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I'm a clicker, and I will destroy you. I've had friends talking crap about clickers before (in WoW). Then I point out that I'm #1 on the recount ahead of similarly geared dps of the same class, and I click. That's when the crickets come out. I've played both ways. Clicking works better for me. To each his or her own.


It's logically impossible for clicking to be more effective. So you owned dmg meters eh? Well I'm sure you often times lead the raid in deaths due to awareness issues.


If you know how to use a keyboard, binding is better 100% of the time in any scenario.


You apparently (when you tried binding) bound the abilities to keys like O and P that you couldn't reach with a ruler; either that or your keyboard skills are that of my grandmother.

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No, no, no, no! The point of the game is not to have fun, the point of the game is to tell other people they're doing it WRONG!!!!!ONETYONE!!!


It changes from fun to frustrating when that same clicker dies every boss fight in your raid and does horrible damage or healing...


Hey I could drive a car with my knees, but I doubt the others on the road with me wouldn't appreciate that much...

Edited by Evan_Gregory
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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.


For me, mouse is for hotkeys and turning QWE is for moving.

I use a razor Naga and I love it.

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No, no, no, no! The point of the game is not to have fun, the point of the game is to tell other people they're doing it WRONG!!!!!ONETYONE!!!


Finally, someone who knows what theyre talking about.


Fun is a non-word thrown around by casuals to justify being bad at gaming.


I'm a real gamer. I keep a video camera hovering over my keyboard to record every keystroke. Then, I spend no less then one hour every night reviewing those recordings, all so that I can find my faults and correct them. Since launch I have increased my speed and efficency by 000000.1 percent. That's the sort of dedication a true gamer brings to the table.

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so true, same folks that want combat logs, dps meters and gearscore


I know right!? Can you believe these entitled people?


That's why I play HelloKittyOnline, No one there to ruin the illusion that I'm a great player and human being!!!

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Have fun trying to dps while clicking and moving out of fire (and/or other boss mechanics) and pvping without keyboard turning.



I've been clicking for 8 years and I've NEVER had a problem DPSing, tanking or healing PVE. Honestly, keybinding is better for PVP, but that's about it.

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Finally, someone who knows what theyre talking about.


Fun is a non-word thrown around by casuals to justify being bad at gaming.


I'm a real gamer. I keep a video camera hovering over my keyboard to record every keystroke. Then, I spend no less then one hour every night reviewing those recordings, all so that I can find my faults and correct them. Since launch I have increased my speed and efficency by 000000.1 percent. That's the sort of dedication a true gamer brings to the table.


Ha! I lol'd.

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clickers usually mean keyboard turners. Keyboard turners can get facerolled by key bind players.


I used to click, i thought i was doing fine, but now ive learnt to use my mouse to turn and key bind. Helps to have a razer naga imo.


No matter how good you are as a clicker want be as good as a key bind player :/

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question for clickers who play mdps characters


How do you stay on top of your target in PVP? the target (other players) dont sit patiently in one place while you click your abilities and you obviously arent going to be able to move with them and click abilities at the same time. Clearly in PVE this is a non issue because npc enemies either stand in one spot in meele range or shoot from one spot at range and shoot at you. However in PVP clicking seems to make playing a mdps class against moving human targets impossible.


Also another question


When as a clicker you are playing a mdps class how do you stay behind your target? With a combination of the mouse and keyboard you can perpetually remain facing a player target's back. (right mouse button held down and "a" or "d" key). A mouse and keyboard mover useing 1-6 and alt+ 1-6 can and do litterally run circles around clickers. what is a clickers answer to this obvious disadvantage?

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I've been clicking for 8 years and I've NEVER had a problem DPSing, tanking or healing PVE. Honestly, keybinding is better for PVP, but that's about it.



Wrong, so moving to a person, clicking them, and then moving back to heal and cicking the spell is as efficient as binding?


Intelligence fail.

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question for clickers who play mdps characters


How do you stay on top of your target in PVP? the target (other players) dont sit patiently in one place while you click your abilities and you obviously arent going to be able to move with them and click abilities at the same time. Clearly in PVE this is a non issue because npc enemies either stand in one spot in meele range or shoot from one spot at range and shoot at you. However in PVP clicking seems to make playing a mdps class against moving human targets impossible.


