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Originally Posted by Andrewbee

If you are a clicker in my guild, you're getting guild kicked.


As a veteran MMO player and guildleader and a leader of a pvp guild I realize It is less efficient to click and I'd like players with potential.


If you click, and are in my guild, you're getting kicked.


Hello,Mister Internet Tough Guy!


With a crap attitude like that, I wouldn't join your guild if you paid me a thousand dollars. Jerkwads like you are the ones who have ruined online gaming.


Get a life.


This....so much this. ^

Edited by JediElf
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I click.


I can beat the global CD between abilities, and find myself spamming the next ability waiting for the cooldown to refresh.


I can't think of a single situation where i need to be spinning around like a lunatic with the mouse and mashing the keys with my left hand when half the abilities i might use have cast times, or are channeled, anyways.


There are great and terrible clickers, just as there are great and terrible keybinders. The argument exists for NO reason other than to make one group feel more elite than the other when... y'know, it's a ****in' videogame.

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I click.


I can beat the global CD between abilities, and find myself spamming the next ability waiting for the cooldown to refresh.


I can't think of a single situation where i need to be spinning around like a lunatic with the mouse and mashing the keys with my left hand when half the abilities i might use have cast times, or are channeled, anyways.


There are great and terrible clickers, just as there are great and terrible keybinders. The argument exists for NO reason other than to make one group feel more elite than the other when... y'know, it's a ****in' videogame.


You can be lightning fast and you're still losing efficiency, if you were spamming a key bind you could rotate the camera/ move/ whatever at the same time.. not to mention you can easily click the wrong ability if you're not careful, which means u need to be looking at what you're clicking and not at what's going on around you.


On top of that clicking requires a lot more hand movement - constantly moving the mouse, which is a lot more tiring over a long period of time - like 3-4 hour raid.


Also if you're a clicker you'll also need to keyboard turn, essentially limiting your movement options.


Personally I don't feel comfortable with such a setup.


Still everyone is free to play as they wish :)

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You can be lightning fast and you're still losing efficiency, if you were spamming a key bind you could rotate the camera/ move/ whatever at the same time.. not to mention you can easily click the wrong ability if you're not careful, which means u need to be looking at what you're clicking and not at what's going on around you.


On top of that clicking requires a lot more hand movement - constantly moving the mouse, which is a lot more tiring over a long period of time - like 3-4 hour raid.


Also if you're a clicker you'll also need to keyboard turn, essentially limiting your movement options.


Personally I don't feel comfortable with such a setup.


Still everyone is free to play as they wish :)


I get the feeling it isn't sinking in. I can move the camera just fine whilst clicking, it's all about learning how to do it efficiently and effectively. As i said earlier on, there's never a reason for me to be spinning the camera around all the time. As for clicking the wrong ability - rarely happens, and i suppose the same thing could also be said for pressing the wrong keybind - but i know you'll just go ahead and refute that as IMPOSSIBRU!


Clicking doesn't require a lot of hand movement at all. It's not like i have my mouse set on minimum sensitivity :rolleyes: also, i don't use my keyboard to turn. Another common misconception with skilled clickers. It takes less than a second to quickly move the camera to position. Less than a second = less than a GCD. Barely, if any, loss of action.


Still waiting to see factual evidence, rather than anecdotal experiences and tales of personal preference.

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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


Well said.

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To achieve the highest level of success, one must remove any and all inefficiencies from their game. This applies to all things in life, not just video games.

Sometimes one must simply accept that their way of doing things is not prime and learn to understand why this may be so. If you refuse to understand why clicking is inefficient, you are in fact refusing to take your game to a higher level.

If you are stubbornly set in your ways, you are destined to never achieve greatness.

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To achieve the highest level of success, one must remove any and all inefficiencies from their game. This applies to all things in life, not just video games.

Sometimes one must simply accept that their way of doing things is not prime and learn to understand why this may be so. If you refuse to understand why clicking is inefficient, you are in fact refusing to take your game to a higher level.

If you are stubbornly set in your ways, you are destined to never achieve greatness.


It's a videogame. The **** that matters to some people, I swear. It's bizarre.

Edited by KeithLegend
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Yes, it is a video game. I clearly referenced that fact in my post which you clearly did not read.


This may be of some use for you.



What a great and original reply to see on the internets! Well here i was hoping you'd try and explain why you're bundling MMO's and "achieving greatness" together, but i suppose it was too much to wish for. I'd read that article, but my comprehension skills suck. I'll continue to be a pernicious little scallywag.

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To achieve the highest level of success, one must remove any and all inefficiencies from their game. This applies to all things in life, not just video games.

Sometimes one must simply accept that their way of doing things is not prime and learn to understand why this may be so. If you refuse to understand why clicking is inefficient, you are in fact refusing to take your game to a higher level.

If you are stubbornly set in your ways, you are destined to never achieve greatness.


some of us just play to have fun. if i ever think of a game as a job that i need to take to a higher level, i hope my family shoots me.

