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Imbalance in classes


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What I'm about to say I know several will say it's whining. Believe me it's not. Only those who wish to keep the upper hand will disagree.


The Sith electicity is OP. When my 37 Shadow can get bolted and stopped from using any skill til I'm dead, there's something wrong. May Bioware likes having the Sith class more powerful, I don't know. But in all my 15 years of gaming I've never seen a better example of one class having way too much power.


Yesterday my friends and I tried to do our daily. Win one PVP match. After 8 loses in a row and most of the day. We called it quits. People are getting tired of Sith having the upper hand. I don't blame them. For myself, I used to play several hours of PVP but that's slowly changing. I may play 2 or 3 matches now.


I'd like to ask for some changes in duration and intensity of these electricity skills. Until then count me out of PVP. Just not worth it.

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Balance isn't great in the bracket that covers thirty nine levels?


Surprise, surprise.


The game will never be balanced around the lower level bracket, if it were it would have serious effects on the end-game.

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What I'm about to say I know several will say it's whining. Believe me it's not. Only those who wish to keep the upper hand will disagree.


The Sith electicity is OP. When my 37 Shadow can get bolted and stopped from using any skill til I'm dead, there's something wrong. May Bioware likes having the Sith class more powerful, I don't know. But in all my 15 years of gaming I've never seen a better example of one class having way too much power.


Yesterday my friends and I tried to do our daily. Win one PVP match. After 8 loses in a row and most of the day. We called it quits. People are getting tired of Sith having the upper hand. I don't blame them. For myself, I used to play several hours of PVP but that's slowly changing. I may play 2 or 3 matches now.


I'd like to ask for some changes in duration and intensity of these electricity skills. Until then count me out of PVP. Just not worth it.


At level 50 with a reasonable amount of expertise gear your shadow (in a variety of specs) will be able to completely shut down and dismantle (sh__ on) any and all sorcerers. Game is not balanced around 38, catch up in level, get some gear and you will see this.

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Um.... I thought they were the same. Why sorc hate and not sage hate?


Same reasons mercs get blamed for tracer spam more often than commandos for grav spam:


1.) Unbalanced faction populations, so many WZ's are Imp vs. Imp - higher frequency in battles with the Imperial versions tends to result in them being the class to get screamed nerf at.


2.) Visual and/or sound effects for the skills tend to make it far more obvious compared to the jedi equivalent. Hell, don't ever bother with trying to use force lightning if you're attempting to do some damage to a target from a decent little "sniper's perch" coz it basically shows your target (and everyone for that matter) precisely where you are. The sage's equivalent to force lightning is far less obvious since all you see are scattered pebbles flying at you. I'm surprised people haven't been calling for a nerf to the channeled AoE lightning skill (despite the fact that it's only worth using in very rare situations) due to how much it animates compared to a sage's quake skill.


To OP:

As for shadows losing to sorcerers even in sub-50's pvp... yeah, you're either using gear far below your level, your skill tree distribution is fail for pvp, or you don't know what you're doing (or a combination of all three) - no offense, but you did mention that you've stopped doing warzones quite a bit, so maybe you're out of practice or maybe you're doing too few to learn what strategies to adapt to. Practice makes per-... er... practice makes ya' better. Good luck, and try again, man.

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Why are people so down on Sorcs and not Sages?



<-- Commando main

<-- Sorc alt


Probably because there is a bit more sorcerers then whole republic players put together.

Edited by Lerdoc
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  • 2 weeks later...
Do sages get the same stuns as sorcs?


Yes. Force Stun = Electrocute. Force Lift = Whirlwind. Mind Snap = Jolt (Interrupt), the 5 second root after aoe knockback and the melee-ranged bubble-breaking 3 second stun can be obtained in the telekinetics tree at the same point as sorcerers get them in the lightning tree.

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what i'm about to say i know several will say it's whining. Believe me it's not. Only those who wish to keep the upper hand will disagree.


The sith electicity is op. When my 37 shadow can get bolted and stopped from using any skill til i'm dead, there's something wrong. May bioware likes having the sith class more powerful, i don't know. But in all my 15 years of gaming i've never seen a better example of one class having way too much power.


Yesterday my friends and i tried to do our daily. Win one pvp match. After 8 loses in a row and most of the day. We called it quits. People are getting tired of sith having the upper hand. I don't blame them. For myself, i used to play several hours of pvp but that's slowly changing. I may play 2 or 3 matches now.


I'd like to ask for some changes in duration and intensity of these electricity skills. Until then count me out of pvp. Just not worth it.


y r u whining?! Lul

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What I'm about to say I know several will say it's whining. Believe me it's not. Only those who wish to keep the upper hand will disagree.


The Sith electicity is OP. When my 37 Shadow can get bolted and stopped from using any skill til I'm dead, there's something wrong. May Bioware likes having the Sith class more powerful, I don't know. But in all my 15 years of gaming I've never seen a better example of one class having way too much power.


Yesterday my friends and I tried to do our daily. Win one PVP match. After 8 loses in a row and most of the day. We called it quits. People are getting tired of Sith having the upper hand. I don't blame them. For myself, I used to play several hours of PVP but that's slowly changing. I may play 2 or 3 matches now.


I'd like to ask for some changes in duration and intensity of these electricity skills. Until then count me out of PVP. Just not worth it.


is it a joke or just lowbie whining?