Also another question


When as a clicker you are playing a mdps class how do you stay behind your target? With a combination of the mouse and keyboard you can perpetually remain facing a player target's back. (right mouse button held down and "a" or "d" key). A mouse and keyboard mover useing 1-6 and alt+ 1-6 can and do litterally run circles around clickers. what is a clickers answer to this obvious disadvantage?


This is too much for a clickers' brain to comprehend.

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It's logically impossible for clicking to be more effective. So you owned dmg meters eh? Well I'm sure you often times lead the raid in deaths due to awareness issues.


If you know how to use a keyboard, binding is better 100% of the time in any scenario.


You apparently (when you tried binding) bound the abilities to keys like O and P that you couldn't reach with a ruler; either that or your keyboard skills are that of my grandmother.


Being serious for a moment... ;)


The problem with logic is that if you start off with a falsehood, logic will lead you down the wrong path every time.


Because, by your logic, if everyone used key bindings then every player would suddenly jump to the top of the boards and never wipe in dungeons. Or at the very least, every keybinder would display the same level of performance.


Do they? Cause if they don't it suggests that being effective is based on more that simply being able to hit a button slightly faster than someone else.

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This is too much for a clickers' brain to comprehend.


How about we stop showing up late to the party then talking about clickers like they're stupid, or they've all been in here saying they're better than everyone else.


No reason to drag this thread into the gutter.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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Being serious for a moment... ;)


The problem with logic is that if you start off with a falsehood, logic will lead you down the wrong path every time.


Because, by your logic, if everyone used key bindings then every player would suddenly jump to the top of the boards and never wipe in dungeons. Or at the very least, every keybinder would display the same level of performance.


Do they? Cause if they don't it suggests that being effective is based on more that simply being able to hit a button slightly faster than someone else.


Wrong, you don't understand and cannot properly read.


Clicking cannot be more efficient than binding, Fact.


I did not say that there is no such thing as a clicker being a better player than a keybinder, and if they are, most likely the keybinder is incredibly stupid and doesn't even know proper rotations.


Solely on efficiency keybinding is better 100% of the time over clicking, logical fact.


So nice try; don't try to hang with the big boys, you'll only make yourself look bad.

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How about we stop showing up late to the party then talking about clickers like they're stupid, or they've all been in here saying they're better than everyone else.


No reason to drag this thread into the gutter.


Clickers started this thread by hostilely proclaiming clicking is just as good as binding (100% false).


If they asked a question and were willing to listen to facts and reason, that'd be a completely different story and I would respect that.

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Actually I read a story where one of the top PVP people in WOW went to a convention, and everyone was excited to meet this extremely respected PVP player, and everyone sat there with their mouths open when they saw him play


He was a clicker


Not that I think people should click, you should play how you want to play, and just don’t bother listening to others that insist how you should be playing.

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Actually I read a story where one of the top PVP people in WOW went to a convention, and everyone was excited to meet this extremely respected PVP player, and everyone sat there with their mouths open when they saw him play


He was a clicker


Not that I think people should click, you should play how you want to play, and just don’t bother listening to others that insist how you should be playing.


So a verified 1 out of Millions is successful at it?

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I know this is a re-post but i really want to hear a clicker answer this.



question for clickers who play mdps characters


How do you stay on top of your target in PVP? the target (other players) dont sit patiently in one place while you click your abilities and you obviously arent going to be able to move with them and click abilities at the same time. Clearly in PVE this is a non issue because npc enemies either stand in one spot in meele range or shoot from one spot at range and shoot at you. However in PVP clicking seems to make playing a mdps class against moving human targets impossible.


Also another question


When as a clicker you are playing a mdps class how do you stay behind your target? With a combination of the mouse and keyboard you can perpetually remain facing a player target's back. (right mouse button held down and "a" or "d" key). A mouse and keyboard mover useing 1-6 and alt+ 1-6 can and do litterally run circles around clickers. what is a clickers answer to this obvious disadvantage?

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Wrong, so moving to a person, clicking them, and then moving back to heal and cicking the spell is as efficient as binding?


Intelligence fail.


I have my healing spells on the left bar (right next to the ops frames). I click a frame, then click a heal. It's not difficult at all and again, I've healed on my Paladin in WOW for years and I've also healed some in this game on my Commando.



No issues for me.

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