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I am usually a clicker in PvP. I'm far from the best PvP'er and enjoy PVE content just as much. Not only do I click, but also backup, alot. And somehow I was consistantly in the top 5 in kills, damage and/or objective points in warzones from lvl 10-49.


You want to show me your uber circle-strafe skills and I will just backup so you are running in circles in front of me while I blast away. I can keyboard turn when needed and click attacks as fast as cooldowns allow me to.


There is no doubt an advantage to those that are hardcore keybinding PvP'ers, but obviously not that much of one.


Of course now I am way behind in the lvl 50 bracket PvP as far as equipement goes since I spent much of my time in PVE, so I get spanked often, but it's not because of my clicking.:p

Edited by tmadpoet
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But NOBODY is clicking 6-7 in 2 seconds with any kind of consistency. NO ONE.


I suggest u play another kind of games, like l4d2, hl2dm, css, mw, bf and so on.. u will discover there is ppl out there clicking 6/7 in 2 seconds with more than consistency :p

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This is my first MMO so I was clicking just about everything except 1-6 keys. I was very slow in breaking cc's and casting interups and I suffered. My rotations in raids were cumbersome as well. Now I have both bottom rows memorized and I can safely say I am a MUCH better player. People who defend clicking are just like people who refuse to touch type on a keyboard and argue they can type just as fast.
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Personally ranged wise I don't think there is any issue with clicking. I kinda do both depending on the skills. With my alt+# skills I occisionally alt tab, which not isn't a big deal since I'm playing fullscreen (windowed) vs. fullscreen which had to load. I've been playing mmo's since I was 12ish? Whenever Kunark came out for eq and have never become a full keybinder. I would have to agree with for melee especially back stabers that not clicking is more preferable, but nothing in pve will prevent you from being a clicker.
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Not only do I click, but also backup, alot. And somehow I was consistantly in the top 5 in kills, damage and/or objective points in warzones from lvl 10-49.


Thing about backing up... is it's usually much better to turn 90 degrees, and strafe away. Most games, strafing moves at full (or nearly full) running speed, and not the slower backpeddle speed. And the "forward arc" encompasses 180 degrees, so you can still attack/parry whatever it is you're moving away from.


That being said, I'd argue that's sort of a flaw in game designs. Strafing should probably be just as slow as backpeddling.


(and I'm not sure how useful kiting is in SWTOR in general. I have yet to ever need to do it in PvE, and it doesn't seem like it would be terribly useful in most (any?) of the PvP game modes against most classes.)

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I suggest u play another kind of games, like l4d2, hl2dm, css, mw, bf and so on.. u will discover there is ppl out there clicking 6/7 in 2 seconds with more than consistency :p


Obviously... I wasn't talking about other game genres....


I play Starcraft, so I know it exists.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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If you learned to move with your mouse, you would regret saying what you just said.


There is just no way, and I mean no way, that keyboard turning is more efficient and smoother than using the mouse.


Try turning 180 degrees, with a keyboard and then with the mouse. Tell me which was faster and if content was harder, just saved your life.


I agree with this, but pve wise I don't think its necessary. I mean even like first boss of maelstrom where he pulls u in and crash you have time to turn and run with keyboard. Probably more so if you just strife. Although I will admit that I underestimate the range of the aoe sometimes. Granted I'm a follower, but I do see mousing movine as handy in when fighting soa. IDK personally I'm still kinda of a mixer in this case.

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Personally I use a combination of the two. I've got what I'd call regular size hands, and I can comfortably reach from 1 to 8 on my keyboard (little finger and index finger).


I find that I use my mouse to click on portraits (I'm a healer) and bind my more "panic" buttons on 1-8. And if I've got to move, it's usually a case of pressing W or S. I use the mouse to rotate my view, and face the way I want to run.


