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This is the best thread ever. Can someone please say macro and combat log so we can have more fun.


Macro and combat log.


There, happy?



But it is possible for a keybinder to be slow. A new one at that.


I have a question for the keybinders, what class do you play?




Also - I've added 2 new polls asking which class you play as a keybinder or as a clicker. Please vote!

Edited by WNxAres
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Still waiting for actual proof that clicking or keybinding is better or worse. Anyone? Anyone have something other than opinion? Actual concrete, hard and fast proof?


In the meantime, here are some arguments for both sides:

I'm better.

You suck.

He sucks.

They suck.

This game is dying a slow death.

F2P in a year!

Go back to WoW!

I heard [insert name] Is a puppy killer, [insert name] must be a clicker.

I heard [insert name] is a bunny killer, [insert name] must be a keybinder.

I got laid last nite, so I'm more elite than you.


Sorcs are OP.


Mix and match as you see fit - doesn't matter if its related to this thread, it is still a perfectly valid argument for proving clicking/keybind is better.

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Still waiting for actual proof that clicking or keybinding is better or worse. Anyone? Anyone have something other than opinion? Actual concrete, hard and fast proof?


In the meantime, here are some arguments for both sides:

I'm better.

You suck.

He sucks.

They suck.

This game is dying a slow death.

F2P in a year!

Go back to WoW!

I heard [insert name] Is a puppy killer, [insert name] must be a clicker.

I heard [insert name] is a bunny killer, [insert name] must be a keybinder.

I got laid last nite, so I'm more elite than you.


Sorcs are OP.


Mix and match as you see fit - doesn't matter if its related to this thread, it is still a perfectly valid argument for proving clicking/keybind is better.


It's 50/50 from what I've read so far. In the poll I put up there is a 52% Clicker and 48% keybinder with 48 votes. Its all preference.

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Still waiting for actual proof that clicking or keybinding is better or worse. Anyone? Anyone have something other than opinion? Actual concrete, hard and fast proof?


In the meantime, here are some arguments for both sides:

I'm better.

You suck.

He sucks.

They suck.

This game is dying a slow death.

F2P in a year!

Go back to WoW!

I heard [insert name] Is a puppy killer, [insert name] must be a clicker.

I heard [insert name] is a bunny killer, [insert name] must be a keybinder.

I got laid last nite, so I'm more elite than you.


Sorcs are OP.


Mix and match as you see fit - doesn't matter if its related to this thread, it is still a perfectly valid argument for proving clicking/keybind is better.


you want proof look at the pro leagues. i went to blizzcon and i didn't see any keyboard turners there :D

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18 pages of "Clicking is ok" and "yes clicking is ok, but keybinding is better" and then back to "I know a clicker whose friends with my mom's aunt's cousin's husband's sister in law on the other side of the families kid who is a clicker and made 2800 in WoW"



Jesus people. You can click if you want to. Nobody cares. At the end of the day, the chances of any singular person seeing far better results key-binding as opposed to clicking are astronomical. Your individual results may vary.

Edited by Frostvein
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Clicking is an inferior control method


Based on what? Any scientific studio which nobody has seen but everyone knows?


You can say with keybinds the time response is better than clicking BUT, that limits you to move with the mouse. Then you have better timing and "bad" movement (i put that bad in "" because isnt bad, its just not so good as the timing with keybinds). But your skill timing is capped with a GLOBAL COOLDOWN. So you can spare time between skill and skill.


If you click on your skills then you can move with keyboard (which is by far better than other MMO's by the way). Then you go a "bad" timing with skills but an advantage with moving. With the only difference that the global cooldown doesnt bothers you if you can move the mouse quickly enough.


Easy to see, hard to understand.


The only advatage you have at binding is that you can use skills and move at the same time. That can be useful in encounters and PvP, but if you're a skilled enough clicker you can do good enough to not make it a huge difference.


Thats not entirely true. I move while clicking better than most keybinders.

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W. Oh look I stepped out of the circle. :)


Point is, chances are you looking at your cooldowns or skill bar for where to click next instead of looking at the fire.


That of course may not be the case, but compared to a keybinder, who i know doesn't have to focus on skill bars as much, i'd consider a clicker much more of a liability. Again, that may not be the case, but there is a higher probability.

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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


51 pages and this thread was over with the first response. LOL

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I agree


It was over when someone decided their way is the "right way" and everyone else is doing it the wrong way.


It was nothing but laughing stock from that moment forward, all ego, nothing else.

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I have no problem with mouse clickers. In fact, I encourage everyone to try it out and see if you like it.


Why do my fellow keybinders have so much hate for the clickers? If you really feel that you have an edge over your opponent because you don't have to stop and click, why in the crap would you try to talk them out of giving you that edge? :confused:

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Point is, chances are you looking at your cooldowns or skill bar for where to click next instead of looking at the fire.


That of course may not be the case, but compared to a keybinder, who i know doesn't have to focus on skill bars as much, i'd consider a clicker much more of a liability. Again, that may not be the case, but there is a higher probability.


Such a nonsense. A clicker mind doesnt work like that as a keybinder doesnt spend his whole rotation looking at the keyboard.


A good clicker KNOW where is the mouse cursor EVEN if he isnt looking at it.

A good clicker KNOW where are his skills and if he has been playing the same for a good amount of time he will remember WHERE are all his skills.

A good clicker can MOVE with keyboard with the same skill than a keyboard user with the mouse.

A good clicker COULD (that doesnt mean everyone does it, there is a good amount of people who doesnt use this) hold A + E to move towards right while still looking in front. Even he can jump to turn quicker.




A BAD keybidnder must look where are his skills on the keyboard.

A BAD keybinder may hit a key which wasnt intended to.

