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So we can't play Wookiees Why?


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because no one wants to listen to their character howl through the entire game


As much as I'd like to play a Wookiee, that really would get old... very quickly.


Maybe they could combine that with the companion translating for them in cutscenes, since most people probably wouldn't speak wookiee.

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If they add wookiees or jawa or ewoks in they will have to create a new class with a new story line. So I bet we'll see them in an expansion.


You don't think that a SITH playing as a JEDI is something that would almost require a tailor made story??

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Re: Sith Purebloods... storywise, they're supposed to be fairly rare, right? Chances are most Republic citizens, even officials, don't know what the species is. Even a lot of Imperials might not know, and it could also be known to any who SHOULD know that not all Sith Purebloods were raised in the Empire, there were exceptions that struck out on their own and even joined the Republic. So while some flavor dialogue of 'mistaken identities' could be nice, it may not be necessary. Most people don't know that they're looking at a Sith Pureblood... they just think "Red human with pointy bits sticking out on their face".


Wookiees could be cool, but if you role a smuggler with one, you'd have a Wookiee and a Wookiee. Those conversations would just be howls to each other, presumably with subtitles (I haven't advanced my Smugglers far enough to unlock Bowdaar yet). Bowdaar doesn't show any/all armor (based on his customization kits) so your character wouldn't change very much as you leveled, except weapon models. That could get tiresome, unless you're into that (all Chewie ever really changed in the films was his hairdo, after all)


Trandoshans, though... The Clone Wars have shown us plenty of Trandoshans speaking Basic, including Bossk (oh, how some people HATED that, just because his only 'line' in Episode V was a snarl directed at an Imp who got too close to his foot!). Qyzen can wear plenty of armor that changes his appearance, though you'd have to sacrifice some visible pieces. It could work! Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Trooper, all could potentially work for a Trandoshan. Maybe even Inquisitor! Wearing some Social pilot gear could get your Trandoshan looking very Bossk-like, too :)

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As much as I'd like to play a Wookiee, that really would get old... very quickly.


Maybe they could combine that with the companion translating for them in cutscenes, since most people probably wouldn't speak wookiee.


Well, do you believe that most people speak the multitude of languages that our characters are not only exposed to, but have full on conversations with during play? No translators around that i can see, on any of my toons, yet I for some reason can understand Wookiee, Huttese, Natuolan,(forgive the misspelling of languages) and several other alien languages from characters that i interact with throughout my adventures...

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1) Player characters need to speak basic (native language). Wookiees do not. Their growling language is fine for supporting cast, but not in a lead role. For evidence of this, compare Star Wars (1977) to the Star Wars Holiday Special (1977). And then wash your brain out.


2) Player characters need to be customisable with the current selection of scars, complexions etc available to all humanoid races. Wookiees are not.


3) Player characters must be able to conform to the current in-game body shapes that are available in order for animations to work properly. Wookiees are taller, with longer limbs and large paws.


4) Player characters must be able to visably wear clothing and armour to show progression feedback. Wookies do not wear clothes. In fact, they get quite narked by the very idea of it (Holiday Special notwithstanding).


5) Player characters must be able to engage in kissyface smoochytimes. Wookiees... well... if a wookiee were to start macking on Ensign Temple he'd probably take half her face with him.


6) Player characters must be able to engage in romantic storylines to their oh-so-physical conclusion. As regards wookiee nookie, I'll let Penny Arcade do the talking here.


So there's a bunch of reasons. Take your pick.

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I think the point of this thread was to discuss the reasoning behind not including ANY new playable species. Instead of just focusing on the wookiee example... which we all agree presents some very unique challenges... I think we are really discussing the decision to not include species that have already been placed in the game (i.e. Mon calamari, torgruta, kel dor, nautolan, cathar, transdoshan, etc). If the only reason was "we didn't want to spend the time redoing the helmets" then I say fine... Don't redo helmets. Most of the species are humanoid they wouldn't require any other major gear modifications and Twi'lek head-gear issue don't seem to stop people from playing them I don't see this as a valid argument. I wouldn't hesitate to play one of these characters now knowing that somewhere down the line we'd see new gear. Just my thoughts. Cheers!
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There's quite a culture shock in most imp storylines when not playing a decidedly human character. Even being a Rattataki gets me snarls and boos from others; and that's just a bald white human. All the non-human races get it, and look how close they are to the paleskinned fleshy meatbags. So imagine playing through as a Trandoshan and then let's see how those overly xenophobic people react. Hell, I doubt I'd be allowed to make port in Dromund Kaas, let alone actually walk into the city what with me breathing their air. I would soon have my Trandoshan butt flayed and hung up as a trophy. AND NO SKOTIA DOESNT COUNT.


