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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

That PVP healer adjustment was a JOKE


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Then if the numbers are equal, two people interrupt healer, while other helps to DPS one of the healers down. I fail to see how it's a problem. Generally people who complain about healing are in bad groups or bad themselves. I am thinking from his perspective I play a Watchman Sentinel and I've never played a healer ever.


While I agree that an evenly matched team against another both with similar quality players and classes have no right to complain, he's not talking about that perfect matched team situation with team mates he can easily coordinate with. Before you go on about telling him to form a group with others, that is not the situation he is talking about. By the sounds of it he WAS in a bad group. People who are in a bad group still have a right to bring up something that annoys them. Even in a pug with equal skilled players it's still a roll of the dice on which team wins based on their classes. If you're team has say 5 dpsers 2 tanks and one healer and the other team instead has healers stacked, they can do that healing each other garbage. It does happen and it probably wont go away, but does that make it fun for the other team? No it doesn't.

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Then you have 3 people to interupt the heals.


you are under the assumption that he has three ppl who can reliably interrupt those healers and every heal they can throw out. Most classes have a 10-12 cd on their interrupts and that can only interrupt one heal.

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Although the OPs rage is a bit excessive, I do think healers are a little OP in warzones. Ive been in some warzones where the opponents had 3 or 4 healers and you couldnt kill a soul. The good thing was they couldnt muster enough DPS to kill anyone either.
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I'm tired of playing warzones and healers being the factor of us winning or losing, there NEEDS to be a cap on the amount of healers that can be in warzones in PVP because it is ruining mine and everyone else's experience especially since we're Empire and healers are canonically Republic so they are more likely to have more healers than us, which is how it turns out majority of the time. I'm completely burnt out from PVP right now because I just played 3 warzones in a row where healers were healing healers and it is RIDICULOUS


uh... no. How about just instituting mortal strikes instead?

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It's completely and utterly boring to play with 0 healers (we're imps) against Pubs with 3 healers on their side. Not only will you kill nobody because they crossheal all the time, you can't capture any objective because that would mean killing the Pubs there in order to capture it.
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Majority of healers on my server are Empire. That's just how warzones work. It was like this in SWG, WoW, and now this game. I'm sure it was similar in most other MMO's. I don't think it's gonna change.


in swg??


i have to disagree with this.


myself and my guild ran organised Battlefields in swg till the death, unbeaten for a very long time.


we would never go into an 8man premade with more than 3 healers, 99% of the time it was only 2 healers.


the issue isnt the amount of healers, the issue is the skill level of the dps and utility.



here you will see one of our last bf's against a team that was running unbeaten for a long time on starsider server.


our dps made the difference here nothing else.

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Heallers in this game are in no way



Just got to pop relics and be alble to interupt. only healer that might be at all close to unkillable are sages but its just cause their bubble is just a little to strong imo


lol, i was gonna say that the commando healers are near unkillable. They have far greater damage reduction with their heavy armor. Sorc/sage bubbles don't last forever, and when they're down, they're real squishy. My tank has 3 interrupts, and its very hard to time it to their very fast healing cast.


As to the OP, get with a different group, roll a healer. There are so many to choose from.

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On my server there are 3 invinsible sages. At least one of them I have never seen die in dozens of rounds of pvp. It's not just that I have never killed them, I mean I check the wz results after each round and they always have 0 deaths.


There are usually 1 or 2 other players on their team who can throw the occassional heal but may not be straight up healers. On several occassions I have seen entire warzones with only 2 or 3 deaths on their entire team. The last wz I played tonight, the top healer had 650k healing and the entire team had 3 deaths.


At this point I know their top healers and I don't even bother trying to kill them. I run in and hit them with a stun.. maybe a second stun and some debufs, throw a few interrupts their way when I can. Anything more than that is just pure pointless keymashing.

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Be careful with your generalizations. I can only speak for my server but there are almost certainly more healers on the Imperial side here. I am one of only 3 healers who consistently PVPs in 50s on the Republic side. The Empire currently has 9.


Also, if any healer is allowed to post 550k or more your team was interrupt and/or communications challenged. These numbers were once extremely common but are now quite rare on my server.


Tonight we went up against a team in Voidstar that had 3 sorc and 1 BH healers. A Jedi Shadow pulled one of the healers and attacked him by himself, 2 then stunned the other 2 healers while everyone else took out the first healer, they then took out the remaining by trading stuns. It wasn't a problem. We absolutely rolled them that match. It's when single individuals try to take on healers by themselves that there are problems.

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I'm tired of playing warzones and healers being the factor of us winning or losing, there NEEDS to be a cap on the amount of healers that can be in warzones in PVP because it is ruining mine and everyone else's experience especially since we're Empire and healers are canonically Republic so they are more likely to have more healers than us, which is how it turns out majority of the time. I'm completely burnt out from PVP right now because I just played 3 warzones in a row where healers were healing healers and it is RIDICULOUS


thats funny. . .with all the lightning i'd say the empire has more potential for healers.


at least on my old server, most of hte healers rolled empire


you gotta remember though it's just a game. if its' becoming that frustrating then you might wanna take a break.


alternatively you could start up or join a premade(that is if you have a reputation where people wanna play with you).

