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someone posted this earlier in the thread, but its a good question.



Which is easier? Typing on a keyboard or clicking an onscreen keyboard?




but yeah, play how you want. I'm not one to complain about free kills :D


even naked? and clicking? kinky

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I have my healing spells on the left bar (right next to the ops frames). I click a frame, then click a heal. It's not difficult at all and again, I've healed on my Paladin in WOW for years and I've also healed some in this game on my Commando.



No issues for me.


Whether it's manageable or not, most people that click and heal are very ineffective. Also, even though your raid frames and spell are close, they still cannot be cast as quickly as a bind.


Also, come on, healing pally was flash spam 90% of the time lol.

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Wrong, you don't understand and cannot properly read.


Clicking cannot be more efficient than binding, Fact.


I did not say that there is no such thing as a clicker being a better player than a keybinder, and if they are, most likely the keybinder is incredibly stupid and doesn't even know proper rotations.


Solely on efficiency keybinding is better 100% of the time over clicking, logical fact.


So nice try; don't try to hang with the big boys, you'll only make yourself look bad.


Your missing the point entirely.


If someone used key bindings over a setup they are more comfortable with will they become better players? Yes or No.


Rather simple, really. Otherwise the answer to the charge of being more efficient amounts to the following.


"Yeah, so what?"

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So a verified 1 out of Millions is successful at it?


No just verified that people should not bother listening to you.


Play how you want to play, and what works well for you, and don’t tell others how they should play.


You would not last 5 min in one of our groups

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Your missing the point entirely.


If someone used key bindings over a setup they are more comfortable with will they become better players? Yes or No.


Rather simple, really. Otherwise the answer to the charge of being more efficient amounts to the following.


"Yeah, so what?"


Everyone is more comfortable clicking a mouse when they have never keybound before.


Adapt, practice it for a day or two, and that will change.

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No just verified that people should not bother listening to you.


Play how you want to play, and what works well for you, and don’t tell others how they should play.


You would not last 5 min in one of our groups


I am not telling them how to play, I am arguing the original point that keybinding is much better than clicking.

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Everyone is more comfortable clicking a mouse when they have never keybound before.


Adapt, practice it for a day or two, and that will change.


Or jsut do what they enjoy doing and not worry about what you think if what they are doing works for them.

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Obviously... I wasn't talking about other game genres....

I play Starcraft, so I know it exists.


So... if someone in other game genre CAN click 6/7 times every two seconds ... there is nothing who stop those kind of ppl on games like swtor to play by clicking with good results.


Ill show u an example.


Around the 3% of owners of Left 4 Dead 2 have the "Real Deal" Achievement. It consist on play with success an entire campaing in expert plus real .. so, to kill a zombie u need to hit it a lot of times or headshot.


Well, in a campaing u often confront at least 10 hordes of zombies, each horde takes 20/40 zombies... so if u dont want to die u must take down before they reach u. So, u and ur team mates (4 to be exact) need to take down at least an amount of 5 zombies each in seconds..


Think.. 4/5 seconds... to kill 5 zombies... 5 headshots... moving targets...


Now, think on that skill on Swtor.. u need to think and push the requiered spell every 1.5secs (on the worst case)


Continue in the worst case, ill suposse u need to target too (even if u can do it quick with tab).. is around two clicks every 1.5 seconds.. more than possible :)


And yes, i have the "Real Deal" i use keyboard+mouse for moving (wasd+looking around camera, turn with mouse,etc) and mouse to click spells.. and i never "feel" stressed cause i do not reach the spell at a time... so.. .:)


My advice? Get ur own playstyle and dont bother about others / what is possible / what is best / what is not.

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Whether it's manageable or not, most people that click and heal are very ineffective. Also, even though your raid frames and spell are close, they still cannot be cast as quickly as a bind.


Also, come on, healing pally was flash spam 90% of the time lol.



Regardless, it's effective enough to work. Heck, I rarely even lose anyone while healing. And you obviously didn't play WOW after TBC. Healing is way different now for all classes.


In WOW, I use Bartender to put bars next to the frames and again, I click the frame, then click the spell. I'm very good at healing with this method.

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Im will ing to admit that if you are a clicker in pvp you can probablly get away with healing and or rdps. Seems like you lose a lot of ability to kite when you arent taking advantage of the "a" "d" "s" "w" keys but maybe the benefit is so marginal that you as a clicker can get away with it.


however that doesnt answer my question





question for clickers who play mdps characters


How do you stay on top of your target in PVP? the target (other players) dont sit patiently in one place while you click your abilities and you obviously arent going to be able to move with them and click abilities at the same time. Clearly in PVE this is a non issue because npc enemies either stand in one spot in meele range or shoot from one spot at range and shoot at you. However in PVP clicking seems to make playing a mdps class against moving human targets impossible.