I can see Cathar as being a possibility.... but not Mon Calamari or Trandoshan or anything totally out there. And even Cathar might be stretching it; Can you imagine how many Lion-o's and Chee-tar'a's we'd be getting?


As far as Sith Jedi, that's not exactly a far fetched fairy tale. There is wiggle room when talking about species that have been so secluded that virtually everyone's forgotten about your existence. Again, Hell, Sith has become a lifestyle in the Empire; the only guys who care about actually being Sith the species are the one guy in the temple on Korriban and that other... dude... that wasn't memorable... at all.. what was his name.. Darth Hateicus? Dark Dorkface? I don't know he was on the Red Reaper... I think... Eh. We can skip that FP anyways.

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1) Player characters need to speak basic (native language). Wookiees do not. Their growling language is fine for supporting cast, but not in a lead role. For evidence of this, compare Star Wars (1977) to the Star Wars Holiday Special (1977). And then wash your brain out.


2) Player characters need to be customisable with the current selection of scars, complexions etc available to all humanoid races. Wookiees are not.


3) Player characters must be able to conform to the current in-game body shapes that are available in order for animations to work properly. Wookiees are taller, with longer limbs and large paws.


4) Player characters must be able to visably wear clothing and armour to show progression feedback. Wookies do not wear clothes. In fact, they get quite narked by the very idea of it (Holiday Special notwithstanding).


5) Player characters must be able to engage in kissyface smoochytimes. Wookiees... well... if a wookiee were to start macking on Ensign Temple he'd probably take half her face with him.


6) Player characters must be able to engage in romantic storylines to their oh-so-physical conclusion. As regards wookiee nookie, I'll let Penny Arcade do the talking here.


So there's a bunch of reasons. Take your pick.


I have quoted this entire post because I love its comprehensive nature.



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I think the point of this thread was to discuss the reasoning behind not including ANY new playable species. Instead of just focusing on the wookiee example... which we all agree presents some very unique challenges... I think we are really discussing the decision to not include species that have already been placed in the game (i.e. Mon calamari, torgruta, kel dor, nautolan, cathar, transdoshan, etc). If the only reason was "we didn't want to spend the time redoing the helmets" then I say fine... Don't redo helmets. Most of the species are humanoid they wouldn't require any other major gear modifications and Twi'lek head-gear issue don't seem to stop people from playing them I don't see this as a valid argument. I wouldn't hesitate to play one of these characters now knowing that somewhere down the line we'd see new gear. Just my thoughts. Cheers!


Thank you. this was my point, but there are a dedicated and obvious few who are intent on making this about something else entirely.

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There's quite a culture shock in most imp storylines when not playing a decidedly human character. Even being a Rattataki gets me snarls and boos from others; and that's just a bald white human. All the non-human races get it, and look how close they are to the paleskinned fleshy meatbags. So imagine playing through as a Trandoshan and then let's see how those overly xenophobic people react. Hell, I doubt I'd be allowed to make port in Dromund Kaas, let alone actually walk into the city what with me breathing their air. I would soon have my Trandoshan butt flayed and hung up as a trophy


And this is exactly what I mean. what you describe is what should be the case playing a Sith on the republic side, but that will not be the case. So if that wont be the case for the Sith Jedi, then there really is no point in banning other alien species from play (obvious technical reasons being an exception).

Edited by Mourngrim
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2) Player characters need to be customisable with the current selection of scars, complexions etc available to all humanoid races. Wookiees are not.

