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Im will ing to admit that if you are a clicker in pvp you can probablly get away with healing and or rdps. Seems like you lose a lot of ability to kite when you arent taking advantage of the "a" "d" "s" "w" keys but maybe the benefit is so marginal that you as a clicker can get away with it.


however that doesnt answer my question





question for clickers who play mdps characters


How do you stay on top of your target in PVP? the target (other players) dont sit patiently in one place while you click your abilities and you obviously arent going to be able to move with them and click abilities at the same time. Clearly in PVE this is a non issue because npc enemies either stand in one spot in meele range or shoot from one spot at range and shoot at you. However in PVP clicking seems to make playing a mdps class against moving human targets impossible.


Also another question


When as a clicker you are playing a mdps class how do you stay behind your target? With a combination of the mouse and keyboard you can perpetually remain facing a player target's back. (right mouse button held down and "a" or "d" key). A mouse and keyboard mover useing 1-6 and alt+ 1-6 can and do litterally run circles around clickers. what is a clickers answer to this obvious disadvantage?


I think that the apperant lack of acknowledgement of this honest question means either


1) clickers know they cant and so dont play mdps in pvp or

2) clickers know they are at a severe disavantage playing mdps in pvp so dont answer because they have no defensable argument


sincerely curious how a successful mdps clicker does it in pvp???



Why wouldn't I be able to move and click at the same time? I use the arrows plus the left and right mouse buttons for movement and when I get in melee range, I continue to use the arrows while I click my damaging abilities. Heck, I got 7 Medals with my Vanguard last night (3 were for guarding/defense, I believe) and he's mostly Melee.



Maybe my way isn't as efficient as yours, but it works just fine for me.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Change is hard for the majority of people.


It took me a long time to move from clicking to keybinding (studied it on the Internet, downloaded pics, watched vids, etc...) because I needed to get better at tanking and more reactionary as a warrior. Then, it took me even longer to move to a g13 with a thumb joystick... all while my son, who adapted quickly to the changes, was telling me to let go and just start using it (we both got one for Christmas years back). Once I made the commitment, I was a different animal. I would never ever go back! Oh, then I added an MMO mouse. Whoa, big differences all the way around.


Seriously, you can play how you want, but if you want to learn something new, give keybinding and the g13 a go!!

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Again, missing the point. Aiming and moving a mouse in an fps is entriely different than an mm

You know this game has global cooldowns right?


I'm not going to be mean but, again, using an FPS as an comparison is just silly.


And the argument of "keybinders" is "is not possible" / "keyboard is fast" / "to click is loose time".


The gameplay style is different, YES. But the skill needed to push keys and move your mouse is NOT.


So, if u're quick enough to hit 5 moving targets on a FPS... what stops u to apply that skill clicking spells on a MMO?


Simply... NOTHING :)


There is no difference about click on a head or click on a spell, is just speed.. and in a game with GDC... u dont need too much speed so the main argument about "keybinders" about the "speed" is , in fact, not true for the average gamer.



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The matter of the fact is this.


Can you be a clicker and be very good at the game? Yes you can.


If you learn and get used to moving with the mouse to move, and get used to using keybinds, can you be an even better player than you already are? Yes, you can.


It is a 100% fact, that say if you are standing in the fire, and the quickest way out is to turn 180 degrees, mouse turning is by far the fastest way out of that situation.


If you are mashing your dps rotation and you are given the roll to interrupt this ability with a 1 second cast time. Good luck doing the best dps possible and interrupting that cast as a clicker.

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How can you control all of the movement with only your mouse? I don't consider myself a newb at all, because I am constantly at the top of the charts for dps/kills/objectives. I currently use the keyboard and mouse for movement and abilities. 1-10 on my number bars the abilities I use left often I have on my second bar and have them keybinded to shift+1-10 but usually I will opt to click them instead.


I use wasd +qe for my movement and will quick turn with my mouse.


Also, I will add if you are a turret class (Mercanary Arsenal for example) you can get away with clicking, you are entirely immobile for the most part.

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clicking is fine. It's a ridiculous argument especially in a game with a global cool down. Strafing? Please. I laugh at the people trying to strafe me as I just spin in place.


Maybe its just people trying to justify their $100 mouse.


It is nothing but an ego thing, they want to tell others how they are supposed to play.


You are best to ignore such people, and do what works best for you regardless of what they tell you

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And the argument of "keybinders" is "is not possible" / "keyboard is fast" / "to click is loose time".


The gameplay style is different, YES. But the skill needed to push keys and move your mouse is NOT.


So, if u're quick enough to hit 5 moving targets on a FPS... what stops u to apply that skill clicking spells on a MMO?