Edited by testszag
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Clicker is fine.


Theres also really fast clickers, and in this game there is no way you can bind all skills. Theres just too many.



That statement is false. You can easily keybind all the combat skills.

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I click for using most of my abilities, it allows me to focus more on my PC screen and less on my keyboard.


I have a few abilites bound to my keyboard, and have a numeric pad for my left hand to assist with movement. And it does assist, immensely. This game doesn't require you to strafe or be facing a target to use your abilites, which is a huge bonus (unless you are moving with your back to your target, just stop moving, click ability, character auto-turns to face target).


I lol at people who try to run circles around me in PvP, it doesn't work in this game, you just die tired. :p


So, my way relies heavily on mouse and numeric pad, with a little keyboard.


I've been called "clicker". The name makes me laugh. I find those who rely heavily on keyboard as easy to beat as those who rely exclusively on the mouse.


Except keybinders move around a little more. Which would be sporting if it actually gave them an advantage. The only difference between a clicker and a keybinder in this game, is the illusion that running circles around an opponent helps them.


Yeah, maybe against rookie PvPers, out for their first time.


In the end, it doesn't matter, people can suck or be champions either way.


"Clickers" is just a pathetic attempt by "hardcore" gamers to be prejudiced and lord their leet-skills over others and give themselves a false sense of superiority.


Clickers, keybinders, don't matter. You both die just as fast and ugly as the other.

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To achieve the highest level of success, one must remove any and all inefficiencies from their game. This applies to all things in life, not just video games.

Sometimes one must simply accept that their way of doing things is not prime and learn to understand why this may be so. If you refuse to understand why clicking is inefficient, you are in fact refusing to take your game to a higher level.

If you are stubbornly set in your ways, you are destined to never achieve greatness.




I save "greatness" for getting my second master's degree, which I get May 16. *** laude.


This game is something I putz around with in my spare time because I don't like TV. If it becomes more effort than watching TV, I'm gone.


"Greatness." Heh. "Video games do not make one great."

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this is the dumbest thread i've ever read. are you *seriously* saying a clicker is just as efficient as someone who uses keybinds? you must be trolling...


No, I'm saying I don't care. I've clicked my way to Level 50 and I'm having fun.

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I save "greatness" for getting my second master's degree, which I get May 16. *** laude.


This game is something I putz around with in my spare time because I don't like TV. If it becomes more effort than watching TV, I'm gone.


"Greatness." Heh. "Video games do not make one great."


Dear Bioware, the Latin for "With Honors" is spelled c-u-m l-a-u-d-e. :rolleyes:

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OMG! Top dmg in a warzone. OMG! Top heals in a warzone. OMG! Top kills in a warzone. OMG! Top raid dps (in games with logs/meters)... I have managed to do all of these things.....wait for it...... *GASP* as a clicker! OMG the Blaspheme! How is such a thing even possible! *GASP* Must be all lies, because surely elite play is ONLY possible with keybinds...




When you do this as a clicker, let me know. Until then, gg. (I'm rank 52, in champion, not even BM).


*edit* Top anything isn't even valid in most situations, it's how well you play the objectives. Usually the best players are highest heals or highest objective points, not highest damage or most kills. That is just ignorant if you think otherwise.


*edit* PvE content can be clicked by anyone, it's too easy to require keybinds. Only PvP needs binds. I topped raid meters back in MC/BWL on my hunter, when I used the arrow keys to move and clicked every ability. PvP = harder than PvE. And ranged classes are stupid easy compared to melee.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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To achieve the highest level of success, one must remove any and all inefficiencies from their game. This applies to all things in life, not just video games.

Sometimes one must simply accept that their way of doing things is not prime and learn to understand why this may be so. If you refuse to understand why clicking is inefficient, you are in fact refusing to take your game to a higher level.

If you are stubbornly set in your ways, you are destined to never achieve greatness.


Greatness in a video game is much like cyberspace itself.


Everyone can see it, but we all know it doesn't really exist.


When all one does is reach for greatness in all things they do, they often miss the good things right in front of them.


Nice try though, Grasshopper. ;)

Edited by CaptRavenous
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Greatness in a video game is much like cyberspace itself.


Everyone can see it, but we all know it doesn't really exist.


When all one does is reach for greatness in all things they do, they often miss the good things right in front of them.


Nice try though, Grasshopper. ;)


Jonathan Wendel has achieved greatness in video games. The Socratic Method proves your theory to be false. Thanks for playing.


If one fails to become great, they failed to remove all the inefficiencies of said thing they chose for the pursuit of greatness.

Would you know who Albert Einstein was if E did not equal MC squared?

Would you know who Michael Jordan was if he had trouble shooting a basketball?

Would you know who Leonardo Da Vinci was if all he could do was finger paint?

Would you know who John Lennon was if he could play a guitar like a 4yr old with rubber bands?


My statement is true kind sir, and there is nothing you can say to invalidate it.

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