Shadow is so much more powerful than sorcerer, lol. A shadow should win every game, period.

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is it a joke or just lowbie whining?


Shadow is so much more powerful than sorcerer, lol. A shadow should win every game, period.


Agreed. By level 37 you should have enough skills to deal with sorcs/sages ( I play both inq and sage), while shadows get skills later, a tank spec shadow should make a sorc cry ;)

Edited by Calista_ZK
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I would rather go up against a sorcerer anyday than a Sage. Maybe it's just me, but they do damage MUCH faster with their god damned pebbles of death. I can think of ONE Sorcerer off the top of my head that I couldn't deal with. But Sages RUIN me everytime. So I strongly disagree.


If anything I would complain about the damned Scoundrel and his Death in 3 seconds. I'm sure we've all been ganked by one of these before.

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What I'm about to say I know several will say it's whining. Believe me it's not. Only those who wish to keep the upper hand will disagree.


The Sith electicity is OP. When my 37 Shadow can get bolted and stopped from using any skill til I'm dead, there's something wrong. May Bioware likes having the Sith class more powerful, I don't know. But in all my 15 years of gaming I've never seen a better example of one class having way too much power.


Yesterday my friends and I tried to do our daily. Win one PVP match. After 8 loses in a row and most of the day. We called it quits. People are getting tired of Sith having the upper hand. I don't blame them. For myself, I used to play several hours of PVP but that's slowly changing. I may play 2 or 3 matches now.


I'd like to ask for some changes in duration and intensity of these electricity skills. Until then count me out of PVP. Just not worth it.



Your post screams that you have no clue what you are doing. You're complaining about "sith electricity" stunlocking you till death which is impossible and simply not what is going on.


Sith classes and jedi classes (you are a shadow) are mirrors. "Sith having the upper hand" has nothing to do with class balance, it's population balance, the classes are the same.


You should count yourself out of PVP until you get a clue about what is happening. Until then you deserve to lose every PVP match and to never complete your daily.

Edited by Redmarx
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What I'm about to say I know several will say it's whining. Believe me it's not. Only those who wish to keep the upper hand will disagree.


When you start a post like this, you've already lost the argument. Reasonable people can disagree about all sorts of things, and statements like "only those who are X will disagree with Y," insult your audience and distract from your core message. To many readers you are discrediting yourself before you even begin.


The Sith electicity is OP. When my 37 Shadow can get bolted and stopped from using any skill til I'm dead, there's something wrong. May Bioware likes having the Sith class more powerful, I don't know. But in all my 15 years of gaming I've never seen a better example of one class having way too much power.


Yesterday my friends and I tried to do our daily. Win one PVP match. After 8 loses in a row and most of the day. We called it quits. People are getting tired of Sith having the upper hand. I don't blame them. For myself, I used to play several hours of PVP but that's slowly changing. I may play 2 or 3 matches now.


I'd like to ask for some changes in duration and intensity of these electricity skills. Until then count me out of PVP. Just not worth it.


This does sound like a frustrating situation. But it reads very much like an angry post that came at the end of a bad day of PvP. You may have a valid point, but it's buried behind the anger, accusations and threats of retaliation. If we're going to think about your argument and not just respond with angry posts of our own (either for the Sith or against them), we need to know more:


  • When the Sith locked you down and defeated you before you could respond, what was the situation?
  • Were you at full health?
  • Were all of your abilities available, or were some of them on cooldown?
  • Did you have help?
  • Did your opponent have help?
  • Where were your respective teams?
  • Were you or your opponents buffed or debuffed, or both?
  • Was terrain an issue? Did the fight take place in a fire pit or on the smooth, even floor of the Voidstar?
  • Did your opponent get the jump on you? Or did you get the jump on your opponent?
  • What is your usual strategy?
  • When you're attacked, how do you usually defend yourself?
  • What did you try to do when the Sith attacked? And what happened then?


You don't need to answer every question, but a bit of context would make your post much more convincing.

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Not surprised that a thread whining about sorcs has so much misinformation and lack of knowledge of game mechanics. Sad things is these are the people Bioware seem to be listening to for their 1.2 balance changes.


I hope you're referring to the original poster and the others that claim vas disparity between Sorc/Sage (ok, Project's animation causes damage to be delayed, but that can actually give a tactical edge by giving the appearance of more burst damage when combined with other damage skills) and not about those of us actually explaining everything.

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Why are people so down on Sorcs and not Sages?



<-- Commando main

<-- Sorc alt



Because the lightning not only does what's advertised, it also lights the target up like a christmas tree, making all of your homies aware that this guy is free points.


TKT does not, and is hardly noticeable at long range.


It's like a mark item and a damage skill rolled into one, plus a channeled snare.

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Because the lightning not only does what's advertised, it also lights the target up like a christmas tree, making all of your homies aware that this guy is free points.


TKT does not, and is hardly noticeable at long range.


It's like a mark item and a damage skill rolled into one, plus a channeled snare.


It also provides a guiding beam of "here I am, come get me" to the opposing team/recipiant, whereas with TKT you might avoid being noticed, so you can continue to unload on someone without having to swap to "surviva-kite" mode meaning you can do much more AoE damage. And channeled snares are far less useful than normal snares, especially if you factor in interrupt-potential.

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