Simply... NOTHING :)


There is no difference about click on a head or click on a spell, is just speed.. and in a game with GDC... u dont need too much speed so the main argument about "keybinders" about the "speed" is , in fact, not true for the average gamer.






Again, you really are oblivious to the point. I'm not saying a clicker can't be precise and click relatively quickly, but while they are clicking they lose awareness of the map, it makes moving while casting much more difficult, and in comparison, every second it takes dragging your mouse to click abilities an entire fight could be saved by binding.


When there is an alternative to something, and the first way has no unique exclusive benefits, wouldn't anyone with half a brain choose the latter method?

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clicking is fine. It's a ridiculous argument especially in a game with a global cool down. Strafing? Please. I laugh at the people trying to strafe me as I just spin in place.


Maybe its just people trying to justify their $100 mouse.


Strafing is funny. Unless you have your target cc'd an you need to get behind them for a position based skill, strafing is useless. Just turn to follow their movement and stay in place. You will always hit them if you are facing them and targeting them. :)

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Again, missing the point. Aiming and moving a mouse in an fps is entriely different than an mmo. In an fps your mouse is being dragged into the exact environmental sight you need, while on an mmo, by clicking, your eyes drift away from the area and could lead to failures more often than a binder.

Also, you wasted energy typing that entire post... You proposed an argument that was solely based on click speeds... lol.

You know this game has global cooldowns right?


Another thing. I use my mouse to click on spells and also move my camera around+rotate,etc,etc.... so the argument "eyes drift away" / "you backpedal" / "whatever else" simply does not apply just like i use the mouse to move too .. :D

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How can you control all of the movement with only your mouse? I don't consider myself a newb at all, because I am constantly at the top of the charts for dps/kills/objectives. I currently use the keyboard and mouse for movement and abilities. 1-10 on my number bars the abilities I use left often I have on my second bar and have them keybinded to shift+1-10 but usually I will opt to click them instead.


I use wasd +qe for my movement and will quick turn with my mouse.


Also, I will add if you are a turret class (Mercanary Arsenal for example) you can get away with clicking, you are entirely immobile for the most part.


I don't think anyone is saying don't ever use your keyboard at all to move, a mix is best.

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Strafing is funny. Unless you have your target cc'd an you need to get behind them for a position based skill, strafing is useless. Just turn to follow their movement and stay in place. You will always hit them if you are facing them and targeting them. :)


And if you're a melee? Or if you want to Los? Or if you are travelling with or with someone to an objective in pvp? Or if you want to move out of an aoe?


Ok, that is enough examples to completely debunk your theory.

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Another thing. I use my mouse to click on spells and also move my camera around+rotate,etc,etc.... so the argument "eyes drift away" / "you backpedal" / "whatever else" simply does not apply just like i use the mouse to move too .. :D


So when you move your mouse to click on spells, you don't look at the spell bar? lol


Try closing your eyes and clicking the right spells and you'll see you have to look thus dragging your eyes away.


Even if it is only for a second, it's a second you would have saved keybinding.

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The matter of the fact is this.


Can you be a clicker and be very good at the game? Yes you can.


If you learn and get used to moving with the mouse to move, and get used to using keybinds, can you be an even better player than you already are? Yes, you can.


It is a 100% fact, that say if you are standing in the fire, and the quickest way out is to turn 180 degrees, mouse turning is by far the fastest way out of that situation.


If you are mashing your dps rotation and you are given the roll to interrupt this ability with a 1 second cast time. Good luck doing the best dps possible and interrupting that cast as a clicker.



I'm a clicker and I use my mouse for turning. :) I use a combo of the mouse and arrow keys. With the GCD, it's not like I have to be super fast when clicking abilities or anything.

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It is nothing but an ego thing, they want to tell others how they are supposed to play.


You are best to ignore such people, and do what works best for you regardless of what they tell you


Oh whatever, quit assuming things about people in this thread. Says alot more about you than it does the people you're trying to dismiss. Has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with experience, staying open to new playstyles, and figuring out what works best.


Thank god your attitude is the minority, otherwise we'd still be in the dark ages.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Oh whatever, quit assuming things about people in this thread. Says alot more about you than it does the people you're trying to dismiss. Has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with experience and staying open to new playstyles.


Thank god your attitude is the minority, otherwise we'd still be in the dark ages.



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why do so many people in this thread assume that being a "non-clicker" means that you ONLY MOVE WITH YOUR MOUSE AND NOTHING ELSE??



that's insane!



anyone who says they are a keybinder certainly uses at least 3 movement keys on the keyboard: forward, strafe L and strafe R.