The bottom line, though is this: If you play in any way and you get results, it works. Don't let someone else tell you how to play your game. Not even if they're right :)

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I switched from clicking to keyboard about a year ago but I still have trouble strafing and backing up during combat as there is no mouse control for either. How do you elitist keyboard users strafe/back up while using abilities?


Back up? You don't back up. Strafe with W and R. Left hand on Q W 3 R Space.

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Why do i need the mouse to turn Sunday? Is 1.5-3 seconds cast times not enough to make the time difference moot. For that matter ..why do i need to turn around at all. I can use my abilities while your behind me and not in view just as well if was in front.
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Back up? You don't back up. Strafe with W and R. Left hand on Q W 3 R Space.


I back up once in a while since I play all ranged classes (Sage, Sorcerer, Command, and Mercenary). It gives me extra range while still being pointed at my targets for certainly abilities which need you to face your target. I also strafe quite a bit to get a little extra positioning in.


I do this with right-mouse button dragging as well. With the right mouse button my A and D keys turn into strafing keys. That frees up Q, E, and R for other keybindings. ;) In other words, I never really use A and D to turn since I'm more of a right-mouse button turner.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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I will take a clicker over someone that tells others how they should be playing any day.


I dont care if you click or keyboard.


Indeed. It's all a matter of personal taste.


The only time I ever ask the question and bring up the differences is when a guildie complains that they're having trouble with their camera or having trouble responding to something quick enough (like interrupting boss inductions). And yes, I had to ask and press the issue since we have one guildie who has trouble with this. Just once.

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Hi all, I use an xbox pad to play, with pinnacle Game Profiler and I'm always on top :D


I tried that, but 1.) not enough buttons for everything I need to cast/use, and 2.) analog joystick to replace the mouse for the mouse cursor is horrible (there are too many commands that you cannot key bind).


The only time I might ever use a gamepad for an MMO is if I'm grinding and want to switch hand/wrist positions to relax from being on the keyboard and mouse all the time.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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I will take a clicker over someone that tells others how they should be playing any day.


I dont care if you click or keyboard.


No, no, no, no! The point of the game is not to have fun, the point of the game is to tell other people they're doing it WRONG!!!!!ONETYONE!!!

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I'm a clicker and I know it....

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea yea


This ^


When I click on by, keybinders be acting like damn he fly.


And this ^

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Clicking sucks, end of story.


If you cannot see the efficiency and usefulness of keybinding, you lack logic and intelligence.


More mouse movement, less precision, staring at your ability bar rendering you oblivious to the environment, slower activation of rotation abilities, are just some of the negatives of clicking.


Common sense, if you play a healer and click, what takes longer... clicking the person who you need to heal, moving your mouse across the screen to click the heal, and so on whenever you need to switch targets OR simply clicking the person and immediately pressing the keybind...?


The worst player in your raid is a clicker, the worst player in your warzone is a clicker.


Keybind you fools...

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My main problem is that with alts, how do you remember all your 30+ keybinds on multiple toons?


I run four characters total, a Sage and Sorcerer with mirrored builds, and a Commando and Mercenary, also mirrored. So I really only have to remember two. ;)


But if I switch from my Sage to say my Merc, there is always a little ramp-up time remembering which abilities are for what. But after an hour or two of gameplay it all comes back to me. So for those playing alts, I don't recommend switching too often, but certainly not difficult to remember multiple key bindings and such.

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lol how can there be a 30 page post arguing about this? i dont care if you're a clicker, if thats how you want to play go for it.


But anyone arguing that clicking is as effective as using keybinds is just flat out clueless.

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I'm a clicker, and I will destroy you. I've had friends talking crap about clickers before (in WoW). Then I point out that I'm #1 on the recount ahead of similarly geared dps of the same class, and I click. That's when the crickets come out. I've played both ways. Clicking works better for me. To each his or her own.
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No, no, no, no! The point of the game is not to have fun, the point of the game is to tell other people they're doing it WRONG!!!!!ONETYONE!!!




so true, same folks that want combat logs, dps meters and gearscore

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