Wookiees could easily be modified in other ways. They could have hairdos (slicked back, a few kinds of shaggy, flat-top--like Chewie/'Snoova' from SOTE, tho I think the flat-top was ridiculous--and probably more. The fur can easily be identical to human hair color choices. Complexion could be patterns in the fur, highlights and the like. Maybe there could be 'outfit' options like Bowdaar's Customizations available (vest, different bandoliers, ROTS-ish Wookiee armor). There are definitely options; more limited in number than some other species, perhaps, but not every species has a full list of customizable options anyway. Rattaki don't have hair OR hair color, for instance! I'm not sure if they even have a skin color range at all.

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And this is exactly what I mean. what you describe is what should be the case playing a Sith on the republic side, but that will not be the case. So if that wont be the case for the Sith Jedi, then there really is no point in banning other alien species from play (obvious technical reasons being an exception).


Are you sure?

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"In the future I can see a day where we would do a Trandoshan or Wookiee type story but it would have to be just that. Not a simple graphic swap where now your smuggler is a giant lizard man and nobody notices but a full class story where you learn what it means to be this strange alien and deal with the rest of the galaxy and their reactions. For the present, however, our heroes are our projections of self, headed into a galaxy of wonders and adventures." -D. Erickson



With the Sith Jedi, for exapmle, they did just that...a graphic swap. You wont play a story where you come to understand what it means to be Sith in a Republic world, where you are possibly reviled by most you come in contact with, where you may find yourself slaying your very own kind, already being a rare being. It is ok for the Sith to be a companion to a Jedi (as is currently in game), but they have broken from what Erickson says above, by allowing this race to be played as a main character on the republic side...


So if we are going to break away from the reasoning given above...lets add characters that are in game now and not playable, and not simply rehash the same species by allowing them to be a different class.

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They have advanced technology, like teleportation devices, so why can't they have translation devices that would translate from wookie-speak to basic?


Czerka universal translation device.... its a companion gift, so its already been invented. They could just have the existing dialogue gio through a mod to represent it being translated for the wookiee, or let the player select hoots and growls.

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There's quite a culture shock in most imp storylines when not playing a decidedly human character. Even being a Rattataki gets me snarls and boos from others; and that's just a bald white human. All the non-human races get it, and look how close they are to the paleskinned fleshy meatbags. So imagine playing through as a Trandoshan and then let's see how those overly xenophobic people react. Hell, I doubt I'd be allowed to make port in Dromund Kaas, let alone actually walk into the city what with me breathing their air. I would soon have my Trandoshan butt flayed and hung up as a trophy. AND NO SKOTIA DOESNT COUNT.


I can see Cathar as being a possibility.... but not Mon Calamari or Trandoshan or anything totally out there. And even Cathar might be stretching it; Can you imagine how many Lion-o's and Chee-tar'a's we'd be getting?

Mon Cala and others, they SHOULD be available! They're fun! They're Star Wars! I know many quintessential Star Wars species are available as companions for various classes... you've got a Jawa, Trandoshan, Wookiee, Mon Cala... but we should be able to PLAY some of them, too.


Your storyline argument is valid, but only on the EMPIRE side of things. And that brings up a flaw with the entire Empire structure; making them largely xenophobic 'human supremacists' similar to Palpatine's Galactic Empire severely limits the potential for introducing new species, which is something I think everyone expects from expansions. It feels wrong to limit all 'not just humans with different skin color' species to Republic side, but new species on Empire side would basically need LOTS of storyline reworking. I haven't played through any Empire classes enough to see what's what, tho.


I'd love to play Sullustans, Duros, Mon Cala, Rodians, Cathar, Nautolans. There are enough NPCs of those species with plenty of expression in their faces, plenty of ways Bioware could find to allow a lot of customization at character creation. They may not all have a great many classes to choose from, but it'd be nice to see.


And I wouldn't worry about Lion-Os and Cheetaras... I wouldn't be surprised if there's already dozens of Chiss Bounty Hunters with variations on "CadBane" around (I realize that'd be a lot more common if Duros became playable). And I've seen lots of people trying to grab various major movie character names, too, on their human toons. No worse than some of the really silly names out there.

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Thank you. this was my point, but there are a dedicated and obvious few who are intent on making this about something else entirely.


You titled the thread "So we can't play Wookiees Why?"



And are complaining people are talking about how Wookiees would be problematic?



Not sure if serious....

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