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Official Q&A Thread for March 16th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are there any plans to add a deserter debuff to players who leave a warzone prior to the end?


Not getting rewards for a losing warzone is a small penalty when they can get a jump ahead of everyone else to get back into the queue, and it is extremely frustrating to load a warzone, only to have the scoreboard showing.


Thanks for your time.

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In the guild summit I was able to find a one liner version of "more character customization." up until now every time the developers used that word it was in the context of UI, orange gear and hoods toggle. As a result, by process of elimination someone MIGHT infer you were referring to character physical cosmetic recustomization: "barbershop" or "plastic surgeon."


Could you please confirm whether "barbershop/plastic surgeon" is in fact what you were referring to and if so, about how long we should wait for it's implementation?


It would be nice if you could spare some moments to explain to us what makes the implementation of such a feature so difficult that it takes do long to adress - this last one is an optional but it would help garnering acceptance for the wait.

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Are there any performance improvements planned to reduce the planet loading time of the planets? i know that there has been optimization for the fleet and probably illum, but big planets like correlia/alderaan/nar shaddar, etc.. still take an eternity to load
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have the devs discussed adding additional quick-slot bars (i know it was talked about during the FB question, that it's a possibility to keybind raid markers - which really needs to happen, spending 20-30 seconds to mark a group of 5 is a real tempo killer).


more importantly though, have the devs entertained the idea of being able to HIDE the quick-slot, but still have it active (currently you are only able to turn it off, or on, if it's off, you can't perform any of the functions bound to the slots).


i like a clean UI, and I keybind everything. I'd like to be able hide all the bars, and only have 1 bar that shows the icons for the cooldowns.

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On some servers it is very possible to play a whole day (4 to 6 hours of play time) without a single warzone win due to one of the factions simply having more people with better gear, or a higher number of pre-made groups then the other.


Do you really expect the player base to self-regulate this problem, or do you plan to fix it using things like stat boosting after a series of loses. No one like losing, and for some factions on some servers the option of winning at PVP is simply not there.


Please note that same faction matches doesn't fix the problem, as pre-made groups still dominate.

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Will SwToR ever have incentive to PvP? If yes why?


Your rated Warzone systems are not going to be incentive either. They will fail just like WoW's "Arenas" simply because group make-up will secure victory as opposed to skill and/or teamwork.


I know in one of your beta builds you had a system similiar to Dark Age of Camelot's Realm points. Just curious if this game will be worth playing when games with PvP incentive (IE: Guild Wars2) come out.


If a Realm Point System or Relics like DAOC's PvP system were in place I guarantee I'd be hooked on this game for years, as well as a bunch of my other friends that already quit because of the non-existent PvP incentive in this game.

Edited by Kulmhof
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During the Guild Summit, there was mention of Guild Capital ships, and their possible implementation. I bring this up, not to ask about them specifically, but to determine whether or not advanced guild progression items, such as Guild Capital Ships, will be obtained through simple credit purchases, or collaborative guild quests.


Something that's worked towards through hard effort will be appreciated more then something that's simply purchased by the wealthiest of the guild and then taken advantage of. Plus, this helps members of lesser means to really contribute to the guild, should they want to, or not.

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Regarding the guild summit addressing the least played classes (Snipers and Gunslingers), could a possible tweak to avoid making them overpowered be giving them a higher defense to AOE effects while in cover, since that seems to be their achilles heel?


Also, in regards to smarter tab targetting, is there a plan for a quick assist? Many incarnations I have seen are a hotkey to call for an assist, where a target icon pops up next to your raid frame that people can click on to assist you on your target.

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I've heard that 1.2 has many new UI features.


Does it have more action bars?


My level 45 bounty hunter is out of slots for actions, because I have one bar set up for healing flashpoints and one for solo leveling (the actions I want readily available and bound to keys 1 to = is different for those 2 scenarios).


In the same vein are there plans for being able to bind an action directly to a key without having to put it on an actionbar?

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For Sith Inquisitors


Xalek's shield ratings are still bugged and not adding in bonuses from gear. Significantly worse tanking companion compared to Khem -- Less defense and more squishy.


--- Tanking companions in general are VERY underpowered especially on assassins who have no way to heal or keep their companions healthy. It makes them completely unreliable


When will tanking companions be buffed to aid the leveling of assassins or general usefulness in end game? Even in full t1 unless I blow my dps cool downs they tend to die to any elite lvl 50. I'm not even talking champions.

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Star Wars is know for having excellent music, but when we're traversing worlds and questing, often times it's completely silent beyond the sound of our speeders or our footsteps. Can you comment on whether or not you're planning on implementing some sort of loop music function or adding more background music in general?



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Changing modes without destroying them while replacing with new ones become pretty expensive at the moment (if we are talking about eng game sets). 30k+ for mod = 600K+ if I want to change modes from one set to another. What about somethink like 1/2 price if remodeling on Mod Station?
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I realize this is a burned out subject since launch. But I have done every fix posted to address this issue, and I have seen many dev posts regarding upcoming fixes. My only question is will this seriously be handled? The last dev post I read said they were fixing or improving fps issues for wz's and fleets. This went on to say for players with lower end computers. I have posted my dxdiag, and I dont have a low end computer. It isnt top end, but is better then your recommended specs by quite a bit. Yet i get into WZ's or on either fleet mainly imp side for some reason and my fps drops to 12-20. Civil War is the worst .. huttball and voidstart are actually ok. When can we expect this to go away, or will it ever? Having to buy a new comp to play your game isnt an option as I upgraded my current to play. Just would like to know that my patience will be rewarded soon. I have played since launch as has my wife it has been almost 3 months now.
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Music is an essential element in Star Wars, it's brilliant and ear pleasing. Yet, the majority of the time I spend questing is in complete silence or the music just randomly fades out. Even on epic/elite enemies the music never starts. My question is will music finally be played the entire time? Like back in Kotor where entering a battle had it's own battle theme. Or possibly have a "Radio" function to where we can play tunes wherever we are.
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I need to ask... as a scoundrel, why the hate on scoundrels? I find that my utility in PvP is pretty lacking.


aka I get stealth.

But (a great example) Shadow Consulars get stealth, knock back, force pull, and force speed. Not to mention a few helpful tools that scoundrel lacks... But that's just can example. We don't even offer the same dps others can. Not to say the dps is bad, but more to say, why have a scoundrel when you can have a shadow consular?


I just want to bring something to the table to be more helpful. (I personally have always thought a type of force speed would be enough to suffice)


Thank you :D

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Do you ever intend to have an Open RvR area with Guild Controlled areas that offer special bonuses designed with NPC's to help you defend and designated choke points to hold off offenders?(Like Keeps in Warhammer and DAoC)
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Would you consider allowing players to obtain the PvP dailies and weeklies through their missions log, or at location on Ilum, rather than only at the Fleet. Therefore, PvP players can do both warzones and open PvP without the hassle of traveling to the fleet to obtain the missions.
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