Also another question


When as a clicker you are playing a mdps class how do you stay behind your target? With a combination of the mouse and keyboard you can perpetually remain facing a player target's back. (right mouse button held down and "a" or "d" key). A mouse and keyboard mover useing 1-6 and alt+ 1-6 can and do litterally run circles around clickers. what is a clickers answer to this obvious disadvantage?


I think that the apperant lack of acknowledgement of this honest question means either


1) clickers know they cant and so dont play mdps in pvp or

2) clickers know they are at a severe disavantage playing mdps in pvp so dont answer because they have no defensable argument


sincerely curious how a successful mdps clicker does it in pvp???

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So... if someone in other game genre CAN click 6/7 times every two seconds ... there is nothing who stop those kind of ppl on games like swtor to play by clicking with good results.


Ill show u an example.


Around the 3% of owners of Left 4 Dead 2 have the "Real Deal" Achievement. It consist on play with success an entire campaing in expert plus real .. so, to kill a zombie u need to hit it a lot of times or headshot.


Well, in a campaing u often confront at least 10 hordes of zombies, each horde takes 20/40 zombies... so if u dont want to die u must take down before they reach u. So, u and ur team mates (4 to be exact) need to take down at least an amount of 5 zombies each in seconds..


Think.. 4/5 seconds... to kill 5 zombies... 5 headshots... moving targets...


Now, think on that skill on Swtor.. u need to think and push the requiered spell every 1.5secs (on the worst case)


Continue in the worst case, ill suposse u need to target too (even if u can do it quick with tab).. is around two clicks every 1.5 seconds.. more than possible :)


And yes, i have the "Real Deal" i use keyboard+mouse for moving (wasd+looking around camera, turn with mouse,etc) and mouse to click spells.. and i never "feel" stressed cause i do not reach the spell at a time... so.. .:)


My advice? Get ur own playstyle and dont bother about others / what is possible / what is best / what is not.


I'm not going to be mean but, again, using an FPS as an comparison is just silly.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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So... if someone in other game genre CAN click 6/7 times every two seconds ... there is nothing who stop those kind of ppl on games like swtor to play by clicking with good results.


Ill show u an example.


Around the 3% of owners of Left 4 Dead 2 have the "Real Deal" Achievement. It consist on play with success an entire campaing in expert plus real .. so, to kill a zombie u need to hit it a lot of times or headshot.


Well, in a campaing u often confront at least 10 hordes of zombies, each horde takes 20/40 zombies... so if u dont want to die u must take down before they reach u. So, u and ur team mates (4 to be exact) need to take down at least an amount of 5 zombies each in seconds..


Think.. 4/5 seconds... to kill 5 zombies... 5 headshots... moving targets...


Now, think on that skill on Swtor.. u need to think and push the requiered spell every 1.5secs (on the worst case)


Continue in the worst case, ill suposse u need to target too (even if u can do it quick with tab).. is around two clicks every 1.5 seconds.. more than possible :)


And yes, i have the "Real Deal" i use keyboard+mouse for moving (wasd+looking around camera, turn with mouse,etc) and mouse to click spells.. and i never "feel" stressed cause i do not reach the spell at a time... so.. .:)


My advice? Get ur own playstyle and dont bother about others / what is possible / what is best / what is not.


Again, missing the point. Aiming and moving a mouse in an fps is entriely different than an mmo. In an fps your mouse is being dragged into the exact environmental sight you need, while on an mmo, by clicking, your eyes drift away from the area and could lead to failures more often than a binder.


Also, you wasted energy typing that entire post... You proposed an argument that was solely based on click speeds... lol.


You know this game has global cooldowns right?

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i use keybinds. i just find it easier to get all my moves off and know where they are.


my bro is a clicker. and after almost 10 years of clicking he got pretty good at it. and i'm willing to bet he is just as efficient as any1 else. i believe he has full battlemaster gear so he must have beat one or two keybinders in PvP

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Everyone is more comfortable clicking a mouse when they have never keybound before.


Adapt, practice it for a day or two, and that will change.


Assuming you have the power to tell everyone else what they are, aren't and will be most comfortable with.

Edited by WickedDjinn
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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.



If that was true then no abilty would be clickable and all would be bind only :)

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If a boss falls over dead, and no one stood in the fire, then who cares if you click or keyboard?


Does it really matter that much?


Not at all, but often times when people do burn in the fire, it's due to a spellcasting change that can be made so easily, which is frustrating.

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clicking is fine. It's a ridiculous argument especially in a game with a global cool down. Strafing? Please. I laugh at the people trying to strafe me as I just spin in place.


Maybe its just people trying to justify their $100 mouse.

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