A BAD keybinder may lose time moving as he doesnt have much practice with the mouse moving.

A BAD keybinder even backpeddal (which is something people usually throws to clickers).

A BAD keybinder EVEN doesnt use the mouse to turn back.


I guess both sides got good points and bad points. But you cant just look at the good points of keybinding and look the bads from clicking and say "oh my god they are noobs!". Both sides got usefull stuff and bad stuff and people who can profit of them more or less.

Edited by Lord_Rezo
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I have no problem with mouse clickers. In fact, I encourage everyone to try it out and see if you like it.


Why do my fellow keybinders have so much hate for the clickers? If you really feel that you have an edge over your opponent because you don't have to stop and click, why in the crap would you try to talk them out of giving you that edge? :confused:


when you tell people that clicking is the best way to go, i can't help but think you are spreading misinformation.


Play how you want, first and foremost, but if you want to get into playing ergonomically, relying on clicking is doing yourself a disservice.

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Such a nonsense. A clicker mind doesnt work like that as a keybinder doesnt spend his whole rotation looking at the keyboard.


A good clicker KNOW where is the mouse cursor EVEN if he isnt looking at it.

A good clicker KNOW where are his skills and if he has been playing the same for a good amount of time he will remember WHERE are all his skills.

A good clicker can MOVE with keyboard with the same skill than a keyboard user with the mouse.

A good clicker COULD (that doesnt mean everyone does it, there is a good amount of people who doesnt use this) hold A + E to move towards right while still looking in front. Even he can jump to turn quicker.




A BAD keybidnder must look where are his skills on the keyboard.

A BAD keybinder may hit a keyboard which wasnt intended to.

A BAD keybinder may lose time moving as he doesnt have much practice with the mouse moving.

A BAD keybinder even backpeddal (which is something people usually throws to clickers).

A BAD keybinder EVEN doesnt use the mouse to turn back.


I guess both sides got good points and bad points. But you cant just look at the good points of keybinding and look the bads from clicking and say "oh my god they are noobs!". Both sides got usefull stuff and bad stuff and people who can profit of them more or less.


maybe i should have put more emphasis on probability. all of what you said is true, but simply, the odds are higher that the clicker is going to be worst off. As would anyone who has not put careful consideration into facilitating character actions ergonomically.


And a good clicker still cant turn and cast at the same time without keyboard turning. and i dare you to justify keyboard turning.



Edit; the point of keybind is that you dont have to look at the keyboard. Stop spreading misinformation. The rest of what you said may apply at different frequencies based on a HUGE array of variables.

Edited by Stupiddrummer
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I'm a clicker because I just can't get the coordination down to be able to keybind. Crazy thing though, I tried playing WoW on a friends account and made a Death Knight. Close to the end of the starting area, there's a quest where fly this big dragon killing and destroying stuff. I used the mouse to fly but the row of number keys to use the abilities.


I think it's because I'm lazy and don't want to learn how to keybind. I'm comfortable being clicker plus, it seems BioWare has made this game more clicker friendly since there's the option to face the enemy. If I need to move, I just strafe or run through the enemy and don't have to turn around to attack, it does it automatically for me.

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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.



That's the only part of this statement that I feel is up for debate. I started out playing MMO's in SWG, and have played quite a few of them since, including a few years in that dreaded "MMO which must not be named."


I started out being a "clicker", just as I am sure almost everyone does. I was a clicker for years I'm sure. Then I gradually learned to mouse walk and use my abilities from the keyboard. In the last year, I've adopted key binding to a mouse. I started out with your basic 5 button mouse, binding scroll up, down, wheel click, the two buttons, and using shift and ctrl for additional binds. I went on to buy a Razer Naga mouse and I haven't looked back since. Since all of my key binds are on the mouse, I do use WASD to walk. I still have the advantage of turning on a dime by using the mouse to rotate the camera and whatnot. And as far as strafe running, well "q" and "e" will do that too.


I only look at my tool bar to glance the cool down counters at this point. For me personally, the gaming mouse with an over abundance of buttons has been far more efficient than mouse walking+keyboard abilities.


I guess the only bad thing is that now I feel completely crippled without my Naga.


But I can agree, that being a former "clicker", using some sort of key binding for abilities feels much more efficient.


This is just my personal experience and I would encourage anyone to try key binding. It feels strange and unnatural at first to a "clicker", but give it a few days and you'll never look back.


As far as "clickers" not being able to play........well I just don't agree with that. But, I do agree that a good clicker would be even better as a key binder.

Edited by Nerzhul
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The reality here is that People will play how they want.


And the best way is the one you're best at. Yes, in the world solo is a great time to learn a new playstyle. But when it matters the one you're best at and are able to be flexible according to what is needed when it is will always be the best regardless



well we would if we could, anyway. for some reason keybinding to gaming mice other than Naga's doesn't work properly and it only recognizes 3 buttons :( and not modifiers :( bad bioware very very bad (although it stinks of EA)

Edited by Darnu
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And the best way is the one you're best at. Yes, in the world solo is a great time to learn a new playstyle. But when it matters the one you're best at and are able to be flexible according to what is needed when it is will always be the best regardless


So, right now the best way I know how to type is by using my toes to hit the keys while standing on my head. That's the way I'm currently best at. According to you, that's the best method for me to use, simply because it's what I use.




maybe I should learn how to type like a non derpina?

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I have been playing MMO's since before there were graphics and they cost $6 an hour to play. I have seen it all ( or at least most of it )


Bottom line, play in the way that works for you, and the more adamant someone is that their way is the only or the best way, the more likely wrong they are.


Do what works best for you.


As was said before, this game really isn’t that hard, you can click, you can keyboard, and you can be very successful either way.


The only people that are dead wrong here, are the ones that think their way is the only way.

Edited by Dayln
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