, then why should there be any problem? How I click or button push to take care of my business is no one elses (as long as I'm not breaking the rules anyway).




Because in order to "win" an argument they have to be right, and everyone else has to be wrong. Which is the only goal in this thread. :rolleyes:

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Swtor is almost a pro-clicker interface due to the fact the UI is so bad. At cap you have more skills and clickies than you have bar slots for. It kinda forces clicking by poor design.


QFT 10 times over.


There are tons of commands that just don't have any keybinding options. From companion stuff and node selection (locked chests, clickables) to right-click menus such as inspect character or reset phase. The UI is total crap. I hope the 1.2 update throws it out and starts over. And from the look of the preview, we might get some of that revamping.

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