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Increase Commendation gains.


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First i would like to state that the new pvp changes and the direction of the pvp in this game is going really well. That being said, the commendation gain need to be increased. Why? Because new battlemaster commendation cost 1000/1000.


Now, you gain between 80-100 commendation in a full match of WZ, which takes at least 15 min.

You need 4000 for 1 BM comm. And 2-3 BM comm for one piece of gear. Lets just say for argument sake you gain 100 commendation for playing for 15min. every time. An hour would yield you 400 commendation. So therefore you would need 10 hours of warzone just to get one BM Comm.


To buy a 2 commendation piece of BM gear you would need 20 hours of play time, with JUST doing warzones. Just for the 5 set piece, you would need 100 hour of play time.


For casual players, which plays only 2 - 3 hours a day, it would take at least 2 month of just doing warzones alone to get the 5 set piece, this is not including the weapon, off hand, and relics.


People can say there are dailies too, but you only get 12 bags from dailies a week. And I have gotten 1 commendation out of those 12 bags. And I am sure other players have better success with bags, but there are probably more players that has not like myself.


It should not take you 2 - 3 month of warzone alone to get geared. I also like to do PVE, raiding with my guild which would increase the amount of time by a lot.

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Who cares if they make it easier to obtain BM gear? Are you all that mad that it would help balance pvp quicker with less gear discrepancy between players, or do you enjoy hiding behind the cloak of BM gear? Valor Rank= Skill level apparently in your world.
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pfft raise commendations. You can easily get 100 per match now. 100 x 10 matches = 1000



So to get 1000/1000 you would need approximately 2500-3500 commendations, i'm too lazy to calculate it out.


That is like 25 games to buy a bm token. If you make it too easy then everyone get's to endgame and gets bored. I guess we have the next tier of gear to look forward too, but i think the system is fine. Certainly better than a random bag pull with nothing in it.

Edited by xDecypher
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You cry babies already got your valor gain increase, now go get BM in a week and stop complaining about things. Do the work and you will be rewarded. All you weak kids want everything handed to you.


this.... Ridiculous. I have 4 BM pieces and I love that I can finally plan for the next pieces and don't have to rely on RNG. Do I have to work for it? Sure but that is what makes it even better. All those who just don't want to work for anything are just ridiculous tbh...

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I'm pretty sure that buying the BM comms was put in as a alternate way to obtain those comms instead of relying totally on the rng and not the main way to get those comms.


Indeed. Bags are supposed to be the main source. BM gear isn't supposed to be handed to you right away when you hit rank 60- where's the fun in that?

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First people say "PvP shouldn't be all about gear - it's all about fun" meaning gear shouldn't matter anything. And *right* after that "do not allow people to get BM gear right after lvl60 valor" meaning BM gear is a big deal despite real difference with champion set is minimal - like 5% - and it's mostly all about its look and social status.


You, people, ever heard about logic? Try to use it sometimes.


And yes - instant BM gear set at level 60 could be nice. Commendations amount should be boosted x2 because mercs commendations supposed to be farmed as easy as warzone commendations (300-400 per hour) but due to BW's laziness they aren't implemented yet and cost x3 more time than they should - do basic math and you'll find out warzones commendations output should be around 600-800 per hour to compensate missing mechanics of acquiring mercs commendations via open world PvP. Yet Bioware cover their incompetence in MMO development and unfinished game functionality with time and subscription fees of players.


P.S. I have full BM suit and it was extremely stupid to farm it via dailies on ilum for 1.5 months.

Edited by Pashgan
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You cry babies already got your valor gain increase, now go get BM in a week and stop complaining about things. Do the work and you will be rewarded. All you weak kids want everything handed to you.


A week to getbattlemaster gear? Think again.

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Gear is never an issue unless everyone else can get it and then the gear based pvpers is hosed.


Real pvpers are gonna beat you and have been beating you in less gear.


Most of the QQ here is from the valor sploiters who raced and got their gear and were gods for a month. No that people are catching up they are getting owned and don't like it, because now they have to mash more than a few buttons.

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I think people come from different gaming backgrounds, I'm guessing those who enjoy the gear grind played WOW?


I never did, I dislike the gear grind and would rather see Character Progression through other means not a way to create an uneven PvP system. I like playing competatively but without competative gear it's always easy to blame the gear, which gets annoying.


It's just what we are used to I guess, I genuinely don't understand the mindset of the grind, honestly. I don't get why you would want to spend however many hours a day, in the hope to get a PvP piece.


I play for the PvP, it's "exciting" when you get a good fight etc. The focus should be on the fights themselves and not who has the best gear. Unless of course someone goes out in all green gear.

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Or maybe players who actually put in more time should get more rewards? Sure, I'm hiding behind the BM cloak, like BM is such a huge upgrade to Champ, yeah haha!


+2-3 in endurance and cunnin/will/aim makes a big difference!

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I think people come from different gaming backgrounds, I'm guessing those who enjoy the gear grind played WOW?


I never did, I dislike the gear grind and would rather see Character Progression through other means not a way to create an uneven PvP system. I like playing competatively but without competative gear it's always easy to blame the gear, which gets annoying.


It's just what we are used to I guess, I genuinely don't understand the mindset of the grind, honestly. I don't get why you would want to spend however many hours a day, in the hope to get a PvP piece.


I play for the PvP, it's "exciting" when you get a good fight etc. The focus should be on the fights themselves and not who has the best gear. Unless of course someone goes out in all green gear.


champ gear is easy to obtain and there aint that much of a difference with that and BM.

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