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in swg??


i have to disagree with this.


myself and my guild ran organised Battlefields in swg till the death, unbeaten for a very long time.


we would never go into an 8man premade with more than 3 healers, 99% of the time it was only 2 healers.


the issue isnt the amount of healers, the issue is the skill level of the dps and utility.



here you will see one of our last bf's against a team that was running unbeaten for a long time on starsider server.


our dps made the difference here nothing else.


QFT. Good DPS is not just a number. Good DPS switches targets, interrupts healers, and kill people.

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I'm tired of playing warzones and healers being the factor of us winning or losing, there NEEDS to be a cap on the amount of healers that can be in warzones in PVP because it is ruining mine and everyone else's experience especially since we're Empire and healers are canonically Republic so they are more likely to have more healers than us, which is how it turns out majority of the time. I'm completely burnt out from PVP right now because I just played 3 warzones in a row where healers were healing healers and it is RIDICULOUS


LOL Cry more?

Since we are exaggerating....

You already play the easy/noskill realm

You used to zerg everything, everyone, anything

You exploited illum at start getting all bm gear to win without effort and skills


And now you cry about healers in Rep side?


LOL! If you wanna win 100% of time get a single player game, if you fail, reload and restar.

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Am I seriously reading a post from an imperial complaining about healers, and the fact there seems to be more healers on republic side then imperial?


Again, I just read a post from an imperial who is part of a faction that outnumbers republic player base in pvp on average 3 to 1? From an imperial that outmanned the broken ilum planet till change? Nerf healers cause the outnumbered faction of republic roles more of them and it is unfair in pvp?


I think i just wet my self lol:)

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I'm not a PvP fan by most standards, but one thing is clear to me:


If you are playing by the rules, and you figure out a strategy that works within the rules, then more power to you.


Six healers traveling as a pack, keeping each other topped off, occasionally getting assaulted by enemies and pwning their buttocks when they do? Sounds like a viable strategy.


So get OVER it, and either figure out a way to beat it, team up with others and try to beat it, or take your ball and go home. QQ.

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Also, Healers healing Healers - OMG, that's CRAAAAZY!! It's so good, it's CHEEEEATTTINNNG!!!


Who would ever have thought that,


since there's one guy healing others,


and since the smart thing to do would be to attack that one guy to stop him from healing,


you might want ANOTHER guy to heal THAT guy to keep him from dying!



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Finally it has happened


Imp only player whines about PVP imbalance.


Aditional golden discovery : "good" side in mmo has more rounded players and "evil" side has 7/8 younger players playing dps roxx0rz :rolleyes:


Amazing day :cool:


Thank you

Edited by lazergunz
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I will tel you a story... Once upon a time there ware Voidstar fight I (mercenary bodyguard) had constantly 2 ppls on my back (they are bad bud not that bad to leave me alone) on the other side was jedi consular healer " marked and constnatly spamed at ops that he is healer" not a single dps run on him, when i try stun and DoT him(still 2 ppls on me) he got guard imediatly. we lost , he healed 470K i just 210K (mostly myself)...


now try to figured why your team lack healers or your healers are far away behind others ....


(ofc this story would work both ways)

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I'm tired of playing warzones and healers being the factor of us winning or losing, there NEEDS to be a cap on the amount of healers that can be in warzones in PVP because it is ruining mine and everyone else's experience especially since we're Empire and healers are canonically Republic so they are more likely to have more healers than us, which is how it turns out majority of the time. I'm completely burnt out from PVP right now because I just played 3 warzones in a row where healers were healing healers and it is RIDICULOUS


Healers can be interrupted - a team of all healers is a weak team. A larger problem is a general lack of healing in PUGs and here's my perspective on that. I rolled up a healer spec, played a few dozen WZs without my guildies (self-queue) and by the end I wanted to *strangle* someone. I wound up respecializing as DPS and taking a '**** the rest of my team' approach.


Here's life as a healer in a PUG warzone :


1) No one is guarding me.

2) I'm healing you, some operative knocks me down and stabs me repeatedly, you run past me like I'm not even there.

3) I'm healing you, you do force leap or something out of line of sight.

4) I'm healing you, 4 people are beating me down, you can't be bothered to waste any of your CC's and instead just try to duel someone on the edge of the battle.

5) I'm healing, some marauder is chain interrupting me, you're trying to ninja the cap with an enemy standing behind you waiting to attack you when you get closer to capping.

6) I'm running ahead for pass in Huttball, you proceed to *walk across the fire* with your CC breaker still on cooldown and melt to a stun & burn.

7) I'm getting gang ***** in one of the hallways in voidstar, my team runs past me without so much as a CC on the people repeatedly kicking me in the face.


Edited to add:


Couple more -


8) I'm healing someone from behind a pillar as they're getting hit by 3 guys, they're focusing on the enemy tank while the enemy healer free casts on him - after a minute of this I just let you die and move on with my life.

9) I'm healing you up as you're fighting some people, enemy gets the ball in huttball, you proceed to chase your target well away from the ball carrier. I let you die, because I'm trying to actually win the game.

10) At the end of the match, having spent half the time in respawn and the other half trying to keep your sorry undergeared hide alive, I don't get any MVP votes as you vote for your failure guildies.


After a couple of days of that, I just stopped playing healer spec until I can group up with my guildies.

Edited by dcgregorya
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