Really, the big thing that separates "clickers" from "keybinders" is that a clicker uses A and D to turn their character while a keybinder uses the right mouse button and strafe to spin his camera while moving.


very few people are ONLY using the mouse to move.


the big difference between binding your skills and clicking them is the ability to use them on the move. You can be moving forward holding down W to do so while strafing left and spinning your camera and hitting a hotkey for an ability.


in other words, you can attack and move your camera while moving forward at a very fast rate.

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Again, you really are oblivious to the point. I'm not saying a clicker can't be precise and click relatively quickly, but while they are clicking they lose awareness of the map,


Why? If a clicker needs to keep an eye on the spell bar.. is not a clicker, a clicker can click on spell without looking it. I only need to keep an eye every 10 seconds or so just to remind the state of my cd's.


it makes moving while casting much more difficult,


Again, why? because while u're clicking on a speel u cant rotate the camera / rotate your char? lol, it takes it almost no time :) and, even, u can continue your move with keyboard while u're not readjusting camera / rotate your char.


and in comparison, every second it takes dragging your mouse to click abilities an entire fight could be saved by binding.


Every second? hhahahah, on a fps a second is to live or to die, so, click on a spell that is FIXED on screen always on the same position... erm.. if someone needs a second to click it for sure he needs another couple of hands :)


When there is an alternative to something, and the first way has no unique exclusive benefits, wouldn't anyone with half a brain choose the latter method?


That's the point. If u've a guy that rocks with wasd+mouse and he plays without no problem cause for him is no effort to click+move/rotate with mouse.. what's the point with bother again with "keybinder is always best" "go keybinder u backpedaler" "the pr0's 're always keybinders" and so on?


Yeah, that's not a good point. The discussion "keybinder" or "clicker" really does not apply.. maybe the disscusion would be "a bad player is better for being keybinder or for being mouse clicker"? cause a good / medium player can be good with keybinds or clicking (whatever he wants)


My 2 cents.

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why do so many people in this thread assume that being a "non-clicker" means that you ONLY MOVE WITH YOUR MOUSE AND NOTHING ELSE??




It's the same thing from the other side. People assuming clickers never use their mouse to strafe/move. I'm a clicker and I use a combo of both. I'll admit that I can't strafe and click at the same time, but come on... it's not like games with a GCD need lightning fast reflexes or anything. This isn't a twitch game.

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And if you're a melee? Or if you want to Los? Or if you are travelling with or with someone to an objective in pvp? Or if you want to move out of an aoe?


Ok, that is enough examples to completely debunk your theory.


I wasn't talking about LOS or any of that.


I was talking about people who are out in the open and try to strafe around ranged dps, it's silly, the ranged dps just stands in place and turns to follow the strafer. It's not hard to see the point I was trying to make. Debunk failed.


Also, it's not theory when ranged dps players constantly use and practice it successfully.

Edited by XOrionX
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Oh whatever, quit assuming things about people in this thread. Says alot more about you than it does the people you're trying to dismiss. Has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with experience, staying open to new playstyles, and figuring out what works best.


Thank god your attitude is the minority, otherwise we'd still be in the dark ages.


You have me all wrong, I am open to suggestions, but not to the domineering attitude of several people here


My attitude is not in the minority, it is in the large majority


Come into one of my groups and start trying to dictate how other play and you wont last 30 seconds.


There are excellent players that are clickers and keyboarders for skills, I don’t look down my nose at any of them.

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So when you move your mouse to click on spells, you don't look at the spell bar? lol

Try closing your eyes and clicking the right spells and you'll see you have to look thus dragging your eyes away.

Even if it is only for a second, it's a second you would have saved keybinding.


Mmm.. yes. i do not look my spell bar.. and was always the same. Even in a easy encounters (old good days on gruul for example) i was using only one hand (on the mouse) to move / click / and so on.


I look at the spell bar the same as a keybinder does... just to see when needed the state of my cd's (obvious, i can keep on my mind two / three countdowns, but not five)

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You have me all wrong, I am open to suggestions, but not to the domineering attitude of several people here.

Evan is being a dick about it. Everyone else has been respectful. You have been trying to say the other side has no validity and it's an ego thing. Both are wrong.


My attitude is not in the minority, it is in the large majority.

Really? I don't see anyone else equating people's postion to an ego trip.

Come into one of my groups and start trying to dictate how other play and you wont last 30 seconds..

You mean the group that wholly against meters, keybinding, and other things that make good players better? Well shucks. (not that I would tell others how to play... unless they started a thread... about said topic... asking for an explaination.....)

There are excellent players that are clickers and keyboarders for skills, I don’t look down my nose at any of them.

Of course not. You've not said anything negative about the motives of those who confess keybinding is ultimatly a better means of control.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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